Has Fox News Been Covering For Islam?

Brannon Howse: All right. Now we're going to go to Anni Cyrus and Usama Dakdok here in just a minute. Then Patrick Wood's going to join us and then Joe Allen. The big lineup is tonight. And I think we're going to have Ed Dowd back tomorrow night to talk about the economy and so much more. Hey, I got big news. Something Delta, Are you listening? Where is she? Go to a wide shot. Where does she go? Is she in here tonight? I know she's in here. We were just over here. Where did she go? There she is. She's lying in front of the desk, not to the side. She does that as it gets warmer out. So I got some good news for you, Delta. You know that you have to be very careful as a dog what you eat. Right? And I see your tail wagging. So you're quite excited about this. I know how many of you love your dog. Like I love Delta, right? How many of you love your dog? Like I love Delta or. Yes. Yes, I do. And that's right. We do love you. And so we have been searching for some time for better pet food. We're always trying different pet food, aren't we? We've tried it all, haven't we, Delta? And we've tried a lot. We've not tried some for sure.


Brannon Howse: We already know right away which ones to avoid, like the plague. But we wanted to find even better dog food. And so I have been working now for several months and I have now acquired a relationship with a family-owned company. And I'm like, here's who I am. Here's who I work for and with. Is this a problem? No, that sounds great. And they're working with us. So we are excited to announce tonight. Delta We are excited to announce tonight this brand new bison feast. This is a bison feast. Do you want to show my computer? There you go. This bison feast from our homestead to yours is for all stages of life. It's completely balanced and it is gluten-free. And it's fortified with a lot of great minerals. If you go to the website wptv.com, you'll find out what the ingredients are, which include things like vitamin D three and vitamin 12 and all kinds of other things. That is bison that has not been shot up. Listen to this. Now, Delta bison has not been shot up with vaccines or with mRNA because Dad does not want you getting any of that. So this is going going to be a big hit. I've been working on this for a long time. Now. If you want to go back to WW TV store.com and get one sample can to see if your dog is going to like it you can just get one can All right if you would like to go ahead and get five cases or 60 cans that's available there as well, we'll probably put up another offer.


Brannon Howse: That's just a few cases. But you know, the reality is many of you love your dog. Like I love Delta. I want her to live as long as I can. And I have been very aware that many dogs, about 50% plus die of cancer. And I am convinced a lot of it is in the dog food. Aren't you convinced a lot of it is in dog food? And so we want to be very careful what we feed our pets. And so I also am very aware of the fact that with an emergency, with freeze-dried food that we offer, there comes also the emergency that might require us to store away food for our pets. And many of you have asked for that. So this is something we've been working on for a while. It's taking quite a bit to find the right company, the right product. We're excited about trying this and launching this with you guys. All I can tell you is the company we're working with gets it who we are, what we are, what we stand for.


Brannon Howse: And they say this is going to do very well for you guys, your audience, and your pet owners are going to love it. So check it out. WVWTVstore.com is a brand-new addition. We're also working on some all-natural. Well, you're really up here a lot tonight. What's the deal we're at we're also working on some all-natural dog treats. Freeze dry. Are you ready for this Delta? I haven't told you this yet. Are you ready? Are you ready? Freeze-dried chicken feet. Yeah. Freeze. Dried chicken feet. Would you like to try it? Freeze-dried chicken feet. Well, we have some freeze-dried chicken feet that we soon hope to be adding to this great lineup. But start out with the bison right there, will you? All right. There you go. WVWTVStore.com. You're spoiled rotten, but you are WVWtvStore.com. All right. All right. Is that good? All right, We'll have to get a camera shot and film you eating the bison and let everybody see how much you love it. Should we do that? All right, we'll do that. All right. Let's go to Anni Cyrus and Usama Dakdok. Usama, welcome. My friend Usama joins us by phone. How are you doing, Usama?


Usama Dakdok: I'm doing great, Brannon, How are you doing? And how is everybody of all your wonderful audience all over this country, around the world as well?


Brannon Howse: We are doing awesome. Thank you. And Anni, welcome.


Anni Cyrus: Thank you for having me, Brannon. All right.


Brannon Howse: Well, thank you for being had. All right. So I want to talk to you guys about some things that are in the news today. We put some of them up on our website over at WorldviewReport.com, Worldviewreport.com. Here's one I wanted to talk about. Iranians are not Muslim. That was an interesting headline from over in Israel. National News. Before the Islamic coup of 1979, most Iranians were unaware of the true nature of Islam. Today, they are alienated from it. This is an op-ed, but Iranians are not Muslim. Being that you're from Iran, you want to speak to this, Anni?


Anni Cyrus: Took him long enough to finally tell the truth. Yes, I've been telling it. So does Dr. Bill Warner. Iranians have not been Muslims to this day. They still are not Muslims. For a period of 40 years or so, they pretended to be Muslims so they wouldn't be killed and put in prison or tortured. Before the 1979 revolution, the majority of Iranians, well, we had mainly Christians and Zoroastrians, but it was a freedom of religion. So every religion was involved. Mistake of the Shah of Iran involving a few of the imams in with the government and you know the rest as far as history goes. But yes, as of right now, also after knowing the true nature of Islam, I think Brannon was on your show a few months ago. We were talking about that. I'm pretty sure about 80% of Iranians right now are inside Iran. You give them a choice. You can stop being a Muslim tomorrow. They will stop being Muslim. And that's not mentioned. In the last two years. Iran has broken records for the number of downloading Bible apps inside Iran. So it's actually factual.


Usama Dakdok: Yeah. All right. I'd like to add a little bit, if you don't mind, Brannon. I believe Muslims are Muslims because they do not know Islam. That's a reality. When a Muslim man or a woman starts reading the Quran and learns about Muhammad's life and his past, that's these are the two top reasons why Muslims leave Islam. If Islam is a real religion, if Islam is from God, as Muslims claim, why do Muslims leave Islam after they found out what is in Islam like Irani, Egyptians, anybody, even Americans? A lot of Americans are becoming Muslims because they do not know Islam. Within 4 to 5 years, the majority of those who convert to Islam in America leave Islam. Why? Because he got to meet with somebody like Anni or myself or watch these broadcasts we're doing here live. And guess what they found out? Wait a minute. That's not the Islam you told me. I thought Islam is love. I saw Islam as peace. But I searched the Koran and it's nothing, nothing there about love or peace or I thought Muhammad was a moral man, but he's immoral. The man was a child molester, a sex offender, prophet beating the woman either. So how in the world was he told me? Does not match what I read. And that's why I always encourage those who convert to Islam. How about reading the Quran before you make a decision? How about learning about Muhammad before you destroy entire your life, your future, your children, and everything else? Knowing Islam will help people to leave Islam.


Brannon Howse: And let's talk about Fox News. They're down in the toilet with their ratings. I understand we might be having a little buffering problem here tonight. That's what I'm being told. I don't know if that's because of all the folks that were watching Fox that are now over here or what the deal is. But we're. You like that, Anni? I don't so I don't know what the I don't know what the buffering issue is tonight. If it gets too bad, my.


Usama Dakdok: That's a good problem. Brannon, I love that problem. Let's have it every day. No problem.


Brannon Howse: That's right. We'll have to turn up the servers. But we also have our streaming over at Wptv.com as a backup. But. But you know, Anni and Usama, talk to me about Fox News because they've been censoring the truth about Islam for a long time. One reason so many in the GOP and America know so little about Islam is because of Fox News Sean Hannity. Laura Ingraham, How many of them have had you on, Usama?


Usama Dakdok: Well, I don't think they'll have me or anybody like me because, in reality, I believe Fox helps Islam in America more than hurting Islam. Even years ago, after September 11th, they had they did two shows, two hours about honor killing. Shocking to my bones that they talk about everything wrong about Islam, about honor killing for 30 minutes or so. But they end the broadcast in the last 15 minutes by bringing a Muslim imam who convinces the American people that this is culture, this has nothing to do with Islam. And when somebody like Judge Jeanine quoted one verse from the Quran, Quran, chapter 67, I believe, verse 59, if I remember about the hijab when she quoted that verse, they lock her show for two weeks and then cancel her show completely. Brannon Even 80, 80. Remember years ago, after September 11th when she interviewed Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and she showed him what Muslims are saying? That's to America and that's to Israel. And the day is coming and we will perform jihad for the sake of Allah. And Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is the man who is trying to build the mosque in-ground Zero. If you remember, he wants to name it Cordova Mosque after a name of a battle, the Muslim one in Spain against Spanish people years ago. So that man was so sneaky. And he said the Quran teaches love, the Quran, teaches peace. This is politics. This has nothing to do with Islam. And by these imams whom Fox News allowed being on the show, they actually watered down Islam, washed down the reality of what Islam is. And America may believe, oh, these are just extremists or jihadis. Why will Fox News not have somebody who knows something about Islam to share the truth about Islam? Why in 21 years from September 11th until today, Fox News never caught one verse from the Quran or one of the sayings of Muhammad, as we do in our show here, because they're cowards, because of political correctness, which is the destruction of America.


Brannon Howse: Anni Cyrus is Fox News in the tank for the Islamists.


Anni Cyrus: Well, of course, aside from the fact that part of the ownership belongs to Saudi Arabian sheiks in general. Remember when Sean Hannity decided to do this, a special program called Combating Radical Islam? They would fly guests into the studio. They had a panel. Remember, Dr. Jamie Glaser was there. Brigitte Gabriel was there and a few other people. Nonie Darwish was there. And remember the battle when Sean Hannity was trying so hard to shut down Jamie Glazov and Brigitte Gabriel and Nonie Darwish so the moderate Muslims could talk over them and the moderate Muslims could say how radical Jamie is and how radical Brigitte is? And remember when I got an invitation and then mine was canceled because I refused to call it radical Islam and said, if I'm coming, I'm calling it Islam. So it's that the huge help to do this confusion of there's such a thing as radical versus moderate or hijacked versus true. That was absolutely all it was all Fox News So you're.


Brannon Howse: Telling me that you were your flight was booked and you were slated to go and be a guest at Fox News and you were canned because you refused to put the word radical in front of Islam and classify it as a there's Islam and then there's radical Islam. So kind of like there's Satanism and then there's radical Satanism, right?


Anni Cyrus: Exactly. Yes. I wasn't about to do that.


Brannon Howse: How about going on?


Anni Cyrus: To the beauty of it? The entire topic of the whole month was combating radical Islamic terrorism, like there's moderate Islamic terrorism.


Brannon Howse: And there is there's just Islam now. There are Muslims that don't know what Islam is about because they were born into it and they don't really practice, you know, their what's the word, Usama when they're when they don't practice Islam? What is that a hypocrite?


Usama Dakdok: A hypocrite? Yeah. And by this Allah may know the hypocrites when he when they were asked to come to engage in war for the sake of Allah or to contribute, they said we do not know how. If we knew, we'd have joined you. And then Allah said what? They are closer on that day to infidelity than to faith. So I'm sorry there is no moderate Islam. Therefore there are no moderate Muslims. These moderate Muslims who do not like to kill or contribute towards those who are willing to kill Allah call them hypocrites. And by the way, in Quran 973 Allah stated our prophet performs jihad against the hypocrites and the infidels. Be harsh with them and their ultimate abode is hell. So in reality, if you are a moderate Muslim and you are watching us right now or you hear me right now, here's the truth. You are nothing different than any hypocrites than any infidels like Christians or Jews because if Muhammad is alive today, he would have killed you in jihad as much as he will kill any Jews, any Christians, or any policies. So no such thing as a moderate Muslim or moderate Islam. So.


Brannon Howse: So the best way to classify this, Anni, wouldn't have been a moderate Islam or Islam or radical Islam. It would be to say there is Islam and then there are Muslims who don't practice, you know, just like Baptists, Southern Baptists here in the South that don't practice. But they want to call themselves a Baptist, but they don't they don't go. So the Koran is you saw me just laid out calls, such Muslims hypocrites. And he just said makes them worthy to be killed with the Christian and the Jew, the infidel, the Christian, and the Jew are just as worthy to be killed along with the infidel as vice versa. Yet this is not what you're going to hear on Fox News, is it?


Anni Cyrus: Your boy hears a lot of things, talk about Corona or Corona. Also can't remember the verse number exactly. Your song might remember the Corona says. And when they cause corruption on earth, they'll say, we are not. But the reformers. Guess what? Fox News has been a home to all the reformers. For one, it's also casting corruption on Earth by saying we are reformers and the reformer's punishment is the same as mine, yours, and yours as well.


Usama Dakdok: And you cannot reform Islam. Brannon, There's no way. I mean, people confuse reformation in Christianity and the reformation of Islam when Christianity had reformation 500 years ago, and when Martin Luther and others did it, they went back to the Bible, as they say, solo scripture, Bible alone. But when you reform Islam, you're going to leave the Koran. Of course not. The only way you can reform Islam is to go back to the Koran, which makes every Muslim a jihadi, which makes every Muslim believer an extremist or radical, or fundamental. And that's not what we want to see in this world.


Brannon Howse: Let's go to this next article.


Anni Cyrus: Also, defamation. There is no way to go back and tell your prophet to not marry a six-year-old girl and rape her at age nine while you're going to reform that.


Usama Dakdok: Exactly.


Brannon Howse: So, again, just for the new folks, what you just said is the Prophet Mohammed, as they call him, he married a six-year-old, Aisha and he consummated with her at nine years old.


Usama Dakdok: And don't forget the reliance of the traveler. The book, which we have in English, is over a thousand pages, 1200 pages. It gives the details of Sharia to be practiced in America in the English language. You can marry a baby after birth. You can marry a baby. I studied this in college in Egypt. You can marry a baby after birth, but you cannot have a sexual relationship with them until between the age of eight and nine, 8 or 9. So you can be married after birth, but you cannot have a sex relationship until 8 or 9, depending on the size of the baby. The sheepskin is too small. We go for nine. Otherwise, it is fine. Wow.


Brannon Howse: And there is the reliance of the traveler right there. The Andes holding up.


Anni Cyrus: Yeah. And to make sure it says the reliance of the traveler, a classical manual of Islamic sacred laws for anyone who thinks Sharia is not a foreign law practice in America, Sharia means Islamic sacred law.


Brannon Howse: And if you open that book up, you will find the stamps of a lot of the leading Islamic institutes, universities, and clerics or imams from all over the world giving their stamp of approval on that book. Right?


Usama Dakdok: Absolutely. Absolutely. Every Muslim imam in America, Brannon Every Muslim imam in Europe, every Muslim imam in America, they study this in college. They went to another university in Egypt. It's approved by the other university. You cannot be a Muslim imam without studying. It's like you cannot go to a Bible school without studying the Old Testament survey or New Testament survey. This is a class book you have to study to be graduated from Al-Azhar University. So there is no one Muslim imam in America who will have the guts to come and say this is what we believe and that's what we will be practicing in America. I would love it in the future. Brannon If we can have a show to talk about examples from that book and we can share them in a PowerPoint for our audience to see exactly what Sharia teaches Muslims and what Muslims will be practicing in the future in this country? America, let's do that.


Brannon Howse: Which one of you was booked for Laura Ingraham?


Anni Cyrus: Well, that was what you can see I was picked out about five minutes into the conversation. My call dropped. Well, they dropped my call.


Brannon Howse: That was on our radio show.


Anni Cyrus: Yes, it was her radio show. I was on for about five minutes. It's basically I said, you know, when it comes to Islam, she said, you mean radical Islam? I said, no, I mean Islam. Unless you can explain to me where we go from Islam to radical. Otherwise, it's Islam. Before I could say, Islam. They hung up on me.


Brannon Howse: And I challenged. And if Fox doesn't like this or either a host doesn't like it, then I challenge them to come on the air with me and let's have a conversation about the real Islam with Anni and Usama or with both. Or I invite you to your Fox host to invite one of them on your show. So in other words, I guess put up or shut up. If you don't like what we're saying, then have one of them on your show and show. Show that know that you're not in the tank for Islam.


Usama Dakdok: Good luck. Good luck with that.


Brannon Howse: Yeah. All right, let's go to the next one. We run out of time. Back to Israel National News. Another article. Belgium will be the first Muslim state in Europe. Europe trampled the biological and cultural laws of the birth decline and death of a civilization celebrating its own euthanasia. What's going on in Belgium, folks?


Usama Dakdok: Usama It's very simple. From the 60 seconds until today, not just Belgium. It's going to be this is going to be the continued broken of diamonds. You know how he plays the game of diamonds and all falls apart? This is exactly what's going to happen all over Europe. From 60 seconds until today, the people of Europe did not have enough babies because they killed enough of them in abortion clinics. So they needed workers. So guess what? They hired the Muslim workers and the Muslim workers went there and they are taking over the country. That is the dream that Muslims never dream of, that they can go to Europe, work in Europe and take over Europe without performing jihad. This is exactly what Muammar Gadhafi said. The president of Libya, said, in 50 years, Europe will become a Muslim country without jihad, without a sword, and without shedding blood. We will take it over simply by having our babies. Imagine with me, the growth rate in Europe right now is 1.1, 1.2in. Belgium is actually less than that Among Muslims, 8.1, 8.8.2, 8.3. So in reality, just give them a little bit of time and all Europe will fall under Muslims. And because of democracy and freedom, they can run for office. They can be the prime minister, they can be the mayors, they can be the Congress or the Senate, whatever names they give to themselves up there. And guess what? Europe will be gone in no time. I'm guessing 20 years or so from now, Europe will be a strong Muslim continent like the rest of the Muslim Muslim country in the Middle East. Wow.


Brannon Howse: All right, Andy, do you want to comment on this?


Anni Cyrus: Oh, sure. The only thing is, if you read through that article, one of the things is, from the 1964 agreement that was made between Morocco and Turkey to accept more and more migrants. One thing I want to mention is the mainstream media has portrayed this fancy European-looking very modern civilization of Turkey, the country. I just want you to remember Erdogan in many different times, in many different forms, has said made threats toward Europe. If they kick Turkey out of the EU, we're going to flood them with immigrants. We're going to take over the country. Also, Allen has said many times, do not insult us by saying radical Islam, there's just one Islam. So sometimes when you look at what Turkey is being represented, you remember even though the constitution of the country may not be Islamic, the government is full-on Islamic, so there is no better chance of having Turkish immigrants coming into Europe versus Afghan, Iraqi, Irani, or any others. Just keep that in mind, because if you look even in London, in England, Pakistani and Afghans started, Syrians came in, But lately, it's the Turkish Muslims coming in. I just want to point this out, that Turkey is also a big threat, not just Europe. Same with America and Canada.


Brannon Howse: Wow. I want you to look at this one. Depleting military supplies in Israel will lead to us losing the, quote, war against evil, end quote. Military expert says strategic US munition stores in Israel are being depleted in order to arm Ukraine in its war against Russia. Israeli media reported. And without a timeline of replenishment, one expert claims the move threatens US and Israeli security in a good fight of good against evil. There you go. Get America involved in this proxy war with Russia through Ukraine. Take what stockpiles we have in Israel, put them over there in Ukraine, and now we can collapse and neuter America and Israel by depleting them of their own ability to defend themselves. Sounds like a setup to me, Usama.


Usama Dakdok: It is. It is the work of the devil. Don't forget, the scripture is very clear. I bless those who bless you and I will curse those who curse you. We are slowly under this. Joe Biden and his administrative team were turning our back on Israel. Any excuse not to support Israel because that upsets the Muslims? Don't forget, we actually teach this in our public school. Textbooks here that support America's support of Israel made the Muslims angry. That's why they attacked us on September 11th. So maybe we should just turn our back on Israel and get put all the stuff we have, the military weapons, the military funds to Russia and Ukraine or somewhere else. I believe this is all the work of the devil because the curse of God is coming soon to our land.


Brannon Howse: Anni, I want you to comment. If either one of you has any thoughts on this one, and that is IDF retaliates, strikes, terror targets in Gaza, red alerts sound in southern Israeli cities. I think what they're hitting over there is the Israelis are hitting a lot of Iranian, you know, stockpiles over there, are they not?


Anni Cyrus: Well, technically, yes. They're not they're not going to call the Iranians. But it has been funded and, you know, sponsored by IRGC basically on their Hezbollah. But my comment I don't know if. Heads up. You might not you, Brannon, but your audience. Don't be offended. But I really think once and for all, the Israeli government needs to stop this, um, what I call a back-and-forth game and just put an end to them. Israel, as of today, has the military, um, equipment, strategy, and personnel to push all of these Hezbollah and Hamas newest puppets far back. And with the situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran, this is the perfect time. If they keep getting taking calls from Biden, it's not going to happen unless I mentioned the Biden regime. Do it for them anyways. Just do what's right. Save your own people. And again the responsibility. 


Brannon Howse: I agree 100%. And on this broadcast a few weeks ago I got pretty hot under the collar because I got so frustrated with Netanyahu for some of the things he's doing, you know, drawing red lines at the UN a gazillion years ago. And you just sit there and keep waiting and waiting and waiting like you're all of a sudden going to get the world to come on your side. Sorry, you're not. Trump's out of office. You're not going to get any help from this government. Do what you got to do for your country. So I'm glad you also feel that same way. Here's a video I want to get both of you to respond to. Before I let you go and go to Patrick Wood. Here is the video. We don't need the audio with it. I'm just going to play the video here is coming from the I think The Guardian. The Telegraph. Uh, this is what everyone's seeing today, this drone going in and exploding on what is right above the top of the Kremlin. Now, if you watch that again, when the first time I saw that, I thought that looks like something that was deliberately meant to do nothing. I mean, that's a puny little blast, relatively speaking.


Brannon Howse: Who would do that? That seems like a staged event to me. The question is, who staged it? Was that a staged event by Russia to now give them cause to go in and kill Zelensky as Medvedev, the former president of Russia, is saying that we need to that they need to kill Zelensky and his clique, or is this the CIA doing this, poking a stick in the eye of the Kremlin? Not that I'm a fan of the Kremlin, but is this our CIA doing this with this drone? Puny little explosive goes off? I don't think it did squat. As far as damage. This seems like it was all made for television. The question is, who was behind it? Is this a red flag? Is this a CIA red flag to provoke Putin? Or is this the CIA doing it so that they can put the goods on Zelensky and get rid of him and then go in and rebuild everything? As there's been talk of major hedge funds talking about going in there and rebuilding. I don't trust this narrative I've been seeing from either side. What say you first, Anni?


Anni Cyrus: I'm going to say don't. I'm still processing it. That was definitely staged. Yeah, they're not going to go. It's like it kind of felt like a bad Disney movie scene. It was a bad CG. Yeah, There you go. I'm going to add a third possibility.


Brannon Howse: Are we sure that was even the real Kremlin? How do we know that wasn't some little buildings, you know, little clay models or models that were put on a soundstage somewhere and it was re-enacted? I mean, it looked really bad, like something from the 60s, you know, a James Bond film from the 60s or some other movie. Right.


Anni Cyrus: It was. That's the thing. You were, like, playing it a few times. I'm like, Am I really looking at this? Well, I personally, based on everything that's going on, knowing, you know, Putin is a really a guy who looks for excuses. He does it anyways. So he kind of feels more like Syria would do something like this. But then also, I don't know, I say just because there's no mean there's no.


Usama Dakdok: And we will find out. And Brannon, We will find out. Remember that when they took the pipeline for natural gas, the United States of America did it. And we could we they thought this was done by this time by that. But the truth shows up later, maybe a month, maybe four months from now. I don't know when we found out this is not Ukraine. I don't think Ukraine has the guts to do that. The Ukrainian people want the Russians out of their country. They don't want to start a fight with Russia. And I believe it could be the work of the United States under this or Biden that we continue in war. And I was just talking to a good, close friend of mine today about that. And I believe I believe this is maybe the ticket for Joe Biden to continue to stay in the White House after his 23 elections when we saw 24. If he can create chaos between Russia and Ukraine and I believe China also going to go to Taiwan, man, that is the only way for Joe Biden to stay in his White House for another whatever many years he can. I hope and I pray that is not his plan because if that took place, then it's not just goodbye to the strength of this country. It's literally it's wiping out America. This is the only ticket. Oh, I don't have to continue to be in the White House bringing chaos all over the Middle East and in China as well.


Brannon Howse: All right. The website of Anni Cyrus is liveuptoFreedom.com. LiveuptoFreedom.com. And Usama is thestraightway.org, thestraightway.org. And Anni, when is your show airing? Where can they see it?


Anni Cyrus: Uh, it is Monday through Friday, 2:30 to 3 p.m. Central on Frankspeach.com. 5 to 6 p.m. Central on WVWTV. I'll be back soon. It's just been too busy, so I've been doing a lot of best of. But I'll be back soon. Okay. Next week. All right.


Brannon Howse: Sounds good. And, Usama, where can folks hear your show? Your daily radio show?


Usama Dakdok: Hey, it is 12:30 and we got all our podcasts. We got almost 1600 programs or so on your channel. So we're glad to do that. And soon we're going to be doing some new shows at your studio Laws Winning Just get the right time, get the right people to come and work with me. Excellent.


Brannon Howse: We're ready when you are. My friend, Usama Dakdok. Anni Cyrus checking in. Thank you, guys.


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