Harvard Has Lost a Staggering $1 BILLION In Donations Over Its Handling Of Antisemitism

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  • We have more news on that Chinese cyber hack and it’s slowly spreading beyond just Hawaii. We’ll tell you what it means.
  • A Turkish lawmaker suffers a heart attack while criticizing Israel in a speech before Parliament.
  • And beware of what you get from Amazon. We have a report that hundreds of items sold by the online retailer contain hidden cameras meant to spy on your household.
  • We also have reports from James O’Keefe on a damaging leaked video showing how IBM executives discriminate against whites and Asians in their hiring practices.
  • And, we have on-the-ground coverage from the U.N.’s COP28 climate summit with Alex Newman reporting.

All these stories and much more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

We have more news tonight on the Chinese attempt to hack into critical U.S. infrastructure, including water and utility systems, ports and other key services. Is this a precursor to a larger Chinese war effort? Well, a report came out Tuesday, December 12, in the globalist magazine, Foreign Affairs, that says China appears to be gearing up its cyber hackers for all-out war. This is critical information because Foreign Affairs is the magazine of record for the Council on Foreign Relations, which makes it the official magazine for top-level globalist neocon war-hawks in Washington and London.

Watch this report from independent journalist Steve Ram’s YouTube channel.

WATCH VIDEO (clip first 1:29)


Do you think the mainstream corporate media, and Hollywood, are trying to tell us something with all these reports about cyberattacks?

This is something we’ve been talking about for years but now suddenly the mainstream media has latched onto the topic like a junkyard dog.

Don’t forget about the film that was released just a few days ago, produced by Barack and Michelle Obama, called Leave the World Behind. The movie, which is currently the Number 1 most-watched film on Netflix, is about a major cyberattack that leaves major portions of the U.S. without power, internet and cell service, while the government leaves Americans on their own to scavenge for food, water and medicines.

Think about that, folks. Hollywood has a documented history of predictive programming through its cooperation with the CIA and other intelligence agencies. You might want to prepare accordingly.


A Turkish lawmaker who was threatening Israel with the “wrath of Allah” during a speech in that nation's General Assembly Hall in Ankara suddenly collapsed to the floor with a heart attack, according to reports.

A report from the Yeshiva World said the speaker was Hasan Bitmez.

He said, on the assembly floor, “We can perhaps hide from our conscience but not from history.”

Then he warned, “Israel will suffer the wrath of Allah,” and within a few seconds, the lawmaker collapsed to the floor and people rushed to his assistance.

WATCH VIDEO (clip first 0:22 seconds)


Reports from Turkey explained he underwent CPR and was rushed to a hospital, where he was reported to be in critical condition.

According to the Daily Mail, Hasan is 53 years old.


This next story will blow your mind. Or maybe it won’t. It depends how familiar you are with the so-called Internet of Things.

The BBC reports that spy cameras disguised as clothes hooks are for sale on Amazon, despite the firm being sued over the gadgets.

One clothes hook camera listing seen by the BBC features a picture of the device positioned in a bathroom.



A U.S. judge recently ruled the retail giant must face a case brought by a woman who alleges she was filmed in the bathroom using a clothes hook camera purchased on Amazon.

A privacy expert has said the misuse of such devices may break British laws.

Amazon declined to comment on the issue.

The U.S. legal action against the company was brought by a foreign exchange student and aspiring actress.

She alleges that while staying in a West Virginia home and still a child, she was surreptitiously recorded in the bathroom using a camera disguised as a clothes hook, which she says was purchased on Amazon.

The man alleged to have been responsible is facing trial.

Her complaint to a United States District Court notes that the listing on Amazon, where the camera had allegedly been purchased, was illustrated with a picture of it being used to hang towels along with the phrase “it won't attract attention.”

The complaint also alleges that the use of the camera was “foreseeable to Amazon” and seeks punitive damages against Amazon Inc, Amazon.com Services LLC and other unnamed defendants.

Amazon recently attempted unsuccessfully to have the case dismissed arguing, in very simple terms, that it wasn't responsible for how the camera was used.

The BBC searched for similar cameras on Amazon.co.uk and found a number of listings.

One clothes hook camera product description showed it positioned over a bath, another image showed it beside a bed.

Another clothes hook camera has an illustration showing it positioned in a bedroom, and separately in a section displaying potential uses, has an image of a couple arguing with the text “cheating” superimposed.

There are other cameras for sale on the site, including:

  • an alarm clock hidden camera with an illustration showing footage being viewed on a phone of a clothed but amorous couple on a bed.
  • a camera disguised as a USB charger which has an image which shows it filming a couple indoors in a romantic embrace.
  • a camera hidden inside a smoke alarm which claims it could be used to help “monitor an unfaithful partner.”

There was even a bathroom spy camera disguised as a shower radio which, although having no reviews and rather implausibly suggesting it might be of use to the CIA, raises questions about how such a listing can remain on Amazon.

Many of the cameras stress their usefulness in monitoring children or for security but experts warn misuse of the cameras could break a number of UK laws.

In the U.S., there are very few states that have laws regulating such activity.


UPS driver has gone viral on TikTok after posting a video breaking down his weekly paycheck in the name of pay transparency.

Skyler Stutzman, an Oregon-based UPS delivery driver with over 244,000 TikTok followers, posted a video in October in which he showed a recent pay stub with his pre-tax earnings of $2,004 for one week of work.

After taxes and deductions, and at a pay rate of $44.26 per hour, Stutzman's take-home pay was about $1,300 for 42 hours of work.

The original video has gotten nearly 12 million views and over 11,000 comments since Stutzman posted it, and he's followed up with multiple other posts responding to users' comments. Many of the comments express jealousy, while others were shocked to learn how much money a UPS driver can make.

“40 dollars an hour. Meanwhile me fighting for my life making 15 an hour,” one commenter wrote.

“That’s good money for only 42 hours worked,” wrote another.

The Teamsters union reached an agreement with UPS earlier this year that will see UPS drivers earn an average of $170,000 in annual pay and benefits at the end of a five-year contract.


James O’Keefe reports that, after pulling ads from X for alleged racism, IBM chief Arvind Krishna says he will fire, demote or strip bonuses from company execs who don’t hire enough blacks or Hispanics — or hire too many Asians.

“Asians are not an underrepresented minority in tech in America…I’m not going to finesse this, for blacks we should try to get towards 13 percent,” says Krishna.

Paul Cormier, the chairman of Red Hat, a subsidiary of IBM, says in the leaked recording that Red Hat has terminated people because they weren’t willing to engage in racial discrimination through hiring and promotion. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act makes it illegal for employers to discriminate on the basis of race in the workplace.

Krishna said, about Hispanics:

“You got to move both forward by a percentage that leads to a plus on your bonus, and by the way if you lose, you lose part of your bonus.”

WATCH VIDEO (clip first 2:21)



Jewish students are now suing their respective colleges, believing that their safety is at risk as antisemitism runs wild on many of America’s most prestigious university campuses.

One attorney tells CBN News that some faculty members are even encouraging students to engage in genocidal chants at major universities. Litigation comes as a widening investigation by private law firms and the Department of Education puts several top American universities under the microscope for allowing their campuses to become hotbeds of antisemitism and bigotry.

WATCH VIDEO (clip from 0:33 mark to 3:27 mark)



The Daily Mail reports that Harvard has lost a staggering $1 BILLION in donations over its handling of antisemitism on campus while its president faces pressure to resign.

Billionaire Bill Ackman is continuing his campaign for the removal of Harvard President Claudine Gay over her handling of campus antisemitism, arguing she's cost the university significant funds. 

Gay, 53, survived a scheduled meeting of Harvard's board on Sunday amid calls for her removal, but her future at the Ivy league institution remains uncertain after her disastrous congressional hearing.

In the letter sent by Ackman to his alma mater and posted to X on Sunday, he claimed Gay's testimony was not just a matter of character but that it was costing the school money.

“President Gay's failures have led to billions of dollars of cancelled, paused, and withdrawn donations to the university,” Ackman wrote.

“I am personally aware of more than a billion dollars of terminated donations from a small group of Harvard's most generous Jewish and non-Jewish alumni,” he added.


A much-loved TV news anchor in northwest Pennsylvania, Emily Matson, has died unexpectedly at the age of 42.



No cause of death was given in a brief statement released by her employer but other reports said she was involved in a train accident.

Matson was last on air on Friday, and her news station, Erie News Now, announced her death on Monday, December 11.

Her station’s parent company released a statement that read:

“It is with a very heavy heart that we have learned of the passing of our beloved Erie News Now news anchor Emily Matson. Emily was a shining light in our newsroom, delivering news with a passion and love she had for the Erie community and Northwest Pennsylvania. We loved Emily dearly and our hearts go out to the Matson family and her husband Ryan at this time.”

Matson's colleagues said they were devastated at her sudden death. Her many fans left messages on social media grieving the loss of their favorite local news anchor.


Alex Newman has been in the UAE reporting on the COP28 United Nations climate conference.

Newman, writing for the New American, says top leaders at the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are seeking the power to dictate “climate” policy at the international level and then potentially even oversee its implementation and enforcement.

Critics warned that the demands were not just unscientific, but would undermine self-governance while ushering in a totalitarian technocratic form of government.

Speaking to the U.K. Guardian, several IPCC officials suggested that these UN “scientists” needed vast new powers. The supposed goal: Saving humanity from itself and carbon dioxide (CO2), known to scientists as the “gas of life” despite being demonized as a pollutant by global-warming alarmists.

“At some point we need to say that if you want to achieve this aim set by policymakers then certain policies need to be implemented,” explained UN IPCC Vice Chairman Sonia Seneviratne, who has served as coordinating lead author of the UN climate science body for over a decade. “As climate change becomes worse and worse, it is becoming more difficult to be policy relevant without being prescriptive.”

Leading scientists in the field, however, ridiculed the calls. Princeton University Physics Professor Emeritus Will Happer, who served as climate advisor to President Donald Trump and is a vocal critic of the UN’s alarmism, paraphrased well-known conservative pundit William F. Buckley, telling The New American he would “rather have climate policy set by the first 1,000 people in the telephone directory than by IPCC ‘scientists.”

Top astrophysicist Dr. Willie Soon with the independent Center for Environmental Research and Earth Sciences (CERES) was similarly dismissive of the proposed IPCC power grab. Soon, who recently worked with dozens of scientists to publish three scientific papers in peer-reviewed literature showing that observed warming could be explained by changes in solar activity and the “urban heat-island effect,” was appalled.

“This is a rather appalling, [though] not unexpected, development for all the ‘humble’ scientists at [the] UN IPCC to now call for IPCC to violate its own founding 35-year principle for their reports to never be policy prescriptive but merely policy relevant,” he told The New American.

“The bad weather and extreme climate were all imagined in those scientists’ computer climate model toys,” continued Dr. Soon, who retired last year from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. “It is sad and dangerous for those non-elected scientists to go this far to stretch their daily dramas to the epic levels that they can literally now be permitted to stop anyone from enjoying a fine filet mignon or cooking their food with gas. This is what the ‘power’ to prescribe policy that they have demanded means.”


Alex Newman is also over there at COP28 interviewing U.S. elected officials.

He cornered Senator Lisa Murkowski, the RINO Republican from Alaska, to ask her if the U.S. will continue its commitment to slashing fossil fuels, enacting a carbon tax, and continuing its war on farmers, even as the Communist Chinese are thriving with coal-fired power plants and the implementation of fossil fuels.

Senator Murkowski (R-AK) said when confronted by Alex Newman at COP28, that “everybody needs to be a participant in the broader global solution,” particularly the Chinese.

Senator Murkowski also responded to criticism of the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, a fraudulently named trojan horse for climate change, by stating, “I think that the Inflation Reduction Act was very inartfully named. That’s a politically correct statement.”

SHOW VIDEO (hopefully you can use video from Alex’s site)


The controversial legislation, which the White House boasts as “the largest investment in clean energy and climate action ever,” is the beginning of the unstoppable “transformation” that U.S. climate alarmists like John Kerry and Al Gore are eager to accomplish, with or without the consent of We the People.


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

As we’ve reported here at the Worldview Report, healthy people in their teens, 20s and 30s are having heart attacks and cardiac arrests all over the world, at an alarming rate.

Most of these incidents never make the news. We simply never find out about them unless the victims are famous athletes, journalists or entertainers.

Here’s one incident involving a nurse who went into cardiac arrest while in training for treating cardiac arrest at Dartmouth Health.

WATCH VIDEO (clip first 0:36 seconds)


How ironic. Of course, they didn’t tell us if this young lady was vaxxed and the folks at ABC News who covered that story probably didn’t even ask. That’s not something the mainstream corporate media wants to know about. If they knew it, they’d have to report it. And if they report it, they will lose their advertising contracts with Big Pharma companies. That’s why we no longer get real news from the corporate media. We get fluff news, we get watered down reports, and errors of omission. If these so-called journalists were doctors, they’d be guilty of malpractice. Oh, wait a minute, we have doctors who have remained silent on the issue of vaccines as well.

Of course, if you’re watching this broadcast, I’m preaching to the choir. You already know that mainstream news is not really news at all. It’s more about narrative building and cooperating with the authorities in government and big business than it is about bringing you the facts.

That’s what we do here. And I hope you will support it.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching, sharing and supporting our efforts to bring you independent broadcast journalism.

Until next time…

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