10 of 20 Characteristics of False Teachers: They Falsely Believe They Can Bind Satan

In this presentation Brannon will play numerous video clips that will reveal how our bitterest philosophical enemies have made it past the gatekeepers of both mainstream and evangelical Christian thought, and anti-Christian worldviews have assembled within the walls of our churches. As a result, hostile forces wreak havoc in the minds and hearts of believers who are caught unaware. After playing video clips that will shock you, Brannon will explain from the Word of God why the presented philosophies of men are false and not according to Christ. Brannon will answer such questions as: Why it is false to teach that Satan can stop the prayers of believers from reaching God? Why is it unbiblical to teach that man can bind Satan? Why is a false spiritual revival so dangerous? Why are we seeing an increase in counterfeit signs and wonders? Why are we seeing the increase in false prophets, false apostles and false teachers? What is real spiritual warfare according to 2 Corinthians 10:3-5? What does it mean when the Word of God instructs Christians to submit to God and resist the devil? How and why has Shamanism and mysticism become main stream within evangelicalism? How do false teachers attract a crowd, gain credibility, and then undermine the gospel? Why are false teachers being publically embraced by leading political, religious, and pro-family leaders and what is the impact of this on Christians and unbelievers? Are “conservatives” helping to build the false church as described in Revelation 17 as the women that rides the beast? Why is God not using unbelievers and false teachers to spark a Biblical spiritual awakening in America? Why are Christians not to build God’s Kingdom on earth here and now? Can theology be set aside by people of faith as they work to reclaim the country? What is Satan’s number one strategy for building his doomed kingdom? What specific Bible verses instruct Christians on how to respond to these issues? 

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