The Biden Regime Drained America's Oil Reserves

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  • Could the Biden regime re-institute the military draft? Why is a recently retired former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff promoting the idea? We’ll show you why.
  • The U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserves have been drawn down to dangerous levels, putting U.S. national security at risk. And there are no plans to do anything about it.
  • 27% of jobs will be eliminated by the rise of artificial intelligence, a new study shows.
  • Russia claims to have destroyed over 15 percent of the Western tanks sent to Ukraine over the last month.
  • Mike Pence was quizzed by Tucker Carlson as to whether he was concerned about the decline across American cities. The former vice president had a shocking response.
  • And a Muslim man in North Dakota attacks a group of police officers during a traffic accident, killing one of them and seriously injuring two others before being put down. What is going on in America’s heartland?

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


ABC 7 News reported in April of this year, just a few months ago, that lawmakers in Washington are “sounding alarm bells about the worst recruiting crisis in U.S. history,” and they were holding hearings on the matter on Capitol Hill.

Senator Roger Wicker, Republican of Mississippi, is a ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Wicker says that without sufficient numbers of high-quality recruits, the modern American military cannot maintain its high readiness standards critical to our national security.

Our national security is also potentially threatened by Russia’s war in Ukraine and an emboldened China, who appears to be mulling possibly invading Taiwan.

At a March 29 House Armed Services Committee hearing, Rep. Rob Wittman, a Republican who represents Virginia, pointed to military maps he used as visual aids.

Wittman said, “This is where the CCP will be in 2025 just down the road, and they have said if reunification doesn’t happen, they will take military action.”

That reality has already factored in to President Joe Biden asking for a major increase to the Pentagon’s budget, despite no longer being engaged in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

It’s also brought back new calls to resurrect an old debate over having a military draft in the United States.

In a March 20 interview with NPR News, Admiral Mike Mullen (Ret.), the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, talked about lessons learned 20 years after the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, suggesting more discussion about the consequences of war.

Mullen told NPR, “That debate about a draft needs to take place at the dinner table of every family that's got a young son or daughter that's 18 or 19 years old that could get drafted to go fight the war. That's what's got to be fed up to our Congressional leadership and voted on in terms of a decision to go or not.”

The last time there was draft, a war was being fought in Vietnam.


While it took the Biden administration the better part of six months to drain U.S. oil reserves down to a precarious 20-days of emergency supply, a 40-year low, it would take decades to refill – if that happens at all, Bloomberg reports.

At the West Hackberry oil facility on the U.S. Gulf Coast, buried deep beneath the surface, are storage caverns so massive they’re tall enough to house the Empire State Building with plenty of room to spare.

Thanks to the Biden administration, these reserve sites are sitting half empty.

The Strategic Petroleum Reserve, or SPR, now sits at 346.8 million barrels – a level unseen since 1983 – out of a total authorized storage capacity of 714 million.

But the situation is even worse than it was in 1983, because America has more people and uses a lot more petroleum now than we did 40 years ago.

That’s why the emergency reserves are equal to just 20 days-worth of supply – an all-time record low.

Experts say replenishing the supply will be an arduous and lengthy process. A lack of funding and aging infrastructure will hinder the process, despite the Energy Department's vow to keep buying.

John Shages, who previously oversaw the oil cache for the Energy Department, told Bloomberg:

“It would be a very slow process even if you had the money and the facilities were all in good shape. It could take decades.”

The depleted SPR also means that the U.S. could be vulnerable to oil price shocks, which is almost a given should a major war break out between the U.S. and Russia or China, or both. Americans would be left to the mercy of the Saudis, Russia and the rest of the OPEC+ cartel.


In other words, if such a major war breaks out, you and I would be quickly reduced to walking or riding a bike because there would be little to no fuel available for civilian use after the military takes its portion.


The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, or OECD, is forecasting that 27% of jobs in nations with wealthy and emerging economies will be eliminated by the rise of artificial intelligence.

study by OECD found that 27% of jobs are “in occupations at high-risk of automation.”

The study’s authors state:

“While firms’ adoption of AI is still relatively low, rapid progress including with generative AI (e.g. ChatGPT), falling costs and the increasing availability of workers with AI skills suggest that OECD countries may be on the brink of an AI revolution. It is vital to gather new and better data on AI uptake and use in the workplace, including which jobs will change, be created or disappear, and how skills needs are shifting.”

OECD’s study showed that people with jobs in finance, law, and medical careers are especially vulnerable to artificial intelligence automation.

According to The Guardian, OECD’s study indicated that the potential for artificial intelligence substitution in the workplace is substantial, causing people to have anxiety about decreased wages and job loss.  

OECD believes economies across the 38-member organization could be seriously impacted in the coming years by AI programs such as ChatGPT.

The company said the AI revolution “could fundamentally change the workplace.”

OECD Secretary-General Mathias Cormann recently described the advancement of artificial intelligence as a “technological watershed,” while encouraging lawmakers to develop policies regulating artificial intelligence and “appropriately managing the downside risks.”

Cormann stated:

“How AI will ultimately impact workers in the workplace and whether the benefits will outweigh the risks will depend on the policy actions we take. Governments must help workers to prepare for the changes and benefit from the opportunities AI will bring about.”


The National Pulse reports that Russia’s President Vladimir Putin claims over 100 Western tanks have been destroyed since early July as Ukraine’s ongoing counter-offensive struggles to make headway, with the embattled Russian leader claiming “All attempts by the enemy to break through our defenses – and this is their objective, which includes the use of strategic reserves – they have not been successful for the entire time of the offensive.”

Referring specifically to Ukrainian forces and their new Western tanks, Putin said 311 enemy tanks had been destroyed since July 4th, and that “at least a third of them were made in the West, including Leopards.”

He went so far as to claim the Ukrainians often refuse to man Western tanks, as they are “priority targets” for Russian forces – “and they burn just as well as all the others, in fact better than the Soviet T-72 tanks, for instance.”

While his claims are impossible to verify, pro-Ukrainian observers estimated as long ago as early June that around 15 percent of the American-made Bradley fighting vehicles and half the Leopard 2R tanks supplied to Ukraine had already been lost.

A total of 31 American-made M-1 Abrams tanks promised to Ukraine by Joe Biden in January are yet to materialize.


Former Vice President Mike Pence was quizzed by Tucker Carlson on Friday as to whether or not he was concerned about the decline across American cities, including skyrocketing suicide rates and major economic decline. In response, he began, “That’s not my concern,” before going on to state he was running for President of the United States because he believes in addressing both domestic issues but also in continuing a costly proxy war against Russia, via Ukraine.

Pence, 64, was speaking at The Blaze’s “Summit” hosted by the former Fox News anchor, who pressed him on the wisdom of spending billions in Eastern Europe while “every city in America has become much worse.”

Tucker concluded, “Where’s the concern for the United States?” before Pence shot back, “That’s not my concern.”



Yahoo News reports that Elise Finch, an Emmy-winning meteorologist with WCBS in New York for 16 years, has died suddenly and unexpectedly, the TV station announced Sunday. She was 51.

Finch died at a local hospital; the cause of her death has not been determined, according to WCBS’s statement.

Colleagues remembered Finch, who last appeared on WCBS’s newscast on Friday, July 14, as a beloved coworker and friend. “Elise was fiercely loyal to those she loved, a straight shooter, a consummate professional, and made me laugh until I cried,” Jessica Moore, weekend evening anchor on WCBS, posted on Twitter. “But above all she was completely devoted to her family, especially her daughter Grace. I love you so much, my friend. Heaven now has an angel like no other.”

WCBS anchor Chris Wragge tweeted, “My heart is broken. Our team will never be the same. No one matched musical wits better. I’ll miss you much.”

Finch joined the CBS New York weather team in April 2007. Previously she was at NBC where she served as a meteorologist for the “Early Today Show,” MSNBC and NBC Weather Plus. Prior to NBC, Finch was the weekend weather anchor at the CBS affiliate in Phoenix, Ariz., and before that, she was an anchor and reporter at the CBS and Fox affiliates in Youngstown, Ohio, and the ABC affiliate in Austin, Minn.


The Brazilian Central Bank recently announced plans to launch a central bank digital currency, or CBDC, and the Brazilian CBDC is reportedly designed with a feature enabling the government to freeze user funds and adjust balances.

The revelation emerged after Pedro Magalhaes, a prominent blockchain developer and founder of Iora Labs, managed to decode the underlying technical details of the CBDC.

Magalhaes analyzed the Application Programming Interface (API), available on the monetary authority’s Github account. His finding spotlighted a potential, controversial control lever for the Brazilian government, yet there has been an ominous silence from officials in response to his discovery.

Vini Barbosa, a cryptocurrency expert and Brazilian journalist, corroborated the revelation on social media. As a reporter for the crypto-focused news outlet, Portal Do Bitcoin, he validated Magalhaes’ assessment, stating that he had directly engaged with the Brazilian authorities.

In a Twitter post, Barbosa stated that the power to “freeze or arrest amounts” within the system aligns with existing Brazilian legislation as per the Central Bank’s response.

Initially, Magalhaes, who exposed the issue on LinkedIn for educational purposes, speculated that the freeze feature would be confined to DeFi or CeFi operations, wherein a balance freeze might be warranted to execute a smart contract operation. However, he was informed that the central bank held discretionary power to invoke this feature whenever it deemed necessary for any reason.

This has triggered apprehensions among Brazilians, who are wary of their country’s tumultuous financial past. Their fears are not baseless, as the Brazilian president once imposed a freeze on all citizen finances, lasting a stunning 18 months in the 1990s.

Magalhaes advocates for increased transparency and public awareness to counteract the central bank’s sole authority over the CBDC.


Over the weekend, a horrific event unfolded in Fargo, North Dakota, when a man named Mohamad Barakat reportedly ambushed a group of police officers while they were working a traffic accident, killing one and critically wounding two others.


The scene on Friday was indeed chaotic and terrifying as police rushed to respond.

The two officers who were injured are currently fighting for their lives, and two innocent civilians were also hurt in the ambush by alleged suspect Mohamad Barakat.


Police claim they have no motive for why Mohamad Barakat ambushed the police officers. North Dakota has received thousands of refugees from Muslim countries over the last 25 years, most of them placed directly into meatpacking plants and other sweat-shops to meet the low-wage labor needs of big corporations. No one is reporting on the suspect’s immigration status or how he ended up in this country.

The Georgia suspect was shot and killed during an intense manhunt Saturday. So both of these suspects, the Muslim in North Dakota, and the man in Georgia, were sent home to meet their maker over the weekend.


Traditional TV is dying. Ad revenue is soft. Streaming isn’t profitable. And Hollywood is practically shut down as the actors and writers unions settle in for what is shaping up to be a long and bitter work stoppage, according to a report by CNBC.

All of this turmoil will be on investors’ minds as the media industry kicks off its earnings season this week.

Netflix, with a new advertising model and a new plan to crack down on password sharing, looks the best positioned compared with legacy media giants. Last week, for instance, Disney CEO Bob Iger extended his contract through 2026, telling the market he needed more time to address the challenges before him, according to CNBC. At the top of the list is contending with Disney’s TV networks, as that part of the business appears to be in a worse state than Iger had imagined.

Analyst Michael Nathanson of SVB Moffett-Nathanson told CNBC’s David Faber:

“I think Bob Iger’s comments were a warning about the quarter. I think they are very worrying for the sector.”

This is a sector eaten up with wokeism and a hatred for solid American values. When they’re presented with a chance to back a project that would appeal to conservative Americans, they take a pass. They deserve all of the financial ramifications of their decisions.


Red Rose protesters are those who enter abortion businesses and hand out red roses to those there, in the hope the women will reconsider their decision to destroy their unborn child.

Pro-abortion activists, often in public office, have responded many times by putting them in jail.

The Daily Caller News Foundation reported recently on a lawsuit filed by Attorney General Letitia James of New York against members of Red Rose Rescue to create a “buffer zone” around those businesses to protect pro-abortion interests.

James described Red Rose members as “terrorists.”

She claimed, “We are also seeking civil penalties and damages because here in New York, access to abortion is legal, and it will stay legal and it’s my duty, my honor and my responsibility to keep individuals safe from terrorists. And that’s what they are.”

Now James herself has been sued for falsely labeling the protesters “terrorists.”

The American Freedom Law Center has announced a federal civil rights action in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of New York over James’ “unlawfully targeting and defaming peaceful pro-lifers in violation of the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution and New York law.”

Plaintiffs are Michigan residents Monica Miller and Suzanne Abdalla, both of Red Rose Rescue.

“James falsely labelled those who associate with Red Rose Rescue as ‘terrorists’ and falsely claimed that Red Rose Rescue is a ‘terrorist group,’” the AFLC said.

David Yerushalmi, senior counsel for the legal team, said James, “like many left-wing progressives in positions of power, has weaponized her office to target private citizens who oppose abortion on religious grounds.”


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

If Senate Republicans are truly the pro-life champions they claim to be, they have no choice but to back Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville as he fends off the Biden administration’s abortion extremism.

So far, as The Federalist notes, they are failing at their task.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Minority Whip John Thune have gone after Tuberville for his recent comments and decision to stonewall certain high-profile promotions until the Biden regime stops subsidizing service members’ abortions with taxpayer dollars.

Their RINO allies, Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and a few other unnamed senators, joined the leftist-globalist propaganda war against Tuberville.

Murkowski told the Washington Examiner:

“I’m concerned. I think that they are allowing for an exposure of vulnerability from a national security perspective and wish he would figure out another way to make his point.”

The only other way to “make his point” would be if GOP leadership in the Senate find a way to bypass the Democrat majority to pass the National Defense Authorization Act with a ban on the taxpayer-funded abortion Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has pledged to continue offering to service members and their families.

Passing the NDAA with an abortion prohibition is not an impossible feat considering President Joe Biden, Democrats, and Republicans all seem keen on keeping our struggling military funded. But it is no easy task because it requires convincing establishment Republicans, who openly despise their voting constituents, to comply with their constituents’ wishes. These fraudulent politicians are much more comfortable lying to their constituents about how pro-life they are while never actually doing anything to move the needle toward a comprehensive pro-life nation. This would require them to stop not only funding abortions in the military, but to also stop funding the war in Ukraine that is chewing up bodies like hamburger, and stop funding toxic vaccines that are killing and disabling young Americans here on the homefront.

Until this happens and your member of Congress is on board with the status quo, don’t let them tell you they’re pro-life.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for tuning in and for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time, I’m Brannon Howse. Take care.

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