George Soros Is Handing Control Of His Empire To His Son

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  • Technology in the pulpit? Tonight we look at the first pastoral sermon known to have been created and delivered by artificial intelligence.
  • We’ve got the inside scoop on Tesla's autopilot feature. Just how safe is it?
  • A California bill would make it a crime for parents to reject their child’s claim of being transgender.
  • Washington is getting ready to send another $2 billion to Ukraine amid reports that the country’s long-awaited counter-offensive is failing miserably.
  • And Oath Keepers’ founder Steward Rhodes is being held in the D.C. Gulag under conditions that most human rights groups would describe as torture. But where are the human rights groups when the torturer is the U.S. government?

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

AI is not only aiming to replace songwriters, news reporters, and countless other professions. It may even replace your pastor.

The replacement of preachers by technology is now underway, after a Lutheran church in Fuerth, Germany, utilized an AI-generated avatar powered by ChatGPT to preach a sermon.

The avatar of a bearded black man displayed on a giant screen above the altar preached a message to the congregation of over 300. The avatar also led the prayers and sang songs on top of the main sermon, which in all lasted about 40 minutes, The Associated Press reported.

“Dear friends, it is an honor for me to stand here and preach to you as the first artificial intelligence at this year’s convention of Protestants in Germany,” the avatar said with an expressionless face and monotonous voice.

29-year-old Jonas Simmerlein, a theologian and philosopher from the University of Vienna, used ChatGPT to help frame the service, he said in a statement of the AP.

“I conceived this service — but actually I rather accompanied it, because I would say about 98% comes from the machine. I told the artificial intelligence ‘We are at the church congress, you are a preacher … what would a church service look like? You end up with a pretty solid church service.”

Simmerlein told the AP that he told ChatGPT to include passages from the Psalms.

Four avatars were featured, two males and two females.

According to the AP, “The believers in the church listened attentively as the artificial intelligence preached about leaving the past behind, focusing on the challenges of the present, overcoming fear of death, and never losing trust in Jesus Christ.”

At times the AI unintentionally drew giggles from the congregation when it spoke with a deadpan expression that in order “to keep our faith, we must pray and go to church regularly.” However, while some enjoyed it and filmed the experience on their phones, others were skeptical and did not speak loudly when reciting The Lord’s Prayer along with the AI.

Heiderose Schmidt, a 54-year-old IT worker, told the AP:

“There was no heart and no soul. The avatars showed no emotions at all, had no body language and were talking so fast and monotonously that it was very hard for me to concentrate on what they said. But maybe it is different for the younger generation who grew up with all of this.”

Marc Jansen, a 31-year-old Lutheran pastor from Troisdorf near the western German city of Cologne, also noted the lack of emotion and tone the AI had, but was overall delighted with the experience.

He said, “I had actually imagined it to be worse. But I was positively surprised how well it worked. Also the language of the AI worked well, even though it was still a bit bumpy at times.”

Forget learning from the Holy Spirit working through an actual human being: now you can be taught by a soulless, preprogrammed AI with a massive bias and no spiritual understanding of the word of God.


Zero Hedge reports that aging billionaire George Soros is handing control of his $25 billion empire to his son Alex, who in recent years has been seen flying around the world to conduct business on behalf of his family's Open Society Foundation.


In doing so, the 92-year-old Soros is passing over the family's one-time heir apparent, Jonathan Soros, 52 - the third child from George's first marriage, and a Harvard-trained lawyer who stabilized the Soros investment firm after a tumultuous period saw several investment chiefs come and go.

Almost everyone, including Jonathan himself, thought he would take over for his dad.

Jonathan Soros told the Wall Street Journal, “I always knew he could change his mind,” adding “As a trader, it’s the thing he’s most famous for.”

The Journal reports that their differences upended the succession plan. “George was impulsive. Jonathan was analytical and contemplative. Jonathan was respectful of George but pushed back when he disagreed with his father’s decisions, according to people who worked with them.”

Enter Alex - the oldest of two sons from George's 2nd wife, Susan Weber, who was elected chairman of the Open Society Foundation in December and is now responsible for directing political activity as president of Soros's super PAC.

“I’m more political” said Alex, who recently met with officials from the Biden administration, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and heads of state such as Brazil’s President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to discuss affairs related to the Open Society Foundation.

According to Alex, he's concerned about the prospect of Donald Trump retaking the White House in 2024 - and has suggested a “significant financial role” for the Soros organization in the effort to defeat him.


Just the News reports that Tesla's autopilot feature is being accused of being responsible for 17 fatalities and more than 700 crashes, far more than previously reported. 

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration last June released a partial report showing that Teslas accounted for three deaths linked to the vehicle's autopilot technology. Federal data reviewed by The Washington Post on Saturday reveals that Tesla's autopilot was actually responsible for 17 deaths and 736 crashes. 

Tesla made up most of the 807 automated-related vehicle crashes, but Tesla's Model X, S, 3 and Y, all of which include some form of autopilot, were in the top ten best-selling electric vehicles for 2022, per technology outlet Eletrek

The fatal crashes reveal patterns, per the Post's analysis. For example, four involved a motorcycle and in another, an emergency vehicle was involved. 

Highway Safety Administration spokeswoman Veronica Morales said her agency “has an active investigation into Tesla Autopilot, including Full-Self Driving” and that “all advanced driver assistance systems require the human driver to be in control and fully engaged in the driving task at all times.”


The Daily Signal reports that a recently amended California bill would add “affirming” the sexual transition of a child to the state’s standard for parental responsibility and child welfare—making any parent who refuses to affirm their child’s gender confusion guilty of abuse under California state law.

AB 957 passed California’s State Assembly on May 3, but a co-sponsor amended it after hours in California’s State Senate on June 6. 

Democrat Assembly Member Lori Wilson wrote the bill and introduced it on February 14. State Senator Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco, co-sponsored it. Wilson’s child identifies as “transgender.”

Originally, AB 957 required courts to consider whether a child’s parents were “gender-affirming” in custody cases. Wiener’s amendment completely rewrites California’s standard of child care.

AB 957 post-amendment “would include a parent’s affirmation of the child’s gender identity as part of the health, safety, and welfare of the child,” altering the definition and application of the entire California Family Code.

California courts would be given complete authority under Section 3011 of California’s Family Code to remove a child from his or her parents’ home if parents disapprove of their child’s LGBTQI+ ideology.


An ESPN director died Saturday after suffering a medical emergency while working the NCAA Baseball Super Regional tournament in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, the outlet announced Sunday.

Kyle Brown, 42, was an 18-year employee at the network.

ESPN’s statement described the father of four as a “deeply admired” and “highly accomplished” member of their production team who had captured two Sports Emmy Awards during his career.

Brown is survived by wife Megan; their four children, 14-year-old Makayla, 11-year-old Carson, 9-year-old Camden, and 6-year-old Madyn.

Sunday’s NCAA baseball coverage featured a tribute to Kyle Brown from ESPN reporter Kris Budden.


So he just “suffered a medical emergency and passed away.” He was 42 years old. No known history of health problems. They act like this is normal. And now maybe it is. But they perpetuate the lies that these jabs are safe by not mentioning them every time a jabbed person dies suddenly without explanation.


Military analyst Larry Johnson has an article in The Gateway Pundit that’s going to be a hard dose of reality for the neocon globalists in both of Washington’s two major U.S. parties.

Johnson reports that relations between Kiev and the Biden Defense Department are starting to show the first signs of breaking down.

There was reportedly an early-morning phone call from Zelensky to Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Mark Milley and others.

According to the unconfirmed report, Zelensky told Milley they are taking very heavy losses and cannot continue the offensive.

He pleaded for more air defenses including Patriot systems and F-16s, Johnson reports.

Apparently, Milley and others on the U.S. side were very angry and demanded that the offensive continue.

The results as of late afternoon, June 10 in Ukraine, after a major night offensive (1AM to 3AM) and a second push in the early morning by Ukrainian forces, were unsuccessful, and Ukrainian forces again incurred heavy losses. We don’t have numbers from either side yet.

This account may be pure disinformation. But if it is true, it exposes the malevolent role that Biden’s defense and intelligence team is playing in fomenting this horrific war, sacrificing hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian lives simply to damage Russia.

Johnson writes that he is “fascinated by some of the news reports and pundit commentary who insist that a Ukrainian failure means that a long, stalemated war is the likely outcome. That opinion is so stupid and so divorced from reality that it beggars the mind in trying to come up with an explanation for such nonsense. Ukraine is running out of critical weapons, such as artillery, tanks, and fixed wing aircraft — and these losses are accelerating — and Kiev has no good prospects for replacing them. Ukraine also is running out of trained manpower. How does one continue to pursue a stagnant war when the very things required to conduct and sustain such a war are in short supply and becoming more scarce?”

After eight days of this Ukrainian offensive, the only things Zelensky and his generals have to show for it are piles of bodies, and a pock-marked landscape littered with smoldering tanks and armored personnel carriers.


But not to worry. It appears Zelenskyy will end up getting everything he wants from his Washington sugar daddies.

The Pentagon is set to announce as early as Friday a long-term arms package for Ukraine heavy on air-defense munitions valued at more than $2 billion.

The money, to be awarded under the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, will bankroll the purchase of Hawk missile launchers and missiles and two types of advanced Patriot air-defense missiles.

One is the Patriot Advanced Capability Missile-3, or Pac-3, manufactured by Lockheed Martin Corp. The other is called the Guidance Enhanced Missile, or GEM-T, made by Raytheon Technologies Corp that it says “provides improved ability to defeat tactical ballistic missiles, cruise missiles or enemy aircraft in complement to the PAC-3 missile.”


Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes was sentenced on Thursday May 25th in Washington, D.C., and sentenced to 18 years in federal prison by an Obama-appointed judge. The soulless judge then lectured him on what a danger he was to society.

Rhodes is currently 57.  He will be 75 when he is released, if he lives that long under the horrendous conditions in which he’s being held at the notorious D.C. gulag.


  • NEVER went inside the U.S. Capitol on January 6.
  • Never instructed anyone to go inside the U.S. Capitol.
  • He was unarmed as were all of his Oath Keeper associates that day.
  • There was no plan to enter the U.S. Capitol.
  • There was no scheme to take over the government with their bare hands.
  • There were no pre-planning meetings on how they were going to take over the Capitol.

In short, there was no evidence of an insurrection.

Following his sentencing, Stewart Rhodes was moved to the hole where he will not have much access to the outside world. But before he entered this dungeon, he was able to have a phone interview with The Gateway Pundit.

Rhodes stated, “I am still in solitary confinement in the D.C. jail (South 1). The staff calls it involuntary protective custody. Just met with the housing officer this morning and was finally told WHY I am here: because Deputy Warden Landerkin ordered it (the same deputy warden who was exposed for saying on Twitter she hates J-6’ers and intends to punish us). No reason was given other than Meggs and I have been sentenced. But other J-6 prisoners have also been sentenced but were left in CTF with other J-6 prisoners. So Meggs and I are being singled out for persecution.”

Stewart added this: “The conditions here in D.C. jail are terrible. Locked in our cells, alone, except for outdoor recreation in a dog-run cage twice a week, and an indoor cage once a week. Cuffed at all times, even to go take a shower. And put in chains/leg irons often.”

Jim Hoft reports, “They are torturing Stewart Rhodes. Where are the human rights groups? Where is Amnesty International? Where is Human Rights Watch?”


Investigative journalist Lee Fang reports that the Department of Homeland Security’s controversial social media censorship program during the 2020 election was propped up by a far-left partisan billionaire.

Newly obtained documents confirm that Pierre Omidyar, the billionaire founder of eBay, financed a specialized portal maintained by the Center for Internet Security (CIS). This portal was used to facilitate the swift removal of predominantly conservative messages on Twitter and Facebook during the last presidential election.

Omidyar, previously identified as one of the largest donors to campaign groups supporting Joe Biden's presidential bid, donated $45 million to the “Sixteen Thirty Fund” in 2020. This dark money group mobilized Democratic voters and financed pro-Biden Super PACs.

However, Omidyar's direct involvement in the DHS partnership, which is now facing increased scrutiny, remained undisclosed until now.

The funding provided by Omidyar to CIS was used to establish a Misinformation Reporting Portal (MiRP). A team from CIS continuously monitored this portal 24/7 from September 28 to November 6, 2020, as revealed in a post-election report, “Election Infrastructure Misinformation Reporting.”

The Democracy Fund, Omidyar's foundation, supported the creation of the MiRP through a direct grant, according to the report. The misinformation reporting portal served to rapidly identify and remove instances of alleged misinformation. Of the content reported by CIS, 61% “resulted in positive action,” which the group defined as content takedowns or labeling.

This MiRP system was used by a coalition of liberal-leaning research groups and overseen by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA), a sub-agency of the DHS that has led the government's push to censor social media. Despite government backing for the project, the effort was partisan – the Democratic National Committee was part of the consortium, but the Republican National Committee was not.

The CIS report noted:

“In addition to sharing all reports with CISA, some reports were shared with the Federal Bureau of Investigation.”


On Sunday a large group of Trump supporters organized a caravan from Miami to Palm Beach in support of President Trump.

NTD News posted two hours of the video to Palm Beach.

Hundreds of pro-Trump supporters drove from Miami to Palm Beach to show their support for the former president ahead of his June 13 arraignment in federal court.

WATCH VIDEO (clip first 1:30 or so)

This is an unprecedented federal indictment against the leading Republican candidate, by a lawless Democrat regime.


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

The globalists at the World Economic Forum have told us that it’s their goal, by the year 2030, to see that all wealth and power is concentrated in the hands of they, the elites, in an oligarchal system they call the Great Reset.

We will own nothing, have no privacy, and learn to like it, they say.

Well, it seems that they’re getting a head start on reaching those goals in the Midwestern United States.

More than 80 landowners in South Dakota are facing eminent domain lawsuits for a controversial carbon capture pipeline, and their elected Republican leaders—including Governor Kristi Noem – are doing nothing to stop it.

The technology captures carbon dioxide emissions from ethanol plants, power plants and steel factories, and stores it deep underground. The Inflation Reduction Act, signed into law last year by Joe Biden, offered lucrative tax credits for companies using carbon-capture technologies.

These companies claim the technology will help the U.S. meet its United Nations-backed commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but the real motivation is profit.

A company called Summit Carbon Solutions (SCS) has gone to court to seize the property rights of more than 80 South Dakota landowners because their land is in the path of a planned 2,000-mile carbon-capture pipeline the company plans to build.

The pipeline, which plans to run through five states, would capture carbon dioxide from ethanol plants in Iowa and store it underground in North Dakota.

Jared Bosley, a fourth-generation South Dakota rancher, is at the forefront of this battle along with Margaret Byfield, and I interviewed him last week on my show, Brannon Howse Live.

WATCH VIDEO (clip from 5:50 mark to 11:40 mark)

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for tuning in, and for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time, I’m Brannon Howse. Take care.


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