The Biden Family Opened More Than 20 Shell Companies to Launder Money

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  • The Chinese Communist Party has set out on an audacious new project: Rewrite the Bible and other religious texts to fit the worldview of the CCP.
  • Michigan’s radical Democrat attorney general goes after 16 electors who pledged their votes in the Electoral College for Donald Trump in the 2020 election, charging them with multiple felonies.
  • Even CNN is now lamenting the woeful inability of the U.S. and NATO to keep up with Russia’s ability to churn out munitions for use in the war in Ukraine.
  • The Biden crime family opened more than 20 shell companies to hide payments and launder money, House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) said Sunday.
  • And an 18-year-old female military recruit comes forward as a whistleblower to voice her discomfort at having to shower with male transvestites.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

The Chinese Communist Party has embarked on an ambitious 10-year project to rewrite the Bible, the Quran and other religious texts as part of Chairman Xi Jinping’s grand strategy to harness religion in service of the party.

American Military News reports that in Henan province, local CCP officials have forced Protestant churches to supplant the Ten Commandments with quotes from Xi Jinping himself, effectively transforming divine commands such as “Thou shalt have no other gods before Me,” to political statements, such as, “Resolutely guard against the infiltration of Western ideology.”

In 2020, a Chinese university textbook offered a potential glimpse into how the Chinese Communist Party might rewrite the Bible, when the textbook changed a story about forgiveness and mercy from the Gospel of John.

While the passage records Jesus saying, “Let the one among you who is guiltless be the first to throw a stone at her,” the Chinese university textbook revealed a chilling alteration: Jesus, rather than demonstrating compassion, stones the accused woman to death.

In the CCP’s ongoing quest to stamp out all religions that worship a higher sovereign power above that of the state, the story of grace was revised, providing an alarming indication of what the CCP’s final project could entail.

According to Congressman Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.), Xi’s reinterpretation of religious texts seemingly does not object to worshiping a deity, as long as Xi and the CCP are in the position of God.

Despite this frontal assault on religious liberties, global religious leaders such as Pope Francis have surprisingly offered little resistance. In a 2018 secret negotiation, the Vatican reportedly consented to the CCP’s authority to select Catholic bishops in China, seemingly trading off the church’s spiritual autonomy for unspecified guarantees of congregational “safety.”


Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel is leveling felony charges against 16 Republicans who signed a certificate stating that Donald Trump won Michigan's 2020 presidential election, launching criminal cases against top political figures inside the state GOP.

Each of the 16 electors, including former Michigan Republican Party Co-Chairwoman Meshawn Maddock and Shelby Township Clerk Stan Grot, will be charged with eight felony counts, including forgery and conspiracy to commit election-law forgery, according to an announcement from Nessel's office.

The revelation capped six months of investigation and produced the most serious allegations yet in Michigan over the controversial 2020 election. Biden was declared the winner in Michigan by 154,000 votes or 3 percentage points, but Trump and his supporters maintained that late-night fraud in Wayne County is what swung the result in Biden’s favor.

Rather than use standard journalistic style and refer to arrested individuals as “allegedly” accused of crimes, the Detroit media and national media have already indicted the 16 individuals in this case and pronounced them guilty, before they’ve had a single day in court.

Here’s an excerpt from the article about the indictments in the Detroit News:

“As part of the push to undermine Biden's victory, Trump supporters gathered inside the then-Michigan Republican Party headquarters on Dec. 14, 2020, and signed a certificate, claiming to cast the state's 16 electoral votes for Trump. Eventually, the false certificate was sent to the National Archives and Congress. The document inaccurately claimed the Trump electors had met inside the Michigan Capitol. However, they hadn't. Biden's electors convened inside the Capitol, and the building was closed to others on Dec. 14, 2020.”

In addition to Maddock and Grot, Kathy Berden, the Republican national committeewoman from Michigan, Kent Vanderwood, the mayor of Wyoming, Michigan, and Marian Sheridan, grassroots vice-chairwoman of the Michigan Republican Party, are also facing charges.

Each of the 16 electors is charged with eight felonies.

Among them are conspiracy to commit forgery and conspiracy to commit uttering and publishing, which carry the steepest of penalties, both punishable by up to 14 years in prison and/or a $10,000 fine.

Less than an hour before Nessel's announcement, one of the Republican electors, John Haggard of Charlevoix, told The Detroit News he hadn't heard anything new about the attorney general's investigation. 

Haggard, 82, is among those being charged criminally.

In testimony before the committee, Laura Cox, who was chairwoman of the Michigan Republican Party in 2020, said she had prepared a document for the Trump electors to sign on Dec. 14, 2020, that said they had merely participated in a ceremony and “would cast their votes” for the Republican president if given the chance.

Cox told U.S. House investigators that the intent behind the document she pushed for was to state that the Republican Trump electors were willing to serve and vote for Trump if “something were to happen in the courts” in the future to overturn the result. 

Nessel’s office released a statement that said, “This remains an ongoing investigation, and the Michigan Department of Attorney General has not ruled out potential charges against additional defendants.”

This is just another example of the two-tiered justice system now terrorizing Americans who reject the prevailing globalist narrative.


An 18-year-old female military recruit reportedly feels trapped by the Biden administration’s policies regarding transgender individuals in the military.

The unidentified individual is contemplating resignation due to the discomfort of being obligated to shower with biological males, according to Senator Mike Rounds (R-SD).

Rounds informed Air Force General Charles Brown Jr. the young woman in the South Dakota National Guard was sleeping near and showering with males who had not received gender assignment surgery.

Brown has been nominated to serve as the next chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Rounds was asking his views on whether woke military policies are responsible for recruitment shortages.

“This 18-year-old girl was uncomfortable with her situation but had limited options on how to deal with it,” Rounds told Brown. “If she raised her hand, she feared she’d be targeted for retaliation.”

The senator added the female soldier’s choices did not look good. She could request a religious exemption to exit the service or she could start training at the beginning again, which would delay her college acceptance.


Even CNN is now admitting that the U.S. and its NATO allies were ill-prepared to defeat Russia on the battlefield in Ukraine.

CNN reports that the U.S. and Europe are struggling to provide Ukraine with the large amount of ammunition it will need for a prolonged counteroffensive against Russia, and Western officials are racing to ramp up production to avoid shortages on the battlefield that could hinder Ukraine’s progress.

The dwindling supply of artillery ammunition has served as a “wake-up call” to NATO, according to Western officials speaking to CNN, “since the alliance did not adequately prepare for the possibility of a protracted land war in Europe following decades of relative peace.”

UK Secretary of Defense Ben Wallace told CNN that while NATO was poised early on for a “night one, day one” offensive, “no one had really asked themselves the question, well, what if ‘day one, night one’ becomes ‘week two, week three, week four?’ How much of our exquisite capabilities have we actually got in stock? And I think that’s been the broader question.”

So the U.S. and its allies have depleted their stockpiles of munitions at an alarming rate, all in a failed effort to create continuous military supply lines to Ukraine in its border dispute with Russia.

One munition in particularly low supply is the 155mm artillery shell, which is the NATO standard used for artillery rounds. The U.S. began ramping up ammunition production last year when it became clear that the war would drag on far longer than anticipated. But the ammunition will still take “years” to mass produce to acceptable levels, National Security adviser Jake Sullivan told CNN Sunday.

And while the U.S. is ramping up production of a most basic round like the 155-millimeter shell, the Russians are ramping up production of hypersonic missiles and China has enough industrial capacity to far outpace anything the Americans can dream of churning out. This won’t turn out well for the West.


The Biden crime family opened more than 20 shell companies to hide payments and launder money, House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) said Sunday.

After reviewing Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) at the Treasury and subpoenaing banks and individuals, Comer posted on Twitter that the Biden family created more than 20 entities to accept, forward, and collect payment from a wide range of business associates.

“We found all these shell companies that make absolutely no sense,” Comer told Fox News. “I don’t believe they have paid a penny of revenue, a penny of taxes on most of the millions of dollars they received from our adversaries around the world.”

In March, the committee revealed the Biden family business over the course of several years received over $10 million from business schemes in Romania and China in return for what appears to be influence peddling.

For instance, SARs obtained by the committee revealed a Biden associate, Rob Walker, received a $3 million wire transfer from CEFC China Energy Co. In turn, four Biden family members — Hunter, James, Hallie, and an unidentified “Biden” — received a collective $1.3 million cut from the $3 million wire transfer.


Tesla drivers using autopilot and the company’s “full self-driving” technology have almost become a meme at this point, but there are very real consequences when things go wrong.

According to an article in The Truth About Cars, a California man was behind the wheel of a Tesla Model S in 2019 when it collided with another car, killing the two people inside. The Tesla was using autopilot at the time, and the driver recently pleaded no contest to two counts of vehicular manslaughter.

Kevin George Aziz Riad was sentenced to probation, 31 days of work service, 100 hours of community service, a hospital/morgue program, and 90 days of house arrest. Riad and his Tesla ran a red light before slamming into the other car at 74 mph. A Tesla engineer testified that no brakes were applied and that Riad’s hands were on the wheel.

This is believed to be the first felony prosecution against someone using partially autonomous driving technology. The question of liability for autonomous vehicles is a touchy one and threatens to pump the brakes on an industry that has been moving full speed ahead. Some automakers have toyed with the idea of accepting liability for crashes that happen with driving assistants active, but many of the highest-profile Tesla crashes occurred due to driver negligence or using the technologies without following safety precautions. 



The Gazette of Des Moines, Iowa, reports that former Iowa offensive lineman Cody Ince died suddenly and unexpectedly over the weekend, a team spokesman confirmed Tuesday morning.

Ince was 23. The initial obituary and Iowa’s news release did not identify the cause of death.

Kirk Ferentz said in a statement Ince, who was on the team from 2018-21, was “a tremendous young man, valued teammate and contributor to our program.”

“He loved football, fishing and hunting, and believed in the importance of family and friendships,” Ferentz said. “Mary and I are heartbroken for his fiancee, his family and all his friends who knew and loved him. All of us in the football program — his coaches and teammates — are mourning his loss.”


Joe Biden’s administration can continue working with Big Tech to pressure them to censor speech while a federal case proceeds, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit ruled recently.

The three-judge panel granted the Biden administration’s request for an administrative stay against an injunction that barred it from colluding with Big Tech companies.

The July 14 ruling also expedited the hearing of the case.

The federal lawsuit, brought by Missouri and Louisiana and right-leaning groups, challenges the Biden administration’s pressure campaign to get Big Tech to censor conservative speech. Plaintiffs include Children’s Health Defense and Jim Hoft, who runs the popular Gateway Pundit website.

The ruling reversed two recent decisions by District Judge Terry A. Doughty that ordered federal officials to cease their pressure campaign. He granted exceptions including “to inform social-media companies of postings involving criminal activity, criminal conspiracies, national security threats,” as well as “extortion, other threats, criminal efforts to suppress voting, providing illegal campaign contributions” and “cyber-attacks against election infrastructure.”

Social media platforms had censored groups that raised questions about the integrity of the 2020 election, reported on Hunter Biden’s laptop, and questioned the establishment narrative on COVID-19, including on vaccines.

In one instance, a Biden staffer was able to quickly get Instagram to remove an account that parodied Dr. Anthony Fauci.

The lawsuit is part of an ongoing battle to expose and prevent federal officials from using their authority to suppress conservative speech. The lawsuit has already provided evidence that the relationship between government officials and social media companies is close.


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

Fox News reports that Vice President Kamala Harris' gaffe-filled week got a little bit worse Friday when she appeared to mistakenly call for lowering the population in order to provide cleaner air and drinking water.

“When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population, more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water,” Harris told a crowd at Coppin State University in Baltimore, Maryland, in a speech centered on the Inflation Reduction Act.

Take a look.


The White House immediately went into clean-up mode. They had a giant Kamala mess to attend to.

And Fox News was right there to help them.

Fox News tells us that Harris meant to say pollution needs to be reduced, not population; heaven forbid that any public official should tell us the truth for a change.

The official transcript of the event reflects that Harris meant to say that electric vehicles and clean energy would reduce pollution, Fox News assures us.

OK, so let’s give them the benefit of the doubt and for the sake of argument say that the original transcript did say pollution, which is more than likely true because politicians never admit the truth of why they are pushing the policies they push, even though with just a tiny bit of research we can look at the academics and the businessmen and other elites who are more forthright about controversial issues like population control and why they believe it’s necessary.

Bill Gates came right out and said during a 2010 TED Talk that “if we do a really good job with healthcare, reproductive health and vaccines, we can reduce that (population growth) by perhaps 10 to 15 percent.” And Gates was speaking in the context of what? Climate change and how to fight it!

So even if Harris did veer off from the official verbiage written up for her by her handlers, how do we know that she didn’t make what’s called a Freudian slip, meaning she mistakenly spoke the truth instead of what was in her prepared statement?

It’s not like it’s any big secret that the climate alarmists desire a much smaller population. They say it out in the open and write it in their white papers.

Bill Gates is not the only globalist self-determined elitist who has openly argued for a smaller global population.

Dennis Meadows, a key early figure in the environmental movement with connections to the Club of Rome, wrote a very influential book in the 1970s called The Limits to Growth, in which he argued for a drastically reduced global population. In more recent years Meadows gave an interview in which he openly stated that the ideal global population would be “one or two billion people,” about 80 percent fewer people than the 7.5 billion people now living on the Earth.

Henry Kissinger authored the Kissinger Report in 1974, in which he called for drastic reductions in the population of the Third World countries so that the West could continue to get away with stripping them of their resources.

Klaus Schwab, Yuval Harari and the rest of their World Economic Forum buddies all advocate today for a smaller global population.

But when Kamala Harris says it, oh no, that’s not really what she meant. That was a “gaffe.”

We know that the Biden administration is on board with the entire United Nations, WEF agenda, which calls for “fighting climate change” by radically reducing the number of livestock and human beings on the planet.

So why should we not take Kamala Harris seriously when she mistakenly lets out the truth? Only a fool would disregard it. But isn’t that what Fox News’ role has been all along, to play the fool? The controlled opposition? The ones wearing the white hats who push back just enough to make it look like there is someone in the media who is fighting for us, for the good guys, only to drop the ball at the key moment?

It's all a charade. It’s all theater. Fox News is owned by globalists and staffed by sellouts working for a paycheck. Tucker Carlson had a conscience and couldn’t keep his tongue in check so he was fired.

And that’s the God’s honest truth.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for tuning in and for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time, I’m Brannon Howse. Take care.

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