Mike Spaulding: October 23, 2017

The United States is a captured operation. After saying that I imagine that many of you are doing an eye roll and muttering to yourself, “yea, yea, we’ve heard that before. But life is going on just like it always has.” Ask yourself something friends – is life really going along like it always has? Is it normal for 20 plus concert goers in Las Vegas to be gunned down in cold blooded murder? Is it normal for a quiet northern city like Edmonton, Alberta to be in the media spotlight for an act of terrorism? Is it normal for half the population of the United States to be out of control over the Presidency of Donald Trump?

Let me repeat myself – America is a captured operation and our captors are implementing their plan to implode our financial markets and thus our economy. What do they hope to achieve? In my view they want to achieve nothing less than the total destruction of America and the enslavement of its people. Sound far-fetched? You won’t think so after listening to my conversation with Catherine Austin Fitts on this episode of SER.

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