Arizona Governor Disappears From Her Job For Nearly 24 Hours

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  • The face of the coronavirus disinformation campaign that swept the nation paid a secret visit to the CIA headquarters that is just now coming to light. We’ve got the details.
  • In a bizarre move, Arizona’s controversial governor takes an unexplained leave of absence and puts the state treasurer in charge.
  • 11 brave Michigan state legislators have filed a lawsuit in federal court against state election officials who they claim illegally changed the state’s election laws.
  • And a federal judge strikes down California’s draconian laws against pistol and rifle magazines holding more than 10 rounds.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

The New York Post, in a bombshell report, revealed that Dr. Anthony Fauci was “escorted” to CIA headquarters where he attempted in a secret meeting to “influence” the outcome of the agency’s investigations into the origins of COVID-19 during the pandemic, the Republican chairman of the House coronavirus panel alleges. 

Congressman Brad Wenstrup, Republican of Ohio and the head of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, revealed what he called “concerning information” obtained by his panel Tuesday in a letter sent to the inspector general of the ​​Department of Health and Human Services, arguing that it “lends credence to heightened concerns about the promotion of a false narrative regarding the origins of COVID-19 by multiple federal government agencies.”

Westrop stated:

“The information provided suggests that Dr. Fauci was escorted into Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Headquarters — without a record of entry — and participated in the analysis to ‘influence’ the Agency’s review. Our goal is to ensure the scientific investigative process regarding the origins of COVID-19 was fair, impartial, and free of alternative influence.”

The date of Fauci’s alleged off-the-books visit to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, is not mentioned in Wenstrup’s letter to HHS Inspector General Christi Grimm. 

Wenstrup is demanding information related to the “movements of Dr. Fauci throughout the pandemic,” stating further that:

“The American people deserve the truth — to know the origins of the virus and whether there was a concerted effort by public health authorities to suppress the lab leak theory for political or national security purposes.”

Wenstrup is requesting all documents and communications between HHS, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease and the U.S. Marshals Service – which was assigned to protect Fauci – regarding the former White House coronavirus czar’s admittance or entry into any CIA-owned, operated, or occupied buildings. 

He added that:

“In addition to these documents, we request you make [HHS] Special Agent Brett Rowland available for a voluntary transcribed interview at a date to be determined.”

The new allegations come after a senior-level CIA officer-turned-whistleblower alleged to Congress earlier this month that the intelligence agency offered to pay off six analysts in order to bury their findings that COVID-19 most likely leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China.

The analysts, who found SARS-CoV-2 likely originated in a Wuhan lab, were allegedly asked to report that the virus jumped from animals to humans, according to Wenstrup.

The U.S. intelligence community declassified its 10-page report on COVID origins in June, which found “biosafety concerns” and “genetic engineering” taking place at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, but most of its “agencies assess that SARS-CoV-2 was not genetically engineered.”

The CIA and one other intelligence agency “remain unable to determine the precise origin of the COVID-19 pandemic, as both hypotheses rely on significant assumptions or face challenges with conflicting reporting,” it says.


The illegitimate, fraudulently elected governor of Arizona went missing in action for nearly 24 hours this week without any explanation to the people of Arizona.

At 7:14 p.m. on the evening of Wednesday, September 28, the Arizona treasurer announced that she would be serving as acting governor beginning later that evening until mid-morning Thursday, September 29, amid a mysterious disappearance of Governor Katie Hobbs.


In a press release posted to X, Arizona Treasurer Kimberly Yee announced her brief tenure as acting governor, saying she is “pleased to step in this role” but would do her best not to take any meaningful official actions while Hobbs was, for whatever reason, unable to fulfill the duties of governor.

Yee did not comment in her press release on the reason for the governor's absence and did not immediately respond to Fox News Digital's request for clarification. Hobbs also did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Former President Donald Trump posted to X that he thought Kari Lake should be running the state, “since the election was stolen from her.”



Patty McMurray, in a blockbuster article for The Gateway Pundit, reports that 11 brave Michigan state legislators have filed a lawsuit in federal court against state election officials.

The lawsuit, filed September 28th, claims the 2018 and 2022 state constitutional amendments regulating the times, places, and manner of federal elections are legally null and void in Michigan.

Here’s why:

The U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 4 (known as the Elections Clause), requires the state legislature to regulate the times, places, and manner of federal elections.

But Michigan’s constitutional amendments (Proposal 3 of 2018 and Proposal 2 of 2022) bypassed the state legislature and, in doing so, usurped the legislature’s federally mandated constitutional authority.

These state constitutional amendments included provisions that allow voters to sign affidavits instead of presenting valid identification when voting in person or applying for an absentee ballot; nine days of early voting; private funding of election administration; no-excuse absentee voting procedures; same-day voter registrations; state-funded absentee ballot drop boxes, and independent redistricting commissions. The lawsuit names as defendants Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, as well as Jonathan Brater, the director of the Michigan Bureau of Elections.

In a September 28th press conference webinar, state Senator Jonathan Lindsey, one of the legislator plaintiffs, stated:

“The United States Constitution, the supreme law of the land, contains limited, but critical, election regulations. We also have procedures in place at the state level to amend election law. However, these processes were violated in 2018 and 2022 when an alternative amendment process was used without regard to federal constitutional requirements. This lawsuit challenges recent attempts to subvert our constitutional process and will protect against such actions in the future.”

Lindsey said progressives tried and failed for years to pressure elected representatives to tear down safeguards that kept the state’s elections secure.

He added, “As an end-around, they used an unconstitutional process, then deceived the public into voting for changes that weaken our elections. I don’t blame voters. They were told lies that made Proposal 2 sound good. Proponents ran ads saying this “enshrines voter ID into our Constitution” when, in fact, Prop 2 guarantees the right to vote WITHOUT voter ID—a classic bait-and-switch tactic. A lot of money was spent to deceive people. Now, these unlawfully enacted changes purport to limit our power as legislators to fix serious issues with our elections. Today, I stand with fellow legislators to challenge that notion.”


The Winepress News reports that Australia continues to lead the global charge in transitioning to a cashless society, offering itself as a model for the globalist agenda being pushed by the United Nations and World Economic Forum.

Australia has made a complete shift to digital currency, digital IDs, and even implantable biometrics within just a couple of years. Private businesses have been folded into the effort, refusing to accept cash at their storefronts, emulating what some of the largest banks in the nation are doing.

The WinePress published a detailed report in July that explains how Australia is one of the leading nations embarking on making the transition to a totally cashless society, with just 6% of all point-of-sale transactions made in cash in 2022. At the same time four of the country’s largest megabanks elected to start limiting and eliminating cash withdrawals at many locations. Already over $1 billion worth of cash has vanished from circulation. Besides supposed convenience, the push for a cashless and contactless payment system is also allegedly designed to minimize  crime and thefts, the experts say.

Just in the last few weeks another large Australian bank – Macquarie Bank – announced plans to eliminate cash at all branches by next year, and by November, 2024, the bank won’t accept cash anywhere.

The bank said in a statement to clients:

“Between January 2024 and November 2024, we’ll be phasing out our cash and cheque services across all Macquarie banking and wealth management products, including pension and super accounts. As a digital bank, we’re committed to transitioning to completely digital payments by November 2024 as a safer, faster and convenient way to bank. The majority of our customers already bank digitally and we’re working very closely to support the less than 1% of our customers who currently use cheques or cash to ensure they have access to other digital payment methods.”


Federal judge Roger Benitez overturned California's ban on standard-sized ammunition magazines for rifles and pistols, while California Attorney General Rob Bonta promises to immediately appeal the decision.

The Center Square reports that the injunction on the ban will be stayed for 10 days, which means the ban's overturn will likely not take effect as the decision is appealed. 

California Governor Gavin Newsom, in a public statement responding to the decision, said:

“Unless we enshrine a Right to Safety in the Constitution, we are at the mercy of ideologues like Judge Benitez. This is exactly why I’ve called for a Constitutional amendment, and this is why I’ll keep fighting to defend our right to protect ourselves from gun violence.”

Standard-capacity magazines have been illegal to manufacture, import, keep or offer for sale, give, or lend in California since 2000, and illegal to purchase or receive in any way since 2013.

Proposition 64, passed by California voters in 2016, made it illegal to even possess legally-acquired magazines with more than 10 rounds under the false argument that this would eliminate mass shootings.

Any California citizen who did not turn in their standard-capacity magazines to the government by July 1, 2017, could have faced up to a year in prison before an earlier inunction by Judge Benitez. The most popular firearm sold in 2022, a Sig Sauer P320 pistol, comes with a standard 15-round magazine except where otherwise limited, such as in California. 

Judge Benitez wrote:

“There is no American history or tradition of regulating firearms based on the number of rounds they can shoot, or of regulating the amount of ammunition that can be kept and carried.”

Benitez first struck down Proposition 64’s rule in June 2017 right before enforcement began, noting only six mass shootings between 2006 and 2013 used the banned magazines, and that “entitlement to enjoy Second Amendment rights and just compensation is not eliminated simply because they possess ‘unpopular’ magazines holding more than 10 rounds.”

In 2018, a 2-1 panel of the Ninth Circuit Court affirmed Benitez’ ruling on the confiscations. 


Trends Journal reports that the amount of money owed by governments, businesses, households, and individuals grew by $10 trillion in this year’s first half to a record $307 trillion, the Institute of International Finance (IIF) said in a September 19th report.

France, Japan, the U.K., and the U.S. led borrowing increases among developed nations, the sector responsible for 80 percent of the new debt. Brazil, China, and India—the three largest emerging economies—were the heaviest borrowers among that group. 

Global debt has added $100 trillion—almost a third of the current total—since 2012, the report said.

In this year’s second quarter, the ratio of global debt to global GDP rose to 336 percent, up 2 percent during the year’s first half. It was the second consecutive quarterly increase; before that, the ratio had been shrinking for seven quarters.

However, the ratio is still below the 360-percent peak reached during Covid.

The IIF’s report noted:

“The sudden rise in inflation was the main factor behind the sharp decline in debt ratio over the past two years.”

Also, governments have increased their spending commitments, from defense to stimulating national economies to financing the energy transition.

Now that inflation and wage increases are slowing, debt to GDP likely will grow past 337 percent before 2024, it predicted, as existing debt is refinanced at current higher interest rates.

Fitch downgraded the U.S.’s creditworthiness earlier this year as debts mounted and Congress indulged in prolonged haggling over conditions for raising the national debt ceiling before narrowly averting a government default.


LifeNews reports that California Governor Gavin Newsom has signed a bill promoting dangerous abortion drugs just days after news surfaced that a woman died after taking the abortion pill.

Newsom signed a new law on Wednesday that blocks pro-life states from prosecuting California-based abortionists who mail dangerous abortion drugs to women in states where unborn babies are protected.

California already has a law protecting abortionists who perform abortions on women from other states. This new law protects abortionists and abortion companies that send mail-order abortion pills that put the lives and health of women in other states at risk.

As LifeNews previously reported, news has just surfaced that Alyona Dixon, 24, died one year ago on September 28, 2022, after complications from the abortion forced her to seek emergency medical treatment four days after the abortion at Planned Parenthood. Her family is now suing the Las Vegas hospital that treated her, saying it did not provide adequate medical care for the abortion complications.

At the Planned Parenthood abortion center, Dixon, who was 8 weeks pregnant at the time, received the same abortion pill (mifepristone) that has killed dozens of other women and injured thousands. The pill has been linked to often fatal cases of sepsis, or blood poisoning.

Four days after the abortion, Dixon complained of sharp lower abdominal pain that started the previous day, according to details provided in the lawsuit.

Dixon’s family is suing Dignity Health hospital, claiming it failed to properly diagnose and treat her abortion complications. Curiously, the lawsuit does not name Planned Parenthood, which provided the pill that led to the medical problems for which Dixon required treatment.


The Russian news agency TASS claims that Ukrainian troops are surrendering in droves, to the extent that Moscow has set up a special radio frequency so Ukrainian soldiers wishing to survive the Meat Grinder can do so safely.

Approximately 10,000 Ukrainian soldiers have surrendered to the Russians using the special 149.200 “Volga” radio frequency, which has been operating since mid-summer, shortly after the Ukrainians started their failed counter-offensive in June, TASS reported.

WATCH VIDEO (skip first 4 seconds if you wish to avoid reference to F bomb, although it is not fully spelled out and you can’t understand the native language)

TASS says the radio frequency works along the entire front.

According to Moscow’s latest estimates, Kiev has lost more than 17,000 servicemen during the month of September alone. The total number of Ukrainian troops killed since the counter-offensive began has now surpassed 83,000, with more than 10,000 pieces of heavy military hardware destroyed, the Russian military claims.

These numbers are provided by the Russians, and of course those provided by Western sources are much lower. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle.


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

One of America’s leading figures in the field of critical race theory, racial equity and other race-baiting and racially divisive theories is under investigation by his employer.

After ignoring questions about Ibram Kendi’s work for years, Boston University will now look into management at the controversial Center for Antiracist Research, where Kendi serves as director.

The College Fix reports that Boston University will investigate the center’s “culture and its grant management practices,” following complaints. The center reportedly raised $55 million, which includes at least $10 million from former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey.

Boston University announced on September 21:

“To ensure its long-term impact and sustainability, Kendi made the decision to restructure the center to create a residential fellowship program for antiracist intellectuals, creators, and students. He announced the layoffs as part of the restructuring (19 staff people were laid off, leaving a staff at the center of 15 to 17 people moving forward).”

This comes not only after Professor Saida Grundy first raised concerns in 2021, according to the student newspaper, but after The College Fix and other media have questioned Kendi’s output.

Boston University said it “recognizes the importance of Dr. Kendi’s work and the significant impact it has had on antiracist thinking and policy” and looks forward to working with him on the inquiry.

However, as noted by the College Fix, Kendi’s work has often been lacking and other joint ventures with the professor have fallen through.

Most recently, The Fix reported that Kendi had not written an academic paper in the past four years. The August 21 article in The Fix noted Kendi had written at least two children’s books in the same period.

In March 2021, The Fix asked “What exactly does Ibram Kendi do all day,” following original Fix reporting that found the center director had made at least $300,000 lecturing on how America is racist.

It should not surprise us that Kendi is getting a free ride at one of America’s far-left institutions of higher learning. He’s a Marxist and most Marxists are con artists and grifters, pursuing the high life on someone else’s dime. Karl Marx himself survived for years on money from his wife’s family and after using that up he then leeched off of his partner Frederick Engels.

Let’s hope Boston University does the right thing and cans Kendi, but don’t count on it. That would be seen as, you guessed it, racist.

Well, that does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching, and for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time…

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