Dr. James Thorp: The Rules Are Stacked Against Protecting the Public – Welcome to the Hunger Games

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Brannon Howse: All right. Before we go to our next guest, Dr. James Thorp, and then I'm going to check in with Alex Newman. Let me remind you, we are brought to you by you. If you appreciate all we are doing tonight and that we do all the time here, we need your support. We are viewer supported. I mean, we've been on the air now here for quite some time and we haven't stopped for a break. How many networks do that? Right, Because it's all about making the Benjamins the money, right? Well, we're committed to getting out the truth. And then we finally remind ourselves we better pay some bills. But we're so committed to the truth. A lot of times we just keep going because you're passionate about this. But then we have to remember we do have to pay everyone that works here. So we got we got to stop for a moment and just say, if you appreciate what we're doing, we need your support. You can go to WVWTVStore.com, WVWTVStore.com. Now let me show you something. We've announced. Can you can one of you. Oh, here it is. No, another one. No one has to do anything. Take a look at this, folks. W VW TV Store.com. Go to the top of the page. Are you guys listening? Making a big announcement. Top of the page and click on Brannon's books. Okay, click on that.

Brannon Howse: What will pop up is my book, Mark Carnegie, and my book, Grave Influence. Grave influence came out in 2020? No, I'm sorry. Grave Influence came out in 2009. Mark C.A.T. came out in 2018, November 2018. Both of these books have sold thousands of copies. Last year I agreed to let 10,000 copies of each book be printed if we would sell them at our cost. Now we've gone into a new warehouse. We're trying to make space and the country is at a tipping point. So I said, let's sell them below our cost. So we're going to lose money on this. But that's all right because we're not losing. We're informing people, educating people. And that's one of the things, one of the things my foundation does. So my foundation w VW foundation.com, this is the kind of thing we do. So here's what you get now. You get my book, Grave Influence 21 Radicals Ruling America from the Grave. This book is 365 pages. Hardcover goes into the radical Saul Alinsky, Karl Marx, and John Dewey. John Maynard Keynes. Aldous Huxley. Charles Darwin. Friedrich Nietzsche. Margaret Sanger. William James. Alice Bailey. Helen Schucman. Sigmund Freud. Alfred Kinsey. Benjamin Bloom. B.f. Skinner. The Frankfurt School. Soren Kierkegaard. Julius Wellhausen. Christopher Columbus Langdell. Betty for Dan Roger Baldwin. You don't know who those names are. You should because they're ruling America from the grave. What's $20? Now we're making it available tonight for $2.50.

Brannon Howse: Mark S.A. This book here, Mark S.A., came out in November 2018. It is 334, 35, 36 pages, 336 pages. Mark S.A. How the Evangelical Deep State and their useful idiots are merging Marxism and Christianity through social justice, white privilege, cultural Marxism, illegal immigration, interfaith dialogue, and more $2.50. Both of these were $20 apiece. $40. Look at this. You go to my website, WVWTVstore.com. You can pick either one of them up for $2.50, or you can get the pair $5 right there. Both of them. They were $40. We reprinted them to sell our cost. And we want to clean out what we got left by selling it below our cost and making room in our warehouse. $40 worth of retail books for $5 plus shipping and handling. Now, we've put some package deals together because some of you are going to like, well, I want to get five books. All right, So we did this. Why do we do the different package deals like this so that we can make the shipping reasonable? I don't want you to sit there and buy the same pack over and over and get charged the same price every time for shipping. So we put together packs. To bring the shipping price down for you. So that's why there are so many options. Mark 85 books set. You can do the grave influence.

Brannon Howse: Five books, set a case, ten books set however you want to do it, or you can get both of them and you can get them in different packages. Five copies however you want it, ten copies. So we did that to bring the shipping down so we weren't overcharging you or charging you too much for shipping. Now we cannot do this by phone. Listen carefully. Do not call the phone number to order this by phone because I cannot pay someone $20 an hour to take a phone call for a book I'm losing money on. Unless you're going to say, Hey, I like to get the book. And while I'm at it, I like to make a $50, $100 donation to the foundation. Then you can do that. But unless you're calling to order the books and make a contribution to the foundation, do not call on the phone because we cannot sell you something that we're losing money on and lose more money by paying someone 20 bucks an hour to take the order you have. This is only available online. Unless you're calling at the same time to order the books and other things and or make a foundation contribution. All right. So that's a big deal there. Now, let's go back to the home page real quick. WVWstore.com. You'll find all the different things we have there available. The potassium iodine Colonel Mills mentioned earlier, freeze-dried food, emergency supplies of all kinds.

Brannon Howse: It's all there. And we're brought to you by you. You buy these resources, you need them. I believe this is a prudent preparation kit My family has these things have since 2013, put our kit into place. We actually put our kit into place before that. But we bought freeze-dried food in 2013. We began to offer it in 2016 and it's a great way for us to fund what we're doing. And you need this anyway, so we're all helping each other. WVWTVStore.com. Or you can use that number to order these supplies at (901) 4685357. The other way is mypillow.com. And you can go there. Sheets, towels, blankets, pet beds, slippers, sandals, mattresses, mattress toppers, robes, and more. I was looking for my dog laying on her pet bed, but it's kind of. It's empty over there. Kind of sad. Where is she? So you can get all those things on my pillow. Use that promo code B 66. There's a sale on slipper slides and sandals. Giza Dream sheets. My pillow. Six-piece towel set. Use the promo code B66. And then finally WVWfoundation.com. Do you want to contribute? Think of us as your conservative alternative to MPR, WVWfoundation.com. Joining me now is Doctor James Thorp. Doctor Thorp welcome back to the broadcast. Thank you for joining us.

James Thorp: Good evening, Brandon. Thank you so much for having me back on your platform.

Brannon Howse: Absolutely. Glad to have you back. Look at this headline here, America Out Loud Public. Welcome to The Hunger Games. Maggie Thorp. She's an attorney. That's your lovely wife. And Doctor Thorp, MD. Tell me about this article. It just came out today. Tell me about this article.

James Thorp: Well, it's Brannon. It's very depressing and very disturbing. And it's not fun to talk about, but it's just the government, the corrupt government, the liars, cheaters, and killers of our government. Eric Rubin, the whole complex editor of the New England Journal of Medicine, and Tommy Shimabukuro, the corrupt lead author of the New England Journal of Medicine article pushing the Safety of the Vaccine in Pregnant Women in June of 2021. This whole complex. Shimabukuro And HHS and the CDC are very upset in a very, very difficult situation because. Brennan No matter how hard they try to cover up the lethality, morbidity, and mortality and the horrible outcomes of this gene therapy, which they illegally relabeled as a vaccine, it's failing their system, which is CDC and FDA that President Reagan put into law has dramatically failed them. And they're trying to do everything they can to bury the lethal result. So what do they do? They're trying to say, oh, no, don't you know, don't you can't rely on theirs. That's our safety system. It's just flawed. So then we went to the V-safe data, so the V-safe data with a cell phone application whereby they're going to take a phone respondent of those patients that got the vaccine and look at their outcomes. And a lot of them were many of them, more than 50% were women and professionals, and many of them were hospital employees that participated. And so they volunteered and they took the vaccine. So the vaccine safety, the v-safe signal was a total disaster, a total disaster for the federal government. You know, they found they had over 10 million people and they had almost a 33% complication rate of those 10 million. So that screwed up. And they had to downgrade that and say, oh, don't don't worry about anything here to look at. So now we're going to this corrupt closed monitoring system that that they term the vaccine safety datalink. And it's a closed system and it's designed to hide the complications.

Brannon Howse: Hey, hold on a second, guys. Can we get that cursor off his face? Whoever's moving that around in the control room. Keep going, doc.

James Thorp: So so what they're doing is trying to hornswoggle, you know, millions and millions of more tax dollars to create a new system that is totally like the Hunger Games. Um, they are using only pre-selected outcomes and they're only doing it behind closed doors so that they can shift and make fraudulent data claims just like Shimabukuro and Rubin did with their New England Journal of Medicine article. And I've published that in multiple articles. They claim that there was a 12 to 13% miscarriage rate when they lied. There was an 81% miscarriage rate. So this is more of the same. It is classic Hunger Games. It's we're going to control you. And by the way, with this new safety system, the V.f.d. and the Beth system, which is a biological effectiveness safety data, they're closed. They're pre-selected 21 outcomes and it's a fraudulent design. There are no stopping rules. They're not allowed to stop even if there is a safety signal. So this is just like we have stated over the last two years, the rollout in pregnancy was a fait accompli. And this is a wholly corrupt way to press on with this deadly lethal. Joke of experimental genetic thrapy and pushing it in pregnant women.

Brannon Howse: Guys, do we have the clip in there of Ivan Rachlin today confronting CDC director Rochelle Walensky? Do we have that clip in there, guys? They're going to grab this. You know, my friend Ivan Rachlin?

James Thorp: Doc I don't.

Brannon Howse: Brenna Well, Ivan Rachlin Yeah. Ivan Today, he's a former Green Beret. He went he's our reporter for Lindell TV on Capitol Hill. And he went to a hearing today and he confronted the CDC director. We have it on video. Watch this.

James Thorp: Walensky.

Ivan Rachlin (In video): Dr. Walensky. Ivan Rachlin. I look forward to you testifying about your involvement in murdering 38,000 Americans due to the jab.

Brannon Howse: I think he's going to get a Christmas card, don't you?

James Thorp: Yeah. Yeah. You'll get a, you know, something, a Valentine's Day card or Christmas card, You get something.

Brannon Howse: How about this? This is coming from me. Guys in the control room. Listen to Congressman Comer questioning her today and listen to how she tells us we should trust her after all you just put out there. Listen to how she says we should trust her. I got some other audio playing, so let me take that down so I can get rid of that. Did that stop it, guys? That did not stop it yet. Well, let me close all these windows. I got open and had a bunch of windows queued up. Are you sure it's not on your end, boys? Oh, it's a court hearing that's playing. Well, that's probably Congressman Comer there. Let me let me. Okay, just stop. Okay. It's good. It was Comber playing on his own. On his own Twitter feed. All right. This is him confronting her today. Listen to her responses and how she tells them. Asked the public, members of Congress, we need to get truthful information and the vaccine, It works.

Congressman Comer (In video): Did the CDC work with private companies to influence the censorship of dissent about vaccines?

Dr. Walensky (In video): You know, that topic is under litigation in the courts, so I will not be speaking to that recently.

Congressman Comer (In video): Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg said that during the Covid 19 pandemic, the establishment kind of waffled a bunch of facts and asked for a bunch of things to be censored. That, in retrospect, ended up being more debatable or true. Did the CDC work with Meta or as I like to call it Facebook still censor or otherwise alter any post?

Dr. Walensky (In video): Here's what I can tell you. The most important thing that has gotten us out of this pandemic, I think, is our vaccine and how well they work and how safe.

Congressman Comer (In video): They understand that.

Dr. Walensky (In video): And the American people needed to understand how well they worked and how safe I understand it.

Brannon Howse: Well, how well they work and how safe they are. Doctor, have you seen that clip before today?

James Thorp: No, but she's a liar. Yeah, she is. And she should be indicted for crimes against humanity. And I will testify against you. You fraud criminal?

Brannon Howse: Absolutely. Do you want to hear more of that? I mean, can you stomach more of it? I mean, here we go.

Dr. Walensky (In video): In terms of the communications, that is, again, something that I'm not going to speak to because it is currently under you're not.

Congressman Comer (In video): Going to answer the question.

Dr. Walensky (In video): It is currently under court litigation.

Congressman Comer (In video): I hear that so much when everything we do it's currently under investigation. Did the president take a bribe? Doctor Jackson is currently under investigation. Did the CDC ever work with Facebook to craft internal policies on censoring posts regarding the Covid pandemic?

Dr. Walensky (In video): Again, this is something that is under court litigation. What I will say, though, it is so very important to get correct factual information out to people to understand the overwhelming benefit of these vaccines over the very. What about Twitter?

Brannon Howse: Wow. Well, she's doubling down.

James Thorp: Um, she's, um. She's going to get herself in trouble with an indictment for crimes against humanity. She's lying. I have facts. I have posted. I have 1400 pages of FOIA documents. Of course, 50% were redacted. That shows she's a liar. Well, they put the vaccine. They put themselves in the examination room of a pregnant woman. They bought it off. They forced the obstetrician to push the vaccine during pregnancy. I have proof of that. It's all over $13 billion.

Brannon Howse: Push this and you see 8000 patients a year. Ob-gyn. Dr. James Thorp. Wow. Well, thank your wife, Maggie, the attorney, and the doctor. The good doctor and the good attorney make quite a powerful pair. And you guys have a brand new article. You have two articles actually over there on the website. Here's the other one we didn't have time to talk about. It's over at America Out Loud. America out loud.com. There's the latest bastion of vaccine-free speech. Maggie Thorp, Attorney. Doctor Jim Thorp. Folks, check it out. Doctor Thorp, as always, thank you for being with us.

James Thorp: Thank you for everything you do and thank you for all of your truthfulness.

Brannon Howse: Well, you're very kind. It's a team effort. Thank you, doc. God bless you. You too, brother. Dr. James Thorp checking in.

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