Are Masks Coming Back to America?

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  • We have new information that shows the main professional organization of obstetricians and gynecologists in the United States accepted more than $11 million in taxpayer money to promote the Covid shots and claim they are safe for pregnant women and their unborn children.
  • British doctors want to remove a 19-year-old critically ill woman from life support despite her objections and those of her parents. She is fully conscious and communicating with those around her. We’ll shine a light on the dark side of socialized medicine.
  • Forecasters estimate 50,000 U.S. stores will close by the end of 2027, because of expected cutbacks in consumer spending, tighter credit and the continued shift to e-commerce.
  • Pharmacists continue to refuse to fill doctor-prescribed Ivermectin for patients despite recent legal victories in the courtroom.
  • And Canada approves the sale of fake meat and dairy products made from Fungus.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

Documents obtained through Freedom of Information Act requests reveal that the main professional organization of obstetricians and gynecologists (OB-GYNs) in the United States accepted over $11 million in taxpayer money to promote the Covid shots and claim that they are safe for pregnant women and their unborn children.

This is according to fetal-maternal medicine specialist Dr. James Thorp, who conducted an investigation into the massive damage that the mRNA genetic altering Covid “vaccines” are doing to women, especially to those who are pregnant and their unborn children.

In an interview with COVID-19 vaccine expert and Big Pharma critic Dr. Naomi Wolf, Thorp laid out how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Department of Health and Human Services created what he called a “covenant of death” with the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) – the largest professional organization for OB-GYNs in the United States and the rest of the Americas – in exchange for $11 million.

Thorp stated:

“What’s in this covenant of death? … They took well over $11 million. They signed the covenant with death, and they’re not allowed to deviate one iota from the lethal narrative of HHS. If they do, they will be liable for paying back every single penny, which they’ve already pocketed.”

Thorp and Wolf noted that the contract uncovered by the FOIA requests provided for the return of the money to the HHS if ACOG did not adhere to the “safe and effective for pregnant women and new moms script presented to them” by the federal government.

He added that ACOG is not the only professional medical association to have accepted money from the government. Other recipients of government funding in exchange for promoting the COVID-19 vaccines include the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine.

“[These organizations], to this day, are the evil organizations that perpetrated this crime on the world,” said Thorp.

According to Thorp, there are about 300 major organizations and influencers – including religious institutions like synagogues and churches – that accepted money from the HHS and the CDC in a “psyops campaign … to convince the United States and the entire world that this deadly shot was safe, effective and necessary in the most vulnerable population – pregnant women.”


Constitutional attorney Jonathan Turley reports that British doctors are seeking to remove a 19-year-old critically ill female patient from intensive care despite her objections and those of her parents.

Unlike most such cases, the woman known only as “ST” is conscious and communicative.

Yet, the doctors argue that she is not being realistic about her chances of survival from a rare disorder. 

Now a British court has agreed and ordered that she can be placed on end-of-life care against her will.

ST is suffering from a rare genetic mitochondrial disease that is progressively degenerative. The case has similarities to that of Charlie Gard, an infant who was removed from life support at the insistence of doctors despite objections from the parents. The Gard family was seeking to take Charlie to the United States for experimental treatment.

ST has been in the ICU for the past year, requiring a ventilator and a feeding tube. She also requires regular dialysis due to chronic kidney damage from her disease.

She wants to be allowed to travel to Canada for an experimental treatment but the doctors oppose the plan and say that she is not accepting the realities of her terminal illness.

They say that she is “actively dying” without any hope of resuming life outside of intensive care.

Her deeply religious family has spent their entire life savings on her care and complained that a “transparency order” requested by the hospital barred their ability to give details on the case to help raise public funds.

What is so remarkable about this case is that it is not an infant or a comatose patient. 

The court found that ST “is able to communicate reasonably well with her doctors with assistance from her mother and, on occasion, speech therapists.”

Moreover, two psychiatrists testified that she is mentally competent to make decisions about her own care.

Nevertheless, the judge found that she is mentally incapable of making decisions for herself because “she does not believe the information she has been given by her doctors.” 


A 33-year-old Brazilian fitness influencer died suddenly last week after suffering a double cardiac arrest due to “unknown causes.”

Family confirmed Larissa Borges death in a social media post Wednesday, saying that losing her is “overwhelming.”


“The pain of losing someone so young, just 33 years old, and so kind, is overwhelming,” the family wrote in an Instagram post. “Our hearts are broken, and the longing we will feel is indescribable.”

According to local media, the popular fitness influencer with over 32,000 followers was hospitalized Aug. 20, after suffering from an initial cardiac arrest during her travels in Gramado, Brazil.

The incident placed the influencer in a coma for a week, with family keeping her fans updated on her condition through social media.

Tragedy struck again after the healthy young woman faced another cardiac arrest that she, “could not resist.”

Her family said that she “struggled tirelessly for her life.” Family did not share details about her difficulties.


A high school football game in Pennsylvania was suspended Friday night after a quarterback collapsed on the field and was rushed to the hospital.

During a game between Karns City High School and Redbank Valley High School in Butler County, Ohio, Karns City quarterback Mason Martin staggered onto the field, which caught the eye of referee Mike Vasbiner.

As reported, the referee asked Martin if he was in stable condition and the player replied in the negative. That is when Vasbiner knew something was seriously amiss.

“I had to talk to him, and when I asked if he was alright, he told me ‘no.’ So, that’s when I knew something was wrong.”

Martin then collapsed on the football field. Players from both teams responded by gathering on the field in prayer as Martin received emergency attention.

The player was in such dire condition that a helicopter was needed to rush him to Presbyterian Hospital in Pittsburgh, according to Fox News.

The game was called off in the third quarter.

Martin’s family told KDKA that the boy suffered a “significant brain bleed as well as a collapsed lung.”


The prognosis for Martin is worrisome. Penn Live reports that the player “remains in critical condition with little change over the last 36 hours.”

Martin’s family said they need a miracle and called for others to pray.


As a new Covid variant causes more and more cases in the U.S., some experts are questioning if it’s time to mask up again while the mainstream corporate media is rolling out Dr. Anthony Fauci to plead the case for the remasking of America.

Fauci knows masks don’t work in stopping any virus but his message is, “wear them anyway.” Why? Because he said so!

According to a recent poll from Gallup, public confidence in the U.S. healthcare system dropped from 44 percent last year to 34 percent this year - making experts question how many people would actually comply if masks were recommended again.

Dr. Fauci, former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, told CNN: “I am concerned that people will not abide by recommendations.”

Fauci added: “[The] CDC doesn't mandate anything - if they recommend that people wear masks, I would hope that they abide by the recommendation and take into account the risk to themselves and to their families.”

However, Oxford epidemiologist Tom Jefferson said to The New York Times that conclusions on the efficacy of masks for reducing the spread of Covid were unambiguous.

Jefferson said: “There is just no evidence that [masks] make any difference. Full stop.”

And when asked about the effectiveness of N-95 masks, Jefferson said: “Makes no difference - none of it.”

N-95 masks not only don’t stop the spread of viruses, they contain toxic cancer-causing fibers, according to studies released recently.

Regarding the policymakers that imposed mask mandates, Jefferson said: “They were convinced by nonrandomized studies, flawed observational studies.”

But let’s be real. Even Jefferson doesn’t seem to get it. It’s not that these monsters were “convinced by flawed studies” about the value of mask wearing. This isn’t about protecting public health. It’s about a media narrative that requires absolute obedience and 100 percent conformity to a tyrannical groupthink backed by the brute power of the almighty state. And as long as we comply, we are giving our tacit approval of their tyranny over us. This will not make them back off. This will only embolden the tyrants to take their tyranny to another, even more sinister level.


Forbes reports that analysts at investment bank UBS are forecasting that some 50,000 U.S. stores are likely to close by the end of 2027, because of expected cutbacks in consumer spending, tighter credit and the continued shift to e-commerce.

Store closings could accelerate to 70,000 to 90,000 if retail sales turn out to be weaker than expected, according to UBS.

The United States gained stores in 2021, adding a net total of about 11,000 new stores. Last year, the country returned to the previous pattern of shrinking store counts, with 1,500 stores closing as of the third quarter of 2022, according to UBS.

The pace of store closings has already accelerated this year, UBS said, with small chains and mom-and-pop stores being most at risk in the current economy. As of 2020, more than half of retail stores were operated by companies with fewer than 20 employees, and 68% of stores were operated by chains with less than 500 employees

The store-closing forecast is based on the assumption by UBS analysts that e-commerce penetration will increase from 20% currently to 26% by 2027. UBS calculates that every 100 basis point increase in online percentage of sales triggers about 8,000 store closings.

Banks are showing they are less willing to make consumer installment loans, which will hurt consumers’ ability to spend. UBS also expects there will be less capital available to allow entrepreneurs to open new retail stores.


Last week Health Canada, the regulatory food and health body for the North American nation, approved the sale of fake meat and dairy products made from Fungus courtesy of a company called “Nature’s Fynd.”

Health Canada said in a statement:

“Health Canada’s review of the information presented in support of the use of Fy Protein™ as a food ingredient and alternative protein source has concluded there are no food safety concerns for the general population. It is the continuing responsibility of the manufacturers, sellers, and distributors of Fy Protein™ to ensure that marketed products are in compliance with all statutory and regulatory requirements, including labeling and advertising.”

In March, 2022, The WinePress reported that Whole Foods, owned by Amazon, announced that they would begin selling Nature’s Fynd products at their different locations throughout the United States.

In 2021 the company raised $500 million in funding from figures such as Al Gore, Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, and Michael Bloomberg; and then later received a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation of $4.76 mil­lion.

According to Nature’s Fynd, the company is “a Chicago-based food company creating versatile alternative proteins to nourish the world’s growing population while nurturing the planet.”

The company adds:

“Born out of research conducted for NASA on microbes with origins in Yellowstone National Park, the company’s breakthrough fermentation technology grows Fy™. Fy is a new-to-the-world nutritional fungi protein that uses only a fraction of the resources required by traditional agriculture.”

As explained by Health Canada, the production process is as follows:

“Fy Protein™ is manufactured using a proprietary fermentation process.”

Vegconomist adds that “the company’s portfolio includes Meatless Breakfast Patties, Original and Maple; and Dairy-Free Cream Cheese, Original and Chive & Onion. The products are available at Whole Foods, hundreds of Sprouts Farmers Markets, and all Fresh Thyme Market locations (only the cream cheese).”

In collaboration with famous chef Eric Ripert, the Chicago-based company recently created Vegan Fy Dressings — “the world’s first dressings made with the company’s nutritional fungi protein,” the outlet added.


The continued refusal of pharmacists nationwide to fill prescriptions for controversial COVID medications has raised questions over medical autonomy and who ultimately has control over patient care, according to a prominent doctor.

Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, a practitioner and founder of Coalition of Health Freedom, told The Epoch Times that many pharmacists nationwide are still refusing to fill prescriptions for Ivermectin issued to patients for the treatment of COVID, despite statements from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) affirming that right to doctors.

“This needs to come to an end. In telling my patients what medicines they can and cannot have access to, we effectively have a large group of pharmacists practicing medicine without a license,” said Dr. Bowden. “They have no accountability for this yet they are allowed to dictate patient care.”

“I see it every single day. Enough is enough,” Dr. Bowden added.

Ivermectin has been around for decades but became the center of controversy in 2020 after medical opinion became divided over its effectiveness as a treatment for COVID. In the aftermath, many pharmacists refused to fill prescriptions for the medication.

By 2023, the issue had made its way into a courtroom when on Aug. 8 a lawyer representing the FDA confirmed that doctors were free to prescribe Ivermectin to treat COVID.

“FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe Ivermectin to treat COVID,” Ashley Cheung Honold, a Department of Justice lawyer representing the FDA, told the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit.

The government lawyer made the statement in defense of the FDA’s repeated calls for people to not take Ivermectin for COVID. The FDA on Aug. 21, 2021, wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter: “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.”

On Aug. 17, the FDA issued clarification, this time stating that while it had approved Ivermectin for certain uses in humans and animals, it had not issued any statement affirming the safety or effectiveness of the drug for treating COVID. However, the agency again affirmed that it would be left to individual doctors whether or not to prescribe the medication for the treatment of COVID.


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

It’s been more than seven months since the controlled burn of derailed Norfolk Southern rail cars in East Palestine, Ohio, and independent chemical testing is showing dangerous levels of dioxins throughout the town.

Total dioxins have been measured at 2.5 parts per billion.

There is no safe level of dioxins to have in your home or in your soil but 2.5 parts per billion is considered extremely high. An entire town in Missouri was evacuated in 1983 for a similar level of dioxins, while in East Palestine, there’s been no testing done by the EPA at residential homes and no sense of urgency to do anything about this serious health problem.

Dioxins are some of the most carcinogenic compounds in the world.

To put it all in perspective, here’s a report from News Nation reporter Rich McHugh. The video on the city’s plight was filed by The Hill.

WATCH VIDEO (clip first 5:49 of video – yes I know that’s long but this is worth it)

So, while everyone is talking about how the Hawaiian island of Maui has been abandoned by the U.S. government, let’s not forget about East Palestine. This is a pattern under the Biden regime. Don’t forget this. First East Palestine, then Maui. Prepare now for when disaster may strike your community because you can’t count on the government.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching. And thanks for your support of this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time…

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