The Biden Regime Gets A Setback in Their Effort To Regulate Pistol Braces

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  • Planned Parenthood gets a favorable court ruling allowing it to traffic in aborted babies.
  • The mayor of Boston bans the use of fossil fuels in new and renovated city buildings.
  • A federal appeals court deals a significant setback to the Biden administration’s attempt to regulate pistol braces.
  • And George Soros is investing $750,000 to destabilize the political makeup of the state of Texas.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

Former Trump policy advisor Stephen Miller joined Eric Bolling on Newsmax Wednesday night to weigh in on his former boss’s latest indictment.

The day before, on Tuesday, Trump was indicted again by the Biden DOJ. This took place the DAY AFTER Hunter Biden’s best friend and business associate Devon Archer testified that Joe Biden was included on 20 calls when his son was sitting with foreign officials arranging influence-peddling deals for the family.

And what happened next? Trump was indicted by Special Counsel Jack Smith.

For those paying attention, this is not the first time this has happened. There have been at least six times now where new evidence was released implicating the Biden Crime Family and then the focus of the media turns, on a dime, to President Trump and his latest legal troubles.

Stephen Miller broke down exactly what is happening here in America under the Biden regime.

WATCH VIDEO (clip first 1:57)

The gravity of what’s going on might be missed by some but not by Miller. He called it right. This is essentially a government ministry of truth being established right under our noses.


A federal appeals court has dealt a significant setback to the Biden administration’s attempt to regulate pistol braces, expressing considerable doubts about the constitutional validity of the rule.

Joe Biden’s arbitrary “rule” required gun owners to register pistol braces, which are accessories attached to the rear of a gun to make it easier to aim and fire with one hand.

The administration’s attempt to bring the firearm accessory under stricter regulation has met with stiff resistance from gun-rights groups. The Firearms Policy Coalition spearheaded a legal challenge against the proposed rule.

Gun owners nationwide believe the Biden administration’s rule infringes on their Second Amendment rights.

Some guns equipped with pistol braces became classified as short-barrel rifles as it changes the gun’s size and weight.

Short-barrel rifles require a special federal registration, have longer waiting periods for purchase, and purchasers get charged an additional federal tax of $200.

A panel of 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals judges ruled 2-1 that the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives finalized the rule without providing the public a meaningful chance to comment on it.

Judges explained that it violated provisions of the federal Administrative Procedure Act, according to a report from Reuters.

U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor in Fort Worth, Texas, will decide whether to issue an injunction preventing enforcement of the Biden brace rule during trial after the appellate judges remanded the case to his court.

Firearms Policy Coalition attorney Cody Wisniewski called the ruling “a huge win for peaceable gun owners across the nation.”


Life News reports that a federal judge blocked Idaho authorities Tuesday from prosecuting Planned Parenthood for helping women and girls travel out of state to kill their unborn babies in elective abortions.

Immediately afterward, pro-life leaders warned that U.S. District Judge Lynn Winmill’s ruling will put women’s and children’s lives at risk.

Plaintiffs in the suit, filed by Planned Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties Union, claimed the Idaho abortion ban violates their free-speech rights based on a letter from Attorney General Raúl Labrador in March, The Daily News reports.

After reading Labrador’s interpretation of the law in the letter, the abortion chain said its staff stopped referring women and girls out of state for abortions because they feared prosecution.

Labrador responded that he wrote the private letter to Republican state Rep. Brent Crane in March and later withdrew it, according to the report. His office said the correspondence was meant to be private legal advice only.

On Monday, however, Judge Winmill agreed with the abortion group’s request and blocked authorities from prosecuting individuals for abortion referrals. Then on Tuesday, the judge denied Labrador’s appeal, the report continues.

Beth Cahill, a spokeswoman for the attorney general’s office, said:

“In his 28-year career you’d be hard pressed to find a time when Judge Winmill has ruled against Planned Parenthood, so his decision is not surprising. Judge Winmill wants to restrain a power we don’t possess. We strongly disagree with his order.”

After the ruling, ACLU of Idaho attorney Colleen Smith said Planned Parenthood facilities will begin offering abortion referrals again. Idaho law protects unborn babies by banning elective abortions, but most of its neighboring states allow abortion on demand.

Stanton Healthcare, a pro-life organization, expressed concern that the ruling will open the doors to “abortion trafficking” practices in Idaho that benefit the abortion industry but harm women and girls.

Brandi Swindell, CEO of Stanton Healthcare, said in a statement to LifeNews:

“Outside groups and individuals will now be targeting Idaho’s pregnant women for profit and personal gain by promoting and selling the abortion pill. Out-of-state and overseas ‘drug cartel-type’ groups who are promoting mail-order abortions should never be tolerated.”


Boston Mayor Michelle Wu announced that she has banned “fossil fuels” in new city-owned buildings after teaming up with the city's director of the Green New Deal.

The executive order was announced in a press release and will eliminate “the Use of Fossil Fuels in New Construction and Major Renovations of City Buildings.”

The goal is “accelerating climate action by requiring that all new municipal buildings and major renovations operate without fossil fuels.”

The press release also claimed the move would reduce “emissions from Boston’s building sector while creating high-quality jobs, improving public health and quality of life, and advancing racial and economic justice.”

All new buildings in the city must be planned, designed, and constructed using non-combustion for cooking (stoves/ovens), HVAC, and hot water apparatuses.

The mayor claimed that recent weather means there isn't much time to make quick political changes.

Wu said:

“Week after week, we see the signs of extreme heat, storms, and flooding that remind us of a closing window to take climate action. The benefits of embracing fossil fuel-free infrastructure in our city hold no boundary across industries and communities, and Boston will continue using every possible tool to build the green, clean, healthy, and prosperous future our city deserves.”

The announcement featured the work by Oliver Sellers-Garcia, who is the city's first “Green New Deal director,” a role the city created to make sure it was aligning with a radical climate agenda promoted by the United Nations and World Economic Forum.

Sellers-Garcia’s role is to work “across the city to advance climate action through strategies that address social, racial, and economic inequality.”

Sellers-Garcia said:

“As part of the Green New Deal for Boston, we are taking an all-of-government approach, finding ways for our Cabinets and departments to play a role in climate action.”

Sellers-Garcia’s government page lists his preferred pronouns as “he/him/his.”


The Western Journal reports that financial documents reveal that George Soros, known for shadowy dealings and funding progressive causes and candidates, has donated more than $750,000 in recent months to destabilize the political makeup of Texas.

Fox News reported Soros recently established a political action committee in Texas to accomplish his objectives.


Identified as the Texas Majority PAC, the organization received three-quarters of a million dollars from the Soros-backed Democracy PAC II in 2023.

The Texas Majority PAC seeks to strengthen left-wing influence and facilitate the election of more Democrats in Texas, which is traditionally a Republican stronghold.

Operating in the shadows, the PAC’s online presence is nominal. Fox reported, “Its website doesn’t appear in search engines like Google but can be found at”

Online job postings alerted conservatives to the organization. Postings on the progressive job site Gain Power reveal the PAC is seeking to fill at least three positions in Texas.


Wikipedia founder Larry Sanger told Independent Journalist Glenn Greenwald that the CIA and FBI used Wikipedia for “information warfare.”

The stunning admission came Monday during Greenwald’s podcast, System Update.

Greenwald ripped Wikipedia for its recent entry “Biden-Ukraine conspiracy theory,” saying “there is a mountain of evidence showing that Hunter Biden was paid $80,000 a month by Burisma executives.”

He said Burisma executives were “getting a lot in value in the way of access to Joe Biden, the most important U.S. official on Ukraine. And yet, according to the Wikipedia article, this evidence doesn’t exist, it’s just a complete conspiracy theory. Remember, this is supposed to be an ideology-free, neutral encyclopedia.”

Greenwald further stated that:

“The very first sentence reads ‘The Biden–Ukraine conspiracy theory is a series of false allegations that Joe Biden, while he was vice president of the United States, engaged in corrupt activities relating to his son, Hunter Biden, who was on the board of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma.”

The Wikipedia entry is still up. It further reads:

“As part of efforts by Donald Trump and his campaign in the Trump–Ukraine scandal, which led to Trump’s first impeachment, these falsehoods were spread in an attempt to damage Joe Biden’s reputation and chances during the 2020 presidential campaign.”

So, Greenwald noted, according to Wikipedia, the “Biden–Ukraine relationship is a ‘conspiracy theory’ but the Trump controversy involving Ukraine is ‘the Trump–Ukraine scandal.’”

Greenwald observed, “Everything is written to comport with the liberal world view and the Democratic Party talking points. If you gave the keys to Wikipedia to the DNC, this is exactly how they would write it.”


In another sign that the official fake-news narrative is again starting to shift, mainstream media outlets such as NBC are beginning to acknowledge there have been an abnormal number of heart-attack deaths and vascular-related ailments in young people since the Covid-19 vaccines were administered in late-2020.

This reality, which has been widely reported by the Worldview Report and others in the alternative news media, is just now finally starting to gain traction in the corporate media, two years into the game.

Part of the sudden interest has been driven by Bronny James, a college basketball player and son of the famous NBA legend Lebron James, who suddenly collapsed last week and went into cardiac arrest on the court. While lesser-known athletes have been collapsing for two years, the fall of the fully vaccinated James ignited the conversation online about whether the vaccines had anything to do with this.

Cedars Sinai in Los Angeles conducted a study released in September 2022 that found a jump in deadly heart attacks in every age group. Those between the ages of 25 and 44 have experienced a 30 percent increase in the first two years after the outbreak, according to NBC News.

Dr. Susan Cheng, a cardiologist at Cedars Sinai and co-author of the study, told NBC Today:

“Young people are obviously not really supposed to die of a heart attack. They’re not really supposed to have heart attacks at all.”

In recent weeks scientists and leading publications began to float warnings of what they call “Long Vax,” people suffering from the effects of vaccination long since after getting inoculated. At the same time recent headlines have reported that emergency rooms are piling up once again with people having “heart-related illnesses” due to the summer heat, or Australian media blaming the rise of “sudden cardiac arrest” on the seasonal flu.

So even as they acknowledge that it’s not normal to see so many people suddenly going into cardiac arrest, they continue to blame the ominous trend on anything but the experimental vaccines.



The Gateway Pundit reports that Zachary Rehl, a J6 political prisoner and former Proud Boys leader who was found guilty of seditious conspiracy, vows to fight for his innocence until he is “fully exonerated and so no one has to live in fear of persecution for exercising their 1st Amendment rights again.”

The 37-year-old Marine Corps veteran was apprehended by the Federal Bureau of Investigations on April 17, 2021, for “his role in the Capitol riot.” His wife was six months pregnant when the bureau’s stormtroopers terrorized their home in a pre-dawn raid — the shock and trauma that nearly resulted in the loss of their unborn baby.

On January 6, Rehl committed no violent crimes.

Rehl and his co-defendants, two-time purple heart recipient Staff Sgt. Joseph Biggs and Washington Proud Boys leader Ethan Nordean merely walked into the Capitol building for approximately 20 minutes after choking on clouds of tear gas and dodging the rubber bullets and flash grenades police indiscriminately fired at the crowd of unarmed protesters.

Enrique Tarrio, the former national chairman of the Proud Boys and another of Rehl’s co-defendants found guilty of seditious conspiracy, ie. thoughtcrime, is the only J6 political prisoner who wasn’t even in Washington, DC on January 6 during the Capitol riot.

Trespassing on federal property is typically considered a misdemeanor offense punishable by six months in prison in addition to a fine up to $1000, under D.C. Code §22-3571.01. But the rule of law is now being arbitrarily administered by the Biden Justice Department; misdemeanor trespassing has suddenly become a felony and “seditious conspiracy,” a law enacted after the Civil War to arrest slave-holding Confederate Democrats who attempted to keep fighting the U.S. government.

Scores of demonstrators who walked into the building on January 6 are charged with 1512, obstruction of an official proceeding, punishable by a 20-year prison sentence. Many unwittingly broke the law while being waved into the building by police officers. Radical feminists, Antifa and Black Lives Matter activists previously protested and picketed inside the U.S. Capitol building and in state Capitols in the preceding months and years without criminal repercussion.

Rehl has been incarcerated for two and half years, most of which has been in isolation in a six by eight-foot cell at the Alexandria Detention Center.

For his leadership in the Proud Boys, a conservative group demonized as “racist” by the corporate media, and his military service, Rehl faces more severe retribution by the DOJ.

According to the pre-sentence report he was issued last week, his conviction could result in a 10 to 14 prison sentence.

Rehl and Biggs, a former InfoWars reporter who was injured in combat while serving two tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, were also stripped of their military benefits after being found guilty of seditious conspiracy charges. Rehl’s wife, who is raising their now-2-year-old daughter alone, is struggling to find a job as her husband is deemed a “domestic terrorist.” Rehl was injured during his military service and his wife relied on his disability benefits to support their family.

Donald Trump’s indictment and looming arrest “is going to open a lot of eyes” to the torturous and unconstitutional abuses the Justice Department is leveling against J6 political prisoners, Rehl told The Gateway Pundit in an exclusive interview, adding:

“A lot of things that are going happen to him throughout the court process — the accusations that they are going to make against him — are things that have happened to us the entire time and have been brushed under the carpet. Most Americans didn’t know or still don’t know at all what happened to us because these cases are not televised. These trials have no transparency, especially ours. Ours was blacked out.”


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

Trump attorney John Lauro sees at least one silver lining in the Department of Justice’s latest indictment of his client: Trump will get to litigate why he believes the 2020 presidential election was fraudulent.

In 2020, Trump’s campaign had a few weeks to gear up and present evidence, and it was very difficult, Lauro told Fox News host Bret Baier Tuesday night after special counsel Jack Smith announced the 45th president was being indicted in relation to his questioning of the integrity of the 2020 election.

Lauro stated:

“We now have the ability in this case to issue our own subpoenas, and we will re-litigate every single issue in the 2020 election in the context of this litigation. It gives President Trump an opportunity that he has never had before, which is to have subpoena power since January 6 in a way that can be exercised in federal court.”


Notice how Bret Baier of Fox News dutifully takes a side in the controversy, advocating for the Mike Pence view of what happened, which of course is completely bogus and part of the fake-news narrative. He can’t even remain neutral; he must weigh in with his opinion. This is why Fox News’ ratings are in the tank. They’ve been exposed as purveyors of fake news playing the role of controlled opposition.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for tuning in, and for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time, I’m Brannon Howse.

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