Connection Between Carbon Pipeline in Five States, Theft of Private Property and China?

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Brannon Howse: Today on my radio show, I repeated a warning that I have given several times, and that is it's time to get out of California and out of Washington State, out of Oregon, Oregon, Washington and California particularly. There are other states as well that you should get out of. But those three have been warning about due to their legislation related to undermining parental authority, declaring parents to not be qualified to be parents if they don't affirm their child's LGBTQ ideology. So today on my broadcast, I was talking about an amendment onto a bill in California that would now actually label parents as being abusive if they don't affirm their child's LGBTQ ideology. And I have been saying for weeks that if you live in Oregon or Washington State or California, you have minor children, I believe you should flee the state. I believe it's very dangerous for you to be there. Well, while I was talking about that on the air and showing some information during one of the breaks today, I did a little searching for some topics. And sure enough, what popped up? Is a video of a man saying the exact same thing I've been saying.

Brannon Howse: If you live in California. And you have minor children. Get out. It's not safe for you. But this isn't just some talk show host like me. The one that is saying it is a state senator in California. He's been a state senator for 11 years. He was born and raised in California. And he's saying get out. Not only that, he says that when he's done there in the legislature, he's moving. Where is he moving to? He said he's moving to America. Think about that. A state senator in California is saying he's leaving California to move to America. What does that mean? It means California is no longer holding up the ideals of America or the Constitution. They're more akin to the CCP, and we've been warning for a few years now that there's overwhelming evidence the CCP is indeed controlling San Francisco and now the entire state legislature a communist ideology. Watch what this state senator had to say after 11 years working in the legislature in California. Watch and listen.

State Senator of California: I'm now in year 11 in the state legislature. And all the time we're proposing policies to protect children. After 11 years, I've concluded that we need to start protecting parents. That's just not happening. I've been here and witnessed a full frontal assault on charter schools, taking away parents choice and how their children are going to be educated to the detriment, particularly of children of color. In recent years, we have put government bureaucrats between parents, children and doctors when it comes to medical care. And now we have this where if a parent does not support the ideology of the government, they're going to be taken away from the home. Now, I agree with both Senator Wiener and Senator Laird that today it only involves divorce proceedings. And frankly, a judge can already factor factor this in. But I can assure you it's not going to end with divorce proceedings. In the past when we've had these discussions and I've seen parental rights. Atrophied. I've. I've encouraged people to keep fighting. I've changed my mind about that. If you love your children, you need to flee California. You need to flee. We are moving towards the pathway of The Handmaid's Tale. California is becoming the new Gilead, and it just breaks my heart. Born and raised in this state. I love this state. I'm not going to stay in this state because it's just too oppressive. And I believe in freedom. And so I'm going to move to America when I leave the legislature.

Brannon Howse: Wow. So to those who maybe thought my warnings the last few weeks when I keep covering these bills to flee certain states because it's too dangerous for your families and children if they're underage. That's now a state senator and he's referring to California as not America. My friends, I called on the radio show today for more talk of not civil war, but talk of a great divorce, a great divide, I believe we are reaching the point where we have to start having that conversation. Marjorie Taylor Greene and others are talking about it. Colonel John Mills talked about it on this broadcast last night. We cannot continue to be one nation when part of the nation wants to go full on communist, undermine parental authority, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech, prosecute people and use the courts to go after your political enemies and try to throw them in prison for their whole life. Some that's already begun. How can this be one nation? How can we be e pluribus unum? Of the many, one house divided against itself will fall, as the saying goes. And so maybe. Maybe it's time for a more robust, robust talk from state legislators and from, well, average Americans talking about the need for a great divorce if they want to live under communism and the ideology of communism, if they want to have sex with children and groom children and the parents of those children want that to go on.

Brannon Howse: It's despicable, disgusting. It's illegal. It's against the laws of nature and nature's God. And I'm not for it. But I'm also not for innocent families and children staying in that kind of, well, conditions. Having their children stolen from them and molested and raped. What happened at the White House two days ago is still which we covered last night, is still unbelievable. I still can't fully believe this is really happening. But it is. If this is what they're willing to do in broad daylight on the White House lawn, what are they doing behind closed doors? What do they intend to do? What do you think they're going to do once they remove children from the loving home of a Christian family who is opposed to the LGBTQ agenda and puts them in an LGBTQ facility? What do you think they're going to be doing? Playing old maid in Candyland. Uno? No. They're going to be grooming and sexually abusing them. And if that is what the state of California is for, then they don't need to be a part of the United States anymore.

Brannon Howse: Maybe the slogan Make America Great Again should be changed to make a great America. Maybe it's time for Communist America and the Great America. They can have their communism. What we want is a free America. America the Great. Maybe it's time. For that divorce. Joining me now is Trent Lewis. He's out of South Dakota. He's been covering what we've been covering for a while. And that is this carbon capture pipeline in South Dakota and the use of the eminent domain to steal the private property of farmers. Wait a minute. I thought South Dakota was a conservative state with a conservative governor. Apparently. She's all talk. Apparently. She's. Notrillioneally. An America First private property advocate. We had on here. Fourth generation farmer, Mr. Bosley, last week. He shocked us by telling us when he confronted the governor about what was happening to his family and the threat of eminent domain and stealing his property. Her smart aleck response, he said, was, quote, Do I have to fight all your battles? End quote. Maybe Kristi Noem is a perfect example. Of the unit party that's destroying this nation. We'll find out from our next guest. Trent, welcome to the broadcast. Thank you for joining us.

Trent Loos: Thank you. Brandon, I do want to correct you. I did live in South Dakota for five years. I currently ranch in central Nebraska. Oh, really? But South Dakota, North Dakota and Nebraska would be my bailiwick. And I've been on top of this CO2 pipeline for now 16 months because I recognize that it's a grave threat not only to property rights, but to a healthy planet and a healthy human population.

Brannon Howse: So you did live in South Dakota, but you're an expert on this because if I remember seeing the map, this captioned carbon-carbon pipeline runs through not just South Dakota, but Iowa. And does it run through Nebraska?

Trent Loos: It does run through a bit of Nebraska. There are actually five states. There's a little bit of Minnesota that it runs through as well. The majority runs through South Dakota and Iowa, but then the creme de la creme that is supposed to end up in Oliver and Mercer. Mercer Counties, North Dakota. I have many friends there. I was at the wellhead, I will call it, where the supposed end of this pipeline is going to be last August in Oliver County by center, North Dakota. And I've been working on this day in and day out, Brandon, for now, like I said, over a year, because I recognize that it is a threat. And I want to just add one other thing. I've been friends with Kristi Noem, and Kristi and I parted ways because she would not recognize on March 20th or March 9th, 2021, when I sat in her office and I said, Kristi, you need to get on top of this 30 by 30 initiative that Joe Biden signed on January 27th, 2021. I spoke, Brandon, in 42 states in 18 months about the dangers of 30 by 30. And this CO2 pipeline is exactly the prototype for the 30 by 30 challenge, which, by the way, if you don't know, is Executive Order 14 008 signed on January 27th, 2021.

Trent Loos: The language says in section six, it says of a 54-page report, by the way, it says that by 2030 we will return 30% of the land and the water to its natural state. And that's exactly what we see taking place. It is the government controlling what they already own, 640 million acres in the United States, 28% of the United States landmass. And now they're forcing eminent domain upon these landowners. Like a friend of mine, Jared Bosley, who I talked to on a regular basis. And what you need to also know, everybody needs to recognize you were spot on when you talked about Kristi Noem. If you look at her, it's all very much the proof is in the pudding. If you look at her inaugural ball, she had two platinum sponsors, and one of those platinum sponsors for her inaugural ball this year in January was Summit Carbon Solutions. The other platinum sponsor was poet ethanol. Those are two of the three entities that are putting together this CO2 pipeline. The proof is in the pudding.

Brannon Howse: Yeah. What about family members? Does she have a son in law or anybody working with any of these groups?

Trent Loos: I don't want to comment on that because I know that there's a sentiment floating about a family member that's working for Summit. I can't speak to that because nobody has verified that for me.

Brannon Howse: Yeah, well, we don't want to repeat anything that's not verifiable, but I'd heard that floating around out there. Okay. So when you asked her and by the way, we have covered the 20 or the 30 by 30 here with Margaret Byfield now for over a year, are coming up on a year. But we know that by another name that we've been covering since 1992 with Tom DeWeese and that's the Agenda 21 Agenda 2030, the Sustainable Development Conference that came out of Rio in 1992 by Maurice Strong, who said isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse. Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about? And there was Mr. Unipart, George H. Bush standing there speaking, praising him for bringing this all together. So the Republicans, the Democrats are on the same page on this. But when you try to explain to her this is actually part of a UN agenda, did she even understand that this is coming from the United Nations? Biden is just doing the American version of a global UN plan, and it's now called the Great Reset or Build back better, which means they've got to burn it to the ground, just like the communist radicals from the Weather Underground in their 1974 manifesto, Prairie Fire. Burn it all to the ground. Burn the system to the ground. And the system, as you know, includes private property.

Trent Loos: It does. Unfortunately, Brandon, we do not see people move on the issue of private property because they think, well, I don't own a spread, so it doesn't matter. But if you really get at the heart of the problem, the heart of the problem is that our thoughts are also our property. And we're being told in today's world what we can and cannot think. And that's the premise of what you talked about leading up to our discussion. I was shocked for a moment when you were introducing as Annie and thought that you were calling me Annie. And I'm identifying as a man every day. I'm telling you, that's the way it is. 57 years. That's what I've been identifying as. But I'm glad you've had Margaret Byfield on because Margaret and I hosted the very first meeting on March the 8th, the day before I went to see Kristi Noem in her office in Pierce, North Dakota, The Cherry County, Nebraska County commissioners put together a meeting. If you'll think about March of 2021, nobody had been meeting. Everybody was told to stay home. And Tanya Store and the Cherry County commissioners put together a meeting and she said, Trent, I don't know, 40 people are going to show up or 400. We had over 400 people show up because they recognize that this is a Stalin-type approach to making the landowners peasants.

Trent Loos: And we really need to get to where the money is coming from and we have to trace it back to another guy from Iowa named Bruce Rastetter, who I have to tell you that I've been a personal acquaintance with for now 30 years. Bruce was in the pig business, really Originally he got into the ethanol business when he exited the pig business. He's now back in the pig business, apparently in partnership with Smithfield Foods, a China-owned company. But Bruce Rastetter is the owner of Summit Carbon AG, or Carbon Solutions, which is a company subsidiary of Summit Agricultural Group. And if you follow the money, we can trace it all back to the China Development Bank, which has six ethanol plants in Brazil that they are financing. And also now I've traced it directly to one of the co founders of Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum that brags this this NGO that's working on climate change and burying CO2. They brag about giving summit carbon solutions, nearly half $1 million as a grant to go forward. And if you look at the list of board members of this non-governmental organization, they're all tied directly to the World Economic Forum. So we're fighting that global interest right here. That's why so and McPherson and Brown County, South Dakota are fighting this challenge.

Brannon Howse: So when we saw the opening of the Great reset conference by the World Economic Forum, their first speaker was Xi Jinping. That was their first speaker. That should tell you everything you need to know. Now you're telling us. That if you play connect the dots. You're finding that the people doing this in South Dakota and these other four states have ties back to China and Chinese finance. Is that what you're telling us?

Trent Loos: That's exactly what I'm telling you. And I'm also telling you if you have not heard that the governor of North Dakota, Doug Burgum, last week announced that he's running for president, he is personal friends and will be financed by Bill Gates. I don't believe there's any accident that this carbon CO2 pipeline is going to end up in North Dakota. Doug Burgum and Bill Gates have been in this from the get-go. Three weeks ago when I was with Representative Steve King in Iowa, Doug Burgum was there supposedly doing a governor or a presidential exploratory campaign to see if maybe he should run for president. Except for Brennan. He went to Ames, Iowa, to do this exploratory campaign. You might want to guess who's based in Ames, Iowa.

Brannon Howse: Well, tell me who's I know it's a huge farming area. Agricultural companies and stuff are set up in Ames. I think having gone through there many, many, many times. But whose office, in particular, are you talking about?

Trent Loos: Summit Carbon Solutions. There you go. So he didn't go to Des Moines. He didn't go to Iowa City. He went to Ames, Iowa. Very telling.

Brannon Howse: So are the people of South Dakota. Let's start with South Dakota first. Are the people of South Dakota waking up to what you're talking about, to what we're talking about, to what Jared Bosley's talking about, to what Margaret Byfield is talking about? Are people in South Dakota waking up? It's a small state. I'm on a ton of terrestrial radio stations in South Dakota every day I've been talking about it if it's catching fire yet.

Trent Loos: You know, I'm going to say yes. And it's going to it's catching a low fire. Here's the problem that we have and the reason that we are in this position and this representative republic that on this Flag Day, we talk about our freedom and these 13 stripes and the 50 stars and the reason that we are in this spot where we're even talking about the loss of our freedom is that we have too many people that have been complacent too long. And until your ox is gored, you don't understand that you're involved. Tom DeWeese, you mentioned Tom, a great libertarian, great individual for fighting for liberty. He was in Aberdeen, South Dakota last week. He was in one night. He was in Aberdeen the next night, two nights in South Dakota. And the people that come are excited and they want to go and make a difference and do something. The challenge is we still need to get people that don't think they're involved to engage in the process. And this isn't just about eminent domain. Brennan Here, here's the real issue. I interviewed a ten-year-old kid in Bismarck the other day in front of the state Capitol.

Trent Loos: This ten-year-old young man, Zayden Peltz, is his name. And he said, Mr. Lewis, I don't understand. My entire life I've been told that we should plant a tree to help the environment. And now they're telling me that we should bury the plant food that feeds the tree. He said, Why does that make sense? The issue here is the United Nations has said that we want to bury 3.4 trillion tons of carbon by 2050. Carbon dioxide is plant food. It is responsible for growing more plants and improving a healthy planet and a healthy human being. We've been led down this path of demonizing the very elements that lead to health. May 15th, another case in point it was announced by Honeywell and this gets to the core of what's going on. Brennan and what people need to recognize. On May 15th, Honeywell jet engine manufacturer announced that they are partnering with Summit Agricultural Group to build the world's largest ethanol plant right off the Gulf of Mexico. I believe it's in Mississippi.

Brannon Howse: Well, now, why.

Trent Loos: Is that relevant to this particular case? Because we know the science, the United States Air Force in September of 2022 flew the first fighter jet with CO2 as the fuel. And so now you have a jet engine manufacturing company partnering with the company that is responsible for this CO2 pipeline to build the largest ethanol plant and announcing that it is going to be the new generation of jet fuel in the United States. So the reason that Jared Bosley and Michael Klarfeld and and all of my other friends in South Dakota and North Dakota and Nebraska, Minnesota, Iowa, and Illinois that are dealing with this is because we have one company, there's three companies involved that are trying to monopolize this commodity that is going to be the new age fuel, and that's the dirty secret that needs to come to light.

Brannon Howse: So they're going to use this carbon capture pipeline and take this carbon and use it to make this green energy for jet fuel.

Trent Loos: I'm just going to say yes. Is it going to work? There's no doubt that CO2 is a tremendous fuel. There's no doubt that CO2 has 15 other properties. This is a valuable commodity, but it's.

Brannon Howse: Also plant food, right?

Trent Loos: It's plant food, but it's a valuable commodity. See, here's the difference. I'm not opposed to carbon capture, and the coal plants have been implementing carbon capture in North Dakota for a long time. And what they do with that carbon is they take it to the oil field of the Bakken and they use that to recover about 15% more oil from the Bakken region, which is a tremendous value, but it keeps the cycle going. What I have a problem with is taking this valuable commodity, and putting it in the ground in earth a mile deep, which Brandon has never done before. It's never been done, I said in a meeting in January of 2022, in Bismarck, North Dakota, when one of the engineers, asked her, they said, How's this going to work? She said We don't know because it's never been done before. My issue is encapsulating entombing this valuable commodity and allowing a few companies to monopolize this commodity and utilize eminent domain to take people's land away from them.

Brannon Howse: That's wrong. Eminent domain for a business enterprise, not an eminent domain for building an interstate or railroad or school or fire station or police station, which even then I have trouble with that. But that's where traditionally eminent domain has been used when it's a very serious and necessary public function of something, not a private enterprise, enriching a few people. So they want to steal farmers' land, the land of the farmers, put easements on their property and put them at risk because you talk about a mile deep, but some of these farmers are saying these things will only be four feet deep and in a muddy condition.

Trent Loos: Let me let me clarify. The pipeline itself is four feet deep. Okay. The two sites where they're supposedly going to take this CO2 and bury it, that's a mile deep. One in Mercer County is a mile deep. So, yeah, and look at the dangers when you take CO2 and compress it to 2300 PSI pressures per square inch, pounds per square inch, or 3000 psi, what could potentially happen there? My issue is putting a mile deep in the earth, not utilizing it, and keeping it in the site.

Brannon Howse: What's your website?

Trent Loos: Trent Loose Tales That's lost You can also go to Beck. Beck dot news and watch Trent lose an hour every day.

Brannon Howse: You've got my text. Keep me posted. Any new information I want you to come back. All right.

Trent Loos: All right. Thank you for the opportunity. Appreciate you bringing it to the forefront.

Brannon Howse: No, thank you, Trent. Loose Checking in. All right, folks, if you appreciate what we're doing, we could use your support. Think of us as the conservative alternative to NPR, National Public Television. Radio. Their listener supported. Maybe you've got all the freeze-dried food you need or some of the other stuff you bought from us. Thank you for doing that. But if you want to just support us, $5, $10, whatever you can afford. Vw helps us to continue to push out free programming where many people put it behind a paywall. If you go to my channel, you can watch all kinds of programs for free, but my bandwidth and storage, and compression bill alone every month to do that is $12,000 to put out free programming. We need to put out this free information. It's the information that's going to set people free from all the lies of the media and their government schools. So we need your support. If you go to, it's one of my websites you'll find we're putting up three or 4 or 5 articles a day. Free Check out those articles, text them, email Facebook getter Truth social frank social whatever you do. Telegram free information to help educate your family and friends with very compelling and short articles with links to the full interviews that the article is being written about. Worldview Thanks for watching. Take care.

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