Brannon on Why His Nearly 7 Hour Deposition on May 20th Will Not Deter Him From His Calling



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Brannon Howse: All right. Still got Michael Reagan, Derek Evans, and Pete Santelli. Now I want to show you the control room. Heads up. I want to play a little video clip here for you guys. I want to play a video. It's a clip that is from my 8.5-hour documentary, Siege. Some of you have seen it, but folks, 8.5 hours, there's a lot of information I'm throwing at you in this 8.5-hour documentary I put out. And I want to remind you of some of the things that well, I said we're going to happen and are happening and how these things are becoming more and more relevant. This documentary came out in December 2019. It's more relevant now than when I released it in December of 2019. I want to remind you of a few things we discussed in that documentary. Watch this. You go full screen for you on it. Here we go.

Video: This is a Brannon house and WVW broadcast network docu movie Siege. The clear and present dangers pushed America to the brink of a Marxist Islamic revolution, civil war, World War Three, and globalism. And now here's your host Brannon's house.

Brannon Howse: Americans have deliberately been subjected to a mine siege or mind attack. This psychological campaign of propaganda has been designed to keep Americans from being able to think and reason within the context of truth and reality. To reach this goal, Americans have been subjected to a systematic program of contradicting information fake news, chaos, violent movies, horror, and shock that would yield emotions, desensitization, and mental disturbance similar to that of a man who had experienced the horrors of war. The goal of this psychological campaign is to get Americans to let go of the worldview and values that are not in accord with the cultural Marxist carrying out the psychological campaign. In other words, the goal is to get Americans to let go of the values and beliefs that support our free society and individual rights. But how and why would Americans willingly reject the Judeo-Christian worldview and values that have made America the most prosperous and free society in the world with the longest-running constitutional republic ever known to man? The answer is rather simple. Americans have been conditioned to base their beliefs and values upon feelings, pragmatism, group consensus, and the so-called cultural norms of society that keep them from being criticized, marginalized, stigmatized, and ultimately ostracized from society by labeled through the psychological weaponizing of peer pressure or group consensus. Americans have been subjected to an environment that deliberately creates anxiety and stress at many levels, in many different manifestations. Social media has played right into this agenda by conditioning many Americans into believing that their value or worth is based on how many likes they receive or how many followers they have.

Brannon Howse: For many expressing or supporting anything that could damage their social media standing is avoided. Thereby, their freedom of thought and freedom of speech is limited by peer pressure. They self-censor if defending the free market capitalistic system results in Americans being labeled as a defender of racism and a culture of white privilege. Then Americans begin to self-censor and fewer and fewer Americans speak up in defense of the free market system. If supporting strict border security to protect America from terrorism results in Americans being labeled as Islamophobic, then fewer Americans will speak up in defense of common sense border security. If supporting common-sense immigration laws that protect the jobs of legal Americans from illegal aliens results in Americans being labeled as xenophobic, then fewer Americans will speak up in defense of common-sense immigration laws. If believing that America should not succumb to globalism by abandoning our national sovereignty and constitutional laws in favor of international laws results in Americans being labeled conspiracy theorists, then fewer Americans will speak up in favor of our national sovereignty. If opposing socialism through an ever-growing welfare state funded through an ever-increasing tax burden to take from one and give to another, is labeled as being against the virtues of social justice and the common good. Then fewer Americans will speak out against socialism, theft, and the elimination of private property. Marginalizing, characterizing, and vilifying anyone that opposes the cultural, Marxist, and globalist agenda is all it will take for most Americans to self-censor and willingly give up their freedom of speech.

Brannon Howse: Soon, a small minority of people that control the cultural narrative through media, education, and religion will be dominating and manipulating a huge percentage of Americans into believing that very few Americans still believe in the free market system border security, common sense immigration laws, national sovereignty, and private property. This process played itself out in the communist country of Hungary in 1956 and a short-lived attempt to overthrow the communist when a student-led rebellion against the communist spilled into the streets. Many were shocked to see the thousands that joined in. Why? Because people had been manipulated into believing that they were one of only a small group that did not agree with communism. It is said that people were shocked at who they saw joining in on the protest against the communist individuals that were now protesting. The communist was thought to have been supportive of the communist cause when confronted by the anti-communist. These individuals confessed that they had always been opposed to communism. Still, they allowed others to believe they supported the communist regime to preserve their reputations and advancement in Hungarian society. This, my friends, is how a small minority using a propaganda campaign can enslave a large population without the fear of meaningful resistance. This process has many names, including being called the Delphi Technique. I will examine this topic in greater detail in my next docu movie entitled Brainwashed America.

Brannon Howse: I have spent several years studying this topic and I have identified ten systematic steps that I can factually and historically prove have been used by the Communists to brainwash their subjects. All ten of these steps have been at work in America for many years by the cultural, Marxist, and globalist, as we discussed, and we'll hold it right there. But there you go. December 2019. That came out. And how relevant is that? Here in May of 2023. A small group of people is running the country. A small group of people has used fear, shock, anxiety, contradicting messages, and psychological operations to convince many, many Americans that the vast majority of Americans support the culturally Marxist revolution occurring in America when in reality they don't. I find that. I find the history of Hungary in 1956 so instructive. When people spilled out in the streets to oppose communism, they were shocked. Some of the people they saw in the streets also opposed communism, for they thought they were for the Communists. And as I reported. They said no, we just did what we had to do to get along and go along. How many are self-censoring today to get along and to go along? Let me ask you this. Do you feel alone? Do you sometimes feel like you're the only one in your neighborhood, on your street, in your community? Who believes the way you do? Chances are you're not. But that's part of the psychological process to make you feel alone and make you feel isolated and afraid.

Brannon Howse: I urge you to speak up and speak out. I've had conversations the last few weeks with people because, well, I'm not afraid to do that. I'm not afraid of political correctness. I refuse to be controlled by political correctness. I refuse to be controlled by a narrative. So I will often say things that many today will find shocking and our politically correct world. And then I wait to see what the response will be. Will they be triggered that I just gaslight them? Or will the response be? I like the way you think. And oftentimes that's exactly what I find. Wow. That's refreshing to hear someone say out loud what all of us think. But have. Well, oftentimes not the courage to say. So the bottom line is to be a person of courage. Speak up and speak out about America, about patriotism, about right and wrong, about the dangers of socialism, redistribution of wealth, and globalism. Speak up about the junk science that made people wear a face diaper. Speak up about this continuing ongoing pandemic treaty from the World Health Organization that seeks to strip our sovereignty as a nation. Speak up about these things. You're going to find often more than not, people agree with you. They just don't have your courage. But maybe your courage. Can be contagious. Or we may find ourselves just like they were there in 1956 and Hungary. Being bullied into silence until a small minority controls the majority.

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