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Topic: The federal government is more incompetent that even Dr. Peter Pry ever believed it could be even after spending years working in the swamp. Topic: Will 75% of America’s restaurants now go out of business? Will America recover as fast as President Trump says we will? Topic: Russia is about to deploy one of their new 8 ballistic missile submarine fleet. Just with these 8 submarines they would win a nuclear war. America will not have our new Columbia class ICMB sub in the water until 2035. Topic: Two weeks ago NATO’s 30th member came on board and that is North Macedonia. This means America and the American taxpayer is committed to defend this nation that you know little if anything about. Topic: The role that Christianity has played in why we have national security and should care about our national security. How are liberals trying to convince you that good Christians are supporters of social justice and marxist ideologies?

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