China's Tentacles Are Reaching Into American Public Schools

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  • British police roll out a Chinese-style surveillance grid meant to track you everywhere you go.
  • New official figures have been published that reveal the overwhelming number of people who died from Covid last year had received three or more shots of mRNA vaccines for the virus.
  • The Chinese Communist Party was likely planning to release pathogens from an illegal makeshift biolab recently discovered in California, according to China expert Gordon Chang.
  • The new CDC director casually admits that her Covid restrictions depended on the arbitrary opinions of friends that she garnered during telephone conversations.
  • And the globalist corporate media stay quiet as Joe Biden purges the White House press corps.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

Britain’s Home Office is encouraging police departments across the country to make use of live facial-recognition technologies for routine law enforcement. Retailers are also embracing the technology to monitor their customers. 

It increasingly seems that the UK decoupled from the European Union, its rules and regulations, only for its government to take the country in a progressively more authoritarian direction. This is, of course, a generalized trend among ostensibly “liberal democracies” just about everywhere, including EU Member States, as they increasingly adopt the trappings and tactics of more authoritarian regimes, such as restricting free speech, cancelling people and weakening the rule of law. But the UK is most definitely at the leading edge of this trend. A case in point is the Home Office’s naked enthusiasm for biometric surveillance and control technologies.

This week, for example, The Guardian revealed that the Minister for Policing Chris Philip and other senior figures of the Home Office held a closed-door meeting in March with Simon Gordon, the founder of Facewatch, a leading facial recognition retail security company. The main outcome of the meeting was that the government would lobby the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) on the benefits of using live facial recognition (LFR) technologies in retail settings. LFR involves hooking up facial recognition cameras to databases containing photos of people. Images from the cameras can then be screened against those photos to see if they match.

The lobbying effort was apparently successful. Just weeks after reaching out to the Information Commissioner’s Office, the ICO sent a letter to Facewatch affirming that the company “has a legitimate purpose for using people’s information for the detection and prevention of crime” and that its services broadly comply with UK Data Protection laws, which are in the process of being gutted by the liberal Sunak government and UK intelligence agencies.

As the Guardian report notes, “the UK’s data protection and information bill proposes to abolish the role of the government-appointed surveillance camera commissioner along with the requirement for a surveillance camera code of practice.”

The ICO’s approval gives legal cover to a practice that is already well established. Facewatch has been scanning the faces of British shoppers in thousands of retail stores across the UK for years. The cameras scan faces as people enter a store and screens them against a database of known offenders, alerting shop assistants if a “subject of interest” has entered.

Shops using the technologies have placed notices in their windows informing customers that facial recognition technologies are in operation, “to protect” the shop’s “employees, customers and stock.”


What was supposed to be a cause for celebration turned into the most heartbreaking family tragedy imaginable.

The Salt Lake Tribune reported Thursday that 19-year-old Liam Mildenstein. a native of Provo, Utah, was reading his mission statement in front of his entire family when he suddenly collapsed backward on the floor and later died.

The shocking medical episode occurred just after the excited young man revealed where he was being called to serve his Mormon mission. He had been hoping for weeks that he would be going to Japan and got his wish.

The family called 911 immediately but when medical personnel arrived it was too late. Liam never regained consciousness and passed away just one hour later.

The cause of Liam’s sudden death is unknown at this time as an official autopsy has yet to be performed.

His older brother Kaelten explained to the Tribune in a text message that the teen had no known health issues nor was there any sign this tragedy was coming.

Kaelten went on to say that it had been Liam’s lifelong dream to go to Japan for his mission.

“My entire family – my grandfather, my uncles, and a bunch of my cousins – they all served in Japan. It was something that he wanted to be a part of, he really always wanted to go to Japan for his mission.”

The Mildenstein family has created a GoFundMe campaign to help cover Liam’s “completely unexpected” funeral expenses. More than $37,000 has been donated as of Saturday morning, surpassing the $30,000 goal.


New official figures have been published that reveal the overwhelming number of people who died from Covid last year had received three or more shots of mRNA vaccines for the virus.

Slay News reports that the UK government quietly released the official figures for Covid deaths in 2022.

The data reveals that the triple-plus vaccinated population accounted for 92% of Covid-19 deaths throughout the entirety of 2022.

The figures also show that 9 in every 10 Covid deaths in England over the past two years had received three or more of the shots.

On the 21st of February 2023, the Office for National Statistics (ONS), a UK government agency, quietly published data on deaths by vaccination status in England up to December 31st, 2022.

The overdue dataset from the ONS is titled “Deaths by Vaccination Status, England, 1 April 2021 to 31 December 2022.”


The Chinese Communist Party was likely planning to release pathogens from an illegal makeshift biolab recently discovered in California, according to China expert Gordon Chang.

Chang, author of “The Great U.S.-China Tech War”, explained that the hundreds of genetically engineered mice discovered along with dozens of infectious agents at a warehouse in Reedley, California, last week means China was readying a deliberate bioweapon attack on U.S. soil.

“The other thing they found was nearly 1,000 mice, 175 of them dead, that had been genetically engineered to transmit disease,” Chang said Friday on Fox News. “So, the only conclusion that fits the facts is that China was preparing to launch a pathogen from this lab, and I’m sure there must be others around the United States as well.”

WATCH VIDEO (not sure if this one’s transferable)

Chang stated, “At the very minimum, we need to be scouring our country for facilities like this because we know what disease can do to hobble our society.”

The secret Chinese biolab was in operation for months in the “abandoned” building before it was uncovered by inspectors, who found, “medical waste and hazardous materials”, pregnancy and COVID kits and unmarked vials of biological and viral agents including coronavirus, HIV, malaria, E. coli, hepatitis, and chlamydia.

One important aspect of the story that has not been widely reported is that this secret Chinese biolab was located just 40 miles or so from a major U.S. Air Force base.

I spoke with military analyst David Pyne about this on my show, Brannon Howse Live, last week and this is what he had to say.

WATCH VIDEO (clip from 0:39 mark to 4:59 mark)


A group of CNN reporters covering rising crime in California’s Bay Area became the unexpected target of the very subject they were covering when their vehicle was broken into.

The incident took place late last Wednesday in Oakland, an area that has been the epicenter of a disturbing rise in violent crimes including a wave of carjackings. Reporter Kyung Lah reported that her own vehicle had been the target of an attempted break-in while she was working on a report about crime in the area.

Lah wrote in a tweet:

“I’m in Oakland, shooting a story about crime. Got broken into again— but this time our car was completely empty. We were across the street— this happened in seconds.”


As reported by Lah on her Twitter account, the carjacking unfolded within moments while she and her crew were capturing footage on the opposite side of the street. Her vehicle, rented by CNN, was targeted for the third time in the past year in the Bay Area.

Footage shared by Lah reveals the damage to the car, which had its rear window smashed and its back seat lowered to provide access to the trunk, the suspected stash point for valuables.


Tim Brown of the Sons of Liberty Media outlet, reports that the new CDC director is just as wicked as the former one. 

Mandy Cohen said that during the Covid scare, she would call up her friends and ask, “Well, what are you planning to do?” They would then casually agree on some policy over the phone and apply it.  

This is one of the evil people that helped shut down the country, pushed deadly protocols onto the population, and pimped a deadly experiment on the people that was used to help steal an election. 


This is the face of tyranny, Brown writes, adding that it needs to be brought to justice and held accountable, or it will happen again.

Brown notes that this is the same CDC director who is finalizing the edict that all Americans must get an ANNUAL COVID shot.

Brown states that it’s his opinion that the American people need to demand she be arrested, charged with treason, judged and, if found guilty, face the ultimate justice.


Wisconsin’s Democrat Governor Tony Evers is urging legal action against 10 individuals for allegedly participating in an alternative elector plan during the 2020 presidential election.



Evers said in a Twitter post:

“What those ten fake electors did was wrong. People have to be held accountable for that, and I hope to hell somebody does.”

This initiative reportedly occurred December 14, 2020, where the individuals cast what are being termed as “false electoral votes” in favor of then-President Donald Trump.

The electors were selected as an alternate slate of Electoral College voters to present to then-Vice President Mike Pence to certify despite Wisconsin’s certified results that declared then-candidate Joe Biden won the state.

Motive for the attempt was ostensibly to challenge the 2020 election outcome in favor of incumbent Trump.

In pushing for prosecution of the ten Wisconsin electors, the governor is following the lead of Michigan’s attorney general, who last month declared charges against 16 Michigan electors for what is believed to be a similar alternate-election strategy.

Trump is also facing federal charges related to purported efforts by him to overturn the 2020 election results. The Wisconsin slate of alternate electors is also part of the latest Trump indictments brought by Special Counsel Jack Smith.


The globalist corporate media is giving cover to the Biden Administration yet again. They’ve been virtually silent on the purge of 442 reporters who have lost media passes after the White House changed requirements.

In May, The Gateway Pundit reported on the new rules.

In 2018, CNN sued to have Jim Acosta’s pass restored under President Trump, and the corporate media voiced its outrage. But today, under Biden’s purge of the White House press corps, they are silent.

Acosta even thanked his colleagues for rallying around him when a federal judge ultimately ruled that the Trump White House had to restore his press pass.

Chief White House Correspondent for Today News Africa, Simon Ateba, shared the letter he received, threatening to pull his press pass, with details of the new rules.

Ateba posted the full letter on Twitter:


The Daily Signal reports that, over the past three months, “the number of reporters with access to the White House dropped by 31%. There are now 442 fewer reporters with a coveted ‘hard pass’—the result of new rules announced in May that took effect Tuesday.”


The Gateway Pundit reports that China’s tentacles are reaching into American public schools at an alarming rate, according to parents and several Republican members of Congress.

A new report from Parents Defending Education, a grassroots organization focused on education, says that over time, China has reached into 143 school districts in 34 states and the District of Columbia through its Confucius Classrooms program, giving schools nearly $18 million since 2009. Of those schools, the report said, the “CCP has had ties to school districts near 20 U.S. military bases.”

“The allure of Chinese language and culture programs have led American K-12 schools to forge ties with one of the United States’ biggest foreign adversaries,” the group’s report, titled “Little Red Classrooms,” said.

“While it’s important to provide students access to Chinese language and culture programs in schools, American schools should not give the Chinese Communist Party unfettered access to our students,” the report said.

The Chinese Communist Party is waging an influence campaign inside of America’s K-12 schools through “Confucius Classrooms.”

Most parents are not even aware this is happening due to the lack of transparency, which is extremely alarming.


The Confucius Classrooms project is an offshoot of what are called Confucius Institutes that were set up at U.S. universities.

The report from Parents Defending Education said:

“Chinese state media has touted the work done by Confucius Institutes and Confucius Classrooms to further the Chinese Communist Party’s global influence.”

report from the National Association of Scholars noted that many Confucius Institutes closed down due to “pressure from the FBI, the Department of State, Congress, and state legislatures.”

As noted by the U.K. Daily Mail, several Republicans in Congress want all existing partnerships scrutinized or severed.

Republican Rep. Mike Waltz of Florida said the Parents Defending Education report is “alarming” because “we truly don’t understand the full extent of Communist China’s meddling in our education system.”

Waltz added that:

“Not only is the CCP trying to promote their propaganda through education programs but are using Chinese shell companies to outright buy American private schools around the country.”


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

The oldest member of the U.S. Congress is still expected to continue serving as a senator despite calls for her to step down.

U.S. Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein, age 90, has relinquished power of attorney to her 66-year-old daughter Katherine, local media has reported.

The elderly politician reportedly made this move in part to help with the ongoing litigations related to the estate of the late Richard Blum, investment banker and Dianne Feinstein’s husband who passed away last February at the age of 86.

Last week, Feinstein made headlines when she appeared confused during a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing.

Instead of simply casting her vote on the Defense Appropriations Bill by saying either “aye” or “nay,” Feinstein proceeded to read aloud from her prepared remarks, explaining why she wants to support the bill, before being told what she was actually supposed to do and then proceeding with the vote.

In May, Feinstein also refused to acknowledge the fact that she spent three months away from Washington, D.C. while recovering from shingles-related complications, telling reporters who queried her on her absence that she has been working and voting in the U.S. Congress all that time.

Like Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, who last week had a brain freeze that lasted nearly 30 seconds, Feinstein has become basically non-functional, both mentally and physically. Biden, the Commander in Chief and leader of the Democrat Party, is in a similar state of decline. That these octogenarians are allowed to continue in office in such a state of senility sends a message to the nations, that America is in decline. That its senior citizen class of politicians refuse to let go of power, refuse to give up on their failed foreign and domestic policies that have plundered the middle class, opened the border and destroyed America’s image abroad.

Please, step down and pave the way for the younger generation. They couldn’t do any worse job than what we’ve seen from these miscreants and traitors to America.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for tuning in, and for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time…

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