Mike Spaulding: July 28, 2017
Finances and Christianity, do they mix well together? Did you know that Jesus spend a lot of time discussing money. One author suggests that “in all the Bible’s teaching about money one word comes to the forefront - wisdom. We are to be wise with our money. We are to save money, but not hoard it. We are to spend money, but with discretion and control. We are to give back to the Lord, joyfully and sacrificially. We are to use our money to help others, but with discernment and the guidance of God’s Spirit. It is not wrong to be rich, but it is wrong to love money. It is not wrong to be poor, but it is wrong to waste money on trivial things. The Bible’s consistent message on managing money is to be wise.”
Stay tuned for my conversation about financial planning for today and the future with Craig Hill in this episode of SER
Craig Hill bio
He has been in the financial industry since 1994. He has a degree in Personal Financial Planning from Texas Tech University and is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional. During his career Craig has owned his own investment firm, worked for banks and managed a large branch office for a multi-national investment firm. He has extensive knowledge of precious metals, banking, economics and financial markets. Check out his website www.hillandvaughn.com for more information.