After 3 Years FBI Is Still Arresting Americans For Being Present At The Capitol on J6

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  • A new scientific study proves that gender confused children can’t be helped by prescribing chemical hormones or mutilating surgeries.
  • Nearly three years after the January 6 protests, the FBI is still arresting Americans for being present at the Capitol that day. We will share the latest tragic example.
  • The Pentagon admits it is struggling to keep up the pace with China in the high-tech arms race. Not a good sign for a U.S. government that seems eager to launch World War III.
  • And a federal district judge has ruled that banning 18 to 20-year-olds from buying handguns is unconstitutional.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

We start off tonight with a major study that tells us what every sane person already knows: gender dysphoria is a symptom of mental illness. But not only that. The study also says that medical treatment for gender dysphoria doesn’t cure that mental illness or provide relief from its symptoms.

The study, which comes out of Finland, was published in the journal European Psychiatry and published by Cambridge University Press.

Benjamin Ryan, a health and science reporter for the New York Times and other mainstream publications, posted the news to X.


David Strom, writing for, stated:

“One of the slanders aimed at critics of gender ideology is that we are indifferent to the pain of gender-confused children. Nothing could be further from the truth: our argument is actually that the medical transition of these kids compounds the harm that already exists. The proper treatment for mental illness is not to break out the hormones and scalpels but rather to treat the underlying cause of gender dysphoria, which has its origins in psychiatric dysfunction.”

Strom laments that an entire industry and ideological movement has been created based on exactly zero evidence that the dangerous treatments being given to children will benefit them in any way.

He writes:

“You are probably aware that as the United States has quickly adopted a full-speed-ahead approach to medically transitioning children, Europe has slammed on the brakes to procedures that were developed there in the first place. Sweden, Finland, the UK, Switzerland and others have essentially abandoned gender transitions for children based on the complete lack of evidence that it helps kids.”


The FBI is still arresting Americans for the crime of attending the January 6, 2021, pro-Trump rally at the Capitol in Washington, D.C.

An actor for the Babylon Bee, Siaka Massaquoi, was arrested at an airport in front of his family and charged with four misdemeanors.

He was arrested for alleged minor offenses that took place years ago at a protest rally at the Capitol building.

The news of his arrest was first reported by Seth Dillon of the Babylon Bee, a friend of Siaka’s, who has used his acting talents for a hilarious series of videos dubbed “Californians Move to Texas.”

Here’s a clip from that series, by which the FBI was probably not amused.

WATCH VIDEO (clip first 2:40)

Siaka’s house was raided after the protest, so there was no question about the FBI discovering that he was at the protest, but he was not arrested then. The FBI let three years pass before finally arresting him in the last week of November 2023.

He was arrested at an airport as he returned from the premier of the Daily Wire’s movie “Lady Ballers.”

Think about it. The FBI deployed agents to a public place, an airport, to arrest somebody for misdemeanors. He was held overnight in jail.

They could have issued a summons, but they didn’t. They wanted to make a public spectacle. Siaka was hardly a fugitive from justice. He is an actor.

But he is a Trump supporter and he does work for an anti-regime media outlet, the Daily Wire, so in the eyes of the U.S. government, that’s the worst crime of all. You oppose the regime, that makes you an enemy of the state and you will be treated accordingly.


A community in Sydney, Australia is stunned over the news that 24-year-old Irish soccer player Matthew McGuigan died suddenly Saturday, December 2.

Matthew, who belonged to Ireland’s Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) and captained the Kildress Wolfe Tones, had moved to Sydney with his girlfriend less than 48 hours before. Shortly afterward he fell ill and passed away, though no cause of death has been released.

The Kildress Wolfe Tones posted on social media:

“Our Club and Parish are now (in) dark places following the totally traumatizing death of our so dear Matty McGuigan.”

As of earlier this year Ireland had the fourth-highest rate of excess deaths in the European Union. Irish authorities say they are not sure of the cause. 

Australian officials have also been struggling to explain an increase in all-cause mortality. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, there were 30,000 all-cause excess deaths in 2022, a 15% increase over baseline and the highest death rate in Australia since World War II.

There has also been an alarming rise in sudden deaths among young, super-fit athletes.

In September, the 27-year-old British soccer player Maddy Cusack was found dead. While a cause of death has not been speculated, Derbyshire Police said there were no suspicious circumstances surrounding her death. Cusack was vice-captain of the Sheffield United women’s team.

Nearly 2,000 athletes have suffered sudden cardiac arrests (SCDs) since 2021, 70% of whom have died. Prior to that, an average of 27 athletes per year typically suffered sudden cardiac death. Other recent reports have shown a disturbing recent 5-fold increase in cardiac events among FIFA soccer players.


The Department of Defense admitted recently that the American military is struggling to keep up the pace with China in the high-tech arms race.

According to Politico, the Pentagon is set to release its first-ever “National Defense Industrial Strategy,” compiled by the Pentagon’s acquisition chief William LaPlante. The study is a comprehensive observation of what the DOD needs to catch up with China in the development of new military technology, including the possibility of cooperation with smaller tech firms and traditional companies.

A draft copy of the report, dated November 28th, states that, at this time, the U.S. military “does not possess the capacity, capability, responsiveness, or resilience required to satisfy the full range of military production needs at speed and scale.”

Just as significantly, the report adds, “the traditional defense contractors in the [defense-industrial base] would be challenged to respond to modern conflict at the velocity, scale, and flexibility necessary to meet the dynamic requirements of a major modern conflict.”

The main problem, according to the report, is not that America cannot build the most advanced weapons in the world. Rather, it is incapable of producing them fast enough.

The study concludes:

“This mismatch presents a growing strategic risk as the United States confronts the imperatives of supporting active combat operations…while deterring the larger and more technically advanced pacing threat looming in the Indo-Pacific.”

LaPlante further stated that the DOD will roll out a “partnership” with private companies for additional investments in new manufacturing facilities and research and development.

He explained:

“We have to have the conversations together about what you’re going to put in for [construction] and what the government will then be going to put in. We’ve got to show that we’re going to production and we’re going to stick with it so that it’s worth your while.”

These reports are simply the latest in a long list of struggles for the Pentagon under Joe Biden. Most branches of the military have failed to meet annual recruitment goals due to increased politicization of the military’s advertising and recruiting material, while the vast majority of the DOD’s sub-agencies failed their sixth consecutive financial audit earlier this year.


The Remington Arms Company announced last week it would be shutting down its iconic New York manufacturing plant in March of 2024, following major losses for the company after it was forced to settle with the families of victims of the Sandy Hook school shooting.

As reported by The Hill, the letter from the company to union officials declared that “RemArms, LLC has decided to close its entire operations at 14 Hoefler Avenue, Ilion, NY. The Company expects that operations at the Ilion Facility will conclude on or about March 4, 2024.”

Layoffs at the company as a result of this closure are expected to take place between March 4th and March 18th.

Ilion is the city where Remington, the oldest gun manufacturer in America, was first founded back in 1816. Having already filed for bankruptcy twice, Remington suffered a historic loss after it was forced to make a $73 million settlement with Sandy Hook families, after a judge determined that the gun manufacturer could be held responsible for its weapons being used in that mass shooting. It was the first such settlement of its kind in American history.

In an email statement, Remington said it was “excited to expand our facilities in Georgia, a state that not only welcomes business but enthusiastically supports and welcomes companies in the firearms industry.”

But Cecil Roberts, president of the United Mine Workers of America urged Remington to “reconsider and explore alternative solutions” rather than shut down the Ilion plant, calling such a move “extremely disappointing” and a “slap in the face” to the company’s employees, especially with Christmas around the corner.

Roberts added, in an emailed statement:

“The timing adds insult to injury for those affected. Merry Christmas from RemArms. The simple fact is that RemArms will never be able to match the experience and dedication of the workers in Central New York, who for generations worked in this plant and kept this company alive.”

While the employees did their part to save Remington from going out of business, the elected officials in New York did not. So, the company will move on to greener pastures in Georgia.


By now you’ve likely heard about the Islamic terror attack that occurred near the Eifel Tower in Paris, France over the weekend. A German tourist was stabbed to death and two others were injured.

But there was another instance of Islamic terror that did not get widely reported.

Just the News reports that the terrorist organization known as ISIS, or the Islamic State, has claimed responsibility for a fatal bombing during a Catholic Mass on Sunday in the Philippines. The blast killed at least four worshippers and injured 45.

The explosive device, identified by the police as a 60mm mortar round, detonated during a church service in the gymnasium of a university in the Philippines.

Following the bombing, security officials stated that police and military forces were placed on a heightened alert in the city as well as the capital of Manila.

Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. repudiated the attack, stating, “I condemn in the strongest possible terms the senseless and most heinous acts perpetrated by foreign terrorists.”

The country’s military chief, General Romeo Brawner, suggested the bombing could be a retaliatory strike in response to recent military actions against three Islamic terrorist groups in the Philippines that have pledged their allegiance to ISIS.


Also being reported by Just the News, the publishing house of Penguin Random House along with authors and teachers with the Iowa State Education Association are suing the Iowa State Board of Education, claiming that a law banning pornographic books in schools is unconstitutional, according to court documents.

Republican Governor Kim Reynolds signed the law, SF496, in May.

The law bars books discussing gender identity in kindergarten through 6th-grade classrooms and requires educators to keep parents informed if their child expresses a desire to change their gender identity, according to the Associated Press. The plaintiffs, however, argued in the lawsuit Thursday that the ban is “unconstitutionally vague.”

The lawsuit reads:

“First, under the pretext of protecting students from ‘pornography,’ Senate File 496 prohibits books in school libraries and classroom collections that contain a description or visual depiction of a ‘sex act.’ This restriction applies to all grades, kindergarten through twelfth grade, without consideration of the book as a whole, only excepting religious books. By so broadly regulating the display and availability of books that are constitutionally protected as to at least a significant number of students, this standard violates the First and Fourteenth Amendments because it is an impermissible content-based restriction, restricts access to constitutionally protected books, and is unconstitutionally vague.”

Penguin Random Publishing House said in a press release that Iowa’s attempt to remove discussions about “any depiction of sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation” was a violation of the “core principle of the Constitution.”

So, according to the plaintiffs in this lawsuit, publishers have a constitutional right to groom children at America’s public schools and get them addicted to pornography at a young age. Somehow, I don’t believe our Founding Fathers had that in mind when they crafted the First Amendment.


A federal district judge from the Northern District of West Virginia ruled that banning 18 to 20-year-olds from buying handguns from federal firearms licensees (FFLs) is unconstitutional.


The case, Brown vs. the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms (ATF), was filed in September 2022 by citizens Steven Brown and Benjamin Weekley, along with the Second Amendment Foundation and West Virginia Citizens Defense League. Both men are under 21 years old and want to buy handguns.

The current law prevents anyone under the age of 21 from buying handguns from FFLs. Although there is no federal law blocking 18 to 20-year-olds from buying handguns, current regulations stop anyone under 21 from going through the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) for a gun purchase.

After the Supreme Court’s Bruen decision, the government could no longer use “public safety” to add restrictions to the Second Amendment. The government can only use the original text, tradition, and history of the Second Amendment to determine if a law is constitutional.

Judge Thomas Kleeh addressed who is considered “the people.” He used historical references to formulate that the people consist of any law-abiding resident 18 and older. He said other areas of the U.S. Constitution named specific ages, such as the age to become President, but the founders chose not to specify an age for gun rights. He believes that if the founders wanted a higher age restriction, they would have added one in the Second Amendment.


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

The Senate Judiciary Committee last Tuesday held yet another hearing on so-called “gun violence.”

They are trying the darndest to bring the gun issue into the realm of a “public health emergency,” but it was not until late in the session that the fireworks went off. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) took aim at Democrats and their absurd arguments, which mimic the U.N. World Health Organization’s language with regard to public health emergencies.

If they are successful, the strategy is to declare firearms off limits to regular Americans like you and me. They will justify their government gun grabs by claiming the government has a responsibility to respond to a public health emergency. What they don’t tell you is this strategy comes directly from the globalist playbook that was so effective during the Covid pandemic. Just declare the problem a danger to “public health” and suddenly nothing else matters, including the U.S. Constitution. It can all be bypassed in an effort to avert a national emergency. It’s the perfect remedy for tyrants to unleash their tyranny on the people.

Last week’s hearing can be viewed in its entirety on C-SPAN, where you will see one Democrat after another bemoaning what they call “gun violence” in cities that already have extremely rigid gun laws.

Here's a clip that shows Senator Ted Cruz’s response to the Democrat position on violence, which always consists of one thing – going after the guns of law-abiding Americans.

While Cruz is pretty much a RINO, he is a skilled orator and he’s unlikely to get much air time in the corporate media for his total annihilation of the Democrats’ position on the Second Amendment. So, we will present it here. Take a look.

WATCH VIDEO (clip from 200:51 mark to 205:46 mark)

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching, and thanks for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time…

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