The Biden Regime Is Considering Defying The Constitution

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  • Joe Biden is considering declaring a climate emergency. What would that look like? Nobody knows for sure but in light of the Covid emergency we have plenty of clues.
  • An Arizona grand jury has indicted 18 GOP delegates for casting their votes for Donald Trump in the wake of the 2020 election after the state’s Democrat, vote-rigging officials had certified the election for Joe Biden.
  • Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie goes public with his private fantasy of wishing death for Donald Trump and Vivek Ramaswamy.
  • American manufacturers of solar panels are demanding aggressive government tariffs against cheap imports. We’ll explain why.
  • Is Western civilization on the verge of collapse? The leader of one European country says it is and we’ll share his reasons why.
  • And German army chiefs are drawing up NATO’s war plans against Russia.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

Joe Biden is considering taking an extreme measure that should send chills down the spines of any American who values liberty.

During an April 19 broadcast of the Fox Business Show The Bottom Line with Dagen and Duffy, co-host Sean Duffy revealed that the Biden White House told Fox Business that it is considering defying the Constitution and declaring a climate emergency. He then turned to his guest Marc Morano, a former Republican political aide who runs a climate change skeptic website called, and asked him what impact it would have.

Morano cited an NBC News report indicating that if Biden declared a climate emergency, he would have COVID-like emergency powers to enact his freedom-crushing climate agenda, the whole of which is based on fake science. This would include the ability to implement the socialist Green New Deal along with up to 130 measures without approval from Congress.



An Arizona grand jury has indicted 18 GOP delegates for casting their votes for Donald Trump in the wake of the 2020 election after the state’s Democrat, vote-rigging officials had certified the election for Joe Biden.

The Gateway Pundit reports that those indicted Wednesday include Trump White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, RNC attorney Christina Bobb, attorney John Eastman, and Trump campaign adviser Boris Epshteyn.

Trump was named Unindicted Co-conspirator 1 in the indictment because he made a phone call about the ballot counting to former governor Doug Ducey.

The charges include nine counts of conspiracy, fraudulent schemes and artifices, fraudulent schemes and practices, and forgery.

The indictment alleges:

“Defendants and unindicted coconspirators schemed to prevent the lawful transfer of the presidency to keep Unindicted Coconspirator 1 in office against the will of Arizona’s voters.”

The indictment further states, “Defendants deceived the citizens of Arizona by falsely claiming that those votes were contingent only on a legal challenge that would change the outcome of the election. In reality, Defendants intended that their false votes for Trump-Pence would encourage Pence to reject the Biden-Harris votes on January 6, 2021, regardless of the outcome of the legal challenge. When combined with the six other States where Republican electors sent in uncertified votes for Trump-Pence, Defendants wanted Pence to either declare Unindicted Coconspirator 1 the winner of the election, delay the proceeding and have individual state legislatures determine their electors, or have Congress resolve any claimed uncertainty about the validity of election results in Arizona and six other states in Unindicted Coconspirator 1’s favor.” 

The Gateway Pundit notes that this is perfectly legal conduct and there is a legal precedent for it in U.S. history.

The outlet cites a report from Politico which states:

“By December 1960, it was clear Kennedy had won. Only Hawaii’s result remained in doubt. Nixon had prevailed by just 140 votes, according to the initial results, which were certified by the governor. A recount was underway on Dec. 19, 1960, when presidential electors across the nation were required by law to meet and cast their ballots. Nixon’s Hawaii electors met and cast their three votes in an official ceremony. But nearby, Kennedy’s three elector nominees gathered and signed their own certificates, delivering them to Washington as though Kennedy had won the state.”

The Gateway Pundit noted that the timing of the indictments are no coincidence and, “Make no mistake, the charges are a warning shot to anyone who may want to challenge the 2024 election.”


Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has publicly wished death on Donald Trump and Vivek Ramaswamy.

The twice-failed presidential candidate spoke at an event Tuesday at the University of Chicago titled “Does the Truth Still Matter? In Conversation with Chris Christie.”

When asked about the overall field of GOP candidate in 2024, Christie responded in rather stark terms, even for him:


What a classy guy. Remember, this is the same guy who applied for a top job in Trump’s administration in 2016. He didn’t get it and he’s been bitter ever since.


The Washington Post reports that several of the biggest American solar manufacturing companies are demanding aggressive government action against cheap imports, arguing in a petition filed Wednesday with the Commerce Department that firms in four Asian countries are illegally flooding the U.S. market with Chinese-subsidized panels.

Though the panels are not produced in China, the petitioners allege many are made in factories linked to Chinese-based companies that benefit from massive price supports.

The complaint comes amid a glut of solar panels on the global market that has driven prices down by 50 percent over the past year, with the International Energy Agency projecting prices will fall even further. Manufacturers are currently making two solar panels for every one that is getting installed, according to the IEA. The oversupply is imperiling a boom in U.S. manufacturing driven by President Biden’s signature climate bill, the Inflation Reduction Act.

“We are seeking to enforce the rules, remedy the injury to our domestic solar industry and signal that the U.S. will not be a dumping ground for foreign solar products,” said Tim Brightbill, an attorney for the American Alliance for Solar Manufacturing Trade Committee, the group of U.S. firms that filed the petition. The group includes such industry giants as Ohio-based First Solar and Qcells, which has used Inflation Reduction Act subsidies to invest in huge new manufacturing facilities in Georgia.


An article in the British news outlet The Telegraph reports that German army chiefs are drawing up plans on how they would feed thousands of U.S. soldiers and refuel their tanks as they moved towards NATO’s eastern front, as part of a secret document outlining Germany’s war readiness.

In an interview with German newspaper FAZ, Bundeswehr Lt General André Bodemann said the army was putting together a new, long-term security plan with an emphasis on civil defense.

Most of the planning details are a state secret, but the senior officer did disclose that part of the plan involves logistics for feeding huge numbers of American soldiers, with the main input from civilians.

He told FAZ:

“If, for example, a US division moved towards the east, thousands of tanks, thousands of soldiers, then they would need to be fed and the tanks refuelled or possibly repaired. The Bundeswehr’s logistics would probably be tied up with our own soldiers on the front. That means we would need the maximum input from the civilian service.”

He further explained that:

“The convoy would get fuel from petrol stations or civilian vehicles, the Red Cross would provide medical care and food would come from a civilian caterer. This would be the classic case.”

His comments come as British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak visits Berlin, where he said European nations must follow Britain in ramping up defense spending to guarantee the US’s continued commitment to NATO.

General Bodemann’s statements are the latest sign of Germany trying to make itself war ready, in the face of a potential armed conflict with Russia within the next five years.


U.S. birth rates have fallen to the lowest level since 1979, failing to even reach replacement levels.

It’s getting so bad that even technocrats like Elon Musk are talking about it.

Musk explained in a recent interview posted to X:

“There are certainly some big risks that humanity faces. Population collapse is a really big deal, but I wish more people would think about…the birth rate is far below what’s needed to sustain civilization at its current level.”


I’m glad Musk sees the danger of humans failing to be fruitful and multiple. He’s an important thinker and has a large following. But he threw out some red flags there in that interview, talking about “existential risks that affect the future of consciousness?” Clearly, Musk is a believer in new age philosophies. He also confirms he’s a believer in climate hysteria and puts in a plug for creating a “multi-planet species.” Please pass him another slice of fruitcake.


While we’re on the subject of Elon Musk, he also made some interesting comments about America’s lack of social cohesion in recent years.

Musk commented on X in response to a Canadian professor who stated that the West is on a path toward civil war.

Musk said, “War will come whether we want it or not.”

Professor Gad Saad, a Canadian of Lebanese origin, said Western countries are committing “civilizational suicide,” adding that, “Many Western men who are currently asleep at the wheel will wake up, and realize they don’t like being pushed around in their homelands; they don’t like their women attacked; they don’t like their freedoms curtailed; they don’t like their faiths disrespected.”

Earlier, Musk said immigration issues in the U.S. are threatening the very existence of the American state. He labeled the U.S. migration policy as insane because over the past three years it allowed more than 7 million illegal aliens to enter the country.


Breitbart reports that Donald Trump could be the first Republican presidential candidate to win the state of New York since Ronald Reagan in 1980.

Trump stuck to campaign messaging Thursday before walking into his business records trial by announcing plans to hold historic rallies in the Bronx and at Madison Square Garden.

The last time the Bronx was the center of a Republican presidential campaign was in 1984 when Ronald Reagan won by a landslide.

Trump said about the state:

“I think we have a good chance of winning here and we’re gonna give it a big plan. We’re going to the South Bronx to do a rally. We’re going to be doing a rally at Madison Square Garden, we believe.”

The rallies will focus on honoring police, firemen, and teachers.

Trump said, “We’ll be honoring the people that make New York work. It’ll be very exciting, but we think we have a really good chance of winning.”


In other news, the prime minister of Hungary has declared that Western liberal hegemony has failed and must be destroyed, and it could end as soon as 2024 or 2025, said Viktor Orban on Thursday.

In a speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC Hungary) in Budapest, Orban criticized the existing “world order based on progressive liberal hegemony,” saying it has spawned figurehead politicians who are “not fit to be leaders.”

He accused liberal politicians of building “hegemonic ideological control to which everyone must submit” instead of actual governing, while turning “state bodies into tools of oppression.” 

Orban claimed such forces are a dangerous enemy whose time is coming to an end.

The Hungarian Prime Minister further elaborated:

“The progressive liberals sense the danger, the end of this era also means their end.”

Their dominance could be overcome as soon as this year, Orban predicted, citing the upcoming EU Parliament and US presidential elections. 

He said:

“The proponents of the old world are sitting in Brussels, and although it is not my business to interfere in American politics, I fear that they are also sitting in Washington. This is what we are doing this year. This year, we will try to drive them out… This year, God willing, we can end the inglorious era of the Western civilization. We can end the world order built on progressive liberal hegemony. The progressive liberal world spirit has failed. It gave the world war, chaos, unrest and destroyed economies.”

The emerging world order will be based on true sovereignty, with countries driven by their actual national interests rather than a global ideology, according to Orban.

Orban apparently has more faith in the integrity of elections than many of us here in America do.


The conservative news outlet The Gateway Pundit is filing for protection from creditors under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, the company’s founder said this week.

TGP Communications, the website’s parent company, is filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy as a result of what founder Jim Hoft called “the progressive liberal lawfare attacks against our media outlet.”

Wandrea Shaye Moss, a voter registration officer in Fulton County, Georgia, and her mother, Ruby Freeman, who both served as temporary workers for the 2020 elections, sued the website in 2021 for publishing alleged false claims about them.

The two Georgia elections workers argue in their lawsuit that The Gateway Pundit promoted former President Trump’s false claims about voter fraud, and as a result they supposedly devastated the two women’s reputations and sparked “threats that have forced them to change their phone numbers, delete their online accounts, and fear for their physical safety.”

Hoft said in his post about the bankruptcy:

“This is not an admission of fault or culpability. This is a common tool for reorganization and to consolidate litigation when attacks are coming from all sides. It allows TGP to consolidate this lawfare in one court for ultimate resolution.”


Yahoo Finance reports that car rental operator Hertz reported it lost another $200 million due to its disastrous gamble on electric vehicles.

In its first quarter earnings report, Hertz said it “upsized” its prior EV fleet drawdown plans by an additional 10,000 electric vehicles, which led to the company incurring a $195 million charge to vehicle depreciation for writing down the value of EVs held for sale.

The company previously said it would sell off 20,000 EVs from its fleet, meaning it will now dispose of 30,000 EVs in its fleet through the end of 2024. Add today’s charge to the $245 million write-down taken in the fourth quarter, and the company has now lost $440 million on its EV gambit.

Hertz’s EV fleet — which once stood at 60,000 EVs, will be cut down to half that at 30,000 EVs. A third of Hertz’s EV fleet was from Tesla, with the rest coming from Polestar, Volvo, and Chevrolet.


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

The World Economic Forum claims that 98 percent of the world’s central banks have agreed to implement the globalists’ long-held dream of a cashless society.

Most central banks are quasi-government institutions owned privately by elitist billionaire bankers.

And the WEF is not the first to reveal the plans of the globalist elite, which have been preparing for years to eliminate paper fiat currencies. But this latest report indicates the grand plan is now very close to being realized, perhaps just awaiting a triggering event – a Black Swan event – before making the switch to “digital cash.”

As first reported by Slay News, the latest revelation was made in a new white paper from the WEF which declares that nations around the world will soon be forced to adopt a central bank digital currency, or CBDC, in place of traditional money.

In the report, titled Modernizing Financial Markets With Wholesale Central Bank Digital Currency, the WEF asserts that a CBCD will replace all other forms of money to serve as a single global digital currency system.

When the petro dollar collapses, all paper currencies pegged to it will fall like dominoes.

This has been hinted at for many years, with perhaps the most clear indication coming from Dr. Pippa Malmgren in March 2022, when she addressed the World Governments Summit and stated:

“I’ll say this boldly, we’re about to abandon the traditional system of money and accounting and introduce a new one. And the new, the new accounting is what we call blockchain. It means digital. It means having an almost perfect record of every single transaction that happens in the economy, which will give us far greater clarity over what’s going on.”

The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) has been deeply involved in this effort for the past several years.

According to the WEF, central banks are preparing to deploy different forms of CBDCs specifically designed to be used by different institutions for different reasons. There will be wholesale CBDCs for banks, governments and transnational corporations and retail CBDCs for the general public.

All physical assets, including real estate, stocks and cash, will be tokenized.

And all privacy will be eliminated.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching and supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time…


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