Mike Spaulding: September 25, 2018

Messiah of Israel Ministries was founded by Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat, who was born into a Sanhedrin’s family and raised in the most Orthodox Jewish city of Israel. His grandfather, Rabbi Pinchas Porat, was a Holocaust survivor and later become a Sanhedrin Rabbi in Israel. Certified as a Jewish Rabbi, Zev never truly felt the presence of God and drifted away from Judaism.

Zev and his wife, Lin, work together in ministry. At the time they married, neither one of them was a believer in Yeshua. Through a very powerful and supernatural experience, they were both saved by the LORD Yeshua and became a living testimony of the “One New Man” in Yeshua (Ephesians 2:15).

Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat shares a unique Hebraic roots understanding of the Scriptures. He is called to teach the Bible and preach the Gospel everywhere in Israel and around the world, to bring the Gospel back to Jerusalem.

Messiah of Israel Ministries includes several discipleship programs operating throughout the Land of Israel. We also minister to the Aliyah (new immigrants to Israel), IDF soldiers, war and terror victims, the needy and Holocaust survivors.

Messiah of Israel Ministries website - https://www.messiahofisraelministries.org/

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