Flashback: General Flynn Warned of Voting Machines and China Interference in November 2020



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Brannon Howse: Well, my friends. Well, my friends. Well, my friends. Mike Lindell is being sued for about $8 Million by all these different companies. Why? Because he dared to question the election of 2020. We know that Democrats were doing that for years, right? We have the video. We have the video. We play it all the time. It's a video that Mike loves for us to play because it shows that, you know, back in 2016 I'll play it without the audio. Back in 2016, we had the Democrats, let's show them. We won't play audio. We'll just let it run while I talk. Tons of Democrats talking about election fraud, one after the other machines being hacked. I think there was even an HBO film. You got Hacking, Democracy Kill Chain. Nobody got sued for billions that I'm aware of. But let Mike Lindell talk about machines and. Voter fraud and flipping votes and China interfering with our election. And voila. Billions. Well, I went back through some old video footage today where I had the joy and privilege of being the first person to interview. General Michael Flynn, after being pardoned by President Donald Trump, By the way, he didn't do anything wrong. But we know what the corrupt FBI does with the corrupt. The corrupt FBI does. Right. So President Trump pardoned him. And on November 27th, I believe it was November 27th, 2020. It was a Sunday night. I was honored to get the phone call and be the first person to be able to interview General Flynn, who was able to finally speak after a few years of being gagged. I had only interviewed Mike Lindell on the radio once and on television once.

Brannon Howse: But I didn't know anything about these voting machine companies. And if someone had asked me to name them, I don't think I could have named them. So, the point I'm making is my first introduction to the idea of China. Hacking our elections. The problem with voting machines came largely from listening to people like three-star general, retired General Thomas McInerney. I learned an awful lot from a named Mary Fanning, who had, I guess General McInerney been working with a well renowned and accomplished and well awarded. Admiral by the name of Admiral Ace Lyons. Distinguished military careers. Both men. Well, I guess they'd been warning about this kind of thing for years. And then I was honored to. And we can pull that down now. Honored to get the. Interview with General Flynn. I want to play for you two minutes, two minutes and nine seconds of a clip from that lengthy interview tonight as we conclude for you to understand that on 1127, 2020, the former director of national intelligence, DNI, director of national intelligence, comes on to my TV show. And says. We've got a problem with these voting machines and China intruding in our elections. And yet. Mike's the one being sued as though somehow Mike was just making stuff up. What about all the Democrats back in 2016? What about all the people that have come out of the military or out of the intelligence arena saying these machines are vulnerable? What about the letter on January 7th, 2021, by John Ratcliffe, who also became and was at the time director of National Intelligence?

Brannon Howse: Wow. Isn't that interesting? Isn't that interesting that two directors of national intelligence warned about the machines in China hacking? Huh? But Mike Lindell gets sued because he's now saying what is all over the place by our government and former government officials and members of the House and the Senate. When we just played the footage of the B-roll, we played the audio many times. But now they're going to go after Mike Lindell for saying what all of them were saying. Well. General Flynn was one of the bold, courageous people coming out early. Before I knew Mike Lindell, other than two brief interviews. General Thomas McInerney. Again, three stars, retired, was the one helping educate me on this. I had him on my radio show the day after the election and I had him on and talked about it because I knew who he was. I read his bio. I had known who he was for years watching him on television, and I admired him and his courage and his service to our country, and self-sacrifice. And I trusted him. And then I came to find out someone else I respected for his strong stand and service to our country and courage. General Michael Flynn saying the same thing. I want to share this with you from back in November 2020. The first interview is two minutes. It's a longer interview. I'll share two minutes of what General Flynn had to say that night. I got the first interview after President Trump pardoned him. Listen and watch this.

General Flynn: There are a lot of things happening. And it's all to me, it's all positive. I was asked today, on a scale of 1 to 10, who will be the next president. And I said ten. It'll be Donald Trump. It'll be President Trump. There's no doubt in my mind. There's no doubt in my mind that he won this election hands down in a landslide, probably somewhere between 350 and 400 Electoral College votes. What we have seen is over and I know this I mean, over the last probably two decades and probably longer, I could, you know, give you a little bit of a history lesson in that. But I won't. But over the last couple of decades, what we have seen is a complete shift in how fast I believe that communist China, in their long-term plan, decided to sort of move up their plans to become the global superpower, soul, global superpower on the planet. And, you know, their sort of plan was by about the middle of this century that we're in right now. And I believe that during the last 2016 election when they didn't get the candidate that they needed and the kind of ideology that they saw America moving towards, they were not going to allow 2020 to happen. And so now what we have is, is this theft with mail-in ballots, the theft with this, uh, this software, Smartmatic software, and Dominion, these Dominion systems. I mean, these are systems that are not owned by this country. They're not owned by this country. They're owned by others they were introduced into this country. I mean, how can we have how can we say, as the United States of America? How can we say that we accept? A system that is not made in this country and not even and in many cases, the ballots aren't even tallied in this country. How can we say that here in this country we accept that?

Brannon Howse: Wow. Powerful. Former director of National Intelligence Michael Flynn. Here we are, folks. Again, if you appreciate what we're doing, we appreciate your support and helping yourself out at the same time in this dangerous world we're living in. WVWStore.com again, we are running about 4 to 5 weeks behind due to the fact we offered free shipping for February and March, and we got a tidal wave of orders. So again, thank you for your patience. Continue to be patient. We've added on several new workers, as I've told you, and I think there are about 8 or 9 of them in there now. College guys, most of them are all college age and they're working hard every day. So be patient. Many, many, many of you in February and March got free shipping worth hundreds of dollars free. We picked up that bill. So be patient. We're doing our best to catch up. It's coming along nicely, and we'll get caught up here pretty quick. So be patient. It'll come to you. Get in line if you want products. If you have the patience, get in line with WVWTVstore.com. Thank you. Take care.

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