DC Councilman Wants The National Guard Deployed As Crime Rises

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  • Firms tied to the Biden crime family collected more than $20 million from foreign sources, according to a new report. We’ll give the details.
  • A Washington, D.C. City Councilman is calling on the mayor to deploy the National Guard to counteract soaring violent crime in the nation’s capital.
  • FBI agents shot and killed a Utah man during an early morning raid at the man’s house on Wednesday, claiming that he had made a string of murderous threats against Joe Biden and other Democrats on social media.
  • A Catholic couple files suit against the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for banning them from becoming foster parents. Their only sin? They espouse strong biblical values related to homosexuality and transgenderism.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

John Solomon at Just the News reports that firms tied to the Biden family collected more than $20 million from foreign sources, including big payments from controversial oligarchs who afterwards had private dinners with Joe Biden as vice president, congressional investigators disclosed Wednesday.

In its third memo analyzing bank records, the GOP-led House Oversight and Accountability Committee reported it had found a clear pattern of the Biden family and its partners doing business with Russian, Ukrainian, Kazakh, Chinese and Romanian figures who had legal and other troubles and then collecting money around the times of gaining access to Joe Biden.

The pattern, the congressional investigators noted, corroborates recent testimony from former Hunter Biden business partner Devon Archer that the presidential son solicited business from foreigners who were seeking influence, access or protection from a family “brand” that included Joe Biden.

“The Biden family’s and associates' dealings with foreign nationals from Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine show a pattern of Hunter Biden and Devon Archer courting wealthy oligarchs with political and financial influence but tainted backgrounds,” the new memo to lawmakers on the committee stated.

“Thus far, the Committee has identified over $20 million from foreign sources that benefitted the Biden family and their business associates,” it added. According to the report, payments to the Biden family and its associates included:

  • $3.5 million from Russian oligarch Elena Baturina and her now-deceased husband, Yury Luzhkov, former mayor of Moscow, who was identified as presiding over a “pyramid of corruption” by the U.S. ambassador to Russia.
  • $142,300 connected to Kenes Rakishev and his associate, former Prime Minister Karim Massimov and two Kazakh oligarchs. Massimov was recently convicted in Kazakhstan for serious crimes, including treason.
  • $6.5 million tied to Burisma Holdings in Ukraine, its owner and its top executive at a time when the energy company was suspected by the State Department of corruption and bribery.
  • $3 million from a Romanian oligarch who was convicted of bribery and the “complicity in abuse of power.”
  • $8 million tied to Chinese entities including CEFC China Energy and its chairman Ye Jianming who was “detained in 2018 by Chinese authorities for suspected economic crimes and bribery.” A second CEFC official named Patrick Ho was charged and convicted of bribery in the United States.


 Third Bank Records Memorandum_Redacted.pdf

Committee Chairman James Comer said the latest bank records affirmed an influence-peddling operation inside the web of Biden family businesses while Joe Biden served as President Barack Obama's vice president.

Comer said:

“During Joe Biden’s vice presidency, Hunter Biden sold him as ‘the brand’ to reap millions from oligarchs in Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine. It appears no real services were provided other than access to the Biden network, including Joe Biden himself. And Hunter Biden seems to have delivered.”


Following several years during which the D.C. Council championed pro-criminal and anti-police measures, Ward 8 Democrat City Councilman Trayon White has sounded the alarm.

And he’s proposing drastic steps be taken.

White made a pressing appeal to deploy the National Guard as part of a strategy to counteract the soaring violent crime in the nation’s capital.

Addressing the media on Tuesday near the backdrop of a horrific mass shooting this past weekend, White emphasized the dire need for the entire community to rally together against the spiraling violence, which has resulted in a 28% increase in murders this year.

White said:

“The crime is out of control and getting worse by the day. We must declare an emergency regarding the crime and violence in our neighborhoods and act urgently. It may be time to call on the National Guard to protect the children and innocent people that are losing their lives to this senselessness. I am tired of burying our children. We are too comfortable with the state of our city. We must take action to gain control and protect our residents. Law enforcement is only one part of how we combat public safety issues. It will take all of us to heal our community.”

It will take all of “us,” he said. No mention there of God or returning to the values of the Bible. That’s what’s haunting this city and so many cities across America. They’ve thrown God out. And they wonder why their city has gone to the wolves.



So they want armed, sworn military officers on the streets of D.C. They want to give them arresting powers. This is not only a violation of Posse Comitatus, it’s completely un-American to have the military out on the streets arresting civilians. That’s the job of the police. If the police force hadn’t been gutted and purged, they would be more than capable of handling the job.


FBI agents shot and killed a Utah man during an early morning raid at the man’s house on Wednesday in the city of Provo.

The agency confirmed to the Washington Examiner that agents attempted to serve arrest and search warrants around 6:15 a.m. on a man who had allegedly posted threats against Joe Biden, as well as Biden's family members, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, and former President Barack Obama.

The man, identified in court documents obtained by the Washington Examiner as Craig D. Robertson, allegedly engaged the FBI in a gunfight, resulting in agents fatally shooting him.

The FBI had filed three counts against Robertson in the request for search and arrest warrants: interstate threats; influencing, impeding, and retaliating federal law enforcement officers by threat; and threats against the president.

The lead FBI agent for the incident, whose name is redacted in the charging documents, said he and another FBI special agent (SA-1) conducted surveillance of Robertson's home in Provo after receiving a tip from the FBI National Threat Operations Center in March.

The threat referred to Bragg, who Robertson called a political hack, and detailed a plot to ambush him in a parking garage, according to the charging documents.

The lead agent wrote that while surveying Robertson's home, they observed Robertson wearing a “Trump” hat.

They saw him wearing a Trump hat. Of course they did.

The charging documents stated:

“When I advised Robertson that we would like to speak with him regarding a comment he had posted on Company-1’s social media platform, Robertson stated, ‘I said it was a dream!’ Robertson then said, ‘We’re done here! Don’t return without a warrant!’”

The agent wrote that Robertson made several other threats going back to 2022. Most recently, on Monday, Robertson allegedly made a threat, writing, “I hear Biden is coming to Utah. Digging out my old Ghille suit and cleaning the dust off the M24 Sniper rifle.”

His Facebook page is also filled with threats against Biden, with one calling on Utahans to “SHOOT THEIR GUNS IN THE AIR TO SALUTE THE BUFFOON-IN-CHIEF!!!”

Robertson supposedly wrote in September 2022 that the “time is right for a presidential assassination” and wrote “Death to Joe Biden” several times, along with several other threats of violence against the president.

If that’s true, if it really was Robertson making those threats, why wasn’t he arrested in September of last year?

He also posted several photos with semi-automatic rifles, titling one post “My Democrat Eradicator!!!” and another “Just getting ready for the 2024 election cycle...Only have 9, but trying for an even dozen.”

This is so over the top that it pushes the limits of believability.


Life News reports that a religious couple in Massachusetts took the Commonwealth to court today for banning them from welcoming vulnerable children into their home through the Commonwealth’s foster care program.

Mike and Kitty Burke wanted to foster and someday adopt children in need of a family. Even though Massachusetts has a severe shortage of foster parents, state officials refused to let the Burkes foster any children.

The reason was their religious beliefs about marriage, sexuality, and gender. With the help of the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, the Burkes are asking the court to ensure that qualified families no longer suffer for their religious beliefs and that vulnerable children are given a loving home.

Mike and Kitty Burke are a Catholic couple from Massachusetts who have long wanted to become parents. Mike is an Iraq war veteran, Kitty is a former paraprofessional for special-needs kids. Mike and Kitty began exploring becoming foster parents through the state’s foster care program, hoping to care for and eventually adopt children in need of a stable, loving home like theirs.

“After months of interviews and training, and after years of heartbreak, we were on the verge of finally becoming parents,” said Mike and Kitty Burke. “We were absolutely devastated to learn that Massachusetts would rather children sleep in the hallways of hospitals than let us welcome children in need into our home.”

The Department of Children and Families (DCF) currently does not have enough foster homes to meet the needs of the children in its care, leaving over 1,500 children without a family. The crisis has become so extreme that the state has resorted to housing children in hospitals for weeks on end.

During their application process, the Burkes underwent hours of training, extensive interviews, and an examination of their home. Mike and Kitty completed the training and received high marks from the instructors.

During their home interviews, the Burkes were troubled that many questions centered on their Catholic views about sexual orientation and gender dysphoria. In response, the Burkes said they would love and accept any child, no matter the child’s future sexual orientation.

However, because Mike and Kitty said they would continue to hold to their religious beliefs about gender and human sexuality, they were denied the ability to foster.

DCF officials said that while they had strengths, their answers about sexuality and gender barred them from being licensed. 

Becket said in a press release, “This denial was as unnecessary as it was unconstitutional. Massachusetts law protects the religious liberty of foster parents. And Massachusetts is supposed to put the best interests of children first.”


Zero Hedge reports that as of June 30, the Fed found household debt increased by $16 billion in the second quarter of 2023. Balances now stand at $17 trillion and have increased by $2.9 trillion since the end of 2019, right before Covid hit.

Taking a closer look at some of the types of consumer credit balances:

  • Credit card balances increased by $45 billion, a 4.6% quarterly increase, and stood at $1.03 trillion, a record high.
  • Auto loan balances increased by $20 billion, continuing the upward trajectory that has been in place since 2011.
  • Student loan balances declined by $35 billion. Student loan balances now stand at $1.57 trillion.
  • Other balances, which include retail cards and other consumer loans, increased by $15 billion.
  • In total, non-housing balances grew by $45 billion.


Becker News reports that S&P Global, one of the largest independent credit ratings firms in the world, has discontinued its practice of providing “woke” ESG ratings for corporate borrowers.

Since 2021, this debt rating agency had rated companies on a scale of one to five based on their environmental, social, and governance risks. As reported by the Financial Times, S&P had given Visa a two for both “Environmental” and “Social”, and three for “Governance.” In contrast, FirstEnergy, an Ohio-based utility company implicated in corruption, got a four for “Governance”, which is the second-lowest score in S&P’s system.

But S&P has recently shifted its stance, deciding that textual descriptions, rather than scores, would represent their evaluation of a company’s ESG considerations.

The ratings agency stated:

“We have determined that the dedicated analytical narrative paragraphs in our credit rating reports are most effective at providing detail and transparency on ESG credit factors material to our rating analysis.”

This change sets S&P apart from its competitor, Moody’s, which continues to rate ESG using the one-to-five scale.

Given S&P’s significant role in influencing a company’s borrowing rates, their decision has notable implications. Last year, as Republicans began questioning Wall Street’s reliance on ESG, conservative state attorneys general launched an inquiry into S&P’s application of these criteria.

Tom Lyon, a University of Michigan business school professor, remarked that this decision by S&P might be a response to the political pressure.

Skepticism about ESG scores has also emerged among investors. Marcus Moore of Osterweis in San Francisco commented that he doesn’t rely heavily on specific ESG scores when making decisions, emphasizing that they shouldn’t be the main consideration for investors.


The Daily Caller News Foundation reports that America First Legal (AFL), a legal activist group, sued Target Corporation and its board of directors on behalf of a Target shareholder, alleging the company misled shareholders and lost investors billions.



Target announced a Pride collection in May 2023 that marketed LGBTQ-themed clothing to kids including onesies with the transgender flag and LGBTQ-themed books for children which resulted in a boycott of the store and the company’s stock losing billions. The lawsuit alleges that Target’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) policies weren’t designed to benefit all shareholders. Rather, they only benefited an ideological agenda, ignoring past failures such as Bud Light’s loss in sales due to hiring an LGBTQ ambassador.

The lawsuit reads:

“Target Corporation … betrayed both Target’s core customer base of working families and its investors by making false and misleading statements concerning Target’s Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) mandates that led to its disastrous 2023 children-and-family themed LGBTQ Pride campaign. Target’s now infamous children-and-family-themed LGBT-‘Pride’ marketing and sales campaign … embroiled Target in the culture war and caused Target to experience the biggest stock decline in the company’s history, costing investors billions.”

press release from AFL states:

“In its 2022 and 2023 Proxy Statements, Target assured shareholders and investors that the Board was monitoring for social and political issues and risks arising from the company’s ESG and DEI mandates. However, management only cared whether its leftist ‘stakeholders’ were satisfied.”


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

Joe Biden was asked again by a mainstream corporate-owned journalist if he was “prepared to declare a national emergency with respect to climate change?"

This is the second time a corporate-owned journalist has asked Biden this in the past two weeks. It happened August 8 in an interview with The Weather Channel.

This time, Biden was ready. And he gave a shocking answer.

Take a look.



“We’ve already done that,” Biden said. Practically speaking, he’s already done that. “Effectively,” his climate agenda has been implemented.

In that same interview, Biden said he was mobilizing the military against climate change.



The U.S. is being deconstructed right before our eyes and very few Americans are even aware of it. I bet they will be aware of it when they go to buy a vehicle to replace their old, worn-out one and notice that the price of a new car has more than doubled in the past ten years. They will notice it when they can no longer afford to heat and cool their home. They can no longer afford to put gas in their old car. This is what a “climate national emergency” looks like.

But if Americans are waiting for some grand pronouncement before they start fighting back, they’ll be sorely disappointed to find out they’ve already missed the boat. That ship has sailed. Unlike Republicans, Biden and the Democrats aren’t bashful about using power. They may not always make a big fancy pronouncement saying what they’re about to do. No, they know if they did, they’d have no support. Zero. So they cloak their radical climate policies in Orwellian newspeak and simply go about implementing them, largely by executive fiat after Congress passes some vague and deceptively named bill. Any legislation they pass to fund this radical climate agenda is given Orwellian names like the Inflation Reduction Act and the U.S.A. Infrastructure Act. It was all done with a pretty bow tied on top when those two mega-bills were passed, and you heard barely a peep out of the Republicans.

It might seem like the Republicans could take lessons from the Democrats. But could they? Could Republicans use these same tactics to be successful in passing their agenda next time there’s a Republican president?

I’d say no. And I say that because there’s one key weapon in the Democrat arsenal that the Republicans simply don’t have, and likely never will.

The Democrat Party is the party of the state-run media. The deep state-run media, meaning they only work as the official state-run media when the state is run by Democrats. When the state is run by Republicans, the media takes off its official state propagandist hat and puts on its “question all authority” hat. That’s the way it works in Washington with few exceptions.

Until more Americans wise up to the fact that the mainstream corporate media is corrupt and cannot be trusted for anything, and turn to broadcasts like this one for their information, things won’t change.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for tuning in, and for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time…

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