Bill Criminalizes Prayer in Ireland

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  • Recent census data shows an alarming number of Americans in their 40s are foregoing marriage and childbearing.
  • Malaria is discovered in America for the first time in decades. Does Bill Gates have anything to do with this?
  • Ireland adopts a tough new stance against praying anywhere near an abortion clinic.
  • And 250 woke Hollywood celebrities from movies, TV and music have signed their names to an open letter urging Big Tech platforms to crack down on anyone who doesn’t fall into line with the trans agenda, including advocating life-changing gender surgeries on children.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

A new Pew Research analysis of census data collected in 2021 has found that a record 25 percent of 40-year-old Americans have never been married. That’s up 19 percent from 1980, and signals the success of the depopulation agenda that Westerners have been brainwashed with over the last 50 years.

Fewer people want to have children. And if you have no desire for children, there would obviously be less incentive to get married.

Joel Abbot, writing for Not the Bee, observed:

“While many unmarried 40-year-olds are living with a romantic partner, most are not. In 2022, 22% of never-married adults ages 40 to 44 were cohabiting. That's brutal. Married homes are one of the primary indicators for healthy societies, but not only are we lacking in that area, but even fewer people (somehow) are living with a romantic partner.”

Here's a few more data points from the Pew study:

  • A higher share of men than women have never married.
  • Black 40-year-olds were much more likely to have never married than Hispanic, White and Asian 40-year-olds.
  • 40-year-olds without a four-year college degree were more likely to have never married than those who had completed at least a bachelor's degree.


It’s being reported that Malaria has somehow been introduced into mosquitoes in America and infected Americans for the first time in 20 years.

Conservative journalist J.D. Rucker notes that this coincides with the release of tens of millions of Bill Gates mosquitoes for whatever evil plan he has cooked up.

This has sparked questions among pundits who have openly mused about whether Gates has a “miracle vaccine” up his sleeve?


Rucker noted a tweet from Liz Churchill asking a question:

“It must be a coincidence that from 2003-2023 there wasn’t one case of Malaria spread by mosquitos…and along comes a company funded by Bill Gates…to solve a problem that didn’t exist…and suddenly in the exact places where he releases mosquitos…there’s an outbreak of Malaria?”

Rucker writes:

“Scientists working for Gates came up with many excuses for why they ‘needed’ to release these modified abominations into the wild, but none of them hold water. Now we have to wonder if the real reason is manifesting in front of our eyes today. Does he have a vaccine cooked up? Will he give it away for ‘free,’ or as reality likes to call it, ‘tax-payer funded’? Is Bill Gates about to make billions more while prompting tens of millions of Americans to take another round of mRNA jabs? We’ll be monitoring this closely.”


In a rather shocking story, Lincoln Brown reports in an article for PJ Media, that Irish authorities went into panic mode after Roe vs. Wade was overturned last year in the United States.

So they cooked up a plan to head off a similar outbreak of common decency in Ireland.

In their desperation, Ireland’s government is now moving to establish anti-prayer zones across the country.

A person can be fined and jailed for praying against abortion or for encouraging people to give birth to their baby instead of killing it.

The establishment has waged a long and lackluster war on prolife prayer in an effort to justify such zones, yet now they are proceeding regardless of any real evidence and are doing so in defiance of the public advice of Garda Commissioner Drew Harris, who has repeatedly rejected the need for such legislation, stating that it was not necessary.

SHOW TWEET with map of anti-prayer zones

The government of Ireland has made its decision about no-prayer zones around the country and has even released a map with the potential zones highlighted.

And the fines will be stiff, at 2,500 Irish pounds.

For the record, €2,500 is the equivalent of around $2,740 USD at the current rate of exchange.

Even more concerning are the parameters: You can’t pray within 1,000 meters of an abortion clinic.

1,000 meters is just shy of 3,281 feet. That’s a fairly big plot of real estate, within which no prayer will be allowed. And since governments don’t reverse policies, especially those that give it power, those zones are liable to increase long before they decrease or disappear entirely. And as has been made crystal clear in the States, leftists would rather see an entire country burn before ceding anything to anyone.

What this means is that someone needs only be caught, or suspected of engaging in prayer within approximately 3,300 feet of the abortion providers on a map to have a run-in with the Garda. Not shouting, not blocking access, not waving signs, not engaging with patients or even speaking aloud. Simple, quiet, prayer. That’s all it takes to make you an outlaw in Ireland.


The North Carolina Legislature has given final approval to a bill that would reserve female student athletic programs for actual females, setting up another veto confrontation with Democrat Gov. Roy Cooper.

The News & Observer reported that the North Carolina House voted 62-43 last Thursday to pass the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act, which excludes biological males from middle- and high school as well as collegiate sports’ teams meant specifically for women and girls. The bill would apply to public schools as well as some private institutions.

The bill previously passed the state Senate 31-17. Overall, it passed with just two Democrat votes, one from each chamber. It is expected to be vetoed by Cooper, but ultimately enacted into law by the legislature, which is controlled by a Republican super-majority.

“Today the General Assembly affirmed the rights under Title IX of female student athletes in North Carolina,” NC Values executive director Tami Fitzgerald said June 22. “Women and girls who train for countless hours and years in their sports will have a level playing field, and their opportunities will be protected if this legislation becomes law. This bill will also guard the safety of females. The severe injuries of Payton McNabb caused by the strength of a trans athlete shows bodies play sports, not identities. State and national polling shows support for this type of legislation is overwhelmingly high, and I urge Governor Cooper to side with women and girls by signing this bill into law.” 

21 other states have enacted similar legislation to protect female athletes.


Summit News reports that approximately 250 woke Hollywood celebrities from movies, TV and music have signed their names to an open letter urging Big Tech companies to crack down on anyone who doesn’t fall into line with the trans agenda, including advocating life-changing gender surgeries on children.

The letter was sent to the CEOs of Meta, YouTube, TikTok and Twitter by GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) and the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), and was signed by hundreds of famous names including Amy Schumer, Ariana Grande, Demi Lovato, Jamie Lee Curtis, Judd Apatow, Patrick Stewart and many more.

It states that “There has been a massive systemic failure to prohibit hate, harassment, and malicious anti-LGBTQ disinformation on your platforms and it must be addressed,” pointing to “dangerous posts (both content and ads) targeting transgender, nonbinary, and gender non-conforming people.”

“This disinformation and hate, inadequately moderated on your platforms, plays an outsized role in the sharp increase in real-world anti-transgender targeting and violence,” it continues.

The letter further decrees “Your policies and corresponding enforcement are inadequate when it comes to mitigating harmful and dangerous anti-LGBTQ content. You must urgently take action to protect trans and LGBTQ users on your platforms (including protecting us from over-enforcement and censorship).”

The celebrities specifically cite tech companies allowing people to engage in “deadnaming” and “misgendering” as a “widespread mode of hate speech across all platforms, utilized to bully and harass prominent public figures while simultaneously expressing hatred and contempt.”

The letter then demands to know what the tech companies are going to do to address “Content that spreads malicious lies and disinformation about medically necessary healthcare for transgender youth.”

The letter states that “Specific mitigations on such disinformation must be developed (for instance akin to election and COVID-19 mitigations and rules).”

So, essentially, censoring anyone who doesn’t completely advocate removing the genitals of children and sterilizing them.


Greg Hunter’s reports that legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong was forecasting “chaos” in 2023, and that’s exactly what we got. 

Armstrong’s crystal ball says don’t look for it to get better anytime soon. 

Armstrong explains, “We are in the midst of a coup. We have all these people who have been neocons for 30 years. Even Ron Paul said recently that the neocons have been waging war for 30 years and have not won a single one. This is what they live for. Look at the clip of Lindsey Graham saying this is the best money we ever spent killing Russians. How can you take pleasure in that statement that this is the best money we ever spent killing Russians? This is not defense. These are the words of a psychopath in my mind. They are not about to accept anybody who is going to be against war. The neocons are in full control of the government—period.”

Armstrong reiterated that “We are living in the time of a coup. The United States is not the free country you thought it was.”

Armstrong also predicts that the neocons will rig the 2024 election so Biden, or some other neocon, remains in the White House.

Is there any way to stop this election rigging and fraud in 2024? 

Armstrong says, “I don’t believe so. Our computers show that holy hell breaks loose starting in 2025. I think the problem will be the cheating will be in everybody’s face this time.”

Armstrong also says the neocons will try to start a war before the 2024 election so Biden will win because a wartime president has never lost an election. 

Armstrong says the cheating will be necessary because the real poll numbers for Biden are in the single digits and not the 40% approval ratings the Lying Legacy Media tells you. 

Armstrong contends Biden’s approval number is stuck at 9.5% with his deadly accurate Socrates computer program.

But the biggest reason Biden can’t win legitimately is the real inflation number. Armstrong says, “Inflation is subsiding a little bit, but it is basically still over 26%.”


Fox 5 San Diego reports that the debate over smart surveillance streetlights and license-plate readers in San Diego is heating up again. 

The San Diego Police Department’s proposal would make San Diego the largest city to use street lights with license-plate readers.

But the City of San Diego’s Privacy Advisory Board voted unanimously last Thursday night to send to the city council the Option 2 plan, which rejects San Diego PD’s proposal, according to Seth Hall with the Trust San Diego coalition.

Some citizens have voiced concerns to the city council, saying they are worried about privacy.

“Put the cameras away. Who watches who?” a community member said at the meeting.

Community members expressed their opposition to more surveillance technology potentially hitting the streets of San Diego.

“Our biggest concern is this money should be going to our communities not towards cameras and surveillance,” said Stacey Uy with Asian Solidarity Collective. “We all know it’s not cameras that keep us safe. It’s youth drop-in centers. It’s community health centers. It’s mental health services. We need so much more than just cameras.”

Smart streetlights have been installed throughout the city but are not currently in use, according to Fox 5. The city cut access to 3,000 of them back in 2020 after public outcry over privacy concerns.


Barclays Bank – one of the top 20 largest banks in the world – has paid more than $25,000 in compensation to Dr. Mike Davidson, an executive of a Christian trust, after arbitrarily closing the charity’s bank accounts due to pressure from LGBTQ+ activists, otherwise known as the gay mafia.

According to an article in the National Pulse, the activists claimed the Core Issues Trust and the International Federation for Therapeutic and Counseling Choice were pushing “conversion therapy” onto people who voluntarily seek to change their sexual preferences or gender identities. 

Barclays – a leading sponsor of London’s gay pride parade – succumbed to the pressure and sent a letter to Davidson, notifying him of the bank’s decision to close his accounts.

Davidson received hundreds of calls and messages from strangers telling him that he and the trust’s staff would be “raped and killed,” among other threats.

Davidson’s lawyers alleged the closure was “an act of unlawful discrimination” as his professional and public work was damaged by the withdrawal of banking services on the basis of religious beliefs and political views.

Barclays “wholly denied” the claims of discrimination yet made an offer of £21,500 British pounds to settle the matter before the case was due to be heard in the English High Court this week.

Davidson said following the settlement: “We reject Barclays Bank’s implied accusations of ‘conversion therapy’ directed at our work and charity. This case must serve as a warning to the government of what is coming if it proceeds with publishing and enforcing its ‘conversion therapy’ ban.”


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

The Federalist reports that instead of being a triumph for so-called LGBT “rights,” this year’s “pride month” has driven Americans to look for neutrality.

As the month of June came to a close, a majority of voters now want companies and schools to remain “neutral” toward the LGBTQ movement and stop introducing the movement to children. 

According to a recently conducted poll from McLaughlin and Associates (M&A) regarding voter preference on business involvement in political and cultural activism, 73 percent of voters would prefer “to shop at a business that stays neutral on political and cultural issues.”

Similarly, results from a recent survey by The Trafalgar Group confirmed that over 60 percent of voters believe businesses should remain neutral on politics and cultural issues in general.

In a separate M&A poll regarding the exposure of children to radical gender theory, 61 percent of voters said introducing children to gender ideology hurts their “emotional and psychological development.”

M&A’s poll on business and culture also showed that a slim majority of voters — 52 percent — support boycotts against companies that take public cultural stances, while Trafalgar found that 60 percent of voters participated in either an anti-woke or anti-conservative boycott this year. A majority of boycotters were anti-woke, while just over half as many boycotted conservative companies.

Regarding LGBT education for children, M&A found that over 63 percent of voters believe that exposing children to LGBT themes and events is harmful to them and is done with a “desire to push a specific cultural agenda.” Only a majority of Tik Tok users disagree, with 50.3 percent of them saying things like exposing kids to transgenderism and drag shows helps their “emotional and psychological development.”

At the beginning of June, polls from GLAAD showed general support for companies’ involvement in the LGBT movement through advertising and other corporate practices. Vast majorities also supported making schools a welcoming place for the LGBT community.

However, after a “pride month” filled with naked bike parades, activists chanting “We’re coming for your children,” and the widespread doubling down of LGBT indoctrination of children, Americans seem to be growing tired of it all.

Some are even getting a little angry.

Check out this man when he finds out that a daycare center dressed his little grandson in a dress.


That man was not playing around. That’s how any God-fearing man would react when he sees this evil coming for his family.

Maybe part of the problem is that too many of us thought we could remain neutral in these culture wars. Sometimes neutrality isn’t good enough. You have to take a stand. Because if you don’t, the day will come when they come for you and your family.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for tuning in, and for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time, I’m Brannon Howse. Take care.


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