Shahram Hadian: October 2, 2017

TIL Radio 10/02/17: Free Speech Hypocrisy Part 1


Are you tired of the elite (athletes, actors, media, etc.) complaining about social injustice and color injustice? Are you ready to turn off the NFL and get back to being in the Word on Sundays, enjoying fellowship with your family and other believers, and pursuing God in a deeper way? Are you tired of the double standard and hypocrisy of the liberal elite, while Bible believing Christians are being persecuted and mocked for their faith in Jesus Christ? Are you tired of the progressive liberals espousing free speech through the NFL protests while seeking to persecute and silence those they disagree with? While rich athletes, actors and media elite claim social injustice, Christians are being forced to violate their faith and are being fired from their jobs simply for praying (like Bremerton, WA High School football coach and Marine veteran Joe Kennedy). 


You don't want to miss the following 3 shows on this subject. Why is this happening in America? What spiritual condition in this nation has contributed to such hypocrisy, lawlessness and corruption? What is our response as Bible believing, Bible practicing Christians? Please share these shows with all those you know and who will listen.

Radio Episodes