Budget Deal to Continue Spending on Illegal Aliens and on Censoring Conservatives?

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Brannon Howse: Joining us now is Joe Hoft. We like to check in with Joe from time to time. Joe has a website. It happens to be joe.com. Joe hoft.com. Joe, welcome back to the broadcast. Thank you for joining us.

Joe Hoft: Thanks, Brannon. Great to be here.

Brannon Howse: Glad to have you with us. I'm going to go there to Joe Half.com. You'll see some of these articles. Here's one of them right here. The budget deal ignores spending on illegal aliens and spending on censoring conservatives. Really? I hear that they had to have a bunch of Democrats help Kevin McCarthy pass this bill. 29 Republicans, I think, voted against it. Some people are calling in the Republican Party for that chair to be vacated as one of the rules for him to become speaker as they could call for his removal. This is quite controversial and I see why. The budget deal ignores spending on illegal aliens and spending on censoring conservatives. Tell me about this, please.

Joe Hoft: Yeah. Brennan. Yeah. Great to be here again. Nice to see you. I think the overall understanding of this whole budget mass is that back in like and it goes back to Obama really in 2008 if you recall, we had a budget of around 3 trillion and then Obama came in and passed that stimulus that was supposedly necessary that he said he'd promised we'd all be able to look at before it was voted on. And Nancy Pelosi said, well, you just have to vote on it so you can see what's in it. And that was that famous act that went through the stimulus. And what they did is they upped the budget by another trillion dollars. So the US budget then at that time reached 4 trillion and the next year, rather than decrease it back to 3 trillion, they just kept the 4 trillion budget as the current budget moving forward. And then and then here we were in Covid in 2020. And with all this extra money that was set aside to, I guess, assist during this pandemic, what we did is we spent trillions of dollars more. So the budget was up to maybe 6 or 7 trillion.

Joe Hoft: Well, what they've done is the same trick that Obama did a decade ago, which is let's just keep the budget where it is now at 6 or 7 trillion and we'll just move forward with that. And so this is the massive spending that the US absolutely cannot afford. It's going to lead to maybe $1 trillion just in interest payments going forward and it's going to damage the economy. I've heard people like Dr. Navarro say the stagflation is going to hit and it's going to hit us for the next decade, and it's just really going to hinder the US economy greatly. So and the markets went down today as well. So you can see that this is not good for the country in several ways. But in addition to that, Brennan, the piece that I wanted to point out in all of this is that nobody knows where the money's going today. Where there is not a single person on this earth, I bet, that understands and knows where our tax dollars are going, probably down to the millions. Probably nobody understands where it's all going. And.

Brannon Howse: Well, aren't there trillions of dollars missing from the Defense Department, from the Pentagon, trillions missing?

Joe Hoft: So our trillions. Well, perhaps. But there was also. Right. Billions missing from the Covid numbers. We know that billions were maybe given out in error or due to fraud. We've got the defense budget. I don't think it's ever been audited with an unqualified audit result. I saw a couple of years ago this thing shocked me being an auditor. As you know, it's been a long time in my career as a professional auditor. The HUD under Obama was run by one of these one of these twins that was the son of the guy who created Acorn. And the HUD had an audit report that had like 30 material weaknesses in it. Now, one material weakness would set a corporation into possible bankruptcy. You can't have material deficiencies in your financials, in the real world, and the corporate world. And the HUD had something like 30 material weaknesses in this report. And it also was something like $500 billion they couldn't even account for. So it was it's just these numbers are staggering. The US government is that was back when the budget was 4 trillion. Now we're up to 6 or 7 trillion. Where is this money going? And guess the point that I wanted to make is, it is a couple of things.

Joe Hoft: One, worse. They're spending money censoring you and me. Our government is spending money censoring conservative speech. And we know this. We saw this in the Twitter file release. A lot of this came out in the last few months, really the Twitter file release where the FBI paid Twitter $3 million that we know of that we don't know that that's the full amount. I would guess. I would bet money that it's not and let alone they were admitting that they were working with other agencies like the Department of Defense and perhaps the CIA. We don't know how much money was going to Twitter. And their whole purpose was to censor people like you and me. I got censored off Twitter. That's right. I got knocked off. I lost my account and I've tried to petition to get it back since Elon's been back and they just won't give it to me. And so that's the world of Twitter. How much money was spent on Facebook? And then we find out after that, we find out that there's a Department of State supporting this entity called PolitiFact. And that's supposedly a fact-checker. And they always hit conservatives. They hit the Gateway Pundit several times when we had perfectly there was nothing wrong with our posts at all.

Joe Hoft: It was all a hit job to hammer conservatives. Another is the department. We found out that the Department of Defense was sending money to a company called Newsguard, and Newsguard was doing the same fact check bogus, you know, BS, and they and Facebook were using Newsguard to rate media companies on its platform. If you got too many hits from Newsguard, you'd get censored from Facebook. So what did Newsguard do to the Gateway Pundit? For years it hammered us. It was. It was. And here's the stuff we were writing about the Mueller sham and how it was a coup d'état. And here's all the evidence here that's leading up to this being a lie. And we're correct. We wrote about the Covid and how this thing is a sham and how there's no need to take children out of school or force them to wear masks or certainly not to give them shots. They're not this covid's missing the children. It's the 80-year-olds that need to be protected and all this stuff. We unwound and we reported on and we're attacked by entities like Newsguard for pushing fake news.

Joe Hoft: Another big subject was the 2020 election. We were very adamant and using my, you know, skill set, I'm like, this thing's a mess. It never should have been certified in multiple states. It never should have been certified. Joe Biden walked away with a stolen election because it was certified and it never should have been. And that's the point of my coming up with the third book on the steal. So this is paid for by the US government. One of the most shocking entities that our government sending money for and paying for is this entity called the Global Disinformation Initiative. It's an entity out of the UK and it's also being funded by the EU, the UK, and George Soros's Open Society. And what this entity's purpose is, is to hit the advertisers for conservative media, especially in the US. So they will attack your advertisers, they will attack those companies that are advertising on your site and try to get them to stop sending advertising dollars to entities like the Gateway Pundit or Lindell TV or whoever it might be. That's there. That is sharing the truth because they cannot have the truth shared in this world today. So absolutely. This is looking at this real quick.

Brannon Howse: If I run out of time, I want to get to a Yeah, yeah. I want to show this real quick. This is an [email protected] exclusive Biden Department of Defense considering placing US defense programs at Arizona State which has a large CCP connection. Well, isn't that interesting? A large CCP connection in Arizona? Maybe that's another reason why they had to make sure Kari Lake didn't win. Right. So the communists and the cartels can take it. Oh, by the way, wait a minute. Don't the commies and the cartels work together? Oh, yeah, that's right. It's reported that the Sinaloa network gets its chemical precursors from China so they can do fentanyl. So maybe it's the CCP that was involved in helping Kari Lake be defeated so they can keep their CCP connections with their cartels and run Arizona.

Joe Hoft: Yeah, absolutely. And now they're pushing to put the Mark Kelly there of Arizona, who's questionable if he ever won his election. I don't trust any of these elections lately. And he's.

Brannon Howse: Have you read the connection? Have you read the connection between Mark Kelly and the CCP by Trevor Loudon? Trevor Loudon goes into a lot of connections between Mark Kelly and the CCP.

Joe Hoft: No, I have not. But that wouldn't surprise me at all. And here we're he's he now is pushing for Arizona State to be the place where we set up our defense you know, strategy and teaching and and all that. So it would make sense then that he would want that in Arizona close to home and close to where the CCP is given donated millions of dollars to that university, one of the top ten universities in the US receiving funds. So yeah, outrageous. Here's another one going on.

Brannon Howse: Joe Half.com, I saw this today. This is heartbreaking because I've interviewed Ashley Babbitt's mother many times in person and by technology, a demonic Antifa woman harasses Ashley Babbitt's mother. Guess who got arrested? Yeah, it was Ashley Babbitt's mother that got arrested. I mean, it's all on video, folks carrying around a bullhorn using a horrible four-letter word to describe Ashley. So here's the mother of this girl that was, we believe, murdered. And this person is shouting at him as I read the report through a bullhorn using a horrible, horrific four-letter word about her daughter. Is that what you also took away from the video footage?

Joe Hoft: Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. It's disgusting. This lady always shows up. Mickey has been doing all she can to support that January 6th ers, those guys in jail. She prays with them night nightly at a certain time. She sings the national anthem with them. She is there for them in the courtroom. And this lady shows up with a blowhorn daily and says terrible things to Mickey. Things like, you know where your daughter is now. She's in the grave. She's ten feet under. There's, you know, earthworms crawling over her. That's the kind of stuff this lady says to Mickey's mom or Mickey. Ashley Bobbitt's mom. It's the most disgusting stuff I've ever heard. I think you could not be not satanic to be doing what this lady's doing. And she follows these people around and says nasty, horrible things to these people. Just. I've never seen anything like it in my entire life. Have I seen anything so disgusting? You know, when we grew up, Brandon, if somebody started mouthing off in the schoolyard, they, you know, there was it was they usually got popped or something and it stopped. And this lady is being protected by the Capitol Police and can say all sorts of stuff to Mickey. Mickey finally had enough, walked behind her and grabbed her mic, and threw it on the ground. And now Mickey is arrested. This lady never should have been near her. The Capitol Police needed to protect Mickey from this animal. This I'd say, a possessed woman who's just I just can't imagine, you know, who would even think of doing this. And I also wonder if she's being paid. I you know, who's paying her.

Brannon Howse: Yeah. I hope she's not swearing. Let's. Let's. Let's show a little of this footage here, guys. Let's show a little of this. Right. Hopefully, it's not swearing. Here we go. Watch this.

Joe Hoft: Yeah. See if you can get the sound.

Brannon Howse: All right. So they don't have the audio, but you have the video. There you go. That's the lady right there. They don't have for some reason, they don't have audio. I don't know why.

Joe Hoft: Yeah, Yeah. There's The links are out on Twitter and that lady just horrible at what she says about this. This is the other lady. She says she just says terrible things to her. Who lost a child as well. Just yeah. You just can't even imagine what this what's coming out of this lady's mouth. It's so vile. It's just disgusting.

Brannon Howse: Okay. Final one. Experts are at shop.com. Expert says President Trump will win the 2024 primaries. Tell me about this one before we let you go.

Joe Hoft: Yeah, well, this was Leo Terrell last night, was sharing this on Fox News. He just started. It was a great piece, actually, a couple of minutes that Fox had him on. I don't watch Fox. I just happened to catch this through, you know, doing some research. But Terrell, remember, used to be a far, far-left guy. He was nasty to listen to. Something happened like a miracle. And this guy came around and he's behind Trump now. He admits it and he says nobody's going to touch Trump in these primaries. He's going to win the primaries. And it was a great piece where he shared about President Trump and about these other guys trying to, you know, and the media trying to push that this guy that President Trump's, you know, somehow going to be, you know, beaten. It's just not true. President Trump is in a huge lead in Tyrrell's. Right. Huge lead, 40% in some polls. Yes, he is. Wow. It's it's Jo.

Brannon Howse: Hoff.com. So major exclusive ones over there tonight. Jo hoff.com Jo hoff.com. As always, Joey, enjoy our weekly visits with you.

Joe Hoft: Thank you. I enjoy it. To look forward to seeing you again.

Brannon Howse: We'll keep it going then. Yeah, you will. Then we're going to keep it going. Thank you. Joehoff.com. Check it out, folks. All the exclusive articles are over there. Joehoft.com.

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