Corporate Bankruptcies Are Edging Back Up After A Two-Year Lull

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  • Second Amendment advocates are cautiously celebrating what could end up being a big victory in the courts.
  • New York Mayor Eric Adams goes on the Sunday morning talk shows crying a river about how unfair it is that his sanctuary city is being asked to house so many illegal aliens.
  • Democrats threaten violence if they don’t get their way on the debt ceiling.
  • The mayor of London lets the cat out of the bag on his secret heart attack just days after receiving the flu shot and a Covid booster.
  • And Target was caught frantically removing its LGBTQ merchandise to the back of the store in some areas, after customers in some Southern cities expressed outrage.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report.

Some good news to report tonight out of the courts.

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a preliminary injunction against the Biden regime’s unconstitutional attack on firearms equipped with a stabilizing pistol brace.


The lawsuit, brought by the Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) and other plaintiffs, paid off with this temporary injunction just days before ATF’s mandatory registration grace period was set to expire on May 31st.

The Truth About Guns website cautions, however, that gunowners should not celebrate too soon, because this temporary injunction applies at this point only to the named plaintiffs — until an appeal in the case is ruled on.

Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) released a statement on the Fifth Circuit’s decision granting an Injunction Pending Appeal in Mock v. Garland, FPC and FPC Action Foundation’s federal lawsuit challenging the ATF’s recent rule reclassifying braced pistols as National Firearms Act-regulated short-barreled rifles.

In so doing, the rule would transform millions of peaceful, law-abiding Americans into felons overnight simply for owning a firearm that has been lawful to own for a decade, unless they either destroy their constitutionally protected property or comply with the National Firearms Act’s onerous and unconstitutional requirements.

FPC has argued that the rule is a violation of both the U.S. Constitution and the Administrative Procedure Act because it infringes upon the fundamental and natural rights of the American people.

Here is a report on the ruling from the VSO Gun Channel on YouTube.


Good news, but let’s hope this leads to a full injunction and full victory now that the case has been expedited.


American Military News reports that New York City Mayor Eric Adams, the leader of a self-proclaimed “Sanctuary City” for illegal immigrants, said the federal government should send illegal immigrants to locations across the United States and expressed concern that they are overwhelming his city.

Adams shared the viewpoint during an interview on “Face the Nation” Sunday on CBS. He said:

“We’ve spent over a billion dollars, we’re projected to spend close to $4.3 billion, if not more. This estimate was based on a number of migrants coming into the city, and those numbers have clearly increased. We are getting—we’ve received several days last week alone over 900 migrants a day. Over two weeks ago, approximately 4,200 in one week. When you look at the price tag, 30 million dollars comes nowhere near what the city is paying for a national problem.”

He added that immigration is “a national issue” and “no city should be going through this.”

Adams also discussed the ongoing issue of accommodating asylum seekers in the city, stating that the Big Apple has taken in over 70,000 asylum seekers and continues to care for approximately 42,000 individuals.

The mayor said he has been in discussions with FEMA, New York’s congressional delegation and the White House to secure financial allocations and resources to address the situation. He emphasized that it is unfair for cities like New York to bear the burden of a national problem.

It’s hard to feel sorry for mayors like Adams. The feds are giving him more of what he and others said they wanted and would welcome as migrant sanctuaries.

So sorry, Mr. Mayor, it just sounds like whining now.


Democrats are always ready to use violence and chaos when they don’t get their way.

They’re already threatening to play that card if they don’t get their way on the debt ceiling negotiations.

Democrat Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal of Washington said Tuesday there would be backlash “in the streets” if Joe Biden agreed to spending cuts to secure an increase in the debt ceiling.


Republicans, led by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, are insisting on spending cuts to accompany any increase in the limit to the national debt, which currently stands at $31.4 trillion, while Democrats have demanded a “clean” debt ceiling increase, with no spending cuts or other legislative items attached.

With the media on their side and thugs ready at their command to start burning and looting businesses, what do you think the chances are that McCarthy caves on this one?


LifeSite News reports that a Texas abortionist claimed that having her own child has made her a better abortionist, asserting that “choosing an abortion is an act of love.”

In a May 11 Mother’s Day post, Dr. Ghazaleh Moayedi, an OB/GYN and abortionist, told readers of Glamour that becoming a mother made her more determined to provide abortions to women.

She wrote:

“I am often asked whether providing abortion care is hard as a mother — as if abortion somehow exists in a realm outside of motherhood. But motherhood is not an accidental or natural job; motherhood is a job done with intention.”

She further stated:

“Holding my baby’s tiny hands in my own not only strengthened my commitment to providing compassionate abortion care but also exposed how I needed to commit to supporting mothers in all aspects of my care.”

The murderous doctor went on to lament that there is “no Mother’s Day card to celebrate abortion” while there are for other “actions that are seen as the core of how a mother expresses love for her children.”


London Mayor Sadiq Khan revealed in his new book, Breathe, that he suffered a heart attack during the 2021 COP26 climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland.

Infowars reports that Khan explained as he spoke to the COP26 crowd, “out of nowhere, I felt a knot in my chest – a kind of tightening” and he had to be “carried off the stage” while “barely conscious.”

The book stated, “My shirt was drenched with sweat and I felt like I was on fire.”

According to the Evening Standard, “It is not known what caused Mr. Khan to suddenly fall ill in Glasgow on November 10, 2021. But medical experts have confirmed that the symptoms and aftermath were consistent with a minor heart attack.”

Mr. Khan spent about seven hours overnight in Glasgow Royal Infirmary and underwent an electrocardiogram (ECG), which checks the heart’s rhythm and electrical activity, a chest X-ray and several rounds of blood tests.

After learning he had suffered a minor heart attack, the then-51-year-old London mayor wrote in his book, “I couldn’t believe it. I felt fine. I simply didn’t believe I had had a heart attack. The whole situation felt unreal. In a matter of hours, I was due to give perhaps the biggest address of my mayoralty.”

It’s worth noting Khan received his first dose of a Covid jab in February 2021 and his booster shot on October 29, 2021, on the same day he got a flu vaccine.

Just 12 days after taking both a Covid booster and flu shot on the same day, Khan suffered the heart attack.

It’s likely the health scare was kept from the public until now, Infowars noted, “as it would have surely created more skepticism of the experimental mRNA jabs.”


The mother of a female California track and field athlete who lost to a biological male during a meet last Saturday described watching the female athletes compete against the male athlete as “heartbreaking” during an interview with the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Athena Ryan, a biological male pretending to be a female from Sonoma Academy, placed second in the 1600-meter race during the CIF-North Coast Section Meet of Champions on Saturday, May 20th, knocking the fourth-place finisher out of a slot for the state championships. The mother of one of the runners, who requested to remain anonymous due to fear of retaliation, described the situation as unfair and explained that parents and students are afraid to speak out on the issue.

If they do speak out, there’s a good chance their opposition will be construed as “bullying,” she told the Daily Caller.

“It’s heartbreaking to see what happens to these kids and how scared they are to even show the slightest bit of body language that might indicate that they aren’t happy with it,” the parent said, adding “They’re, like, forced to celebrate it.”

Take a look at this disturbing footage from a recent high school track meet in California.


The mother shared her daughter’s school district’s 2021-2022 Student-Athlete Code of Conduct, which is required to be signed by both the athlete and the parents, with the Daily Caller. The document prohibits athletes and parents from engaging in “hate speech,” which includes bias against a person’s gender identity.

The fake female, Athena Ryan, raced against the mother’s daughter during the 2022 CIF-North Coast Section Meet of Champions, despite having previously competed in cross country in the men’s division, the mother told the Daily Caller. When she raised concerns to the school athletic director, she was told that officials were “powerless” to do anything because of a California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) policy that permits athletes to compete as their self-identified gender which is derived from California law.

Rebecca Brutlag, CIF media relations officer, told the Daily Caller:

“California law permits students to participate in sex-segregated school programs and activities, including athletic teams and competitions, and use facilities consistent with his or her gender identity, irrespective of the gender listed on the pupil’s records.”


Riley Gaines, the swimmer from Kentucky who was robbed of her lifelong dream by a biological male swimming as a female, has settled with the NCAA.

The league will give Gaines $1.2 million after she leaves school to pay for the year of her life lost, along with the emotional distress of what she went through. “I saw his genitals,” she told TMZ. She will also have a spot in next year’s competition in the top of her field, without needing to qualify.

“She has certainly earned her right to compete,” said League President Joe Barron, “what happened in the finals last year was unfair.”

In the 500, Thomas dominated the field and took 1st place.

Gaines, who wasn’t in that race, tied with Thomas for 5th in a different event. “I can’t believe she stole my moment,” she cried, “they let her have the big first picture.”

Gaines said it was her dream as a little girl to swim like a dolphin and compete for the national title. “I would be right there, ready to take 5th, and I’d wake up crying, ‘no! I deserve it!’ Then it happens in real life and I have to share it…with him.”


Corporate bankruptcies are edging back up after a two-year lull as pressures in the economy grow, according to a report by the Washington Post.

The increase is most visible among large companies, where there were 236 bankruptcy filings in the first four months of this year, more than double 2022 levels, according to S&P Global Market Intelligence.

Several large recognizable companies with hundreds or thousands of workers have filed for bankruptcy protection in recent weeks, including Bed Bath & Beyond and Vice Media. Something the liberal Post doesn’t point out is that both of these companies took well-publicized stands that intentionally ran off customers in a bid to please the government and globalist, leftist activists.

Among all types of companies, large and small, the increase in bankruptcies is much more muted, with filings remaining below pre-pandemic levels and historic norms, Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, told the Post. The total numbers are still “very, very low,” he said.

Yet filings are creeping up as interest rates rise, pandemic-era government support dries up and sales growth slows amid a cooling economy.

The S&P analyst further noted with regard to large companies: “Now that interest rates are back to pre-Great Recession levels and pandemic support programs are largely over, we’re seeing a fresh uptick in a possible sign that companies are running out of time.”


In an apparent effort to avoid another “Bud Light situation,” Target stores in some Southern states were forced by the corporation to move LGBTQ Pride merchandise away from the front of their locations after customer “outrage.”

Fox News reports that many Target locations across the country feature massive June Pride month displays on an annual basis, with items this year ranging from “tuck friendly” bathing suits for transgender people to mugs that say “gender fluid.”

But of course, Target keeps pushing the envelope a little further every year, and as we reported last week, the woke company has this year introduced transgender clothing for babies and toddlers. Yes, you heard that right. Target has become so evil that it encourages its customers to sexualize their babies and toddlers so they can be more easily groomed by perverted adults.

That drew even more outrage than usual this year from conservatives and even many non-conservatives. 

A Target insider told Fox News Digital that many locations, especially in smaller cities throughout the South, have relocated Pride sections to avoid the kind of backlash Bud Light has received in recent weeks after using a transgender influencer in an advertising campaign. 

The Target insider said there were “emergency” calls on Friday and that some managers and district senior directors were told to tamp down the Pride sections immediately.

The insider told Fox:

“We were given 36 hours, told to take all of our Pride stuff, the entire section, and move it into a section that’s a third the size. From the front of the store to the back of the store, you can’t have anything on mannequins and no large signage.”

The source further stated:

“We call our customers ‘guests,’ there is outrage on their part. This year, it is just exponentially more than any other year. I think given the current situation with Bud Light, the company is terrified of a Bud Light situation.”

The insider, who has worked at the retailer for almost two decades, said Target rarely makes such hasty decisions. They said Friday’s call began with roughly 10 minutes on “how to deal with team member safety” because of the amount of backlash the Pride merchandise has generated, noting that Target Asset Protect & Corporate Security teams were present on the call.


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

Kari Lake called a press conference Tuesday, May 23, to announce a new initiative in Arizona to “chase ballots” like the Democrats do.

She said in the light of recent court rulings, there are no rules for elections.

Lake said:

“Hey, if the left plays that way maybe we should start playing that way. There are no rules. The courts have ruled that anything goes; if anything goes then anything goes. And we are going to make sure that we push the envelope, the legal envelope, as far as can push it. And at the same time, we are going to continue to fight our court case.”


It sounds like Lake is laying down the gauntlet. While that’s not necessarily a bad thing, I remain skeptical if what she’s essentially saying is, we can cheat better than the Democrats.

What she seems to be overlooking is the corruption in the U.S. justice system. We now have a two-tiered system of justice in this country and, mark my words, Republicans won’t get away with playing this game. They will be held to the old standard while Democrats get to play by the new rules, the rules they make up as they go. While Lake and her group are chasing ballots the way the Democrats did in 2022, the Democrats will have moved on to even more sinister schemes.

This strategy of “we’ll beat the Democrats at their own game,” sounds better in theory than it will work out in practice.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for tuning in, and for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time, I’m Brannon Howse. May God save America. Take care.


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