Are Russian Made Club-K Cargo Container Cruise Missile Launchers in the U.S.?



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Dr. Jafar Dhia was Saddam Hussein’s nuclear scientist and now has access to Florida’s Port Canaveral cargo container terminal with a 35 year lease. Jafar and his family own "Gulftainer,” a company that works in a joint venture with Russian, state-owned exporter of the Club-K Container that can conceal and then launch four cruise missiles from a command off of a satellite. Brannon has been warning about the Club K Car for several years and even included a warning in his keynote presentation on November 4, 2017 during the Situation Room sponsored National Security Conference. On November 14, 2017, a 91 page report was released by the Center for Security Policy that details a huge national security threat that involves the possibility that Club-K containers have been imported into the United States of America and are already pre-positioned around the U.S. in benign box cars that can lay dormant for up to ten years before being activated at will by terrorist sponsoring nations or terrorist groups.

How did Dr. Jafar and his company get a 35 year lease at Florida’s Port Canaveral? The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States advisory board should have stopped this lease from going through. However, researchers Mary Fanning and Alan Jones reveal that the CFIUS DNI advisory group was shut down just before the Uranium One deal by James R. Clapper. The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States staff chairperson was Aimen Nabi Mir who has connections to the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic Society of North America. Mir was immigration attorney at the law firm Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr. It is reported that former FBI director Robert Mueller was a partner at this very law firm until he was appointed special counsel over the bogus Russian investigation that is going after Donald Trump and associates. Dr. Jafar created what is called the Beach Ball that is a miniaturized nuclear weapon. Dr. Jafar has also sought help from North Korea on missile projects.

The Club-K container cruise missiles could be fitted with nuclear, chemical, biological, or EMP weapons. Northcom/Norad officials admit that the U.S. does not have a way to track the Club K cars that may have already been brought into the U.S. and positioned around the nation.


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