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Heretical Catholic Church and Its Love Affair With Islam Part 3 


In the midst of a worldwide Christian Genocide and some of the worst Christian persecution in church history, the Vatican, the Pope and the Catholic Church continue to perpetrate a great heresy in their teachings. 


They teach that Muslims worship the same God as Christians, that Islam is an Abrahamic faith, that Muslims are brothers and sisters with Christians and that Christians and Muslims can seek peace on our common values and common word. What a blatant heresy! 


This radio program will expose these lies, and highlight the voices of some Catholics who are actually seeing through the deception and calling out this heretical teaching from the Vatican and the Pope. 


We are rapidly moving towards the one world religion that the Bible predicts for the last days and we must continue to expose false teaching and false prophets, whether in the Catholic church or in the evangelical churches.  Please share these important shows with as many as you can. 

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