1,500 U.S. Troops At U.S. Border to Process Illegal Aliens into America

Brannon Howse: Before we go to our next guest, Frankie Stocks. There's an article over at the expo. Look at this here. This is a UK publication written by Dr. Vernon Coleman. He says. Well, the headline is Truth That should terrify the Life out of You. The truth that should terrify the life out of you. I was reading that today. The first one caught my attention already. I already knew this. But, you know, sometimes we have to be reminded because things are moving so quickly. Most medications used in the West, he writes, come from the Far East. If America declares war on China or vice versa, then most people reliant on prescription medications such as diabetics will die. And Taiwan is responsible for the production of most of the world's semiconductors. Manufacturers can't produce cars, smartphones, computers, kitchen appliances. Et cetera. Without them, modern cars have around 1400 semiconductors built into them. And yet 60% of all semiconductors are made in Taiwan. And most are made by a single company. Those cheering on a war between China and America might like to reflect on those facts. Joining me now is Frankie Stocks. Frankie, welcome back to the broadcast. Thank you for joining us.


Frankie Stockes: Hey, Brannon, Thanks for having me. It's good to be here.


Brannon Howse: Great to have you back. You right over at Nationalfile.com, nationalfile.com. I want to talk about a couple of your articles. One of them, though, caught my attention, which is why I reached out to you today, because I knew when I read about some, what I don't know, 1500 US military going down to the border, I thought, well, they're not going down there to stop everything. We've already seen video footage from our friend Todd Bensman of the National Guard being used to queue people up and help get them into the US. So I thought, well, there's no way the National Guard's going down there or any military's going down there to stop this. What are they doing? And your headline says it all. Troops at the border working on data entry, not border protection. With Title 42 set to expire, Biden and company are preparing to let tens of thousands of illegal aliens per day, tens of thousands per day enter the United States. So the US military is going down there. We read last night, I think it was from I can't remember who told us this last night, Todd Bensman or whoever we had on last night said that a lot of the workers with the DHS who track terrorism, they're being pulled off of those jobs to go down and help on the border and deal with the border and arranging things for the border. I mean, we are going to be sitting ducks next week with tens of thousands pouring over the border every day. No idea what's coming in. And our military is going to go down there and be paper, paper, shufflers secretaries for the regime to let more people in. Do you want to comment on this article by yourself tonight?


Frankie Stockes: Yes, sir. So the Biden administration, you know, they are themselves and the corporate media, they're touting this as some kind of win on the border for Joe Biden and his administration. You know, it couldn't be further from the truth. It's a total fraud. They're sending 1500 troops to the border. And it's not to protect the border. It is for data entry. They're going to be recording the information of illegal aliens as they come into the United States, as they're accepted into the United States and turned loose into our country. They're going to be, as you just said, queuing them up. They're going to be recording their, you know, usually fake identities that they give to them so that they can never be found, never be traced once they get into the United States, you know, they they're going to be turned loose and just disperse all over the United States, as we know. You know, there's NGOs are involved in this. They are facilitating their trips through America, their trips to America. And this is truly going to be a catastrophic situation.


Frankie Stockes: There's they're expecting at least 15,000 a day illegal aliens to pour into the United States. There was a report this evening saying that 700,000 illegals or would-be illegals are massing at the Mexican border with the United States prepared to come in. You know, our personnel, our border personnel, Border Patrol, military, they're going to be completely overwhelmed. And this is 100% deliberate. There's no other way about it. There's no other way to look at it. This is deliberate. This is a complete and total stand down from our federal government at the southern border. You know, our military should be moved from all over the globe in mass to defend our southern border, not to let in hordes of illegal aliens. Among them are fighting-age Chinese men who are traveling halfway around the globe so that they can just be let right into the United States. This is a total standdown. And the allowing of what can only be described as an invasion.


Brannon Howse: Here is Todd. Todd Bensman is constantly retweeting and tweeting other people, plus his footage of what's going on down there at the border. And I was texting with him today. People can follow him on Twitter and keep up with what's going on because he's just constantly giving us new information about these policies are just ridiculous. Going back to your article, you write or yeah, you write in your article, according to the Biden administration is doing this, doing is doing this so the troops can put alien info into the government databases and then Customs and Border Protection can then send them on their way. That's what the DHS official told the Washington Free Beacon, I guess on the condition of anonymity. According to the same report, the Department of Homeland Security expects that up to 15,000 illegal aliens could cross into the United States daily once Title 42 expires on May 11th. I wouldn't be shocked if that number isn't way too low because. Oh, yeah. I mean, I just think they're probably putting a little bit of a smiley face on it. What do you think is a more realistic number for daily entry into the US?


Frankie Stockes: I think we could see double that.


Brannon Howse: I was going to say 30,000.


Frankie Stockes: Yep. Yep. And at this exact moment, I mean, if there are 700,000 illegals, you know, would be illegals on the southern border. Are we going to see £700,000 on the border on the first day? This is an unprecedented scenario.


Brannon Howse: Well, Todd has been warning it was going to he called it a human tidal wave.


Frankie Stockes: Yeah, I think that's all you can call it. I mean, this is, uh, and it's, you know, it's increasingly resembling an invasion force. We've, we've reported at National File before, and this was, you know, pretty widely distributed video footage. Actually. It made the rounds around social media and that's where we picked it up. But the Mexican police and the Mexican military are escorting these regularly through cities, through towns, these migrant caravans. They're escorting them to the southern border. And, you know, when they get there on the Mexican side of the border, there are NGOs set up globalist NGOs who are just their sole mission is to aid and abet the illegal invasion force of the United States. They're helping to set them up on the other side of the border. They're helping get them resources. And it's an absolute you know, it's treason. It's a treasonous, treasonous act. And this is a treasonous standdown that we're seeing from our federal government. Americans, you know, are at risk.


Brannon Howse: Yeah, indeed they are. Um, let's go back to national file.com national file dot com. I was looking at some of the other articles that you have up here. Uh, any other. Well, this one is here. This one just makes me want to puke. Us Navy used non-binary drag queens as digital recruiting ambassadors. We reported on this character last year, and now they're making this individual a digital ambassador. Do you want to comment on this?


Frankie Stockes: Yeah, this is just absolute debauchery that we're seeing promoted by our federal government. It's obvious that it's deeply infiltrated the Department of Defense in our military at this point, the entire LGBT lobby. And it's utterly ridiculous to think that on us warships sailing around the globe, they're sponsoring and promoting drag you know they have this guy dressing up in drag dancing for his other for his fellow sailors. And then then he gets a drag promotion and he's going all over the Internet as a as a viral, you know, really a military PSYOP recruiter. We're seeing reports come out about this, how real psychological operations are going on where the military is using trendy, trendy folks to go on TikTok, go on Instagram, and just promote this modern, you know, the postmodern communistic takeover of the military. And so this guy's out there wearing a dress, wearing a wig, wearing makeup, calling himself a harpy. Daniels And he's recruiting folks like him to join the Navy. It's it's insane. And, you know, it brings up a great comparison you can make to the recent Russian and recent Chinese recruiting ads. You know, our two number one geopolitical foes. And when you look at those you know these are pro-man ads. These are ads saying as America had 20 years ago, saying, you know, join the military, become a man, you know, get in shape, get strong. And it's utterly ridiculous. So are we going to eventually have a military full of guys in high heels, to go take on the Russians and the Chinese? It's completely ridiculous. It's part of the just wider pattern of cultural Marxism that's very obviously here to overthrow our country.


Brannon Howse: Absolutely. And destroy our military. Right. At a time when we're poised for war and we're driving down any interest. I mean, no wonder the recruiters are having such a hard time attracting anyone to the military. They've already kicked out anyone that's patriotic, you know, loves the Constitution, is America first, wants borders, wants a constitutional military is patriotic. As I said, they booted them out, you know, last year with their, you know, their stand down on promotions until they could clean out the radicals who would join the military. I mean, give me a break. This is all deliberate, as you say, to destroy the US military in China. And our enemies are laughing because the enemies, foreign and domestic, are doing a great job at rooting out America. National file.com national file.com. Frankie Stokes thanks for being with us Frankie. We appreciate it.


Frankie Stockes: Thank you, Brannon. Thank you for having me.


Brannon Howse: You bet. You're a regular you're a great reporter. Have a great weekend.


Frankie Stockes: You too. You too.


Brannon Howse: Frankie, Checking in.


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