Globalists Engineering Famine By to Converting to Less-Productive ‘Geen’ Farming Methods

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Brannon Howse: All right. Joining me now is our Leo Hohmann. Leo is an executive producer with us here at WVWTV and at Lindell TV with The Worldview Report every night. Leo's got some great articles. Take a look at this. The globalist revival revved up plans to engineer global famine and starvation. 13 nations agree to convert over to less productive green farming methods. Oh yeah, that's a great way to starve people out. We'll tell you why. Here's when. We touched on last night without him. Media colluding with feds to lay narrative for a right-wing attack on the power grid. Yeah, whatever. We know that's a lie. They'll be the feds that do it. But let's go to this one. Wow. Globalists revving up a plan to engineer global famine and starvation. Leo. You know, they have to be doing this on purpose because who on earth would cut fertilizer? Hopefully, we got Leo. There we go. Who would cut fertilizer and do all these things to these farmers if you weren't trying to cut crop production to starve people out so you could kill off a bunch of people per the global depopulation plan with the Covid shot and other stuff, along with then using food to control people? I was talking to Michael John last night. Michael, John will be back on with us again tomorrow night, by the way. Michael was going through a lot of the history with me on the phone last night just to, you know, conversation off the air about global starvation. They're ramping up. And he says people won't be leaving in many, many, many, many Americans won't believe it. Even when the food begins to become harder to find and grocery stores become barer, people still won't believe it until it's too late. And he was going through a global history of starvation. Tell me about your article.

Leo Hohmann: Yeah. Americans have never known hunger, Brannon. Not. Not since at least the Great Depression. Even poor people in America today qualify for food stamps. So they get a little card, they go to the grocery store and they're able to buy food. So even if they're poor, they're not they're not going to bed hungry. Um, and so what we have here are 13 nations. These are leading livestock-producing nations. Okay? The United States, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Spain, are countries that have a lot of livestock and they've all sat down, gotten together, and agreed to what they call a methane emissions pledge, where they are pledging to cut their emissions of methane gas by like 40 to 50% by 2030. And how do you do that? You call your herds, you start killing cattle. We've already seen this going on in the Netherlands. You call your herds, you stop using nitrogen fertilizers so you have a lower crop yield, But you're saving the planet, Brannon. You're killing off humanity through starvation and hunger, but you'll be saving the planet. This plan is nothing but strategizing for the de-population of the world. We talked about it recently with the article I did a few weeks back on the Deagle forecast that forecast the United States, the UK, and Germany all having like 60 to 70% population reductions by the year 2025.

Leo Hohmann: This is a part of it. I think there's a war coming, World War Three, but there's also mass famine coming. We've seen the, the United Nations, uh, director of the United Nations food program warned in September of last year that we're going to have famine on the near horizon, that dozens and dozens of countries are, he said, on the edge of starvation right now. And, of course, he blamed it all on Covid. And he didn't say that it's these UN policies that are to blame. But at the same time that you see them complaining and warning about coming famine, they're advocating farming, completely transforming the farming methods and farming techniques so that we will, what, produce less food. It makes no sense, Brannon unless you understand that the overarching agenda is to reduce the population down to 1 or 2 billion people on the earth from the current 7.8 billion.

Brannon Howse: Absolutely. You know, I was talking to Michael Yon about this, as I said, and he's coming back tomorrow night. He was saying, you know, when you started your freeze-dried food business in 2016, you saw what was coming clearly, right? I'm like, yep, I saw it was coming. I mean, I've seen more since then, but I knew enough in 2016 to know that food was going to be a very precious commodity, that food would be used to control people, and that you don't want to be under the government's thumb. And again, I told this audience I was being mocked by some of these fake pastors, 111 guy who works for a well-known national pastor out of California at Sun Valley, his one of his right-hand guys was on social media mocking me. Of course, I could say a lot about this guy. He's a degenerate in my mind, but I think I could prove it. And he's welcome to come on here and confront me. But he won't. But he was on there mocking me as so many of the religious hirelings do because they're under the tool of Satan with their false gospel.

Brannon Howse: But I digress. I mean, I've written books on it, Marxian and whatnot, but I started that regardless of the backlash from these people, I just kept going because I knew it was coming. And now we've had Covid, the grocery stores go bare and now we see this. And Michael was saying, you know, the fact that you saw that so many years in advance. Um, and he started asking me, well, what were you seeing that gave you that indication back in 2016? So we were talking about that. And then he said, you know, people will not understand until it's too late, many of them, right? I'm all for gold and silver. I'm all for gold and silver and diversification. But I'm telling you right now, I not only have put away enough food for my family for two years plus, but I've also put away a lot of it for bartering because I'm telling you, I will be able if this happens as I believe it's going to happen, we're going to be able to barter with we'll be able to barter with those some of these buckets of food. Big time. It'll be a currency in itself. Agree or disagree?

Leo Hohmann: Agree. And I advocate at the end of this article a two-pronged strategy for people who are awake because people it's not enough just to know what's going on. You have to have a personal strategy, a family strategy to ride this out. And I advocate stocking up with food, freeze-dried food, canned goods, stock your pantry and get some freeze-dried food by all means. But that is still what I consider just half of the strategy. That's your short-term policy to get yourself through this because let's face it, most people can't afford the average family probably cannot afford to have more than six months to a year stock of food in their house, freeze-dried or whatnot. And even if you have a two-year supply, this thing, this famine could be years in the making. It could take 5 to 10 years for us to get through this. If the Lord Tarries and we you know, and we are not caught up into heaven, how so? We have to have the short term of stocking up on freeze-dried and other types of storable non-perishable food. But then we also need to have a strategy to start growing our food. We have to try to The only way, Brannon, that we're going to not be defeated by the system as it's being designed, as you said, to totally control us, if not kill us, is to come out of the system and be more self-sufficient. The more the less dependent we are on the system, the better we will be able to survive. And so that's going to require not just storing up food, but learning how to grow food.

Brannon Howse: Yeah, absolutely. Do you want to make any comment about the?

Leo Hohmann: And that takes skills, Brannon. As I say, we may not have those skills, but maybe one of our neighbors does. And then, you know, we could perhaps, like you said, barter. You may want to barter with a neighbor who has seeds and expertise in planting, but he doesn't have any, you know, freeze-dried food. So we need to put our heads together with our neighbors, with our like-minded believers, and help each other out here.

Brannon Howse: Yeah, indeed. Do you want to make any comments about this article here? Poison Water. How Rachel Levine Tried to Block the Nasty Truth about Fluoridation. Devastating effects on childhood IQs. By the way, I have not watched it in several years, and I don't know if you've watched it in several years, but I went back over the holiday weekend one night, and while I was working with my laptop, I watched the movie Conspiracy Theory with Julia Roberts and Mel Gibson. Have you watched that movie in a while?

Leo Hohmann: No, I have. Don't think I've ever seen it.

Brannon Howse: Oh, you have never seen it. Well, you need to watch it. It's called Conspiracy Theory with Julia Roberts and Mel Gibson. Hey, close attention to the opening. He's. He's a taxi cab driver, and he's rattling off to all of the people riding in the back seat throughout his day or days, plural. And he's telling them all the conspiracy theories. One of them he goes into, he's telling them how fluoride is in the water and it's not good for you, and it makes people docile and compliant. And he's rattling off why it's bad. I don't know if that's what fluoride does, but I know it's not good for you. I don't know if it makes people docile, but I know it's not good for you. But that was being put in there to mock people. And this movie came out in the mid-90s, 93, 94, something like that. And here we go. You know, people now regularly talk about fluoride as not good by the way I also noticed, boy, you'll have to pay close attention when you go into his apartment. He has all of this stuff all over the walls, right, that he's tracking in his research. One of the things he has pinned up on the wall is a cover of the New American magazine by our buddy Alex Newman, who's whose TV show, The New American TV. We're one of the producers of that. And put that out every day at WW So I never caught that before. There's the new American magazine Most People, which is the John Birch Society. But so many of the things I talk about in that movie to make fun of, of conspiracy theorists, you go back and watch how many of them have come true that they're mocking and now they're true.

Leo Hohmann: Well, that's like Joe was saying, you know, before I came on, I heard part of that interview you had with him and everything that they reported in 2019, 20, 20, 21, that was considered disinformation. And fake news has now come true and been validated. But did they get an apology from Google for hiding their stories? No. No. You know.

Brannon Howse: No, it's. So tell us about fluoride. Tell us how this is. This is the transgender woman, I mean. Right. This is her. Look at that. If you hope you haven't had dinner or, you know, you want to vomit when you look at this. But anyway, look at it. Dr. Richard Rachel Levine, Look at it. I'll probably get sued or fined or arrested by the government and thrown into a concentration camp for not using the right pronouns. But look at this thing. Who is she or what is he? Who is he?

Leo Hohmann: He is a Richard. Dr. Richard Levine, aka Rachel Levine. Since he, you know, got confused and decided to change his gender if that's possible. But he is an assistant secretary of Health and Human Services, and he is responsible for trying to block this. The results of this massive study, it was like 55 different studies, actually, and the meta-analysis was done and found that 52 of 55 studies found lower IQs with higher fluoride exposures in children. So what they found in this massive study, cross cross-country study, was that children who drink fluoridated water continuously during their formative years grew up and had lower IQs. So I don't know if the movie you're telling me about is accurate in that fluoride makes people docile. Brannon But it certainly makes them stupid. Um, it causes lower IQs for people who grew up, you know, like said, while they're young when their brain is still forming and they're drinking this fluoridated water, this has been known well, this maybe.

Brannon Howse: Helps us understand a lot. This might help us understand a lot of what's going on with the Unparty members on the right and the left, the Democrats and the Rhino Republicans, the uni party. Maybe they got too much fluoride when they were kids, right?

Leo Hohmann: I mean, thank God I grew up in the country and grew up on, well water in Michigan, so maybe that's why I still have some critical thinking skills.

Brannon Howse: I would think you have more than some. You're quite brilliant, Leo. That's why we added you to our team. So people want to know, how is Leo so smart? He did not digest fluoride when he was a young child. That's how he got so smart. So there you go. Well, you've always got.

Leo Hohmann: Anyway, this back to Rachel, back to Rachel Levine. This person would not allow the results of these massive studies to be made public. So this watchdog group sued the HHS and forced them to release it. The only reason we now know about this is that this watchdog group sued Rachel Levine and forced this person to release this data, which shows that fluoridated water is extremely harmful to children. They should not be drinking it. They should not be brushing their teeth with fluoridated toothbrushes, toothpaste, and all that stuff that you heard from your dentists, your family dentist was absolute hogwash.

Brannon Howse: Yes, it was. And you might want to check out our filters and water purifiers at So there you go. All of these articles are over there at Leo Leo All as always, Leo, thank you for being with us. Great work.

Leo Hohmann: As always. I appreciate it. Brannon Thank you.

Brannon Howse: Thank you. Leo Hohmann checking in check out his site

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