Former Iranian Muslim, Now Christian Pastor, Warns America About The Goal & Threat of Islam & Jihad



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Former Iranian Muslim, Now Christian Pastor, Warns America About The Goal & Threat of Islam & Jihad.

Guest: Shahram Hadian was born in Iran and his father was in the Iranian military. Shahram now lives in America and is warning Americans of the very serious national security threat our nation is facing from Muslim terrorists. In this program that you must share with all your friends and social media contacts, we will cover these topics: Are Syrian refugees being used as a trojan horse to bring ISIS terrorists into Europe and America? Topic: Louis Farrakhan has called for 10,000 black Americans to rise up against the white system. What exactly does this mean? Are the race baiters and Muslims working to bring about a civil war within America, and if so, what could be the tipping point? Topic: What will the moderate Muslims do if a civil war breaks out in America? Will they remain on the sidelines and be seen as apostate and thus open to being killed as called for in the Koran along with the other infidels or will they join the fight? What has happened in other nations that might help us answer that question? Topic: Has ISIS funded many of the tunnels between Mexico and America for the drug lords and is this part of their plan to infiltrate America and even take Americans as hostages back to Mexico? Topic: What about the schools in America and their security? What should every parent and grandparent be requesting of their local law enforcement and state officials in regards to school security? Topic: Shahram begins our program by sharing his testimony.


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