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 Islam and the rise of anti-semitism Part 3

We are seeing the rise of anti-semitism around the world and in America at levels not seen since 1930 Europe. How can we have not learned our lessons from history? How are we denying history all over again and going down the same road of evil? 

What does the Bible have to say about the root of Jewish hatred in Genesis 3:15 & Genesis 16:11-12? What does Islamic text teach about the Jews and how they are to be treated by Muslims? Is Islam and their prophet Muhammad anti-semitic and an anti-Christ spirit? 

We will examine all of this and more. We will look at the connection between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Nazis. We will hear from a holocaust survivor who is warning America and the rest of the world about the dangerous rise of anti-semitism, the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanction) movement, and the corrupt United Nations. We will also examine the backstory of the false Muslim claim to the Al Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem. What is the real truth? 

The more the church turns it back on Israel and the Jewish people, the more they will embrace and defend Islam and head down the road of deception. The God of the Bible is not neutral or silent on these issues and neither should we be silent or ignorant of these issues. Christians and Jews remain the greatest threat to Satan and his offspring. We must stand with the God of the Bible and the nation of Israel. 

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