Bill Federer: Historical Perspective on the Great Divorce Versus Civil War

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Brannon Howse: All right. We're going to be joined in just one moment by historian Bill Federer. We're going to talk a little bit with him about the great divorce succession. Thank you. Federal government. We created you. You don't enslave us. We don't have to follow your dictates. We have state rights and you're no longer following the rules. You've breached the contract. So we're going to back away and we're going to start limiting what we allow you to tell us. To do, just as the left has done with ice, with sanctuary cities for illegals. Why don't we, as the more conservative states, tell the federal government, sorry, go pound sand? We don't have to listen. We are our people. We have our own sovereignty. As a constitutional republic, that's what each state is. Maybe we should do that. We'll talk about that with Bill Federer Before we do, take a look at this, folks. Going over to We have a lot of goods here for you. This 425365 is 100% pure in ad that is very popular for brain health and other things. You ought to research nad do your own homework on it. But we have a new brand new daily supplement for that. You put it onto your tongue so it gets into the bloodstream versus going through the gut. So take a look at that. We also have the potassium iodide to protect your thyroid in the event of a nuclear event. We also have it available individually, but we went ahead and put it into a ten-pack.

Brannon Howse: So you get the best shipping because some of you are buying it. And we thought you'd buy one bottle. You're buying five, six, seven, ten bottles and paying too much for shipping because it was charging you for the same price of shipping over and over and over. So I said, Well, let's just put a ten pack together and save them the money on postage. So we did that. So you might wonder sometimes why we have these various packs. That is why there you'll find my book, Grave Influence, my book. Mark Sanity go at the top of the page, type in Brannon's books and you'll find we put together various packs for that as well. You can even get them by the whole case. Mark S.A. has 36 books in a case, so you can get 36 books for $90, $2.50 a book. We have a ten-book set. Five book set. You can get grave influence. Mark S.A. is a package as a five-book set as well. We put together all kinds of packages again and then adjusted the shipping to make it as affordable as possible. Some say, Well, why not just put it out on a PDF for everybody to watch, to listen to, or read because? There's something about a book. Do I do did I go online and read the Holderman report online? No, I printed it out. I printed it out so I can mark it up and have a physical copy. I'm old school that way, and I like my books that way.

Brannon Howse: And I. And you don't you're not going to print out the PDF and then go put it in your library at your local school, our local library, our church library. So I appreciate the advice. Why not put it on a PDF? But that defeats the whole purpose. Our goal is to put them at below our cost. This is a project of my foundation. My foundation put these out below our cost as a public service and ministry of our foundation, and we wanted you to be able to have a physical copy to give someone so they keep seeing it on their shelf to a high school student, a college student to your pastor. Don't give it to your city council members, your mayor, your county mayor. Your state senators. Your state rep. Your congressional office holders. At the federal level. Pass them out anywhere. Everywhere. Again, grave influence is a hardcover. It's almost 400 pages. Okay. It's well, to be accurate, it's 300. And 60. Seven pages, 367 pages. Hardcover. Grave influence. 21 Radicals Ruling in Their WorldViews. Ruling America from the Grave. Mark, S.A.. 300 and some odd pages, 300, and that one's about 337 pages. How the Evangelical Deep State and their useful idiots are merging Marxism and Christianity through social justice, white privilege, cultural Marxism, illegal immigration, interfaith dialogue, and more. We've got to wake people up. Knowledge is power. So there you go. And then, of course, let's go back to the story. You'll find those there, but you'll also find freeze dried food.

Brannon Howse: 25-year shelf life. I've had many of the entrees. They're very, very good. And you will also find things like the Seed Vault, with 20 varieties. We also have the EMT bag. There's one of these down here. These have been very, very popular, the EMT bag. I don't think we have blue anymore. I think they're in red right now. We take what we can get. We're fortunate to get what we can. So we have the EMT bag, have an emergency. You need sutures or something else. You got a nurse or a doctor in the area. They can come over and take care of the problem. If the power goes out, there's an emergency. You might want to add the little suture kit with it. The little suture kit. I added that because I like I got I got a bigger crew here. Something happens in I need more stitches for these 20-something-year-olds that are. In our crew. I'm going to need more than just a few stitches. So I wanted to add more stitch kits to my EMT bag. So I went and negotiated with a company and we got there. So I would say pick up a few of these, add these surgical kits to your EMT bag. We also have the. Clot powder. So God forbid someone gets hurt and they're bleeding. You can throw that clot powder on there and stop some of that bleeding for a while until you can get some better medical care. But you'll see all of this, all of this under our emergency supplies.

Brannon Howse: I'm talking about this right here. What is it called? Let me go back. There it is. Is this ready? Our blood clot powder. Yeah. And then we've got the indoor stoves, the outdoor stoves, the water filters, the water filter system. The actual water filters themselves. The. The five-gallon collapsible water carrier, the 100-hour candle, the emergency fuel bucket, five-gallon, two gallons. I stopped and backed off promoting for a while because I wanted to give our guys in the warehouse a chance to catch up. Well, they have. They've caught up. And so I'm back to promoting. All right. It's a great way to get ready for whatever the globalists have planned. And, you know, they got something planned. Why is the media falling into the narrative that the power grid is going to go down and it's going to be the right-wingers that do it? So it seems as though they've got a narrative they're planning something, whether it's pandemic, hyperinflation, bank collapse, controlling our food supply, turning off the power grid, go to war with China through because of Taiwan. And what did Gordon Chang put out about three months ago? China will put our power grid down and then begin to carry out bombings around the US. Well, now we've got a 1,000% spike. A military age. Chinese coming to America. What are you going to do when it hits the fan? If you're not ready, it's going to be too late. You're not going to be able to call us because you may not get through and it may not be anything being shipped.

Brannon Howse: So what's the worst-case scenario? You have nothing. What's the best-case scenario? The best case scenario is you have everything you need and you never need it. That's the best case scenario. I have had a lot of this stuff, folks, for many, many years ready to go, and I'm so glad I haven't needed it. But if I need it, I'm going to have it. Will you? I also put away enough freeze-dried food for my family starting in 2013. I now have over two years worth enough to barter with. Just trust you, me. People will be bartering with it. All right. Or you can call Libby. She'll take your order, and track it to your door. (901) 468-9357. Let me go back to the store real quick. Let me show you something. Go up here to the top of the page where it says Ozark tickets. This is filling fast general seating tickets. This is the middle of October on the beautiful Lake of the Ozarks. It is filling fast our 20th Annual Ozarks Worldview weekend. I've been hosting Worldview weekends for 33 years. This is our 20th one though, in the Ozarks. General Michael Flynn. He's supposed to been with us last night, but he had to to bail. But we're going to get him. He was meeting tonight with someone you guys would all know. So again, he'll come back. General Michael Flynn will be with us in person. Mike Lindell, Peter McCullough, myself, Rebecca Walser. She'll be with us tomorrow night.

Brannon Howse: Colonel John Mills, Alex Newman, Patrick Wood, Dr. Andy Woods, and Todd Bensman. They all live in person. They're also you could get tickets for our optional concert banquet on Thursday night and optional luncheon on Saturday. All the details. Or you can even call to place your ticket order over the phone. 901 4689357. If you're going to go I would urge you to book your reservations for the resort. There is the number for the resort. Be sure to use that number. Call them at 573 348 3131 and use the code wrld to receive our pre-negotiated room rate to save money at this gorgeous resort. And look, you can be sitting there drinking coffee on your balcony overlooking beautiful lake of the Ozarks and it should be beautiful there in the fall. It always is. I mean, there may be green leaves if it's a late fall or it may look like fireworks. I don't know. But either way, you're not going to lose. It's going to be gorgeous and you're going to love it and you're going to be with a lot of like-minded people we've sold out the last two years. We anticipate that happening again. Joining me now is Bill Federer, author and historian Bill Federer. Bill and I have been friends for probably 25-plus years. Where has the time gone? Bill's going to join us tonight to talk about the alternative to civil war. Just a great divorce. Bill, welcome back to the broadcast. Thanks for joining us.

Bill Federer: Hey, Brannon, great to be with you.

Brannon Howse: Great to have you with us. I'm going to have on with me Monday night. I'm going to have Daniel Greenfeld talk about an article he wrote. But I'd love to talk to you about it because you're a historian and I know you'll have something to say about this. And here it is. I have it linked over at Worldview Tonight, guys, is your aggregated news site. There it is, your aggregated daily news site, How a national divorce can get underway from the FBI to the IRS to the EPA. You know, this is an alternative to civil war, one I much prefer. What do you make about the great divorce? And Colonel Mills says it's already underway. All the people coming to my state of Texas, I mean, my state of Tennessee, to Texas, to Florida, where you live in Florida, they're fleeing a lot of those states. The great divorce is already underway. But what can we do to stop paying our money to a corrupt Washington, DC that's using it to destroy our nation? How does this how would you see instead of a civil war, which I don't want, how would you see a great divorce or great divide going about what's in the Constitution? What's in any of the founding documents that would allow us basically to tell the federal government this is what we're doing and you really don't have a say in it?

Bill Federer: Well, it was recently in Idaho and Oregon. And there is there are people in western Oregon that want to join Idaho. They're wanting to call it Greater Idaho in California. And there are people that want to have the rural area of California break away from San Francisco and Los Angeles and they refer to West Virginia as an example. So you had the big state of Virginia and it was a slave-holding Confederate state. And the people in West Virginia did not like slavery. And so they split away West Virginia into its own brand new state. And this happened other times. Maine used to be part of Massachusetts, but then it split into another state. At the same time, Missouri was coming into the union as a slave state. Maine came into the union in 1820 as a free state to balance it out. And so these are examples in our country's past of people that are not happy with the way things are going in their state and looking for alternatives. It is interesting that prior to Aaron Burr, every congressional district had its electoral vote and so it did not matter if the big city in a state went corrupt, like the classic standing joke in Chicago and everybody's dead relative keeps voting and everybody knows that they keep names on the voter rolls even though people have left or died.

Bill Federer: Why is that significant? Because people in the rural areas don't like the liberal politics of Chicago. But the way it always works is every district votes, every congressional district votes. But Chicago waits and waits and waits. And then they come in and they just happen to have enough votes to tip the scales in favor of, in the most recent instances, the Democrat Party. And so if you gave every congressional district their electoral vote, it would say, well, we don't care if a big city goes one way. All the rural people have their electoral votes. They can vote for a Republican presidential candidate. But it was Aaron Burr who was the one who, when he ran for As back before then, would have the president get the most electoral votes and the vice president would get the second most electoral votes. But often the vice president, like John Adams, was the second most popular person after George Washington, but his vice president was Thomas Jefferson, who was the opposite on the political spectrum. And so Jefferson spent four years more or less undermining Adams. And but then Jefferson gets Aaron Burr. And when there is this election, Aaron Burr and Jefferson tied in the number of electoral votes. And so Aaron Burr then pushed through winner takes all.

Bill Federer: So whoever gets the most votes in New York ends up getting all the votes for the entire state. And then the other states followed suit, I think, except Nebraska. And so but if you got back to each congressional district having their vote, it wouldn't matter if the big city went in the wrong direction. The rural areas could vote how they wanted and they could cast their vote for a conservative candidate. Um, but, you know, water goes around the drain slowly on the edges. But then as it gets closer to the middle, it goes faster and faster until it's sucked down that vortex. And so you would have the power to concentrate very slowly. But as it's going now, it's doing faster and faster and faster. And people are shocked that you would have a federal government wanting to control so many different aspects. And now even with Michelle Bachmann, she was talking about the World Health Organization and how they're wanting to have America surrender our sovereignty to this World Health Organization. And it's up to them to declare if it's an emergency, it's up to them to declare what their response to the emergency is. And it's up to them to declare when the emergency is over. Well, it's easy. All they have to do is declare an emergency and they're global dictators and they can shut everybody they don't like down.

Bill Federer: It's happening very quickly. So we're needing. I was speaking at an event and said, well, you know, the more power concentrates into fewer hands globally, the God counter-response is to get more people involved locally. So we need to get as many people involved on the local level. Running for school board, running for city commissioner, running for anything. Just get involved. They said that just by having Christians, one church got all of their members to be the people working at the polling places. So when you go in to vote, the person that you show your ID to is a church member. And they said just by having Christians present, it makes it harder for them to cheat. Another one is where they have drop boxes. Guys would get their lawn chairs and their iced tea and their cameras, and they would just sit there. And when somebody would pull up with a handful of ballots because the law says you're only supposed to drop in one ballot on your own. And when they see these people with handfuls of ballots, they just pull out their cameras, act like they're filming. Filming them. And the person turns around and gets back in their car and drives away. We need to get as many people involved as possible. Absolutely. Every area. Yeah.

Brannon Howse: Let me ask you about where we find the country today as a Christian, as a historian. Are you shocked at where we're at? And when you compare it to Rome and other civilizations that have collapsed within, are you shocked at where we're at, like the display on the White House South Lawn three days ago with the transgender cultural Marxist flag? The transgender dude with his breast implants ripping his shirt off and all of this. I mean, how much more of this can the country take? And is this boomeranging on them? Because I know people that are not all that political that are saying, I'm done with this, this has got to stop. They're now ticked. I also saw and put in my report tonight's world view report, the number of people saying that they are now, according to a poll, conservative, is very conservative, has shot up since 2021 which tells me Covid lockdowns mask mandating LGBTQ agenda. This is backlashing on the cultural Marxist. What say you?

Bill Federer: Yeah. Even my dentist. She said she has not been to Target since all this stuff broke out. And so? So there is a backlash. I was Phyllis Schlafly, if people remember her, was did stuff with her for 40 years and she talked about fighting the era and the radical feminists, and people were like, Oh, we sort of sympathize with them. Well, then they come out and they go to these events at state capitols, and the feminists, the people that don't vote for them, they're like taking pig's blood and spreading it around the floor and writing the names of the different state reps that didn't vote the way they wanted in pig's blood on the walls of these state capitals. And people are like, This is the feminist movement. And they were so shocked that they recoiled away from it. And that's when the conservatives like Phyllis Schlafly began to get victories. And so I think they're coming out of the closet with this trans agenda is pushing. It's causing a recoil of the public away from them. But you get back to the voting machines, you get back to how unless you can secure the elections, then you're everyone's wasting their time. You had.

Brannon Howse: Your vote. You had your votes stolen, did you not, when you ran against Dick Gephardt for.

Bill Federer: Yeah. Yeah. So it was the most expensive congressional race in Missouri history and was running against Dick Gephardt. He was the Nancy Pelosi before Nancy Pelosi. And he spent $9 million against us. We had the president's uncle, chair, and my finance committee, Bucky Bush. We had Ted Nugent during commercials, Pat Boone and Art Linkletter, Zig Ziegler, Chuck Norris, um, James Dobson, Alan Keyes, and Judge Roy Moore. It was a big deal. We had the top three members of the US Congress come in and campaign for me against the top Democrat. So back then it was Dennis Hastert, Dick Armey, J.C. Watts. It was a big race. And so on Election Day, we get calls to our office that my name had been left off the ballot in five wards in the city of Saint Louis. People went in to vote for me. My name wasn't even on the ballot. Oh, they misprinted the ballots and then sort of like Nevada, right? They misprinted the ballot size. And then we get calls that we were ahead and the electricity goes off in the Jefferson County Board of Election. And when it reboots, we go from ahead to behind. And like what? Why did the electricity go off at 10:00 at night? Oh, somebody was doing construction. It's like? And then they had somebody named Robert Odom that claimed that their name was left off the registered voter list. And supposedly he went down and filed a lawsuit and the federal judge. Ordered all the polls to stay open till midnight. Downtown Saint Louis. And we drive down there and crowds of people and it looks like mayhem.

Bill Federer: And they ordered the polls to stay open late and they got all these extra votes and they win. And then the next day they find out that Robert Odom had died two years earlier. And they're like, well, who brought the lawsuit to keep the polls open? Well, somebody in the Democrat Party said it, and it goes from front page to back page till it's forgotten. They did the fraud one. And then they're not going to investigate and find themselves guilty. It just gets shoveled and forgotten. And so this was in the year 2000 and then again in 2004. And so people that say that they don't think there's voter fraud. My challenge to you is to run for office a couple of times and you can experience these types of tactics. I mean, I stood in front of Guffey Elementary School for eight hours on Election Day in the cold, shaking thousands of hands. It was the biggest precinct that night at our watch party. We got a call from our volunteer, Jana McMillan. She's down there at the Board of Elections. She says they cannot find the box of ballots from Guffey Elementary School. It's like that's the exact polling place I stood in front of. And you're telling me that they lost a box of ballots? Who's in charge? And some 80-year-old lady. She went home two hours ago. Who else is in charge? And and then they they all see one person bringing the box of ballots up from the basement on a cart in the elevator. And the law says every box of ballots should be in full view of a Democrat and Republican election judge until it's counted.

Bill Federer: And while all this mayhem is going on, my opponent gets on TV and announces he won. And it's like they didn't even count that county. And that was what was going to put me over the top. And so so it's real. And until Ronna McDaniel can publicly put all the effort into making sure that these are honest elections, think all the primaries are almost a waste of time. Wow. I mean, the Dominion voting machine is owned by who? Staple Street Capital, which is owned by who? Well, I've heard about China. I've heard BlackRock owns a percentage of it. And BlackRock owns, you know, a percentage of Fox and they've never been audited. I have a degree in accounting. You look for conflicts of interest. In other words, you don't have the same person writing the check and signing the check, and doing the accounting for the check because they can write the check to themselves and then shuffle and fill it. There's and you don't have a company that's responsible for these elections without doing audits on the company. So so somebody needs to do an audit on Dominion and see do they benefit by any chance from the outcomes of the elections. I'm just a question, but I do think that there needs to be some auditing and some investigation. We're just taking it on blind faith that they're honest yet they're a private equity firm, which is they're in it to make money, but it's blind faith that you're going to trust this entity. Wow. Um, I guess you can tell where my passions are.

Brannon Howse: I love it, too. Bill. Bill Federer. American sitcom, right, Bill?

Bill Federer: Yes, American sitcom. Oh, there it is.

Brannon Howse: Under his name. American American Thank you, Bill.

Bill Federer: Thank you.

Brannon Howse: Bill Federer. Check out his site. Okay. Here we go, folks, if you appreciate all we're doing, again, think of us as the conservative alternative to NPR. Public television. They have supporters. They have donors. We're listener supported. Not only can you go to and use the promo code B66 for sheets, towels, blankets, pet beds, slippers, sandals, mattresses, mattress toppers, robes, sails on slippers, slides, and sandals. Giza Dream sheets use that promo code B66. But you can also support us by simply going to WVW Foundation and becoming a monthly contributor. Five bucks a month. Look at all the free content we're cranking out here. I'm at the news desk four hours a day, not to mention all the free radio shows and all the free articles on my site. Check out the daily free articles at Worldview Every day Free articles Worldview Have you appreciated all this free content? We appreciate your support. Thanks for watching. I'm Brannon Howse. Take care.

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