FBI Kills Man In Cold Blood During Pre-Dawn Raid

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  • Brian Kemp comes clean, admitting something he had previously denied for years about electronic voting machines.
  • A family in Tennessee is desperately seeking answers after FBI agents broke down the door of their relative in a pre-dawn raid, then killed him in cold blood.
  • School started last week in Lahaina, Hawaii, and more than 2,000 students were absent.
  • The Biden regime has plans to roll out a new COVID vaccine this fall, and it’s looking like they will try to mandate them.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

Leading off tonight, well, the truth is finally being admitted after years of lies by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp.

Kemp, in an appearance at a Georgia event on Saturday, August 26, was confronted by a constituent and admitted what we all know. That voting machines can be hacked.

In fact, Kemp went further. He said that hacking a machine is quite easy.



You heard him. He even repeated it when asked. “If you give anybody a voting machine, they can hack it.”

So it appears the globalists are so confident now in their tyrannical grip on America, that they can admit their crimes in the wide open. Admit they’ve been lying to us for years. And they have no fear of repercussions, or of being held accountable.


Sarah Arnold at Townhall.com reports that the Biden regime has plans to roll out a new COVID vaccine this fall, and the signs are lining up to indicate it will attempt to require all Americans to get another toxic injection. 

Despite declaring earlier this year that COVID is no longer a threat, President Joe Biden said his administration will “likely” recommend that all Americans receive the updated booster, including children. 

Over the weekend, Biden told reporters that he plans to ask Congress for additional funds to develop a new vaccine, adding that he may force everyone to take it whether they previously received the initial vaccine.

“Yes, I can,” Biden said. “I signed off this morning on a proposal we have to present to Congress a request for additional funding for a new vaccine that is necessary, that works.”

The new vaccines, developed by Pfizer, Moderna, and Novavax, have been re-designed to target the dominant XBB variants that magically popped up just in time for the general election. The jab is expected to be rolled out sometime in mid-September.

Earlier this month, the Biden Administration requested $40 million from Congress to go toward Ukraine, U.S. federal disaster funds, and funds to help slow the flow of fentanyl into the U.S. despite Biden refusing to close the southern border. 

However, the funding request did not mention any money for COVID-19 vaccines. 

The White House did, however, use $1.4 billion of taxpayer money to develop new drugs and Covid injections. 


A church in California punished during Covid lockdowns with a fine of $1.2 million is now suing over geofencing-based surveillance of its members.

Infowars reports that the church, Calvary Chapel San Jose, along with Pastor Mike McClure, allege in the federal lawsuit filed last week that Santa Clara County engaged in warrantless and invasive surveillance, using the geofencing method and thus abusing location data harvested from the worshipers’ phones.

The filing is based on claims that both the First Amendment related to free speech, and the Fourth Amendment, meant to protect against unlawful searches, were violated by the county as it resorted to spying via geofencing.


Advocates for Faith & Freedom, a group that filed the lawsuit, specified that the county hired the SafeGraph data company to carry out this activity, and accuses the officials behind the scheme as engaging in tracking of residents not only without appropriate warrants and in an invasive manner, but also keeping this activity a secret from the public.

The complaint states:

“This type of expansive geofencing operation is not only an invasion of privacy but represents a terrifying precedent if allowed to go unaddressed. As it stands, Defendants assert that, as long as they call it research, any level of government can target and spy on any individual or group at any time for any duration.”

It is further alleged that the operation lasted more than a year, “with seemingly no oversight, boundaries, or limitations.” The implication of this is that those targeted by this controversial, dragnet-style surveillance weren’t safe from it anywhere – be it the prayer room or the bathroom.

Those behind the lawsuit also reject the arguments that the defendants have apparently chosen to go with, namely, that the whole operation was done for the sake of “research,” and is therefore justified.

But, argues Advocates for Faith & Freedom, accepting such logic would mean that there would be no real limits to how government entities at any level could use geofencing to track either groups or individuals. This lack of boundaries means the spying could go on against anyone indefinitely.

Advocates for Faith & Freedom states:

“This is not just un-American; it is downright Orwellian.”


A family is desperately seeking answers after FBI agents broke down the door of their relative in a pre-dawn raid, then killed him in cold blood.

The FBI is refusing to tell a grieving mother why they showed up in armored vehicles at 6 a.m. on August 17 and fatally shot her son, Theodore Deschler.

According to WBBJ, a battalion of FBI agents showed up at the man’s residence in Henderson, Tennessee, to serve him an arrest warrant when things turned deadly.

A neighbor told WBBJ he woke up at 6 a.m. after he heard a loud bang.

The neighbor stated:

“I was woken up at about six o’clock this morning. I heard a loud bang. Then I heard a couple more. I heard the loudspeakers, ‘Come out with your hands up. We’re the FBI. We’re not going anywhere.’ Before I knew it, I was coming out to see what was going on and watched them bust out their windows.”

Theodore’s family believes he was unarmed when the agents broke down the door and threw flashbangs into the home.

His mother told WBBJ:

“It was a senseless act. You know Teddy was a 100% disabled veteran. He had problems. He had severe PTSD. He had depression but he was getting help for it. He didn’t have a weapon on him. He was just trying to get out of the house because it was filled with tear gas.”

The house was destroyed by tear gas, flashbangs and bullets. Most of the windows were broken out.

The FBI-involved shooting is under investigation, by the FBI of course, so don’t look for any answers there. Has the FBI, investigating itself, ever found that an FBI killing was unjustified? I think not.

So, this family will likely be left in the dark about the details of the raid that killed their loved one.

The family says the FBI refuses to tell them why they conducted the raid and why they shot him.

Russell Deschler, the brother of the man killed by the FBI, told WBBJ:

“There’s three (windows) up front and two on the sides they broke out…they were shooting flash…smoke grenades.”

They used flashbangs, destroyed the yard with trucks, shot through a refrigerator, broke tree limbs, and even knocked down a light over the garage because it looked like a camera.

Folks, this bears all the hallmarks of a planned execution. A 74-year-old Utah man who could barely walk got the same treatment a week earlier because he wrote something on his Facebook page that the authorities didn’t like and considered a threat. A handicapped 74-year-old was not a legitimate threat but they took him out. Now they’ve taken this man out without even saying why. This is the new communist America.


The Gateway Pundit reports that a Wyoming federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit brought by six sorority sisters over the induction of a transgender biological male member.

In September, the Wyoming-based chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma voted to allow a 6-foot-2 inch biological man who uses the name “Artemis Langford” to join the sorority.



The sorority sisters sued, claiming the biological male would watch them undress.

Their lawsuit asked the court to force the sorority to define the word “woman” and tighten the rules about who could join and move into their house.

The judge dismissed the entire case on August 24th, ruling that the sorority had a right to decide the definition of “woman” for itself and did not breach the housing contract by allowing a biological male to move in.

U.S. District Court Judge Alan B. Johnson wrote, “This Judge may not invade Kappa Kappa Gamma’s freedom of expressive association and inject the (definition of woman) Plaintiffs urge.”

The judge added, “With its inquiry beginning and ending there, the Court will not define ‘woman’ today.”

The Daily Caller noted, “A sorority in New York kicked out a biological male from the Chi Omega sorority in July, saying the man did not fit within the definition of a woman by its guidelines.”


On Thursday, the Hawaii State Department of Education released a report indicating that 2,025 students are missing from the Lahaina public school system. This happened following the massive fire on August 8 that devastated Lahaina, a town on Maui Island.

Before the fire, the Lahaina school district was composed of four schools: two elementary, one intermediate, and one high school. These schools had a combined enrollment of 3,001 students.

Due to the fire damage, all the schools are now closed. One elementary school sustained extensive damage and might not reopen for a while. The other three schools were also harmed by strong winds, debris, and soot. The report does not discuss whether many of the absent children perished in the fire.

Government authorities have not been transparent regarding the number of children who lost their lives in the fire. Even after two weeks, they only confirmed 115 documented fatalities, with an estimated 850 to 1,100 individuals of various ages unaccounted for. An inventory of those believed to be missing has not been made public.

On the day of the inferno, youngsters attending schools in Lahaina were advised to remain at home. Numerous children were by themselves when the fire struck their neighborhoods as their parents were at work.


Greek officials arrested 160 people on arson charges for the wildfires that ravaged Greece this summer. The arrests come one week after the media almost exclusively blamed the Greek wildfires on, you guessed it, climate change.

Wildfires have scorched Greece this summer. In the past week, at least 21 people – including two children – lost their lives in connection with the wildfires.

A fire department spokesman said 60 firefighters had been injured attempting to extinguish the blaze as of last Thursday.

Firefighters battled 99 separate wildfires across the country on Wednesday.

The wildfires have forced numerous evacuations during the summer months, including the main hospital of one city in northeastern Greece.

The European Union's Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarcic said that more than 180,400 acres burned in that one city – making it the largest wildfire ever recorded among European Union countries, according to CNN.


The trans movement is not only dangerous in our schools, but in homes and throughout society.

It’s a sad fact that many children are being transgendered because the parent, often a mother, believes it is the right thing to do.

Not the child. The child, like many children, may be confused, but is not on board with chemical and surgical treatments.

We talk so much about how dangerous this is, but seeing it in a video like this? Heartbreaking. 



You could see and hear the hesitation in that little boy’s voice as his mother has tried to turn him into a girl. That, ladies and gentlemen, is child abuse. And, tragically, it’s an abuse that’s being played out among thousands of children across America and the West, as a whole generation of kids is getting consumed by the ideology of sick adults.


Less than a quarter of Americans believe the nation is on the right track after Joe Biden’s Justice Department and state prosecutors charged former President Donald Trump with criminal wrongdoing in four separate cases.

Just 24 percent of Americans say Biden’s America is headed in the right direction, according to a poll by CIVIQS conducted on August 25th.

A stunning 66 percent say the nation is headed in the wrong direction.

Among independents, only 17 percent say Biden’s America is headed in the right direction. Nearly 75 percent say it is going in the wrong direction.

Less than half (49 percent) of Democrats say it is going in the right direction, while 33 percent of Democrats say it’s heading in the wrong direction.

Just 2 percent of Republicans say the nation is doing well under Biden’s leadership while 96 percent say it is going down the wrong path.

The survey is a rolling average of 490,009 responses tracked between January 19, 2017, and August 24, 2023. The poll’s tracking model is meant to capture the shifts in attitude of various groups over time across all 50 states and Washington, DC. These changes can happen either over time or rapidly.


Rebel News reports that Canadian Sheila Annette Lewis, who was denied a lifesaving organ transplant because of being unvaccinated against Covid, has tragically passed away.

In July, an Alberta court ruled that Sheila could not receive a lifesaving organ transplant because she never received her COVID-19 vaccine.

Canadians flooded the streets in protest, but that just wasn't enough.



Sheila passed away on the morning of August 24, leaving her friends, family, and many Canadians across the country to grieve her loss.

Sheila Annette Lewis believed in bodily autonomy, and the Canadian government punished her with the ultimate price - her life.


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

During an appearance on August 25th on Fox & Friends, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, a candidate for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, argued the correct approach to taking on abortion for Republicans was to “humanize” it.

According to the former South Carolina governor, the GOP demonizing abortion only added to the “division” in the country.

Haley told Fox, “You know, I am surrounded by blessings, and God has blessed me with an amazing husband and two wonderful children. But having said that, I think it’s really important that all of us remember everybody has a personal story. So, while I’m unapologetically pro-life, I don’t judge anyone for being pro-choice. I think that we have to humanize this issue. We’ve got to stop demonizing this issue.”

So, while she’s unapologetically pro-life, there might be someone with a different “story” who wants to murder their baby and we should listen to them and perhaps grant their wishes?

Haley went on to explain that, in her mind, the abortion issue is just too divisive, as if that’s a valid reason to compromise your principles on the sanctity of human life.

“I think the division in this country has gone too far. We have to start looking at the vision going forward. My vision is how do we save as many babies as possible and support as many moms as possible. If that’s the case, be honest with the American people. Tell them what is possible and what’s not possible, and let’s bring people together based on humanity, not based on making people hate each other. And I think it’s happened too long, and I’m just not going to be a part of that. I refuse to be a part of that.”

Haley’s new position seems to be in the same place where the Democrats were several years ago, that abortion should be “safe, legal and rare.” We see how that worked out, and where it led.

If the natural progression among RINO Republicans continues along the lines of Democrats, the Republican view in a few more years will be at the point where Democrats are now. Murder the babies unapologetically from the moment of conception right up to birth. Then celebrate it.

Anything less will be seen as “divisive,” even cruel. It’s not just Haley but nearly all of the GOP candidates for president; they’re bending over backwards to soften their position on abortion because the hardline opposition is now seen as a losing issue, according to many polls.

That just shows that lukewarm Republicans like Nikki Haley were never on our side. They only supported certain issues because they thought they were winning issues. Now that they’re not so clearly in that category, they’re dropping them like hot potatoes. These are not principled men and women. They’re simply trying to advance up the ladder as political figures. And how do you do that in an increasingly godless world? Why, you have to become more godless.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching, and thanks for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time…


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