Biden Is Still Blaming Trump For His Own Administration's Failures

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  • Donald Trump gets hit with a third indictment, and this one could put him behind bars for life, or possibly even end his life by lethal injection or a firing squad.
  • Rudy Giuliani and Mike Pence weigh in on the Trump charges, each coming to very different conclusions.
  • One of the leading credit rating agencies downgrades U.S. government debt, a move that could lead to higher interest rates and pain for U.S. consumers, while the Biden administration blames it on, you guessed it, Donald Trump.
  • Michigan’s radical leftist Attorney General Dana Nessel has charged her former Republican foe, Matt DePerno, for daring to look at a Dominion voting machine following the 2020 presidential election. This is now against the law in communist-controlled Michigan.
  • Brazil’s socialist president comes for the guns.
  • And U.S. banks are freezing accounts and withdrawals in the latest scandal involving both checking and savings accounts.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

Starting us off tonight, Breitbart reports that Special Counsel Jack Smith’s indictment Tuesday against former President Donald Trump for his role in verbally challenging the results of the 2020 presidential election includes several weighty felonies, including one for which death may be a penalty.

18 U.S.C § 241, “Conspiracy Against Rights,” includes a penalty of up to 10 years in federal prison. But it adds that if death results from the actions covered under this provision, the offender may be executed:

If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same; or

If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured—

They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.

One person — Ashli Babbitt, a rioter shot by a law enforcement officer — died as a result of the Capitol riot on January 6, which Smith said Tuesday was the result of Trump’s claims about the election. But Democrats have blamed Trump for the unrelated deaths of several protesters and Capitol Police officers.

Democrats — and some of Trump’s Republican opponents — have also tried to blame him for apparent efforts by some of the rioters to kidnap then-Vice President Mike Pence and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). Smith could try to argue the same.

The other alleged crimes in the January 6 indictment against Trump include lengthy prison terms as penalties as well:

  • Conspiracy to Defraud the United States.
  • Conspiracy to Obstruct an Official Proceeding.
  • Obstruction of and Attempt to Obstruct an Official Proceeding.

If Trump is convicted of all four charges, and receives the maximum non-lethal penalty, he could be imprisoned for 55 years, if the sentences are set to run consecutively. That, in addition to the possible 460 years in prison in the “documents” case that Smith is prosecuting in federal court in Miami, brings Trump’s maximum federal prison term to 515 years, over half a millennium.


Rudi Giuliani was interviewed by Newsmax and had some interesting comments. Bottom line: Giuliani said Donald Trump is essentially being indicted for exercising his right of free speech. He believed the 2020 election was stolen and he voiced those concerns. He’s not the first one to claim he was the victim of election fraud. Al Gore, Hilary Clinton and Stacey Abrams all made similar statements openly and on the record. Apparently, such opinions must now be kept to one’s self. At least if you’re of a certain political persuasion.

WATCH VIDEO (clip first 2:32 after he says “American citizen)

There seems to be two types of American citizens right now. We’ve been divided up by our own government into two groups. One has rights to free speech and equal protection under the law, etc. The other has nothing. The other is the equivalent of the Soviet refusniks under Stalin. Welcome to the new America.


Meanwhile, the deep-state globalist media-mouthpiece Politico reports that former Vice President Mike Pence wasted no time condemning former President Donald Trump, just hours after his former running mate and current GOP primary opponent was indicted on bogus charges related to the 2020 presidential election.

Pence said in a prepared statement:

“Today’s indictment serves as an important reminder: anyone who puts himself over the Constitution should never be President of the United States.”

In fact, Pence seems to have played a major role in the indictment.

According to Politico, the indictment unveiled by the Justice Department details the ways in which Trump allegedly leaned on his former vice president in the days leading up to the January 6 capitol riot.

According to the indictment, Trump told Pence that “you’re too honest” when his vice president balked at the idea that he could block Biden’s win. Pence, who was called to testify in front of the grand jury that delivered the indictment, mentioned the episode in his book “So Help Me God.”

The indictment also alleges that Trump pressed Pence on the scheme to overturn the election when Pence called him on December 25, 2020, to wish him a “Merry Christmas.” Pence responded by telling Trump, “I don’t think I have the authority to change the outcome,” according to the indictment.

In his statement, Pence came out hard against Trump, saying that although the former president is “entitled to the presumption of innocence,” our country “is more important than one man,” adding that, “Our Constitution is more important than any one man’s career.”

Pence has been and always will be a back-stabbing, double-crossing snake, appealing to the “Constitution” when it serves his interests while otherwise ignoring and disrespecting it. People see through him. And because of that, he has no real following within the Republican Party. He will continue to compete with Nicki Haley for the approval of the globalist elites in the country-club wing of the GOP. But this level of groveling is unbecoming, even for a globalist waterboy like Pence.


Fitch Ratings downgraded the U.S. government’s credit rating weeks after Joe Biden and congressional Republicans came to the brink of a historic default, warning about the growing debt burden and political dysfunction in Washington.

Biden blamed the downgrading on Donald Trump.

Yes, you heard that right.

Zero Hedge reports that the new regime talking points are out - namely that Fitch downgraded the U.S. credit rating from AAA to AA+ on Tuesday because of MAGA Republicans and all things Trump.

But while Fitch cited “the expected fiscal deterioration over the next three years, a high and growing general government debt burden, and the erosion of governance relative to 'AA' and 'AAA' rated peers” as reasons for the downgrade, the Biden administration is of course blaming Donald Trump and his supporters due to one portion of Fitch's explanation: “a steady deterioration in standards of governance over the last 20 years,” and that “repeated debt-limit political standoffs and last-minute resolutions have eroded confidence in fiscal management.”

Then on Wednesday, Fitch's Richard Francis told Reuters that the downgrade was “due to fiscal concerns and a deterioration in U.S governance as well as polarization which was reflected in part by the January 6 insurrection.”

“It was something that we highlighted because it just is a reflection of the deterioration in governance, it's one of many,” he said, adding “You have the debt ceiling, you have Jan. 6. Clearly, if you look at polarization with both parties ... the Democrats have gone further left and Republicans further right, so the middle is kind of falling apart basically.”

And so, of course, the Biden administration is blaming Trump, starting with Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. She said the downgrade was based on “outdated data.”


As Zero Hedge points out, she’s right. The interest on the debt is now $1 trillion instead of $500 billion.


Far-left Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel on Tuesday charged her former Republican foe Attorney Matthew DePerno for daring to look at a Dominion voting machine following the 2020 presidential election.

This is now against the law in Democrat-run Michigan.

Nessel previously appointed a special counsel to investigate her Republican opponent DePerno just weeks before the general election.

Nessel has made threats against Matthew DePerno since last year before the midterm elections.

MLive reported:

Former Republican attorney general candidate Matt DePerno and ex-state Rep. Daire Rendon are facing criminal charges for their alleged role in a scheme to access voting machines following the 2020 presidential elections, according to case details provided by the Oakland County Circuit.

DePerno – spelled erroneously online as “Matthew DeParno” – is facing four charges: two counts of undue possession of a voting machine, one count of conspiracy for undue possession of a voting machine and conspiracy for unauthorized access.

Rendon is also facing two charges: Conspiracy for undue possession of a voting machine and false pretenses.

Both were arraigned via Zoom on Tuesday and released on $5,000 personal bonds, each standing mute to the charges according to staff for Chief Judge Jeffery Matis.

As of time of publication, DePerno and Rendon are the only ones officially charged for their role in allegedly seizing and tampering with a tabulator machine in the wake of the 2020 presidential election.

Neither DePerno, Rendon or the attorneys listed as representing them responded to requests for comment Tuesday.

Others who could face indictments, however, include Stefanie Lambert Junttila, an attorney who has repeatedly pushed to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in Michigan and Barry County Sheriff Dar Leaf.

Dana Nessel is the same public official who made headlines after she was passed out drunk at a Michigan-Michigan State game and had to be taken out in a wheelchair.


FrankNez reports that U.S. banks are freezing accounts and withdrawals in the latest scandal involving both checking and savings accounts.

CBS Los Angeles reports that a growing number of people say they are abruptly losing access to their entire bank accounts.

The report cites the sudden account closure of Elad Nehorai, who received an ominous alert while logging into his Bank of America account.

He then drove to a branch in West LA, where he was told his account had been shut down and access to his life savings was denied, says DH.

“Bank of America told me it was shut down. They refused to give me an explanation. They told me I would get my money after it was resolved. All of a sudden, I find out I’m broke. I can’t feed my family and I can’t pay any expenses,” reported Elad.

Banks typically shut down accounts over concerns of suspicious behavior, says DH.

But according to the Banking Policy Institute, only 4% of Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) submitted by banks to law enforcement result in a follow-up, and a small fraction of the follow-ups result in arrests and convictions.

Nehorai says Bank of America, which has $1.4 trillion in assets under management, said it would take up to 20 days to review his account.

“It’s another one of those situations where you just – how do you deal with this massive bank, this massive power that you have no control over? I was shocked to find out that this is actually relatively common.”

When a CBS television crew showed up at the bank to film a report, Nehorai says the situation rapidly changed.

Although his account remained closed, he was granted permission to transfer his money out and send it somewhere else.

Bank of America told the news outlet that an FBI report triggered the shutdown of Nehorai’s account. Nehorai says he is the person who submitted that report to the FBI, to tell the agency that a scammer had impersonated him via email asking for money from one of his clients.


Brazil’s new socialist president, after coming out on top in an election that was widely criticized as being fraught with fraud, is now coming for citizens’ guns.

President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has overturned all the policies of former President Jair Bolsonaro that eased access to firearms in Brazil and led to a reduction in crime in the country. Lula’s dictatorial decision confirms his intention to control firearms among citizens in Brazil, as previously anticipated by The  Gateway Pundit in May.

The new gun decree introduces new restrictions based on left-wing ideological criteria rather than technical aspects. The new law prevents civilians from acquiring firearms and prohibits citizens from buying any guns chambered for .38, .40 and .45 caliber ammunition, as well as 9mm. Lula has also banned the purchase of semi-automatic firearms.

Those who possess firearms with prohibited calibers will have to sell them to the State. Lula will establish a gun buyback program for the now-prohibited weapons.

Bolsonaro’s gun policy brought positive results for Brazil. Recently, data from the Brazilian Public Security Forum indicated a 2.4% reduction in the number of violent deaths in the country, dropping from 48.4 thousand victims to 47.5 thousand victims.

Despite the positive numbers, Lula has chosen an aggressive gun control policy. His favorable stance towards left-wing dictatorships in Venezuela and Nicaragua has raised concerns among citizens who own firearms, as they fear the dangers of totalitarianism with these gun control policies in Brazil.


The Express reports that Poland’s Ministry of Defense has reported that two Belarusian military helicopters violated Polish airspace during a training exercise.

In response to the incursion the Minister of Defense has ordered the number of soldiers on the border to be increased.

The Belarusian side had previously informed Poland about the training drills, the Polish Ministry of Defense said in a statement.

The border crossing reportedly took place at a very low altitude, making it difficult to detect by radar systems.

The Polish Ministry of Defense noted: “Therefore, in the morning announcement, the Operational Command of the Armed Forces Branches informed that the Polish radar systems did not record any violation of Polish airspace. NATO has been informed of the incident.”


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

The Gateway Pundit reports that a young street preacher was arrested on Saturday after reading the Bible on a sidewalk according to a local report.

Marcus Schroeder, the young man in question, was protesting an all ages drag event, meaning children were allowed, in Watertown, Wisconsin, with more than 200 individuals from various groups.

The Republic Sentinel reported the protest was organized by members of the Mercy Seat Christian Church in Brookfield, Wisconsin. Schroeder is a member of the church.

A Twitter user captured video showing Schroeder, who is wearing a t-shirt with the words “WARRIORS FOR CHRIST,” being approached by overzealous cops while he was quoting scripture. One cop grabbed Schroeder’s microphone before he finished speaking.

A confused Schroeder can be heard asking “what are you doing?” A fellow protester interjected by saying they were not given any warning and said they could speak freely.

The cops proceeded to place Schroeder in handcuffs anyway. One officer said Schroeder was being arrested for sharing his message with the use of a microphone and a speaker. Of course, the young man had every right to exercise his First Amendment rights.

Take a look at this shocking video.

This is in America, folks. And not even big city America. We’re talking flyover country. Small town, Wisconsin. Shameful.

The video you just watched can’t be viewed in a vacuum, either. It must be viewed in the proper context of the times. We’ve seen a former president indicted for giving his opinion on the integrity of an election, or rather the lack thereof. This happens while the current president has been named as a primary suspect in a multinational money laundering and influence peddling scheme.

We’ve seen 16 electors in Michigan, many of them in their 70s and 80s, arrested and charged with felonies for voting for alternative electors in the 2020 presidential election.

We’ve seen Matt DePerno, a candidate for Michigan attorney general, arrested and charged with a felony by the woman he ran against, the current attorney general of that state.

We’ve seen little old ladies arrested outside of abortion clinics in Tennessee while those who burn down pro-life clinics go unprosecuted.

Justice is no longer blind in this country, as it should be. Justice depends on whose team you’re on, or perceived to be on.

The First Amendment right of free speech is applied in much the same way. Free speech for me but not for thee.

Where will it end? It seems as though we’re already under soft communism in this country and racing toward a harder version.

It’s now or never if we intend to stand up for the Constitution. How you do that is your decision. Civil disobedience, as long as it is peaceful, is looking like the best option. That involves not backing down. Not being intimidated. Speaking truth to power. They can’t arrest us all. But we can’t do it alone. We need people to stand with us, to support us. And we thank those who have done that.

Until next time, I’m Brannon Howse. Take care. And may God save America.

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