California to Charge Parents with Abuse and Take Their Child For Violating Political Correctness?

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Brannon Howse: Joining me now is Nicole Pearson, I got that name in my head now. I can't get it out. Nicole Pearson, the attorney from California. Nicole, welcome back to the broadcast. Thanks for joining us.

Nicole Pearson: Thanks for having me. I don't know if you're disappointed, but it's Nicole Pearson, not Anna Nicole Smith. Well.

Brannon Howse: Where we'd be scared because she's supposed to be nice, so we'd be very alarmed. Okay. We're not used to this backdrop. Have you gone somewhere new?

Nicole Pearson: I'm in underground hiding. I have some very big news for you.

Brannon Howse: Okay. Looks like you're going to Olan Mills to get your picture taken. Yeah, you don't. You're too young to know what Olan Mills was, aren't you?

Nicole Pearson: I know. Follow. I'm up to. I'm hip. Okay.

Brannon Howse: Olan Mills, we all used to go there to get our pictures taken with backdrops like that. All right, So I wanted to get you on tonight because I'm concerned about this bill out of California. And now we've got a state senator saying, I've been a state senator for 11 years. Get out. It's dangerous. Or parents with minor children. And he said in the clip, I don't know if we still have it, guys, but he said when he's done in the state Senate, he's going to move to America, implying that California is no longer America. I said to my friend Liz, who's friends with you, get her on. We need to hear from a mom and an attorney and a Californian who's up on the Capitol Hill all the time. They're in your state. What's going on with this bill? Because as goes California, so goes much of the nation. Many of the other states will mimic this.

Nicole Pearson: Well, and absolutely. With Governor Newsom running for president in 2028, if not sooner, we all have our own theories about what's going on with him. If he signs this bill into law, then everybody can expect to have something similar rolled out in their states. And there is not just one bill, but it's used to be a trifecta. But now it's what I call the Four Horsemen of Bad Bills, all authored and co-authored by Senator Scott Wiener, basically just trampling the US and California Constitution, parental rights, but truly, truly, truly moving towards the emancipation of minors. I mean, the writing is on the wall. They want to emancipate children as young as 12, empower them to make lifelong, irreversible decisions without their parent's notice and consent. And it's it's horrifying.

Brannon Howse: A whiner. I'm going to mispronounce his name on purpose.

Nicole Pearson: Whiner. Either one is bad. But that's what he is. It's Wiener. I'm not.

Brannon Howse: I know it. I know I would. I would pronounce it Wiener if I were him. But anyway, I digress. Where is this bill? Is it in committee? Where is it?

Nicole Pearson: So the bill that you were just referring to, where Senator Scott Wilk basically told everyone to flee Commie fornia was assembly.

Nicole Pearson: Economy for me. Yeah. Is 957 and that one is it basically would amend the family code to direct judges to prefer the affirming the gender-affirming parent and to otherwise award custody to that parent and then not grant custody to the non-gender-affirming parent. It would make that law. There would be no longer a medical determination for that child, whether or not that child should even be gender affirmed or not. What we're going to testify against. Our person will be testifying tomorrow at the California Capitol in the Senate Judiciary Committee against Assembly Bill 665. It's Assemblywoman Wendy Carrillo's bill co-authored with Senator Scott Wiener. And this one is horrifying. And it's exactly what said it's to emancipate children as young as 12 years old. They will be allowed to what it's called self-consent into a government-run a residential shelter without any allegations of abuse or incest or danger to themselves or others and with no notice to the parents. It's a horrifying, horrifying bill. They are pushing it, as you and I have always discussed, under the guise of equity and access and justice and parity. And they're using initially a Wendy Carrillo used minorities and immigrants and indigenous peoples to promote the bill, to present the bill. And then she coupled up with Senator Scott Wiener, and now they've presented it as the LGBTQ plus Trans Bill and are using it to say, you know, basically anyone who is opposing this bill, voicing concerns about this bill is transphobic and homophobic because that is the hot button topic this legislative session. But it's a horrifying bill.

Brannon Howse: Is it going to pass? Is it going to get is it going to become part of the law?

Nicole Pearson: Well, right now it passed and this is what happened. And we have to be very cognizant of who we're dealing with. We're dealing with a wiener who's a Weiner and what he has done strategically this entire legislative session is he has taken and I'm going to call them this, an unsuspecting assembly person to author the bill so the bills come up a be assembly bill A-b-c-d-e-f-g, one, two, three, four, five, and they blew through the assembly. What's interesting is this bill. It starts in the originating house AB assembly bill six, six five. Start in the assembly house where Carrillo is an assemblywoman. It was only assigned to one committee, the Judiciary Committee, obviously because it's changing the law, the family code. But what's interesting about this is Carrillo and Wiener presented this bill as expanding access to children to receive mental health counseling without their parent's knowledge and consent. They said family code, the way it's currently written right now, only allows minors who are deemed by a professional person to be mature enough and who that professional person finds to be again the victim of incest, abuse, or a danger to themselves or others, for example, suicidal or threatened to kill a sibling or a parent. Only those children can receive mental health services or opt themselves into a residential shelter without their parent's knowledge and consent. And what this bill does is, again, they claim to say, well, that only applies to rich children with private insurance. We need to strip these guardrails so that more children as young as 12 can get not only mental health services but opt themselves into a residential shelter without their parent's knowledge or consent.

Nicole Pearson: And the reason why I point that out is because they say it's about Medi-Cal coverage. But if it was about medical coverage, why wasn't it assigned to the Appropriations Committee? That is that's the committee that hears bills that have a significant fiscal impact on the state. We have currently over 1.3 million children who are enrolled in Medi-Cal in the state of California. If this bill passes, we're exposing the state to paying for millions of dollars worth of mental health treatment for these Medi-Cal children. And it wasn't heard by the Appropriations Committee in the assembly. It's not her going to be heard. It's not assigned to the Appropriations Committee in the Senate. It is not a bill about Medi-Cal benefits. It's not a bill about expanding access and paying for these services for poor children who are predominantly minority immigrants and also indigenous peoples. This is about stripping away those guardrails, those procedural requirements that only the children most at risk and only those children whose parents are so abusive and neglectful can leave their homes without any notice or consent to their parents. It's so transparent. It's a horrible bill. And right now it's in the Senate Judiciary. If it doesn't get assigned to appropriations as we've requested and it does pass tomorrow, then it goes to the Senate floor. And if it passes out on the Senate floor, it goes back to assembly for concurrence vote because they have manipulated it and amended it, as, you know, playing games with us in this process to go back to the assembly to be voted on again. So we have three opportunities to kill this bill.

Brannon Howse: So you're going to keep us posted, of course, at put her put her website back up again, please. So. What is the media been saying about the state senator that says that you need to leave the state if you have minor children and he's going to leave and go to America? What do you make of his comment? I agree with him. But what do you make of his comment? He says I'm moving to America. He clearly he's saying this has become an ideology literally that you would find in a third-world dictatorship-type condition, not what was traditionally the Golden State that had Ronald Reagan for president. Right. How is how have his words been received by your fellow citizens in California?

Nicole Pearson: To be candid with you, I'm disappointed because again. And this is we're at war. This is a strong foothold. We need to maintain this territory. So goes California, and so goes the rest of the country. I don't recommend that anybody leaves. And as we saw in the elections last year, even for. For governor. Um. Senator. Excuse me. Yeah. Dolly barely lost. He won. He had great, great margins with Gavin Newsom. And it begs the question if we had more people stay in the state and vote, Republicans vote in the election, could we have flipped more seats? Could we have won and would we have more, you know, impact in the Congress and also in the state? We probably could have won even the governor's seat.

Brannon Howse: So if you did have voter fraud, you may have that guy who may have won that. He may. And if there wasn't voter fraud, he may be the governor tonight.

Nicole Pearson: Absolutely. And he knows Meghan and Brian and I are all colleagues would say that mean consider them friends. And we work together. And, you know, they didn't run the most robust campaign. There are a lot of places where they could have run a little bit. We've had this conversation before, run a little bit harder, so Lord knows what would have happened if we again, no voter fraud if they had run a little bit more of a robust campaign. So I'm disappointed. I appreciate Senator Wilk's comments. He was a very brave man to say that I don't want anybody to leave. I think that we can win. I think that we've touched very close to the bottom of the barrel. And in.

Brannon Howse: In other words, are you saying that because here's what I'm experiencing? Yeah, we have seen polls that we reported on last week in my news report that a huge spike of Americans are now calling themselves conservative, are very conservative. And that's since 2021, it spiked after 2021. And I said last week and I'll say again, these people that thought, oh, I'm progressive, they were saying that because they didn't know what that meant. They thought, I'm tolerant, I'm for new thinking, I'm for innovation and new ideas and technology, and I'm for planned communities and green spaces and the environment. I'm for the environment. I'm for green spaces. I'm for living in a town that's got zoning laws and is very well laid out. And I mean, that doesn't make me a progressive. I think people don't realize what they were saying, Oh, I'm a progressive because they think that's the cool thing to say when they realize, wait a minute, that means socialism, Marxism, redistribution of wealth into my First Amendment rights, banning people, shadow, banning people, firing people. They're like, wait a minute.

Nicole Pearson: That's not progressive at all. I mean, if you are a Democrat, you're, you know, small government, you're pro free speech, you're pro all of these things. And they're realizing that they've been abandoned by their party. It's very different than what it used to be.

Brannon Howse: Which means you're saying that we've hit the bottom of the barrel. You're thinking there's about to be a massive backlash in California. Is that what you're telling me?

Nicole Pearson: I think so. I mean, I think even across the country, as you said, we see Robert f Kennedy Jr. Running there. There are a lot of people who feel politically homeless right now. I am. I mean, I felt that way for a very I've never really affiliated with any party in particular voting issues and candidates. But again people have seen this has exposed the agenda. It's not just one bill. It's we have, again, the Four Horsemen of the apocalypse. We have Assembly Bill 957 Assembly Bill 665, Senate Bill 407, and Assembly Bill 223, and all of them work together to again strip parents of their rights.

Brannon Howse: Wow, and notice how she did all that off the top of her head, folks. Yeah, I'm serious. It's very.

Nicole Pearson: Bad. It's very bad. And they all work together again. Nine five, seven removes the child from the home of the parent. That is not what. Ready or willing to affirm that child? And mind you, Assemblywoman Lori Wilson gave the example of a seven year old who came and wanted to talk to their parents about their gender assembly Bill 665 is about, again, a 12-year-old. Not just these are not trans-LGBTQ issues. That is the Trojan horse that they are using, just like the last year they used COVID-19. These are the Trojan horses that they use to usher in these unconstitutional, dangerous bills that are leading to the destruction of the nuclear family and also the emancipation of children. All of them. If you notice, last year we had Senate Bill 866. It was about reducing the age of consent to vaccines to 12. Now we have Assembly Bill 665, which is about reducing the age of consent, not just for medical treatment, not just for mental health services. 12-year-olds in California. It's one of only three states in the entire country where the age is 12. But in California, not only do they want to allow 12-year-olds to consent to mental health services, they now under Winer and Kareah, want the 12 year olds to opt themselves out of their homes again with zero allegations of abuse, neglect, or incest. By all means, if you have a 12-year-old, a 14-year-old, a six-year-old who's being raped by their father, let's just call a spade a spade or as having a horrific situation or wants to kill their says they want to kill their siblings or their relatives or their teachers.

Nicole Pearson: Absolutely. We need to get them out of that situation as quickly as possible. Why are Senator Weiner and Assemblywoman Carrillo going after these procedural safeguards, these guardrails that ensure only those children who are most at risk can be removed from their parent's homes, but more importantly, opted into a residential shelter run by the government, funded by the government? And more importantly, that works hand in hand, lockstep, hand in hand with CPS and the foster care system these children don't understand. They're being led like the Pied Piper set, in my opinion. Senator Weiner is the Pied Piper. He leads children to the slaughter. He's leading them to these shelters where they don't understand that. They say one thing that kind of gives a little bit of an inkling that something's going on at home. They got in a fight about drinking or doing drugs or they got in a fight about curfew or they got a fight about grades. And all of a sudden the counselor says, do you want to, you know, do you feel comfortable going home? And you say, not really. My mom was pretty upset with me last night.

Nicole Pearson: My dad took away my phone. He took away my keys. I don't want to go home last night. And the counselor says, Well, why don't you go down the street? You know, your friends are at the shelter down there. Just take a couple of days off and you go your child goes. Assuming this adult at the school has their best interest in mind, goes to the shelter, and talks to another counselor, where they mention the blowout fight and the slammed doors and the broken cell phone and the keys ripped from your hands. And now the next thing you know as a parent, after having what you think is a pretty bad fight, but because you're a loving parent who's trying to take care of your child and set loving but firm guidelines around them to ensure their health and safety and success, the next thing you know, your child's not home. You don't know where they are because the bill does not require them to contact you. Oh wow. And use your best efforts. But if that professional person talks to your child and deems it inappropriate, these terms are the worst kinds of language you can have in law. It's the worst because they're so ambiguous. And the next thing you know is you're finding out that your child is in a government-run shelter on his or her way to foster care because CPS knocks on your door.

Nicole Pearson: It is horrifying. And then every 2 to 3 will allow the adult who now has custody of your child to seal your child's medical records when they want to change their name, their gender, or their sex identifier. Again, I know people want to focus on gender and sex identifier, call it an LGBTQ trans bill, but the name they can erase these children, get as many children as possible into foster care, and then erase their names with records under seal. This is, to me, this is the pinnacle of it all. And that's what I was saying. People are seeing all these bills in conjunction with how they work together and realizing just how bad our California legislature is.

Brannon Howse: Amazing, amazing, dangerous. But amazing that you are so on it with the bill numbers off the top of your head. You know this, folks. Follow what she's doing. Keep us posted. Thank you, Nicole, for being with us.

Nicole Pearson: Thank you so much.

Brannon Howse: Thank you, folks, for watching. Take care.

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