Are Babies Being Killed And Harvested For Their Organs?

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  • Are babies being killed and harvested for their organs? We speak to a leading pro-life attorney and researcher who shares the facts.
  • The president of France calls for an international tax to fund the globalist climate agenda.
  • The U.S. Supreme Court strikes down affirmative action plans decades in the making at major universities.
  • And a top political commentator finds himself the target of a banking blackball plan against conservatives.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

We lead off with an extremely disturbing story out of Ukraine.

A charity worker has been detained in Ukraine after he was caught trying to buy an 11-month-old baby boy from his mother and sell the child abroad for organ harvesting.

Yes, you heard that right. Organ harvesting.

The Daily Mail reported that the 43-year-old man from the Transcarpathian Oblast was detained after he allegedly gave a $1,000 downpayment to the boy’s mother, claiming that he would ensure a family in Europe would adopt him to live away from the war in the Eastern European country.

The woman, from the Ukrainian city of Zhytomyr, was offered $5,000 for the baby, and the man allegedly intended to sell him to traffickers for $25,000.

The man was seen detained with a female accomplice at the Ukraine-Slovakia border. The man was arrested for attempted human trafficking and faces up to 15 years in prison.

The boy was rescued, but the man is suspected to have sold three other children under the same pretext.

Ukrainian journalist Vitaliy Glagola told the Daily Mail that the man “had been looking for parents who were ready to sell their child for organs.”

He added, “Law enforcement officers have operational information that this was not for adoption to the EU, and the child was to have been sold to [illegal] organ transplanters.”

Karolina Wierzbinska, a coordinator at the human rights organization Homo Faber in Poland, said she has seen teams or couples working together to lure Ukrainian refugees traveling to the Polish border into their cars.

“We see teams waiting for people arriving from Ukraine and pretending to offer rides or lodging to women distressed and exhausted from their journey,” she said, adding:

“We’re also seeing multiple couples, typically a male and female, having traveled to the border by car, attempting to lure women using similar tactics.”

On my radio show last Thursday, I interviewed Susan Swift, an attorney and pro-life warrior with the Right to Life League. Susan has found that the organs of live babies are being harvested for use in vaccines. Hearts, brains, lungs, skin and other tissue are harvested from the babies while they are still alive.

WATCH VIDEO (clip from 9:56-minute mark to 13:22 mark)


Last week France hosted a globalist event called the “Summit for a New Global Financing Pact.” We heard little about it reported in the Western media.

The event was organized and sponsored by groups such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, UNESCO, OCDE, Global Citizen, and more of the usual suspects when it comes to the climate tyranny that Western elites are seeking to impose on us.

But the star of the show was French President Emmanuel Macron, who called for a global “financial shock,” in the form of an international tax funding the radical climate goals, Aljazeera reported.

Macron stated:

“I’m in favor of an international taxation to finance efforts that we have to make to fight poverty and in terms of climate [action]… It doesn’t work when you do it alone, the [financial] flows go elsewhere.

“France already has in place two types of taxes that have been suggested: one on plane tickets, another on financial transactions, [and I am going to] make others follow us and mobilize.

“There has been a great deal of discussion on the idea of international taxation, over and above what countries and institutions are doing. Whether it’s on financial transactions, maritime transport or certain other models, it will only work if it’s truly international, and so it presupposes an agreement, as we’ve been able to do on international taxation.”

Here is a report on Macron’s speech.


With or without our consent, they say their goal is to “transform” our very lives. And notice how it’s all couched in terms of saving the “developing countries,” with the tab picked up by the “developed countries.”

This is nothing but a massive communist shakedown. It sounds eerily similar to that proposed a couple of years ago by King Charles, then-Prince Charles, when he called for “trillions” to be “at his disposal” in a military-style campaign to tackle climate change, complete with international assessments and enforcement measures.

Here is another very brief video of Macron in action, chastising a teenage boy who failed to properly address him as “Mr. President.” It says a lot about this man’s ego.


After the failed Wagner Group rebellion in Russia, some American neoliberal pundits used it as an opportunity to promote the elitist theory that, unlike the collapsing Russian empire, the West is ascendant, just starting to hit its stride as a great power.

Check out this statement from the president of a think tank called the Center for the Study of Partisanship and Ideology.


The leader of this hallowed institution, who looks all of 22 years old, gleefully informed us that, “Whatever else he did, Prigozhin showed Americans what a weak, declining empire actually looks like.”

America on the other hand is strong and mighty! We allow children to rub elbows with naked transsexuals in our major cities, and this type of “diversity” and “inclusion” is our strength, or so goes the argument.

But the purveyors of these lies among Western elites will do anything, it seems, to avoid looking in the mirror.

Never mind America for a minute. Look at France. The suburbs of Paris looked like a war zone on the night of June 28.

As noted in a recent article at PJ Media, one of the leading Twitter accounts tracking the war in Ukraine turned his attention for a minute to the chaos in the West's most glamorous capital, Paris.

Violence erupted in response to the shooting of a North African teen by French police. What followed was an extraordinary thread documenting the violence so far in the region around Paris, including the hijacking of a bus by rioters, the storming of a prison, and the apparent use of grenades and firearms against French riot police.

Recent footage shows one of the protesters throwing a hand grenade on Police Forces in the Paris region.


Now ask yourself, does this look like a society that’s “ascendant”?


Meanwhile, in the United States, homelessness in Los Angeles skyrocketed over the last year, increasing by 10% in L.A. County and 9% in the city, leaving more than 75,000 people living on the streets of the county.

The Los Angeles Times reported Thursday that this trend of rising homelessness marks a stark illustration of the challenges faced by officials trying to reduce the number of people living on the streets.

The count, conducted by thousands of volunteers during a three-day period in January, projected that 75,518 people were living in interim housing or a tent, car, van, RV, or makeshift shelter in Los Angeles County, compared with 69,144 the previous year.

Almost all the growth came from the Westside and Harbor areas of Los Angeles, with each seeing increases of just over 2,000 people, or about 45%.

Mayor Karen Bass, who took office late last year, has vowed to make reducing homelessness her top priority, setting a goal of moving 17,000 people off the streets in her first year in office, housing them in local hotels.

Something tells me that’s not going to end well.


Now, some good news to report.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on June 29 to strike down affirmative action in two closely watched lawsuits against Harvard and the University of North Carolina (UNC).

The cases, initially brought by a coalition of students, prospective applicants and their parents in 2014, challenged the universities’ use of racial preferences during the admissions process.

“Harvard’s and UNC’s admissions programs violate the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment,” the Supreme Court ruled in a 6-3 decision in the UNC case and a 6-2 decision in the Harvard case, which Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson recused herself from.

Chief Justice John Roberts wrote the majority opinion, joined by Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett.

Roberts wrote:

“A benefit to a student who overcame racial discrimination, for example, must be tied to that student’s courage and determination. In other words, the student must be treated based on his or her experiences as an individual—not on the basis of race.”

“Many universities have for too long done just the opposite,” he continued. “And in doing so, they have concluded, wrongly, that the touchstone of an individual’s identity is not challenges bested, skills built, or lessons learned but the color of their skin. Our constitutional history does not tolerate that choice.”

The court overruled its 2003 decision in Grutter v. Bollinger, which held that race could be a factor in the admissions process.

Justices Ketanji Brown Jackson, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan dissented.


Now, we have a little more good news to share. Imagine that. Two good news stories in the same broadcast. That might be a first. reports that more than 1,200 people heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ preached to them at a faith-led event at the Buffalo Bill's Highmark Stadium in upstate New York.

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) recently partnered with the NFL team as part of the FCA's Fields of Faith outreach initiative.

Bills players Dawson Knox, Von Miller and Damar Hamlin, and Bills head athletic trainer Nate Breske worked with the FCA to make the event at the Bills' Highmark Stadium happen.

Overall, 1,275 people, including 630 student-athletes, heard the Good News.

“This event was an amazing celebration of 252 high school and middle school athletes from the region who completed FCA's three-month discipleship program, FCA Training Camp,” FCA Buffalo Director Jake Hannon said.

“For the program, each student was challenged to read 2,318 Scripture verses from 65 chapters of the Bible. This event was an opportunity to celebrate this accomplishment and give the student-athletes the opportunity to invite a non-FCA teammate to come to the stadium to hear the Gospel.”

FCA President and CEO Shane Williamson explained that Fields of Faith provides the opportunity to hear about Jesus on the athletic field, CBN News reports.

“Fields of Faith helps entire communities experience God's saving grace and gain the knowledge that lives can be transformed through Jesus while encouraging them to get into the habit of reading God's Word. It's a powerful event that God is using to reach local campuses and bring the next generation to Himself,” Williamson said.

This year's event allowed NFL players to share about Jesus with young athletes.

“This was a very special event as it was the first ever FCA Fields of Faith event in an NFL stadium,” said Hannon.


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

We have a developing story to report out of the U.K. that is, frankly, shocking.

Nigel Farage, the noted political commentator and former leader of the Brexit movement, told GB News viewers he has a “scary” warning based not on conjecture or fear mongering but actual firsthand experience.

Here’s what’s going on.

Farage revealed an establishment plot to force him out of the country after seven banks refused to let him have an account.

Later on Thursday, June 29, he went a step further, claiming others who share the same worldview as him face being treated in the same “stressful” way, according to The Express.

Speaking on his GB News show, Farage said: “It seems to be all one way. It seems to be all against people who have traditionalist or conservative views. There is something totally outrageous going on here.”

This is an outrage we have been warning about on this show, and on my other shows and in books, for years. A dystopian future, which is now here, in which only one narrative, one opinion, is allowed on the great issues of the day.

Things like immigration, the value of human life, what makes a marriage valid before God, the safety of certain highly touted medical treatments. These are issues where only one version of reality touted by certain state-sponsored “experts” is allowed.

The notion of a “marketplace of ideas,” as it used to be described, has been shredded. That’s what we used to have, a marketplace of ideas, where all opinions are welcome and individual citizens get to make up their own minds after having equal access to the full smorgasbord of ideas.

Not anymore.

Farage, the former Brexit Party leader, issued a direct warning to his loyal viewers that anything they have ever said on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., could come back to haunt them and land them in a similarly precarious position.

He said: “Anything you say on Facebook or Twitter may result in you losing your bank accounts too. That is, I think, how scary this whole thing is.”

Farage announced the news in a tweet on Thursday morning.


An award-winning GB News host and former conservative leader, Farage said: “I have been with the same banking group since 1980, my personal and my business account. I got a phone call a couple of months ago to say, we are closing your account. I asked them why. No reason was given.”

Farage further stated:

“The establishment is trying to force me out of the UK by closing my bank accounts. I have been given no explanation or recourse as to why this is happening to me.”

We reported just a couple of days ago on an open letter published by 285 Hollywood elites calling on the Big Tech social-media platforms to utterly silence any dissident views on LGBTQ issues, especially as they relate to so-called gender-affirming care of minor children who wish to “transition” from a boy to a girl or vice versa.

We also reported on Michigan’s new hate-speech law, one of the most aggressive in the country, where people who say something that a protected class finds offensive can be fined or even serve jail time.

It's no longer coming. This dystopian society. It has arrived. They are erecting the walls of the prison right now. If these walls are not torn down, it will mean the complete end to what liberals used to call an “open society,” tolerant of divergent viewpoints. That is over.

Farage added that:

“This is serious political persecution at the very highest level of our system. If they can do it to me, they can do it to you too.”

These actions appear to be part of a coordinated effort by major financial institutions to target parties and politicians who are right of center on the political spectrum.

The Express reported that all the British-based banks have denied the Reclaim Party a bank account and one of the accounts for Reform UK was also closed with minimum notice.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for tuning in, and for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time, I’m Brannon Howse. Take care.


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