Americans No Longer Trust The FBI, Military, Congress, DOJ or Most Police Departments Just As The Communists Planned

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Brannon Howse: Joining me now is Alex Newman with The New American. He's also a broadcaster here every day with us on Lindell TV. He's on a new time slot. What is his new time slot, guys? Is it 2:00 Central? Is it to Central his new time slot, Huh? 230 Central. On Lindell TV. We put him 2 to 3 centuries. On two he's on one he replaced, but we put him at 230 Central every day now. Alex Newman Alex, welcome back to the broadcast. Thanks for joining us.

Alex Newman: Great to be here. Thanks so much for having me, Brannon.

Brannon Howse: Thank you, Alex. What a day. What are your thoughts on this? And by the way, did you read my article and see my article in an interview last night where the former deputy assistant director of the counterterrorism division of the FBI, Terry Turchie, said he reported for the first time here on television last night that then Assistant Assistant Attorney General Merrick Garland wanted. Terry Turchie, director of the Unabom team. Whoo hoo! They had a search warrant. Went to the cabin of Theodore Kaczynski, found that he had explosives, and had their FBI experts say it's a bomb-making factory in there. They had him in custody. Were holding him under that until they could get a hearing and a grand jury. And he reported last night for the first time, he said ever. That they were getting phone calls there in Montana from Washington, D.C., 2000 miles away. And then Merrick Garland was concerned about the civil liberties of Theodore Kaczynski and wanted them to release him. Wanted them to release him. And of course, that was a real domestic terrorist killed, three maimed. Many put a bomb, a bomb on a plane. And yet now the attorney general, Merrick Garland, goes after moms as terrorists. This guy is really he's really one messed up dude, isn't he? Did you have a chance to hear about any of that today?

Alex Newman: Yeah, I did. And you know, what we have is a subversive and a revolutionary, not just running the Department of Justice, but running the entire administration. And I think when you look at what just happened with Donald Trump, you know, people are saying, well, it's election interference. Yeah, it is election interference. It's an effort to take out the leading challenger to what's happening now. But it's much more than that. You know, you also have people saying, well, it's an effort to distract from the Biden corruption scandals, which are, of course, all now proven. You know, it's now been exposed millions and millions of dollars from the ChiComs, millions and millions of dollars from Ukrainians through his corrupt son, through other members of his family. And yes, this is almost certainly an effort to distract from that, but I think it's much more than that, Brannon. And, you know, our instinctive reaction as conservatives, as people who love America, as people who believe in justice, is to look at what's happening here and say, well, the Department of Justice is a total disgrace. The entire US government is a disgrace and it has become a disgrace. But unfortunately, we're falling right into the trap. They want to discredit all of our institutions. They want to discredit our entire system. And so by using our system, by weaponizing our government to go after moms as terrorists, to go after mostly peaceful protests on January 6th, as if they were terrorism, as if they were sedition, to go after the president of the United States on this phony classified document scandal.

Alex Newman: What they're doing here is they're discrediting these institutions in the eyes of the American people. So when they finally push the button and the controlled demolition takes everything down, people aren't even really going to miss it. They'll say, well, the DOJ was a joke anyway. Well, the FBI was a clown car anyway, and they are. So it's kind of like a catch-22, right? If we point out that these institutions have totally disgraced themselves, totally discredited themselves and are ruining the image of America, it's all true. But we're falling right into the trap. We are allowing these clowns to destroy our images of our own country. And that's unacceptable. These people need to be removed from power and they need to be held accountable through the criminal justice system. And just like Alvin Bragg did with Donald Trump, we need every local prosecutor in Texas and Oklahoma and Montana and Idaho and Florida to be looking for a nexus and to be trying to nail these people to the wall only for real crimes rather than for manufactured ones.

Brannon Howse: Oh, well said. You know, former some former KGB officers, as you know, wrote books before the fall of the Berlin Wall and said that before the Soviet Union goes to war with America, they will release videos of their leaders in compromising positions, videos, pictures. They will release whatever they can to discredit the leaders of America. Right before. And these were, again, former KGB officers writing before the fall of the Berlin Wall. They flipped. It came to America, as you know, and started spilling its guts to warn the American people right before the Soviet Union goes to war with America, they will release all this to discredit the leaders of America in the eyes of Americans. Yeah, when I read.

Alex Newman: That happening right?

Brannon Howse: Now. Exactly. When I read that, I think that's what they're doing right now. That's absolutely what they're doing right now. And I've said for years, did you ever think the day would come when people like you and me who have been so pro-police and sheriff departments and pro law and order and pro-military and pro-FBI? I mean, I've had active FBI agents in my home. I mean, active. I have vacationed with them. I've stayed in their home. They've been in my home. I was telling Terry Turchie today, I got a friend of mine who was with the FBI. He's retired now, but he brought me some knickknacks from the FBI, and I had them proudly displayed in my office several years ago. No more. I mean, I used to respect and Revere these institutions. Did you ever think the day would come when we right-wingers, as they like to call us, were the ones telling you how disgusting the military is? Under the leadership of Woke Mark Milley or Lloyd Austin or how disgusting the FBI is. And it's a corrupt organization. We sound like the radicals of the 60s from the Weather Underground when they were saying these things about our institutions. When they weren't, they were legitimate constitutional institutions fighting the communists, taking on the communists. But then, as Terry Turchie writes out, they infiltrated those institutions. You know, Barack Obama got his start with, you know, his buddy there in Chicago, Bill Ayers, Thank you, in his living room. And these Weather Underground guys began to work their way into power. So they the Weather Underground, were bemoaning these institutions because these institutions were strongly anti-communist. Now they're pro-communist and us anti-communist are on the outside saying, you know, a pox on all your house, you're corrupt. I mean, what they got us to do, as you said, was they stopped agitating outside as much and they went and started agitating inside to get us to turn against our institutions. And now it's all collapsing. I mean, it is a massive psychological flip.

Alex Newman: It is and it's very dangerous. And I believe this is actually at the core of the strategy of what they're doing. If you have followed the US government's different Twitter accounts over the last few weeks, it is such a grotesque spectacle. There's no other explanation Why in the world would the US Air Force be tweeting out pictures of airmen saluting an LGBT flag which is against.

Brannon Howse: The law, which is against the law? They can't not be saluting anything else other than the American flag?

Alex Newman: That's right. And this is all an effort to disgrace and discredit our military. Our military history has been radically pro-America. It's been one of the most trusted institutions in our country for centuries. And now they're turning everything on its head. They're getting Americans to recoil in horror when they think about the military. And there's another purpose to this, too, beyond just discrediting. And, you know, they talk about building back better. Before you can build back better, you must destroy everything. That's what they're doing right now. They're discrediting everything in the minds of Americans. They're also doing something else very strategic here. They are purging the ranks in the military, law enforcement, and the intelligence community of anybody with a sense of moral being, a sense of constitutional understanding, a sense of right and wrong, with a love of God and country. And they're doing this very deliberately. Who now among patriotic, conservative Americans, is going to encourage their sons to join the Air Force? Who among conservative, patriotic Americans is going to encourage their sons to join the FBI? What patriotic, conservative college kid is going to look at the Air Force or look at the Navy naming their ships after Harvey Milk, the child-raping pervert pedophile who is going to go and join the US Navy? Well, the demented and the anti-America crowd and the crowd that wants free sex changes paid for by your taxpayer dollars, are the very wrong kind of people to have in these institutions. And so when they give the order to hypothetically disarm the American people, go round up your fellow Americans, go declare war on your fellow Americans. They'll have exactly the kind of people they want in those positions.

Brannon Howse: Look at this. I hate to show it again, but we must. This is at the White House. Was this yesterday or today, Alex? Do you do you know?

Alex Newman: That was yesterday?

Brannon Howse: Yesterday. Okay. Unbelievable. So this dude on the right covering his breast, I understand, is a dude who's had breast implants, who did. And I don't know if the individual on the other side was a woman. I mean, the scars.

Alex Newman: It is a woman who's had his breasts or her breasts removed. Okay.

Brannon Howse: That's what I thought. Okay. So you talk about the former Soviet Union and the former KGB officers before the fall of the Berlin Wall saying, yeah, just before we go to war, just before the Soviet Union, goes to war with America, they'll discredit their leaders. They'll release pictures, compromising positions and videos and whatever they can to discredit the leaders. They just did it. They just released pictures, but they never would have dreamed they could get it done off the White House lawn with Joe Biden standing there with his creepy wife talking about trans children and all of this trash they were talking about didn't just disrespect the American flag as an LGBTQ flag in the center, hanging off the White House balcony. They're doing this perversion. And then the White House wants to say, oh, that was disrespectful. Well, the headline tonight is, White House Slams Inappropriate, Disrespectful Behavior of Topless Trans Guests at Pride event. Hello. As I said earlier in the broadcast, Biden, you're the one that's inappropriate and disrespectful with children sniffing them, groping them. Your whole family is disrespectful and inappropriate. And so you wonder why your followers are the same way. They're just following your lead, I believe. And so here they are on the White House lawn. Can you imagine if my great-grandfather and great-grandmother came back? And so all this.

Alex Newman: Alex, It's so horrific. Brannon And I think we need to constantly keep in mind right now as Americans, these are illegitimate individuals who are in power. They stole the election. They have no right to be there. Everything they're doing is an affront. It's lawless, it's evil. It needs to be stopped. But this does not represent who we are as Americans. This does not represent what our institutions are. It's going to be a long and drawn-out process of reforming all of this if and when sanity ever comes back. But we must remember, I have warned for a long time they were planning to do this. Brannon, I think Sri Lanka was kind of like a test case for how they can do this. They want the people of this country to turn against their government. Robert Spencer just put out a book about this Jihad Watch. It's called The Sumpter Gambit How the Left is Trying to Provoke a Civil War.

Brannon Howse: And are We Going to civil war? I asked that earlier tonight of Colonel Mills. He says he prefers not to talk about a civil war, but a great divide. Is the country about to go red, or blue, and everybody go their way and have two countries?

Alex Newman: I think that's a very real possibility. And I think the establishment, the deep state, whatever you want to call it, the people pulling the strings of Joe Biden, the people deliberately selling us out to the communist Chinese so they can build their new world order. I believe they want a bloody, brutal civil war in this country. I believe they're sending operatives across the border as we speak to sabotage our energy grid, to sabotage our communication systems, to carry out false flag attacks so that we turn on each other. There is a concerted effort right now to have Americans turn on other Americans and lash out at violence. We're going to see more of it. Some of it will probably be a false flag. Some of it will probably be people who just can't take it anymore and lash out at violence. So we're in a very dangerous moment in America now. And think they're thinking long-term, too. When they write history. Books, they want to be able to say, Oh yeah, there was one time the stupid idiot country filled with lunatics. They believed that God gave them freedom. They believed that everybody had a right to bear arms and look what happened to them. They all ended up in a big pile of bodies. And yeah, you don't want that, right? You let us take care of you, You good little slaves. There is a concerted effort to forever discredit the principles that our nation was founded on. Rich Higgins, director of policy and planning at the National Security Council under Donald Trump, outlined all of this in the infamous Higgins memo. They don't want to just destroy our country. They want to destroy the ideas that our country is based on and provoking a civil war, discrediting our institutions, and turning us against our nation will be the perfect tool to do just that.

Brannon Howse: Absolutely. Alex Newman Every day 230 right here on Lindell TV And what's your website? Alex?

Alex Newman: Sentinel is Thank you, Brannon.

Brannon Howse: Thank you Alex look at this before we go folks this is my website and channel that I've been running for years. all the segments, all the segments go up there by tomorrow morning from the previous night and you can go watch them for free at Do you know what we also do? We put the transcripts under there and look at this click news at the top of the page. When you click news, it will bring you to my new news page. Look at all these articles. These are all brand-new articles. We're posting about 4 or 5 new articles a day at Worldview. Tweet them. Text them. Email. Facebook Gettr. Truth Social. Frank. Social. Free Information. Free Radio. Free TV. Free News. Worldview Thanks for watching and thanks for your support. Till next time, I'm Brannon Howse. Take care.

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