Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger CONFRONTED At Zuckerberg Funded Election Meeting

Brannon Howse: Good evening and welcome to the broadcast. Glad you are with us. We're going to be joined tonight by Laura Loomer with some exclusive footage where she tracked down some well, people that we talk about here often, particularly Mike Lindell. And then we're going to be joined by the Trends Journal publisher Gerald Celente. Let's check in with him as to some of the trends that he's watching. We love talking about trends because that's one way we get ahead of what's happening, both individually as well as us as people, a nation, this audience, financially, we're kind of watching trends national security-wise. So many ways it's good to watch and track those trends. Dr. Rob Linstead news in Israel tonight, over 350 rockets blasting into Israel. At one point earlier in the day, they had to stop the flights going out of the airport. Flights have reportedly resumed. There was a cease-fire that would have, well, supposed to have gone into effect at 9 p.m. Israel time, which was several hours ago, because it is now approaching the morning hour, an early hour there. I think it's about 335 Israel right now m So we'll get a report from Dr. Rob Linstead. But I had on for my show today for the broadcast whole hour, Aaron. Aaron was on life for the whole hour. He'll be back with me at 1:00 Central Time slot tomorrow for another update because Israel is under attack. And of course, this is coming from Gaza. It's been coming from Syria. And Israel is surrounded now by so many of her enemies. And most Americans are completely unaware that they're in Israel. You have Iran, Russia, and Syria as well as Turkey. So there we go. We'll talk about that. Then we'll be joined by Naomi Wolf. Naomi Wolf will join us tonight as well. Big news night. So again, stay tuned. Joining me first is Laura Loomer. Laura, welcome back to the broadcast. Thanks for joining us.


Laura Loomer: Yeah, thanks so much for having me. I appreciate it.


Brannon Howse: We got some videos to play. What have you been up to?


Laura Loomer: Well, you know, I've been doing a lot of work exposing Ron DeSantis. And then I and then I traveled to Washington, DC recently to expose the secret election summit that's funded by Mark Zuckerberg and tied to George Soros that was hosted by CAIR. And while I was there, I, you know, blew the whistle on this conference, which, of course, I did an exclusive report about on my substack a couple of weeks ago, and I traveled to DC to catch these officials walking into the conference. It was a closed door. It was only open to some of these elected officials who were invited. And so imagine members of the public couldn't attend if they wanted to attend and see what was being discussed inside. And it should be, you know, of concern to every single American citizen who thinks that their election was stolen. We know that the election was stolen. And these are the same notorious election officials from Maricopa County, Arizona, people like Brad Raffensperger in Georgia. I'm talking about, you know, the most notorious names that came out of the election heist in 2020, all gathering at this radical leftist conference that was, you know, called bipartisan to mislead the public into thinking that, you know, shady business isn't taking place at the location and making it even more sinister and showing guess their absolute disregard for the public is the fact that the venue for this conference was the International Spy Museum.


Laura Loomer: So it's like they're trying to openly mock people who are concerned about election integrity by hosting it at the spy museum. And so again, people can see this on my Substack Laura And while I was there I saw a report. I saw Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, who I confronted. He was on a panel with Jamie Raskin, who is an anti-Trump congressman. He was the impeachment manager for the impeachment of Donald Trump. He is also one of the ringleaders of the J6 committee. So how can somebody like Brad Raffensperger, who's a Republican, you know, hope to instill confidence in the voters of Georgia who vote for President Trump when he is the GOP nominee on the ballot in 2024 when he was on this panel with Jamie Raskin and Raskin just the other day was calling for charges of seditious conspiracy to be brought against President Trump. I'll let you go ahead and play that video because it's just so unbelievable. You have to see it yourself. Okay.


Brannon Howse: Here's the first one. Georgia's secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, was confronted at a Zuckerberg-funded election meeting. Mike Lindell is going to love this. Good job, Laura. Here we go. Hey, Brad.


Laura Loomer: I was looking for you earlier.


Video: My name is Laura Loomer. I'm an investigative journalist. And I was just wondering, as the secretary of state of Georgia, what exactly are you doing speaking at Kerr's? I don't know what you guys want to call it. Election Summit is sponsored by. Mark Zuckerberg, when you know very well that Mark Zuckerberg influenced the outcome of the elections by having weekly meetings with the FBI about suppressing information regarding the Hunter Biden laptop scandal. You call yourself a Republican, but you're attending this partisan conference that's being sponsored by Mark Zuckerberg. And we know that David Becker himself is tied to George Soros. You were on a panel today with Jamie Raskin, who was one of the managers for the impeachment in the J. Six committee. How are your voters in Georgia supposed to have trust in you and take you seriously and know that their votes are being counted securely and fairly? When you're on a panel with somebody who just asked for a seditious conspiracy charge to be brought against President Trump.


Video: Ma'am. Ma'am? No. Excuse me. Excuse me.


Video: And like the coward that he is.


Video: Violating his privacy. He's in public.


Video: Are you doing more talking about stealing our elections with Mark Zuckerberg? I'm staying at the hotel, too. Okay. Are you talking about stealing our elections? Brad, Why don't you want to answer any questions?


Brannon Howse: Wait a minute. She's getting on the elevator with me. She's getting on the elevator with him.


Laura Loomer: He had a security escort. And, you know, it just goes to show you that these people. Right. They'll make so many accusations against Republicans when they're in their safe spaces. They'll call us conspiracy theorists, election deniers, and MAGA fascists. They'll accuse us of being seditious and, you know, insurrectionists. But as soon as you get up in their face, they cower and you could almost see his but like quench up because he was so anxious and so scared when I was confronting him. And perhaps you're your production team can just put my title there with Laura Loomer So that people can go see these videos for themselves and read the report because this is very important information that everybody needs to read. This is an election fortification conference hosted by the same people that received $69.5 million from Mark Zuckerberg and his Chinese wife, Priscilla Chan, in 2020 to influence the outcome of our elections. The next video.


Brannon Howse: We haven't finished this one. We just stopped it because I can't believe you're about to get on the elevator with him. Are the doors about to close and you be on the elevator with him?


Laura Loomer: No. So they had undercover federal agents and undercover police that were assigned to monitor me the entire time I was chasing these election officials around. So it was crazy. They tried to pretend that they were ordinary people dressed in regular clothes. And you'll see the guy in the next frame of this video who has white hair, who's standing in front of me. He was following me around throughout the entire day at the conference when I was walking around outside pretending that he was some random person asking for restaurant recommendations. And then when I was in the hotel, his job was just to follow me and track me and monitor my moves and record me. And so he blocked me. Yeah, they hired undercover agents, I guess, to surveil me and do undercover security for these election officials. So why do they need not only hotel security but also undercover agents and, like feds, guess you could call these people? It just shows more collusion with federal agents, election officials, and big tech, which is what we've been gaslit into being told is a conspiracy theory. But we know that this is the greatest crime committed in modern, modern times in our country. The theft of the 2020 presidential election, which was an act of election fortification by our federal alphabet agencies, the big techs social media tyrants like Facebook and Twitter and Google and Apple, and all these crooks in Silicon Valley and the Democrat Party and the rhinos, the parties. All right.


Brannon Howse: Let's here we go. Let's keep going.


Video: It's an undercover cop. You are overseeing the election and you're meeting with Jamie Raskin, talking about how the GOP candidate on the ballot for 2024 should face charges of seditious conspiracy. You crook.


Laura Loomer: If you enjoyed this report or want to learn more.


Video: More about the summit.


Laura Loomer: Please be sure you subscribe to my substack Today you can subscribe at Laura It's free to subscribe, but if you want to support my independent journalism, you can always upgrade your subscription to $7 a month or $70 per year also.


Brannon Howse: All right. There we go. So we got that in. I wanted to get that in. All right, Let's go to the next one here. That was pretty good. Let me I wanted to go to the end of that one, but let me I got to find the next one real quick in my emails. All right. Here we go. This would be the next one again. You'll find these on. I can't here. They're on YouTube. I don't know how long they'll stay up there, but they're there. Here we go.


Video: Hey, everybody. Laura Loomer here.


Speaker5: Reporting from Washington, DC in front of the International Spy Museum covering the secret election summit that I've been reporting on. This exclusive story that I broke on my substack about this summit being hosted by a group called CAIR which stands for the Center for Election Innovation and Research. It was founded by a radical left-wing activist who receives funding from George Soros and Mark Zuckerberg. His name is David Becker. And inside the International. Today, elections officials. Who knows, maybe your secretary of state, your supervisor of election is meeting inside this museum behind closed doors at a secret summit that is invite-only in a total lack of transparency. And what are they discussing? They're discussing the 2024 presidential election.


Video: How's it going today? Good. How are you? I'm doing well. My name is Laura Loomer, and I was wondering, as a Republican as. An election official in Maricopa County. Why are you attending a partisan conference?


Video: Posted by David Becker, who is funded by Mark Zuckerberg and George Soros. Can you answer the question?


Video: Because of litigation right now, you're in the middle of litigation very late.


Video: Litigation right now with Kari Lake, don't you?


Video: Gentlemen?


Video: Here's one last name.


Video: The last name is related to Bill Gates. I did so. But you know, that's me.


Video: But your name is Bill Gates. Oh. Oh, my. Bill, you're in.


Video: The middle of litigation with Kari Lake right now. You're supposed to be nonpartisan, Bill.


Video: No, you're right here. I have you here. Thank you, sir.


Brannon Howse: All right. Remind our audience who that is. Laura.


Laura Loomer: So that is Bill Gates, who was the Maricopa County supervisor, and he, of course, is one of the more notorious officials who were at the center of the Maricopa County election fraud. He denies it. Of course, he is another Republican, just like Raffensberger, who has called Kari Lake a conspiracy theorist and has diminished the concerns of the voters of Arizona, of Maricopa County, who believe that their elections were stolen. And so he was in the news this week because, you know, he had this glowing piece written about him in The Washington Post in which he was claiming that he has post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD. It's like so ridiculous. These people are so melodramatic and they're like hypochondriacs. He's saying that he has PTSD from Republican Trump-supporting voters who accused him of voter fraud and that he had to go to therapy. And it was this whole piece about how he was so mentally unstable that he had to go get therapy to treat his, you know, election-induced PTSD. And I'm just thinking to myself, if you're really that mentally unstable to the point where it's affecting your job as an election official, then just resign. Like, how are we going to trust that this guy has the mental capacity to oversee an election in 2024 when one, he's already expressed hyperpartisan views against Republicans, even though he claims to be a Republican and has made derogatory comments about Trump supporters and Republican candidates who are fighting for election integrity. And two, don't want somebody who's that triggered and mentally unstable overseeing the elections. If they're saying that it's impacting their ability to function, which he said in his own words in The Washington Post story. So Kari Lake's trial, I believe, begins next week in Arizona. Her case is currently being seen and reviewed by the Arizona Supreme Court. And, you know, she's doing a great job here. She may run for Senate in Arizona. Perhaps she'll be President Trump's VP pick in 2024. But we all need to support Kari Lake. She's a wonderful woman and she's fighting for election integrity.


Brannon Howse: All right. I see I got two of those. And I'm trying to find the third one on your Twitter feed, correct?


Laura Loomer: Yes. And I texted you that one. Do you need me to test it again? No, I got it.


Brannon Howse: I'm just trying to figure out how to get it off my computer to play it. So this one, what time you sent that one? That would have been on 12. Seven. So on five, eight. I'm looking for it on your Twitter feed here on 58585858. Is it you guys see it? Let me know if you see it here. This is where she is where you're about to confront. If I got this right, you're about to confront Representative Congressman Jamie Raskin yourself. I mean, that's who you're about to confront, right?


Laura Loomer: Yeah, I can resend it to you as well. But Jamie Raskin was on a panel with Raffensperger and he was walking into the summit. And mind you, like, I couldn't get inside the summit because it was invite only. But I did confront Congressman Raskin, who of course, is very partisan. He was just on MSNBC with Jen Psaki the other day calling for Trump to be charged with seditious conspiracy. And then you have the secretary of state of Georgia on a panel with him as the keynote speaker. I mean, if I was a voter in Georgia, I would not trust that Raffensperger would be, you know, implementing a fair and secure election because of the partisan nature of this conference. And they're going to lie and they're going to say that this is nonpartisan and that that it's or that it's bipartisan. But that's not bipartisan. That's rhinos colluding with Democrats and big tech and Soros's tight election operatives. That's what we call the party. Okay. We already know there's no such thing as bipartisan politics in this country. Okay. We have a party. Both parties are working against the American people. And the Republicans are just as guilty as the Democrats. I'm talking about the party establishment's rigging the elections in 2020.


Brannon Howse: Yeah, indeed they are.


Laura Loomer: I just sent a clip in the chat on Skype.


Brannon Howse: Logan, can you grab that and play that one? She just sent in the chat on Skype because I can't find that third one in her thread for some reason. That's weird. I did a Ctrl F for Jamie Raskin and everything. I have the other two up there, but I don't see that one. But okay, he got it. Let me know when you're ready to play that one. Logan. Um. Okay, let's see here. I was just looking at some of the other ones on our Twitter feed here. Let's show her Twitter feed here real quick, folks. This is her Twitter feed where you'll find a lot of those. For those of you that want to follow her on Twitter, there you'll find them. There's there there's one right there. There's the second one.


Video: Report it.


Brannon Howse: What's that?


Laura Loomer: I can repost it from Twitter as well if you want me to repost it.


Brannon Howse: Yeah, that's all right. We've got it. But you might want to repost it because it looks like that one's. I can't find that one.


Laura Loomer: Well, then you can replay. You can play it because I think it's really important. Yeah, we're going to play it.


Brannon Howse: Logan's grabbing it off Twitter.


Laura Loomer: I just retweeted it right now. Okay, we're.


Brannon Howse: Ready. Here we go. Go with that, Logan.


Speaker5: Yeah. Congressman Raskin. All right.


Video: Congressman, you just called for President Trump to have charges of seditious conspiracy filed against him. And you're speaking on a panel with Brad Raffensperger.


Speaker5: That's right.


Video: A conference funded by CAIR.


Video: Let's go. You can keep that on me. Thank you. Come on. Thank you.


Video: This seems like an election-rigging conference, Congressman.


Video: Keep going. Keep going. Thank you. Appreciate it. Get it down.


Brannon Howse: So what's with what's on his head? Why was he wearing that rag on his head?


Laura Loomer: Well, he says that he has cancer, right?


Brannon Howse: Well, that's what I was wondering. That's what I was wondering. Is he suffering a health crisis?


Laura Loomer: He he's claimed that he's been dealing with cancer and undergoing treatment for cancer. And apparently, if.


Brannon Howse: That's the case, if that's the case, then we're sorry and we'll pray for him. But I just didn't know if that was a normal thing that he wore or something.


Laura Loomer: Well, from what I've been told when when people undergo chemotherapy, I've never undergone chemotherapy. But from what I've been told by people who have, is that not only does your hair fall out, but sometimes it makes your temperature very sensitive and also it decreases your immunity. So I guess that's why he's wearing a mask and also covering his head because when you lose all your hair, your head gets cold. And if you get a cold because of temperature irregularities, it could trigger some response. That would not be good for people with compromised immunity who have cancer. So obviously, we don't wish anybody ill health. Right. But that's why he's wearing the bandana.


Brannon Howse: Yeah. Okay. I just didn't think I didn't know if that was a normal thing he did or not. And I was wondering I think that was my thought is, is he lost his hair and wearing that because he's got cancer? Well, anyway, yeah, as you said, we wish them ill health, and no one will pray for his recovery. Um, so there you go. Um, you got Republicans and Democrats at a conference at the spy museum with a bunch of leftists.


Laura Loomer: Yeah. And look, think they're all leftists, right? So they say that they're Republicans. But let's be honest, right? I don't know any true Republican who's getting money from Mark Zuckerberg. And, you know, attending a conference with David Becker, the Center for Election Innovation Research, the group that hosted this event, as I said, was founded by David Becker. David Becker was the founder of Eric. You know, the Eric system is at the center of controversy. And he just resigned from Eric a month and a half ago after three states pulled out of their contracts with Eric for elections after his ties to Soros and Zuckerberg were revealed. And then, of course, instead of, you know, taking responsibility for his actions like a responsible adult would do, he decided to blame his resignation on Trump supporters and election what he calls election deniers were election realists because we know that the election was stolen. So this is very problematic because we know and I know that you've reported on Eric extensively on your show. You've had election integrity whistleblowers. Come on and talk about it. Um, it's not a good sign when the guy who received $69.5 million to influence our election was Zuckerberg and is also the founder of Eric and then also previously worked for the DOJ in which his superior recommended that he be fired and disbarred for being unethical to unethically interfere in elections.


Laura Loomer: You can see that's what his supervisor at the DOJ and the Civil Rights Division said about him when he worked as a lawyer for the DOJ several years ago. This is not the guy that we want to meet with our elections officials. It should be very concerning that ahead of 2024, the same people who are implicated in the stolen election of 2020 are coming together at the International Spy Museum to talk about how Donald Trump should face charges of seditious conspiracy and how to oversee the 2024 election. I mean, this is outrageous. And I was the only person out there. It's just where the hell is the media? Where the hell is where's the hell? Where the hell is the Republican Party to blow the whistle on this? Well, that's.


Brannon Howse: Why you're here? And that's why Lindell TV is here, right?


Laura Loomer: Yeah. And I'm independent. You know, I'm not funded by any major organization. And so if people want to support my work, they can go to my website, and they can make a donation to support my investigative journalism or they can upgrade their subscription on my substack to a paid subscription because, you know, this is independent grassroots journalism. And to get access to these people, we had to book a hotel room in the same hotel that these officials were staying at so that, you know, we could get up and close to them and get in the elevators with them and get all and haven't even released all the footage. I have so much more footage of my interactions with election officials from Arizona with David Becker himself. I chased David Becker down the street for an entire mile on video in a ten-minute clip where I'm confronting him, reading segments of his book to him that is hyper-partisan and anti-Trump, and asking him why he's lying about this conference being, you know, bipartisan or nonpartisan. So, Laura, excellent reporting. Excellent reporting needs to be exposed. And you and Mike Lindell have been blowing the whistle on this. And I'm going to continue doing the same. So please follow me on Twitter, Gab Gettr, and Truth Social at Laura Loomer and subscribe to my substack today if you haven't already. Laura


Brannon Howse: Awesome. Thank you Laura appreciate it.


Laura Loomer: Yeah, thank you so much. I appreciate all the work you're doing.


Brannon Howse: You too. Laura Loomer checking in. Check out her site folks. Great footage. And I'm sure Mike's going to get a kick out of this, particularly Brad Ratzenberger. Right.

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