The FDA Wants To Make Blood Donations More "Inclusive"

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  • Australia’s head intel agency is funding a project to study ways of merging human brain cells with artificial intelligence.
  • South Africa mass violence due to gang war among corrupt ANC party cadres in its state energy company.
  • Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell gets a very unwelcome greeting in his home state of Kentucky over the weekend.
  • The Biden regime is about to unleash a “regulatory tsunami” tied to its green-economic agenda that will cost Americans millions of dollars.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

Australia’s Office of National Intelligence, the equivalent of the U.S. Director of National Intelligence, is funding a project to study ways of merging human brain cells with artificial intelligence.

A team of researchers collaborating with Melbourne-based startup Cortical Labs received a $600,000 grant to merge biology with AI. The team has already demonstrated how roughly 800,000 brain cells in a Petri dish are capable of playing a game of “Pong.

Lead researcher Adeel Razi, an associate professor at Monarch University, said:

“This new technology capability in the future may eventually surpass the performance of existing, purely silicon-based hardware. The outcomes of such research would have significant implications across multiple fields such as, but not limited to, planning, robotics, advanced automation, brain-machine interfaces, and drug discovery.”


Razi told The Byte that the tech could allow a machine intelligence to “learn throughout its lifetime” like human brain cells, allowing it to learn new skills without losing old ones, as well as applying existing knowledge to new tasks.

Razi and his colleagues are aiming to grow brain cells in a lab dish called the DishBrain system to investigate this process of “continual lifelong learning.”

According to Razi, “We will be using this grant to develop better AI machines that replicate the learning capacity of these biological neural networks.”


Five farm attacks took place in a four-day period last month in South Africa as the country teeters on the edge of mass blackouts due to a gang wars among corrupt ANC party members in the state-energy company Eskom.

On July 22 at 10:25 a.m., during a scheduled blackout, four masked attackers invaded a home in Paarl, in the Western Cape, and overpowered the residents. A neighbor alerted the Drakenstein Farm Watch which arrived with K9 police. The attackers had already fled the scene with some valuables.

On July 22 at 5 p.m., Mike Pattinson, 67, was found shot to death in his farmhouse near Harrismith in the Free State. After a gun battle with the fleeing suspects, police arrested seven suspects, two of whom were injured.

On July 22 at 8:30 a.m., farmer Kevin Taylor was tending to his livestock when approximately five armed attackers arrived. Taylor was assaulted by the attackers and forced to open the safe. Six firearms, including a revolver, a shotgun and four rifles and an undisclosed amount of cash were taken.

On 23 July, a woman was attacked and tortured with boiling water by five attackers on a farm in Dalton.

On July 25 at 8 a.m., farmer Pietie Nel was overpowered by five armed attackers on a farm near Wadela. Two shotguns, a pistol and a pellet gun were robbed.

Civil rights organization AfriForum published an online security checklist for farmers to help prevent farm attacks.

Says Jacques Broodryk, AfriForum’s spokesperson for Community Safety:

“Farmers have no choice but to ensure they secure themselves well by practicing contingency plans and taking other safety precautions. This document serves as a very handy guideline, which farmers can use to assess their security planning and ensure the necessary measures are in place.”

The Gateway Pundit reported previously that white farmers are facing potential genocide thanks to “leaders” like Julius Malema. His supporters say they are ready to kill or die for the white-owned land.

The video shows Malema dancing and then he begins singing in Afrikaans before switching to English. He can be heard shouting the following words multiple times:

“Shoot to kill. Kill the Boer! The farmer!”

He concludes his sick rant by making gun noises. The bloodthirsty audience echoes his cries throughout.



Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell was interrupted and heckled for five straight minutes during his speech at the St. Jerome Fancy Farm Picnic on Saturday, a premier political event in McConnell’s home state of Kentucky.

Instead of a respectful silence, the audience delivered a relentless, clear, and loud message, drowning out his speech.

Foot-stomping and chants echoed around the venue, making it abundantly clear that the senator’s reception was far from warm in his home state.

The dissenting voices underscore the sentiment that McConnell, at 81 years of age and with nearly four decades of senatorial service, is more of a representative of Washington’s globalist, elitist Uniparty than the average American he’s supposed to represent.

Chants of “RETIRE” and “DITCH MITCH” overwhelmed his address, causing a scene of utter humiliation for the long-serving senator.



The average American middle-class family is about to see its standard of living get throttled by a range of climate-change policies coming down from the federal government.

Faye Higbe reports for The Firing Line that the Biden regime is about to unleash a “regulatory tsunami” that will cost Americans millions of dollars. The administration plans to initiate new rules that require automobiles to “increase the energy efficiency” to 58 miles per gallon. That may sound good to some, but it will make the price of a gasoline-powered vehicle, already beyond the reach of many Americans, even more expensive. It’s part of the push to force people into electric vehicles by 2032.

And that’s not the only component of the tsunami of new rules being proposed under the Biden agenda.

So let’s add this all up: higher priced cars and trucks, higher priced stoves, higher priced air-conditioners, higher priced dishwashers, higher priced hot water heaters, furnaces, washers and dryers, etc.

There’s no end in sight. Americans with millions won’t even blink—the rest of the nation will fall further behind in their finances. All of this puts a severe drain on the power grid as well. We’ll be back in the dark ages sooner than you thought when all the power goes out from everyone trying to charge their EVs and exchanging their gas appliances with electric ones.

But, as noted by Higbe, the Biden greenies aren’t listening to common sense, and neither are the blue states that have bought in to this agenda.


The New York Post reports that Tyson Foods missed Wall Street expectations for third-quarter revenue and profit, hurt by falling chicken and pork prices as well as slowing demand for its beef products.

The company said it is closing four more U.S. chicken plants in the latest bid to reduce costs.

Tyson has already cut corporate jobs and shuttered other chicken plants this year as it struggles with declining profits and reduced demand from consumers squeezed by inflation and higher interest rates.

The company hiked prices last year to offset spiraling feed and labor costs, but has been hit in 2023 by lower prices in core protein segments, such as pork.

The company has also struggled to predict sales and previously said reduced demand for beef made it difficult to pass on higher costs to consumers.

Agricultural lender Rabobank told the Post:

“Domestic consumers continue to look for lower-cost protein alternatives, trading down from higher-cost proteins like pork or reducing overall protein consumption.”

Tyson expects the closing chicken plants to stop operating in the company’s first two quarters of fiscal 2024.

Tyson wrongly predicted last year that demand for chicken would be strong at supermarkets in November and December.

In January, the company replaced the president of its poultry business.

In the beef business, Tyson faces reduced profit margins as a diminishing U.S. cattle herd forces packers to pay more for livestock and lingering drought conditions limit the amount of pasture available for grazing.


While the rules have loosened some, for nearly 40 years, guidance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration banned most gay men from donating blood.

In May 2023, the FDA quietly eliminated blood donation restrictions based on sexual orientation, making blood donation more “inclusive.”

In a recent one-sided propaganda video put out by the American Red Cross, its employees and volunteers “shared what this change means to them.”

Take a look.


Propaganda brainwashing at its finest. Inclusiveness now trumps health precautions.

According to a CNN article, the Red Cross believes that the new FDA guidance should make nearly everyone feel welcome giving blood.

Doesn’t that engender a sense of safety and security about our nation’s blood supply?


The CDC last Thursday recommended the first-ever monoclonal antibody marketed as a defense for all newborns against the respiratory virus known as RSV.

Beyfortus, also known as nirsevimab, is produced by pharma giants Sanofi and AstraZeneca.

In a press release, the CDC referred to the drug as a “powerful tool” and a “new immunization.”

According to The Associated Press, the drug will be offered as a “one-time shot for infants born just before or during the RSV season and for those less than 8 months old before the season starts,” and for some high-risk 8 to19-month-old infants.

CDC Director Mandy Cohen signed off on the recommendations on Thursday, according to CNBC.

Beyfortus will be “broadly available for all infants regardless of whether they have a health condition,” CNBC reported, adding that it will be “administered as a single dose.”

Cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough told The Defender:

“While monoclonal antibodies are reasonably safe and effective, they are not clinically indicated nor medically necessary in all newborns.

“This new preventive strategy should be considered in rare cases with baseline lung disease such as severe asthma or cystic fibrosis. Injecting all newborns should be off the table and rejected by parents who want to avoid unnecessary drugs and potential harms.”

Dr. Brian Hooker, senior director of science and research for Children’s Health Defense (CHD), cited the significant number of infant deaths during Beyfortus’ clinical trial in his remarks:

“This is really too bad and seems to be a part of the Department of Health and Human Services’ scare tactics recently regarding RSV, which is generally a mild infection that finds its origin during the development of the polio vaccine. The efficacy of the antibodies from clinical trials is woefully low and the circulating half-life of such a therapeutic may be as low as two weeks.”

He added that:

“I’m also worried about allergic reactions in newborns, especially given the high dose of antibodies and especially given that 12 infants died in the experimental arm of the clinical trial.”


Breitbart News reports that a New Jersey community is grieving the loss of a young policeman who died suddenly of cardiac arrest on July 23.

Sam Irvin, 23, collapsed as he ran sprints outside at his fiancé’s family’s farm in Columbus, Fox 29 reported, noting he had an enlarged heart, which was revealed in the autopsy.

“His heart just stopped, and they said it happened within seconds, so he didn’t feel pain,” his fiancé, Mackenzie Santucci, explained.

On July 25, the Mansfield Township Police Department announced the tragic loss, noting, “Sam was not only a colleague, he was a brother and a friend.”

“It is difficult to write this because we are all at a loss for words. We are trying our hardest to honor him in the best way we can, but nothing we do will amount to the Man, Expectant Father, Fiancé, Brother, Son, and Friend that Samuel Irvin was,” the department said.

The young man was in excellent physical shape and never dealt with any health issues, per his family.


Liberty University announced Sunday afternoon that freshman offensive lineman Tajh Boyd has died suddenly and unexpectedly. He was 19 years old.


There was no cause of death provided by the university. He is survived by his parents, Tanzania Belfield and Dawntay Boyd.

Liberty said in a statement:

“It is with heavy hearts that we share the news of the loss of one of our student-athletes, Tajh Boyd. We thank God for bringing Tajh into our Liberty Athletics community and we will always remember him as a Flame. Tajh will be missed dearly.”

The 6-foot-4, 315-pound football player was memorialized on social media by teammates, while his high school coach said he was “a formidable force” with an “infectious smile.”

Affectionately known as “Big Baby,” Boyd had helped his Chesapeake, Virginia high school win back-to-back state championships during his sophomore and junior years.


In a new article at Conservative Review, Daniel Horowitz asks how many more 20-year-old basketball players do we need to see come down with myocarditis before there is a reckoning on the COVID shots? Rep. Chip Roy has taken up the call to use the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Reauthorization Act to force a conversation, and hopefully policy changes, on this very point.

But it remains to be seen if GOP leaders will embrace this opportunity.

Without reauthorization, the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, or BARDA, and the HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response – two agencies instrumental in the biomedical surveillance and medical tyranny we saw during Covid – will cease to exist. This is why Chip Roy is calling on his colleagues to refuse to consider reauthorizing these offices without the following list of reforms:

  1. Returning PAHPA-related funding to pre-COVID levels to stop public health bureaucrats from undermining liberty for Americans and to curtail corporate cronyism.
  2. Reforming vaccine liability to secure proper compensation for those injured by vaccines.
  3. Establishing a commission to review vaccine liability and efficacy. 
  4. Auditing and making public information about “Operation Warp Speed,” including the role of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority. There is now a lot of information showing that the manufacturers and the FDA/CDC knew during the clinical trial period, as well as the early days of the commercial use of the vaccine, that there were serious safety issues, but chose to cover them up. That information needs to be made public.
  5. Asserting American sovereignty over the World Health Organization and other international treaties and bodies.
  6. Imposing total data transparency on Health and Human Services.
  7. Ending COVID-19 vaccine mandates and restricting federal powers to demand compulsory vaccination. Although most of the mandates have been canceled, there is shockingly nothing on the books to prevent vaccine and mask mandates from returning. These same agencies still believe in them as the go-to measures for flu outbreaks or any other endemic or pandemic virus. It goes without saying that no new pandemic funding can be appropriated without burying all mandates forever.
  8. Re-instituting congressional authority over public health emergency powers. It is shocking that we’ve gone three years since the world was remade by executive order and Congress has still not limited the president’s emergency powers to suspend the Constitution. No emergency declaration should be allowed to continue for more than 30 days without congressional approval.
  9. Banning taxpayer dollars from funding gain-of-function research. 

It’s not a question of if but when another plandemic will be created. The Biden regime has just picked its replacement for Anthony Fauci as the new head of NIAID. Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo is just as fanatical and outspoken in support of lockdowns, masks, the WHO, and mRNA vaccines as Fauci. Nothing will change on its own. The do-nothing Congress must act.


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

Frontline News reports that Australian Pfizer officials last week tried to claim no one was forced to take the COVID-19 injections, instead saying people were “offered an opportunity” to take the shots.

Pfizer’s Head of Regulatory Sciences Dr. Brian Hewitt made the comments during an Australian Senate Education and Employment Legislation Committee hearing. Dr. Hewitt and his colleague, Pfizer Country Medical Director Dr. Krishan Thiru, were hauled before the committee last week as part of an ongoing COVID-19 inquiry and were subjected to questioning by several senators.

Queensland Senator Pauline Hanson expressed her shock after Dr. Hewitt commented that nobody had been forced to take the injection.

“You were in Australia during COVID-19,” said Hanson. “You must have been fully aware that people—nurses, doctors—people, to have their jobs, to keep their jobs, were forced to have the vaccination. Now do you retract your statement that they were not forced?”

But Dr. Hewitt reaffirmed his claim that there had been no vaccine mandate, only an “opportunity”.

“Senator, no, I believe firmly that nobody was forced to have a vaccine. Mandates are vaccine requirements determined by governments and health authorities. Our belief, everybody was offered an opportunity to get a vaccine or not get a vaccine. I don’t believe that anybody was forced to get a vaccine,” said Dr. Hewitt.


Australia’s vaccine mandate — which promised “freedom” to those who took the shots — was accompanied by dangerous rhetoric from government officials. Australia’s Northern Territory Chief Minister Michael Gunner said in November 2021 that anyone who opposed the mandate or so much as gave comfort to someone who opposed the mandate would be considered an “anti-vaxxer.”

Here is a clip of Gunner, appearing every bit like a possessed vaccine zealot for the ages.


And, in August 2021, Bill Gates weighed in, telling CNN that “all countries” should be “more like Australia.”


So let this be a reminder of just how rabid these pro-vax zealots can be. They are relentless and they will try to force us to take their toxic death shots, loaded with agents known and unknown and able to cause myriad debilitating health problems, if you survive them at all.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for tuning in, and for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time…

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