General Flynn Unloads On The Biden Crime Family

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  • General Flynn Unloads On The Biden Crime Family in a new video message.
  • Was Hunter Biden set up as the “designated fall guy” for the Biden crime family? A well-known constitutional attorney says yes.
  • There’s a hidden cost to electric vehicles that should be a deal breaker for every freedom-loving American citizen. We’ll show you what it is.
  • Congress was within one vote of banning the woke indoctrination going on in the U.S. military, but two Republicans crossed over and voted with Democrats to stop the bill from passing.
  • And a U.S. senator introduces a bill to demilitarize the IRS.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

General Michael Flynn has dropped a new video laying out the case against the Biden crime family. He also delves into the two-tiered, twisted justice system that has taken hold of America.

He states in the 3-minute video that “There is powerful evidence that Joe Biden committed multiple felonies as a co-conspirator in an international Biden family fraud and racketeering scheme,” adding that “we have two completely different sets of laws in America.”

He compares the actions of the Justice Department investigating the Biden family’s international influence peddling scheme, to the breadth and speed of action taken against President Trump.

Take a look.



Renowned constitutional attorney Jonathan Turley suggests in a new article that Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, may have been the “designated fall guy” from the very outset of Biden taking office.

His article, published in The Messenger, notes the curious role of Hunter Biden as the “designated defendant” of the Biden family. Throughout the years of influence peddling and millions in transfers to various Biden associates and family members, Hunter remained the frontman, Turley writes, adding:

“Now he is expected to face accountability for these dealings. He even complained to his daughter in 2019 that he was being sued. Telling her that ‘It’s really hard. But don’t worry, unlike Pop [Joe], I won’t make you give me half your salary.’ While he will get off light, he will be expected to take 100 percent of any accountability as his father repeatedly says how ‘proud’ he is of his son.”


Headline USA reports that despite privacy concerns and dysfunctional models, some states are determined to replace gas taxes with taxes for every mile driven, a model that requires tracking devices to monitor the movement of citizens.

Evan Burroughs has spent eight years touting the virtues of an Oregon pilot program charging motorists by the distance their vehicle travels rather than the gas it guzzles, yet his own mother still hasn’t bought in.

Headline USA notes that Margaret Burroughs, 85, said she has no intention of inserting a tracking device on her Nissan Murano to record the miles she drives to get groceries or attend social functions.

The article states:

“Burroughs’ reluctance exemplifies the myriad hurdles U.S. states face as they experiment with road-usage charging programs aimed at supplementing gas taxes, which are generating less each year, in part due to increased fuel efficiency and the rise of electric cars.”

The federal government is about to pilot its own such program, funded by $125 million from the infrastructure measure Biden signed in November 2021.

So far, only three states — Oregon, Utah and Virginia — are generating revenue from road-usage charges, despite the looming threat of an ever-widening gap between states’ gas tax proceeds and their transportation budgets.

Hawaii will soon become the fourth. Without action, the gap could reach $67 billion by 2050 due to fuel efficiency alone, Boston-based CDM Smith estimates.


We’ve all heard about the divisive indoctrination going on in the U.S. military, where recruits are forced to acknowledge a person’s “preferred pronouns” and get instructed on the finer points of critical race theory.

Well thanks to two Republicans crossing over and voting with the Democrats, that nefarious sensitivity training known as diversity, equity and inclusion, or DEI, will continue unabated in our military.

The Washington Examiner reports that two House Republicans defected from their party, voting to kill two National Defense Authorization Act amendments that would have defunded diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives in the U.S. military.

In an otherwise party-line vote, Reps. Don Bacon (R-NE) and Mike Turner (R-OH) voted against the amendments, causing their failures in 29-30 votes in a committee markup for the NDAA last Wednesday night.

One amendment, offered by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), would have prohibited NDAA funds from being used for DEI brainwashing and indoctrination.

Gaetz offered another amendment that blocked funding for drag shows at military facilities, which passed.

The other failed amendment, offered by Rep. Mark Alford (R-MO), would have defunded the Defense Department's top diversity officer, the deputy inspector general for diversity and inclusion and extremism in the military, a position currently held by Theresa Hull.

Alford told the Washington Examiner:

“Diversity, equity, and inclusion within the Department of Defense is unnecessary and divisive. With our military missing recruiting goals, we should be focused on pushing American greatness and not pronouns or gender identities. Last night's vote was disappointing and will only exacerbate this problem. The issue is not dead, and I am not done pursuing it.”

Bacon said that the Alford and Gaetz amendments were “drafted too broadly and had the potential to do significant harm to long-standing DOD equal opportunity programs that ensure Department of Defense compliance with the Constitution and U.S. law.”


Senator Joni Ernst, Republican of Iowa, introduced a bill last week which she has dubbed the “Why does the IRS Have Guns Act.” 

This bill would prohibit the IRS from buying or storing guns and ammunition, transfer all IRS firearms to the General Services Administration so they could be auctioned off to licensed gun dealers to reduce the national debt, and move the agency’s Criminal Investigation Division to the control of the Justice Department.

Senator Ernst said in a statement posted to her website:

“The taxman is fully loaded at the expense of the taxpayer. As the Biden administration has worked to expand the size of the IRS, any further weaponization of this federal agency against hardworking Americans and small businesses is a grave concern. I’m working to disarm the IRS and return these dollars to address reckless spending in Washington.”

Let’s be honest. Ernst’s legislation has a slim chance of passing, and even if it did, it would be dead on arrival when it hits Joe Biden’s desk.

However, as reports, the senator’s efforts have drawn much-needed attention to the massive arsenal that the IRS continues to amass.

The IRS is clearly preparing for a battle. The question is, with whom? And why?

Some of the weapons and tactical equipment in the IRS inventory are used by elite military commandos worldwide, not American law enforcement officers.

While the IRS was already arming up before Biden took office, the militarization of the tax agency really revved up after he took office.

“Who are they preparing to battle?” asked Adam Andrzejewski, CEO and Founder of, the largest private repository of U.S. public-sector spending. His watchdog efforts have led to federal legislation, grand jury indictments, congressional hearings, subpoenas and convictions, as well as audits by the Government Accountability Office and Congressional Research Service reports.

Andrzejewski told the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project:

“It looks like it’s for domestic tax and law enforcement objectives, but the IRS has blurred the lines between civil and administrative agencies, civil and administrative duties and federal law enforcement capability. After grabbing legal power, the IRS is amassing firepower. It’s time to scale back the federal arsenal.”

In one recent report, Andrzejewski found that IRS has spent $35.2 million taxpayer dollars on guns, ammunition and tactical gear since 2006, but the agency’s purchasing increased dramatically under Biden.

The report states:

“The years 2020 and 2021 were peak years at the IRS for purchasing weaponry and gear. Just since the pandemic started, the IRS has purchased $10 million in weaponry and gear.”


Home Depot is promoting the LGBTQ agenda with greater fervor during this year’s so-called pride month, according to a current employee.

An employee at a Home Depot location in Michigan told LifeSite News that the retailer “is known for aggressively pushing equity and wokeness” and that “it has certainly increased during pride month” with promotional messages and displays presented to workers.

Ahead of June, employees received an email advertising “prism gear” that was available for them to purchase in celebration of “pride month.” T-shirts, ball caps, water bottles and bags decorated with rainbow prisms were presented alongside the message, “grab your prism-LGBTQ+ alliance gear today.”

The Home Depot employee told LifeSite via email:
“The prism gear is only available to employees, craftily avoiding the problems Target and others have encountered promoting LGBT+ items to the public. Internal messages promoting Home Depot’s ESG [Environmental, Social and Governance program] mantra are rather frequent.”

The source added that, “to my knowledge,” the email “was sent to all employees nationwide” and that the source does “not recall receiving other emails of this nature” from the store.

Photos shared with LifeSiteNews show various information related to LGBT activists, entertainment, flags and pronouns posted on an employee billboard. One page details the “history of LGBTQ flags,” from the original “pride flag” designed in 1977 to the 2021 “LGBTQ progress pride flag,” which has been updated to include representation of “the intersex community.”

Another poster explains how to use “common pronouns” and others provide suggestions of movies, TV shows and books to read during so-called “pride month.”


In other news, a professional basketball player in the Dominican Republic, Óscar Cabrera Adames, died this week after an apparent heart attack while he was undergoing a stress test.

According to a social media post from Dominican sports commentator Héctor Gómez, the 28-year-old's stress test was being performed at a health center in Santo Domingo.

Fox News reports that Cabrera Adames is believed to have suffered from myocarditis. The disease can weaken the heart and its electrical system, which decreases the heart's ability to pump blood, according to the American Heart Association.

Following his death, social media posts surfaced in which Cabrera Adames suggested he developed the rare heart disease after he received two doses of a COVID vaccine

“I got a d--n Myocarditis from taking a f---ing vaccine. (I got 2 doses of Pfizer) And I knew it! Many people warned me,” Cabrera Adames wrote on social media.

He also said the vaccine was a work requirement.

“But guess what? It was compulsory or I couldn’t work. I am an international professional athlete and I am playing in Spain. I have no health problem, nothing, not hereditary, no asthma, NOTHING! I suddenly collapsed to the ground in the middle of a match and almost died. I’m still recovering and I’ve had 11 different cardiology tests done and guess? They find nothing.”


Zero Hedge reports that Russian President Vladimir Putin has in fresh statements revealed the status of Russia's hypersonic and nuclear-capable arsenal within the context of the Ukraine war.

In early May, Ukraine's military claimed to have intercepted Russian ballistic missiles for the first time in the conflict, using a US-made anti-air defense system. The Kremlin rejected the claims, but did confirm it had been using hypersonic missiles within specific or limited operations and long-range launches.

Putin said Wednesday, as translated in TASS: “About half of the units of Russia’s Strategic Missile Force have been equipped with the latest Yars missile systems and are being rearmed with modern Avangard warheads.”

He was speaking at an event honoring graduates of military academies and stressed the “unconditional priority” of missile readiness.

The Russian president continued:

“In light of the new challenges and invaluable experience of the special military operation, we will continue to improve the Armed Forces in every possible way,” he said, adding that the most important task here was to develop the nuclear triad as the key guarantee of Russia's military security and global stability.

Putin also announced that new Sarmat missile launchers would enter duty soon.

“In the near future, the first launchers of the Sarmat complex with a new heavy missile will be put on combat duty,” he said.

“The arsenals of aviation and naval components of strategic nuclear forces are being replenished in strict accordance with the timetable,” he emphasized. “Russia’s nuclear triad allows for effective and guaranteed strategic deterrence and maintains the global balance of power,” Putin concluded.


As for the feared Sarmat, which is Russia's new super-heavy intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), state media has also continued touting it will soon be deployed.


Zero Hedge also reports that the Kremlin is seeking to reassure the Russian population, and the world, who its friends are. This as Western officials and media seemed to “positively gloat” over the brief mutinous Wagner march on Moscow.

There seemed to be a collective sigh of disappointment from Kiev and its Western backers when the “Wagner coup” was halted in its tracks.

And Russia's Foreign Ministry made it a point to announce that China fully supported the Kremlin's efforts to counter the Wagner rebellion.

According to the statement in TASS:

“The Chinese side expressed support for the efforts of the leadership of the Russian Federation to stabilize the situation in the country in connection with the events of June 24, and reaffirmed its interest in strengthening the unity and further prosperity of Russia,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The release came after a meeting in Beijing between China's Deputy Foreign Minister and Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Rudenko. 

A statement from China's foreign ministry said, “As Russia's friendly neighbor and comprehensive strategic partner of coordination for the new era, China supports Russia in maintaining national stability and achieving development and prosperity.”

China's state-run Global Times issued a Sunday story with the headline, “Wagner’s revolt weakening Putin’s authority ‘wishful thinking’ of the West: experts.”

While Beijing has long tried to present itself as neutral on the Ukraine war, it has frequently come under scathing attack by Washington and the West for its support of the Russian position.


A group of perverted New York City Pride members sparked outrage after proclaiming their radical agenda out in the wide open. They say they’re coming for your children. 

These vile extremists were unafraid to present their plan to indoctrinate and groom our children through LGBTQ propaganda, something conservative leaders have been warning the country about for years.

The activists chanted: 

“We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children.”

WATCH VIDEO (If you run this, please cut off at 8-second mark to avoid the focus on topless woman. May also need to give warning about disturbing content)

This was on display for the whole world to see. What a disgrace.

Maybe some parents will finally wake up and take seriously the warnings that we and others have been putting out for years.

The march included adult males dressed in minimal women’s clothing and women barring their exposed breasts, at a Manhattan park where families frequently go. 

Others can be heard yelling, “We’re here, we’re queer, we’re not going shopping.”

Some signs read: “Groom Cissies” and “Drag isn’t for Cissies.” 


Several marchers handed out pamphlets that promoted another event aimed at defending “Drag Story Hour” and “LGBTQ and gender nonconforming youth.”

The pamphlets promoted grooming of children, stating:

“A small group of right-wing extremists has targeted DSH NYC events. We encourage parents to bring their kids and defenders to come dressed in rainbow colors or other festive gear to create a welcoming, celebratory atmosphere and drown out the voices of a few detractors.”


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

Hacker Kim Dotcom has offered his take on the so-called Wagner Coup in Russia, suggesting that Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin may have collected billions from the CIA to stage a coup, and then aborted the coup.

Quite a few observers, including Congresswoman Majorie Taylor Greene, have speculated that the Wagner Coup may have had U.S. backing.


Kim Dotcom then posted a meme suggesting the $6.2 billion for Ukraine that Pentagon accountants “discovered” in June was actually pocketed by Prigozhin in return for his aborted coup attempt.

In other words, the CIA and the Obama/Biden regime got played. It wouldn’t be the first time. Remember the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? Remember the gun-running operation in Mexico? This is an organization that is as incompetent as it is devious and corrupt. It should have been defunded, along with the FBI, years ago.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for tuning in, and for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time, I’m Brannon Howse. Take care.


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