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Obama/Clinton Gate Scandal Part 2:

We are experiencing the exposing of the worst and most criminal corruption of our government in the history of America. This scandal makes Watergate look like child's play. 

"The FBI and the DOJ basically conspired with the Democratic Party (the DNC) and the Hillary Clinton campaign to exonerate her of violations of the Espionage Act, and in the course of trying to prevent Donald Trump from becoming President- to frame him for a non-existent crime of collusion." -Joe Digenova, Former U.S. Attorney, speaking on the explosive House and Senate "Memos" that were recently released. Absolutely amazing summary of the over-arching narrative of the FBI/DOJ/Obama/Hillary Clinton collusion to get Hillary Clinton off and frame Trump if they couldn't stop him from becoming President. Thank God that the Lord has other plans if His church will pray and act righteously in this reprieve that we have been given. God is exposing the evil, corruption and lawlessness in this nation. What will we, His Church, do about it?

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