Dr. Naomi Wolf on Pfizer's War on Mothers, Motherhood, Masculinity and Overall Depopulation Agenda

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Brannon Howse: Joining me now is Naomi Wolf. Naomi, welcome back to the broadcast. Thank you for joining us tonight.

Naomi Wolf: Thank you so much for having me.

Brannon Howse: Great to have you with us. You have a big article out or a big announcement that I got from your team. It was an email blast I got and here is what I got when I opened it. Talk to Dr. Naomi Wolf about Pfizer's depopulation agenda. Dr. Naomi Wolf uncovers Pfizer's depopulation agenda, as evidenced by its own documents. This is a mystery novel in which the question is how do we stop women from having healthy babies? Question mark. There's a section of the Pfizer document in which Pfizer breaks down the adverse events and concludes that women sustain 72% of them, quote. Uh, this is what you said. And it goes on to quote you quote, And of those and these are Pfizer's words, 16%. Our quote. Reproductive disorders, end quote, compared to 0.49% for men. So they're very focused on reproduction, on female reproduction, end quote. Dr. Wolf, I know you probably are aware of my friend Dr. James Thorpe, ob-gyn, that sees about 8000 patients. He is getting very exercised. The more I interview him, the louder he gets, and rightfully so, because he sees 8000 patients a day a year and he is seeing the consequences of this on babies and his mothers that he sees. I mean, you guys are singing from the same song sheet.

Naomi Wolf: We are. Yeah, tragically, You know, I'm a journalist. I'm a classically trained journalist. And when multiple credible independent sources are reporting the same phenomena, that's a fact. So now, unfortunately, what Dr. Thorpe and Doctor Ryan Cole, the pathologist, and two independent midwives I interviewed, including Ellen Jasmer in Northern California, they're all reporting the same things, the same kinds of horrible damage to mothers and babies, mothers who've been vaccinated. And I'll get into the details. But that's the kind of symptom, that's the outcome. But what our team of 3500 doctors and scientists and researchers and medical fraud investigators and biologists and cardiologists and pathologists, these volunteers who have volunteered for humanity to go through the tens of thousands of documents released from Pfizer under court order, that Pfizer asked that the FDA asked the judge to keep hidden for 75 years. What they're finding is the inside of that same story, the internal impetus or original driver of those outcomes. So, tragically, what you know, what we found in the Pfizer documents is 180 degrees of targeting of human reproduction, especially women. You rightly lifted out that section of the documents that shows and this is over and over in the documents that women are 4 to 1 521721 8 to 1 injured compared to men and especially reproductively. And what our team has found is that the lipid nanoparticles, which are industrial fats that are covered in polyethylene glycol that we were assured by all the spokespeople, stay in the deltoid. They don't stay in the deltoid. They go to every organ in the body, but they accumulate in the ovaries, causing horrible menstrual damage, and they traverse the placenta, causing horrible damage to babies.

Naomi Wolf: And that's what Dr. Thorpe is rightly upset about and that's what he's seeing. That's what the midwives are seeing. Dr. Thorpe The midwives see calcified placentas. They have networks of calcifications. These are the lipid nanoparticles, that compromise the placentas, keeping nutrients and oxygen from reaching the babies in utero. And Dr. Thorpe has found and so has Ellen Jasmer, you know, fetal malformations, genetic malformations, and problems. But what's shocking, I mean, there's so much that's shocking, right? In one section of the Pfizer documents, they know that babies will be killed by the vaccine traversing the placenta and they identify two babies in utero that died that were spontaneously aborted, or miscarried. And in the Pfizer documents, it says the cause of their being premature and dying is, quote-unquote, transplacental exposure to the vaccine. So Pfizer knew that tiny babies in their mother's wombs were getting exposed to the vaccine through the placenta and that it was killing them. By the way, this report that Pfizer knew was turned in to the FDA on April 20th, 2021, On April 23rd, 2021, Dr. Rochelle Walensky held a press conference with this report in hand. And told the women of America who were pregnant that the vaccines were safe and effective for their babies and their pregnancies and that she recommended that they get vaccinated. And by the way, we reported this from the internal documents. Um, about a month ago and five days after we reported it and report 69, Dr. Walensky resigned. Um, so they knew that they were going to be killing babies. They knew that the lipid nanoparticles in the mRNA get into the breast milk of vaccinated moms who are lactating and poisoned babies and that babies went into convulsions.

Naomi Wolf: And one baby died in the Pfizer documents from nursing vaccinated moms' breast milk. But they didn't warn the women of America. And now breastfeeding has gone from 34% to 14% because so many babies are having what is in the Pfizer documents convulsions, and fevers. There's a chart showing the horrible things they're doing to little babies who are nursing from vaccinated moms, fevers, swelling of their flesh and tissue, edemas, agitation, sleeplessness, failure to thrive, weight loss, vomiting, chills. This is all right. In the Pfizer documents, they were torturing babies by exposing them to these materials in their mother's breast milk. They didn't tell the women of America, you know, they didn't tell them that it was dangerous to breastfeed their babies, that they'd poisoned, you know, the most fundamental way that mothers and babies bond, you know, so many like when you. Brennan When you mess with humans' hormonal systems, you're also messing with your emotions. And literally by dissolving the ways in which hormones are regulated for mothers who are nursing, they're also dissolving families because and I wrote a whole book about this, about, you know, female reproduction and sexuality and the role of hormones. Because when babies nurse, they're releasing oxytocin in the mother, and oxytocin is the bonding chemical. So, you know, anecdotally, midwives and doulas are hearing that mothers are having trouble bonding with their babies. So these monsters have literally found a chemical way to dissolve motherhood and the family.

Brannon Howse: It's also are you saying that one of their goals here is to get mothers to stop breastfeeding, which creates that natural, I guess, God created an ordained way for mothers and their children to bond, and they're trying to get moms to stop there? This gives them, I guess, this thing to accomplish many goals, but one of them is to break the bonds between a mother and her children.

Naomi Wolf: Absolutely. And I don't think that's an overstatement because also the lipid nanoparticles degrade male hormones as well. They degrade the membranes around the testes in baby boys in utero, and they degrade the Sertoli cells in the Leydig cells, which are the factories of masculinity that turn teenage boys into adult men at puberty with broad shoulders, deep voices, the ability to father children. So we don't know if these baby boys are going to turn into normal adult men who can, who can father children. But for sure, what the lipid nanoparticles do is disrupt the hormonal system in both men and women and they disrupt sexual behavior. So it's literally not just dissolving motherhood, but dissolving the family, dissolving the bonding, you know, between husband and wife, destroying the family and, you know, and destroying women's capabilities to be fertile. You know, paradoxically, at the same time that China is developing artificial wombs and the tech bros are developing, you know, lab-grown milk, artificial wombs, it's literally like making women obsolete, making the family obsolete so that the, you know, the state or technology can take over. Um, successful reproduction.

Brannon Howse: You just took the words out of my mouth so that now again everything becomes about the state fits into their technocracy agenda very well. As you said, these artificial wombs, they're creating eugenics, and now they're going to decide who can procreate, who cannot. I go back to the Fabian Socialists from Great Britain years ago, decades, and decades ago. They were talking about color-coded tickets back then. And then the right people deemed worthy of reproduction could procreate with the people of the same color ticket. You know, Huffington Huffington Post wrote an article about me a couple of years ago claiming that I was saying that that is what was coming. They clearly weren't listening to the show because I wasn't saying that's what was coming. I was quoting the Fabians from back then in the, you know, Great Britain, where they were promoting this concept, an idea. So just so the media, if you're watching, we're not making this up. This was something promoted many, many, many decades ago to say they only wanted the elite. They only wanted the elite to have children and. Create and everybody else was, you know, to get in line and get permission. And now, of course, we know that John Holdren, the Erlich's I mean, these guys have written books about putting Sterilants in the food and water, and the government could give an antidote to those chosen worthy of having children. We've seen them talk about the Constitution upholds the right to limit certain people from having children. If certain groups tend to precipitate and increase some threats to society. I mean, this goes back to, I guess, a Supreme Court ruling many decades ago as well, where some comment was made from the bench in a ruling related to eugenics about a generation of misfit misfits. Is one generation too many? I mean, again, by the government's own and the globalist's own definition, none of us should have ever had children and our children shouldn't be having children if they hold to any of the views and ideas and philosophies and values that we hold to that are quite documented, right?

Naomi Wolf: Naomi I mean, for sure. And you know, Yuval Harari, who's like the poster boy for the globalist kind of World Economic Forum technocrats, he talks often about useless eaters, which is a Nazi term, you know, that most people really aren't needed anymore. So I, I used to think that this whole, like, focus on the well-documented 150-year kind of history of eugenics in Western Europe and Britain especially, you know, into the United States was a conspiracy theory. But it's really there. And these people have picked it up again. And I would add, it's not just ideological, right? Um, I mean, one of the things you and I've talked about is that my independent reporting has shown that China is manufacturing these mRNA injections and distributing them in a memorandum of understanding with BioNTech, which is the subsidiary of Pfizer, which makes these vaccines for the West. And they opened 14 manufacturing plants in Western Europe and two in the United States, in Massachusetts, and in New Jersey. Well, where I'm going with this is in the tech that transferred to China, according to an SEC filing in 2021. So now anyone who gets a Pfizer vaccine is getting an injection that's designed the IP is owned, it's manufactured, and our existential adversaries distribute it. So, look, this is why I'm concluding. It's a bioweapon.

Brannon Howse: A new way of warfare. Right? That's the 1999 book, The New Way of Warfare on the Edge of Going to War, which they've been planning, as you know, for a long time. And then voila, just a few years before they plan to go to war, they implement all this, making everybody sick. They're dying. They can't procreate. The men are not being made into being men and masculine. Many of them are sick. We've got hundreds of thousands now missing from the workforce, either dead or disabled. And the timing just happens to be right before China wants to go to war.

Naomi Wolf: Exactly. And right before the signing of the treaty that dissolves our sovereignty. Right. And also, while the southern border is open and I'm the daughter and granddaughter of immigrants, I believe in legal immigration. But of course, you know, our soldiers and sailors and first responders and teachers and college students were the ones mandated to take these damaging, sterilizing injections. And so other populations are flowing over the border. Americans are getting sick. Americans are dying. Americans are being sterilized and the American family is being dissolved or damaged. And people are flowing over the border who come from and are used to tyrannical societies and don't have that memory that we have of democracy and human rights. Absolutely.

Brannon Howse: Let me ask you this in the closing moments. First, I want to promote your book. Here it is. Look at this screen here, folks. If you could go to if you want to go to daily Klout, Dot IO Daily, or Claudio, you can find out and add it to your cart and purchase the book here. Pfizer's documents analyzing the report analyze reports, War room, and daily clout. Of course, you see Naomi Wolf was involved in this, Dr. Wolf with a team. You've got to get the book. Everyone says, where's the proof? Where's the proof? Here it is. It's all footnoted. It's documented. She's done the heavy lifting for you. So go to daily Claudio. Daily clout. Clout daily, Claudio, and pick this book up. All right. The Daily Clout. Pfizer documents, analysis, volunteers, reports, and book paperback. Get it? So let me ask you in closing, how are you at all involved with or in any way involved with the presidential campaign of Robert F Kennedy Jr I'm pretty excited that he's running if for no other reason than to give him a bigger platform to say the things he's saying. Because I've been saying this for a while, I want to see people on the left, in the middle, and on the right. Who believes these things to be true, and we do believe they're true. I want to see the left, the middle and the right get as much of a voice as they can together on these issues where we disagree, we can disagree, but where we would agree, where we agree on these vital civil rights issues, we need to work together. And I'm glad that RFK Jr is running for many reasons, as I said, only if to give him a bigger voice and a bigger platform. What are your thoughts as a former political consultant who worked with presidents, Vice President Gore, and President Clinton, what are your thoughts on his announcement? He's running for president?

Naomi Wolf: Yeah, I mean, he's an acquaintance. I respect him very, very, very much. And, you know, I hope he really succeeds. We're nonpartisan at Daily Cloud, so I cannot endorse it. And I'd have to resign as CEO of Daley Cloud if I were to work on a campaign of anyone. So no, I'm not involved. But, you know, I wish he was running as an independent, honestly, because I don't think these Democrats and I'm a lifelong Democrat think it's a mafia. Now, they won't let him prevail. But I agree with you that we're in a time when left and right should come together for the Constitution. And all voices, you know, especially voices like his, should be heard.

Brannon Howse: Yeah. And I'm shocked at how well he's doing in the polls this early with as much as against him. I think that's a bellwether in our favor. You mean it's meaning a lot of people on the right and the left in the middle are waking up. So I think that's a good thing. Well, I would love it.

Naomi Wolf: I would love a transpartisan Typekit.

Brannon Howse: Yeah. Trans partisan ticket. Yeah. Wow. Uh, dailyclout.io. Dailyclout.io. As always, Dr. Wolf, thank you for being with us.

Naomi Wolf: Thank you so much for having me. Thank you. And thanks for telling people about the book.

Brannon Howse: Absolutely. Check out our book, folks there at Dailyclout.io. Dailyclout.io. Well, that's our broadcast for tonight. We'll get Annie Cyrus on tomorrow night about that very important story. Thanks for her willingness to be bumped tonight so we could finish up with the other guest. Breaking news tonight. You heard it here. Terry Turchie, former deputy assistant director of the counterterrorism division of the FBI, releasing here right here on Brennan House Live. He said for the first time and he's been texting me since we got off the air. About Merrick Garland, who then was an assistant in the Department of Justice. Worried about the civil liberties of Unabomber. Uh, Theodore Kaczynski when it comes to. Well, you need to let him go. He was leading a team that was saying they should un-arrest him, and let him go. And then we can decide what we're going to do later. What? But this same man who's now attorney general doesn't treat Mothers of America who are concerned about mandating a VAX or mask, mandating or concerned about critical race theory and Marxism being taught to their children. They're deemed immediately potential domestic terrorists. We will turn this. We will work late into the night and turn this into an article and get this everywhere. That was big historic breaking news on the show tonight. Thanks for watching. I'm Brannon Howse. Take care.

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