Brannon Howse Interviews Secret Service Agent Timothy McCarthy That Took a Bullet For President Reagan on March 30, 1981



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In a moving segment on Patriot TV, Brannon Howse shared a rare and insightful audio recording nearly two decades old, featuring Michael Reagan reflecting on his father, President Ronald Reagan, a week after the elder Reagan's passing. This special broadcast not only paid homage to one of America's most iconic leaders but also delved into the themes of duty, honor, and country—principles that Ronald Reagan epitomized throughout his life and presidency.

Brannon Howse's decision to air this audio was driven by a deep appreciation for Ronald Reagan's lasting impact on America and the values he championed. The interview with Michael Reagan, recorded in a time of national mourning, provided listeners with a personal glimpse into the character and legacy of the 40th President of the United States. Michael's recollections highlighted his father's unwavering commitment to these ideals, even in the face of adversity.

In addition to Michael Reagan's reflections, the episode featured discussions with other notable figures, including Attorney General Edwin Meese and Secret Service agent Timothy McCarthy, who took a bullet for the President during the assassination attempt in 1981. These interviews further underscored Ronald Reagan's influence on those who served with him and the broader American public.

The conversation also touched on the contemporary relevance of Ronald Reagan's principles, particularly in the context of current events and challenges facing the nation. Howse and his guests pondered the implications of Reagan's legacy for today's America, emphasizing the importance of returning to a collective sense of duty, honor, and country.

This episode of Patriot TV served as a powerful reminder of the enduring values that define American patriotism and resilience. By revisiting the words and memories of those who knew Ronald Reagan best, Brannon Howse invited listeners to reflect on the qualities that make for great leadership and the role of individual citizens in shaping the country's future.

Through this tribute to Ronald Reagan, Patriot TV not only honored a pivotal figure in American history but also ignited a conversation about the foundational principles that continue to inspire and guide the nation. The broadcast was a testament to the impact of Ronald Reagan's presidency and the timeless nature of the values he embodied.

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