Mike Spaulding: October 2, 2017

Christian allies of the LGBT community may feel they are being a “good Christian” by supporting and affirming this “lifestyle.” While we should have the heart of Christ by loving and treating everyone with compassion and respect, encouraging a homosexual to remain in this life is encouraging further enslavement into a life that is in rebellion to God. Jesus loved the outcasts but, still, He did not condone sin. It is hurting the homosexual. They need to know deliverance is possible. This is a quote from author George Carneal’s book, “From Queer to Christ: My Journey Into the Light.” And it is the subject of my conversation with George in this episode of SER. George’s website – http://georgecarneal.com/ SER is now heard on Worldview Weekend Radio – www.worldviewweekend.com Global Star Radio Network – www.gsradio.net Saturday’s at 7pm EST Talk America Radio – www.talkamericaradio.us Staurday’s at 4pm EST and Sunday’s at 7am EST Prepper Broadcasting Network – www.prepperbroadcasting.com 2pm and 11pm EST Fringe Radio Network – www.fringeradio.com on demand On the Objective – www.ontheobjective.com on demand And of course on our flagship website – www.soaringeagleradio.com

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