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Show 5: 08/25/17 "Islamic Terror Attacks Part 5"


We have seen the horrific Islamic attacks throughout Europe over the last few years, most recently in Barcelona. Yet the media, political talking heads and even Christians claim that Islam is in NO way connected to these attacks and that Islam is peaceful, tolerant and has nothing to do with terror. What is the truth? 


Shahram will seek to speak the truth in love by looking at Islamic sources and scholars and what those sources say in regards to these evil attacks. Are they Islamic or not? Is ISIS Islamic or not? Can Islam coexist with Judeo-Christian values and freedoms or not? 


Shahram will also discuss the importance of protecting our Second Amendment and natural right of self defense in order to protect our families, our churches and our communities. Finally, the only solution to changing the intent and actions of Muslims carrying out their evil ideology is to boldly share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with them. 


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