Democrats In Congress Want To Heavily Tax Ammunition

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  • Shocking evidence tonight that the FBI knew in 2018 that Chinese intelligence agents had been in touch with the Bidens but buried the evidence.
  • The Biden regime concedes there is no scientific evidence to support an apparent recommendation to receive as many as six COVID-19 booster shots in a year.
  • The former national security advisor to Vice President Mike Pence has issued a searing critique of his former boss’s shameful role in the most-recent indictment of Donald Trump.
  • Democrats in Congress introduce legislation slapping an outrageous 1,000% excise tax on the sale of certain firearms, bumping the cost of a $2,000 rifle up to $20,000.
  • And demonic Disney is at it again, launching a new ad targeting child fans of Minnie Mouse with a disgusting transgender message.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

We start off tonight with a blockbuster story on the Biden crime family being reported by Sam Faddis at And Magazine, revealing that the FBI knew in 2018 that Chinese intelligence agents had been in touch with the Bidens but buried the evidence.

Faddis reports that Patrick Ho was a senior official with a Chinese intelligence front company called CEFC China Energy. CEFC was part of China’s “elite capture” operations worldwide. It facilitated the compromise and recruitment of influential individuals in target countries. The intent was to gain control over those individuals and get them to support the interests, not of their own nations but of the Chinese Communist Party.

Faddis reports that Ho was investigated by the FBI, which determined he was bribing officials at the United Nations in New York. He was tried and convicted and sent to prison. During the course of the same investigation, the FBI determined that the Bidens were in contact with Ho and that Ho was, in the FBI’s opinion, targeting the Bidens for recruitment as part of China’s “elite capture” operations.

The FBI did not investigate and follow up on this information. Instead, the Department of Justice acted to redact any references to the Bidens from court documents during the prosecution of Ho.

Faddis writes:

“Patrick Ho was put behind bars. His connection to the Bidens was buried. This despite the fact that as the FBI was closing in, Ho emailed Hunter Biden and asked him to use his contacts in the FBI to protect Ho from arrest and prosecution.”

Hunter Biden responded to that email by saying he was “working on it.” To be clear, a Chinese intelligence asset in the United States bribing officials and paying the Bidens asked the now-president’s son to derail a criminal investigation and Hunter responded by saying he would attempt to do so.

Here is Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson talking about this case to Fox News.

WATCH VIDEO (clip first 3:41)


The Epoch Times reports that Joe Biden's administration concedes that there is no scientific evidence to support an apparent recommendation to receive as many as six COVID-19 booster shots in a year.

After Health Secretary Xavier Becerra, a Biden appointee, wrote in a social media post on Nov. 29, 2022, that people should get vaccinated “if it’s been over 2 months since your last dose,” the Functional Government Initiative (FGI) filed a Freedom of Information Act request for documents supporting the statements.

The watchdog organization then sued after the administration didn't comply with timelines laid out in the law.

FGI asked for, among other documents: “Any scientific support relied on by Secretary Becerra when approving or issuing the tweet recommending that all Americans receive a booster shot every two months” and “any study, synopsis, or similar statement or document of scientific, academic, or government research on whether a bi-monthly booster shot will effectively prevent the transmission or susceptibility to COVID-19 and known active variants as of November 2022.”

It also asked for internal communications regarding Mr. Becerra's statements.

In a new response, the government said it had no evidence to support Mr. Becerra's recommendation.

Alesia Williams, an official in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), told FGI:

“The department reviewed 1,263 pages of potentially responsive records captured in the agency’s search for this FOIA request. After a careful review of these records, I determined the 1,263 pages were not relevant to your request.”

Pete McGinnis, a spokesman for FGI, said in a statement:

“The lack of a single of a single record supporting Secretary Becerra’s bold public health recommendation for six COVID boosters a year is a startling development. It is tremendously irresponsible for the government’s chief health official to fire off tweets recommending frequent injections of a new vaccine booster apparently based on no academic or scientific support.”


The Gateway Pundit reports that the former National Security Advisor to Vice President Mike Pence, Keith Kellogg, has issued a searing critique of his former boss.

Kellogg, who worked close to both Pence and President Trump during their tenure in the White House, expressed deep disappointment in Pence’s recent actions vis-a-vis the former President.

“I’ve worked alongside many leaders in my years of service to this Nation. Among them, President Donald J. Trump stands apart,” Kellogg began, highlighting the former President’s “unwavering determination, a deep vision for America, and the courage to take a stand where others wilt.” He hailed Trump’s “bold and dramatic leadership style” that he claims has ushered in numerous achievements for the nation.

Turning his attention to Pence, Kellogg stated, “While I respect his service to our Nation, I must express my disappointment in his recent actions regarding President Trump.”

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that President Donald Trump also slammed his former Vice President in a Truth Social post Saturday afternoon.

Pence, who might be a witness in Trump’s trial presided over by Obama appointee Judge Tanya Chutkan, is thought to have given evidence during the grand jury investigation against Trump.


Summit News reports that Democrats in Congress reintroduced legislation imposing a 1,000% excise tax on the sale of “large capacity ammunition feeding devices and semi-automatic assault weapons.” 

U.S. Rep. Don “Doug” Beyer, a Democrat from Virginia, and 24 other House Democrats introduced the bill on Friday. A similar bill was introduced by Beyer last year that would mean only wealthy elites and drug dealers could afford semi-automatic rifles (many of which are hunting rifles) while punishing middle and working-poor Americans. 

The text of the new bill, HR 5135, titled, “To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to impose an additional 1,000 percent excise tax on the sale of large capacity ammunition feeding devices and semi-automatic assault weapons, and for other purposes,” has yet to be released as of Monday. And it needs to be clarified if it’s the same as the one proposed by Beyer last summer.  

Under the proposed rule, semi-automatic rifles could cost more than $20,000, including a tax that Beyer has argued would “curb the epidemic of gun violence.” 

Although semi-automatic rifles like the AR-15 frequently appear in news stories related to mass shootings, what is often overlooked by corporate media and their cheerleading anti-gunner organizations, such as Everytown and Gabby Giffords, is that handguns are the weapons most commonly used in criminal activity nationwide. 

recent ATF report states, “Pistols represented nearly 70% of the crime guns traced between 2017 and 2021.” This is an inconvenient fact that Democrats would prefer to keep a secret. 


Disney is paying a transgender TikTok influencer to promote children’s clothes and accessories, including Minnie Mouse’s customary outfit of a red dress, yellow pumps, and a red hair bow.

The influencer, called Seann Altman, identifies as “gender fluid.”

Here he is in a promo for Disney Style, the brand name of the company’s clothing line, telling kids “I literally look like Minnie Mouse!” 


Disney went ahead with this despite the fact that Anheuser-Busch, the parent company of the Bud Light brand, has lost billions in revenue recently for doing the exact same thing.

Indeed, the company just announced it is reducing its employment roster by 2 percent, cutting nearly 400 positions.

Bud Light has experienced a sales drop of 21.4 percent, while its parent brand, Budweiser, has lost 11.5 percent. Meanwhile, its major competitor, Coors Light, has seen a 10.9 percent sales boost.


Speaking of Anheuser-Busch InBev, the company is in such dire straights that it’s now selling off eight beer brands to Tilray Brands, according to an August 7 announcement from the anti-American beer giant.

The Daily Caller reports that Tilray, a Canadian cannabis company, will be purchasing Shock Top, Breckenridge Brewery, Blue Point Brewing Company, 10 Barrel Brewing Company, Redhook Brewery, Widmer Brothers Brewing, Square Mile Cider Company and Hiball Energy. The deal is expected to be finalized in September 2023 for $85 million, according to a Tilray filing.

In addition to the beer brands, Anheuser-Busch will also be selling off the brands’ employees, breweries and associated brewpubs.

In other words, the disaster just got even more disastrous for Bud Light’s umbrella company.


A report by the Special Inspector General for Afghan Reconstruction (SIGAR) notes that the Biden administration has given $2.35 billion to Afghanistan over the past two years, despite the fact that it is now ruled by the Taliban again following the disastrous U.S. withdrawal in 2021.

The Washington Free Beacon shared details of the findings Tuesday, noting that the funds could be propping up the Taliban’s terrorist government.

The SIGAR report found that approximately $1.7 billion “remained available for possible disbursement” at the time writing. The Beacon notes that “it is more than likely that a sizable portion of these funds will end up in the terror group’s coffers.”

The Taliban are viewing international aide as a “revenue stream,” according to the report, which further states that the group is “comfortable accepting foreign support insofar as they can closely monitor the organizations, including restricting and controlling them, and claim some credit for the provision of the benefits.”

The findings come after John Sopko, head of SIGAR, told the House Foreign Affairs Committee in April that he “cannot assure this committee or the American taxpayer we are not currently funding the Taliban,” and accused the Biden administration of blocking his efforts to find out.


To top it off, yet another aid package has been approved by Biden for Ukraine totaling $200 million, bringing the United States’ contributions to that country this year alone to more than $18 billion.


Conservative journalist Alex Newman recently shed light on a 2013 UN report asserting that meat, chicken and traditional agriculture are “not sustainable,” and that a “major propaganda campaign” is needed to persuade people to eat insects instead.

Newman stated, “So how are they gonna get people to eat bugs? Well, a combination of propaganda, indoctrinating children and making you very, very hungry... The goal, folks, is not to save the planet. It's not about global warming. It's not about sustainable development. It's about enslaving humanity.”

WATCH VIDEO (clip first 2:44)

The master plan for humanity? Count me out.


In the early morning hours of Tuesday, August 8, MOODY'S Investor Service cut the credit ratings for 10 small and midsize banks. It placed six others on notice for a future downgrade, citing profitability challenges and funding risks.

According to Investopedia, Moody’s said it may downgrade big banks including U.S. Bancorp, Bank of New York Mellon Corp., State Street Corp., and Truist Financial Corp.

Higher funding costs, potential regulatory capital weaknesses and rising risks tied to commercial real estate loans amid weakening demand for office space are among strains prompting the review, Moody’s said in a spree of notes late Monday.

“Collectively, these three developments have lowered the credit profile of a number of U.S. banks, though not all banks equally,” it wrote in some of the assessments.

The small to mid-size regional banks that had ratings cut included M&T Bank Corp., Webster Financial Corp., BOK Financial Corp., Old National Bancorp, Pinnacle Financial Partners Inc., and Fulton Financial Corp.

Northern Trust Co. and Cullen/Frost Bankers Inc. are also under review for downgrades.

And Moody’s adopted a “negative” outlook for 11 lenders including PNC Financial Services Group, Capital One Financial Corp., Citizens Financial Group, Fifth Third Bancorp, Regions Financial Corp., Ally Financial, Bank OZK and Huntington Bancshares.


In what’s perhaps a fitting tribute to Washington slime, large toxic hammerhead worms, which can grow up to 15 inches long, have invaded DC backyards as the slithering creatures shock residents and have scientists warning about getting too close. 

The Daily Mail reports that Americans are being advised to avoid touching the nasty flatworms, which feast on slugs, snails and earthworms by paralyzing them with the same potent neurotoxin found in deadly puffer fish. 

Also known as spade-headed garden worms, the slippery specimens excrete a septic slime, which can be harmful to humans if ingested.  

According to the Daily Mail:

“The terrifying terrestrial is native to tropical regions of Southeast Asia, and it is believed to have been transported to North America's west coast while lurking in the soil of exotic potted plants around a century ago. In recent years, the hammerhead worm has slithered to around 30 states, according to National Geographic.”


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

It was reported recently by The Center Square that troopers with the Texas Department of Public Safety rescued more than 900 children being smuggled into and through Texas from Mexico by human traffickers.

DPS Lt. Chris Olivarez announced the arrests were made as part of Texas’ border-security mission, known as Operation Lone Star.

Among those rescued was a 5-year-old Honduran girl who’d been smuggled into Texas by three adult women who weren’t related to her. The women found the girl in Piedras Negras, Mexico, and then brought her with them as they crossed illegally into Texas between ports of entry. 

Authorities said she was being brought into the United States to reunite with her mother.

But her mother had died three days prior. The girl told troopers her father was still in Honduras. She was turned over to Border Patrol.

In a recent traffic stop in neighboring Kinney County on a major local smuggling route, troopers pulled over a driver of a black GMC Sierra. The driver, a Mexican national who was illegally in the U.S., said he was coming from Houston to pick up friends. The trooper observed six passengers in the rear area of the truck and later learned they were all in the U.S. illegally, including two children. 

When asked how the driver was related to another passenger in the car, he said they were “just friends.” When asked what his friend’s name was, the driver said he only knew his “nickname.”

Later on, through the conversation, the driver admitted that someone from Mexico texted him an address to pick up a group of people who’d illegally entered Texas. 


The driver said he wasn’t being paid. But all smugglers are paid several thousand dollars per person depending on where they are taking them, law enforcement officers have explained to The Center Square, and Houston is the primary human trafficking hub in Texas. 

The driver was charged with smuggling of persons and everyone inside was turned over to Border Patrol.

Texas DPS troopers are also arresting MS-13 gang members, sex offenders and those in possession of child pornography. A DPS brush team recently helped arrest a Mexican national and coyote who was illegally in the U.S. after he guided four people across the Rio Grande River into Texas. On the coyote’s phone were pictures and video of child pornography. The Texas Rangers took over the case, and the Mexican national was charged with possession or promotion of child pornography.

This is a travesty and a tragedy, that our border has been left wide open for all of the worst elements of society to come here and steal our jobs, exploit our children and get our people addicted to illegal drugs.

This is on the Biden administration but the Congress, the governors, and even the courts share in the responsibility. They no longer represent America or American citizens. They have made their choice and it’s not for we the people.

That’s it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for tuning in and for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time…

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