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On today’s NoCo – Pastor Mike continues in part 4 of the series on Spiritual Gifts from 1 Cor 12. Continuing on the topic of sign gifts and cessasionism – some questions are asked of our charismatic friends: 1. won’t you admit to some cessationism? o Is the canon closed? Yes – so the writing of scripture has ceased o Are there apostles today? No 2. why does the church appoint deacons and elders and not apostles? 3. are the sign gifts that happen today really the same things that happened in NT? o No – so you are a cessationist 4. since we have the completed canon, what is the purpose of sign gifts? 5. since the Bible is the final authority why do you point to your experience to validate the gifts? 6. what does it say about sign gifts if for 1800 yrs God did not soverignty see fit to use them ? o Who was? Cultists, Mormons, heretics, etc

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