Hollywood Is Trying To Suppress The Viewing Of "Sound Of Freedom"

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  • We’re in the peak of summer heat and Joe Biden is coming after your air conditioning unit. All in the name of saving the planet.
  • World Economic Forum members are already scheming to use the coming central bank digital currencies as a tool to restrict what you will be able to buy.
  • We have a report on the latest Frankenfood: Pig DNA mixed with soybeans.
  • Florida produces its worst citrus crop since the Great Depression.
  • Electric vehicles are piling up on dealership lots.
  • And Ireland is joining the Netherlands in efforts to cull its cattle herds in the name of fighting climate change.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

The Gateway Pundit reports that the Biden regime announced plans this past week to crack down on air conditioning in an effort to “fight global warming.”

The regime wants to reduce hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) by 40% by 2028. HFC is the chemical used for refrigeration and to keep your house cool in the summer.

But don’t worry, there are always ice fans.

This is what Democrats call progress. Meanwhile, the rest of the developing world is running their air at full blast.

UPI reported that the Biden administration has announced plans to continue its reduction of hydrofluorocarbons, releasing a new rule that aims to cut the United States’ use of the greenhouse gases by almost half starting next year.

Hydrofluorocarbon is a category of greenhouse gases used for refrigeration and air-conditioning as well as in a number of other applications, but is linked to global warming according to the climate alarmists.

The final rule announced Tuesday by the Environmental Protection Agency will reduce HFC consumption in the United States based on historic levels by 40% between 2024 and 2028.

The reduction will be on top of the 10% drop in HFC consumption that was implemented in 2022 under the bipartisan 2020 American Innovation and Manufacturing Act that sets the goal to reduce the production and consumption of HFCs by 85% by 2036 in an effort to prevent a 0.5 degree Celsius increase in global temperature by the next century.

One thing’s for sure. You can bet Joe Biden, John Kerry and the rest of their climate-change buddies won’t be turning off, or turning up, their A/C.


Slay News reports that World Economic Forum members are celebrating the emergence of “digital cash” as governments around the globe prepare for “cashless societies.”

During the WEF’s “Summer Davos” event in China last month, attendees were buzzing about the advancement of Central Bank Digital Currencies or CBDCs.

Over 1,500 government, corporate, and academic leaders, including a large delegation from Saudi Arabia, gathered for the WEF summit in China June 27–29.

The main topic of discussion was how the WEF’s agenda can be amplified in “cashless societies” through the use of CBDCs.

Chinese Premier Li Qiang kicked off the summit with an address in which he called for more globalization.

The second-ranking member of the Chinese Communist Party also warned there will be more public health crises, which he suggested will bring new opportunities to advance the globalist agenda.

“COVID-19 will not be the last public health crisis humanity faces,” he said, adding: “Global public health governance needs to be enhanced.”

Other notable moments included a panel discussion titled “China’s Economy: The Big Rebound?” during which Cornell Professor Eswar Prasad advocated governments using CBDCs to control citizens’ purchases.



You heard him. The eminent professor named “ammunition” in the same breath as pornography and drugs as “less desirable” products, and CBDC’s would allow governments to “program” their money in such a way that these products become impossible to purchase. In the case of drugs and pornography, I think many would agree. Shut it down. But ammunition?

So it appears the globalists are already conniving to use digital money as an end-run around the Second Amendment. Yeah, you still have the right to own a firearm, but without ammunition that firearm has now been rendered useless. It would be the same way with meat, gasoline for your car, anything the government didn’t want you to have, it could simply program the digital money as non-applicable for those purchases.


The New Mexico State women’s soccer program is mourning the death of junior defender Thalia Chaverria, who died suddenly on Monday morning according to the university.

KTSM reports that Chaverria had just turned 20 years old at the time of her death, having celebrated a birthday on July 2. Originally from Bakersfield, Calif., Chaverria was a huge part of NMSU’s team that made the NCAA Tournament in 2022, starting 20 games on the backline.



“The sudden loss of Thalia has completely rocked our Aggie soccer families’ world. T was an inspiration and rock to this team. She will be missed but not forgotten. Her spirit will be with us every day, on and off the pitch,” Aggies soccer coach Rob Baarts said in a statement released by the school on Tuesday.

NMSU is making grief counselors available to its student-athletes through the Aggie Health and Wellness Center to assist them in dealing with the tragedy.

Chaverria was an All-WAC Honorable Mention selection at NMSU as a freshman in 2021. In high school, she was a first team All-Area selection at Frontier High School in Bakersfield.

An official cause of death was unknown as of Tuesday, pending the results of an autopsy.


News 12 Long Island reports that a memorial service was held Wednesday, July 12, for a teenager who died after collapsing during a football practice.

Seventeen-year-old Robert Bush's family say they are humbled by the massive outpouring of community support.

Robert Bush was remembered by loved ones as someone who worked to “prove them wrong.” It was a saying the teen lived by.

Robert Bush died after suddenly collapsing at Newfield High School.


Why would Hollywood studios conspire to stop the distribution of a powerful film exposing the horrors of child sex trafficking? What possible interest could that serve? Why has the Biden administration made life vastly easier for those same traffickers, by largely dismantling the U.S. southern border, even eliminating DNA tests for adults traveling with young “family members”?

To answer these and other questions, Stream Senior Editor John Zmirak interviewed actor Jim Caviezel, the star of Sound of Freedom.

WATCH VIDEO (clip from 5:24 mark to 8:28 mark)



Dr. Joseph Mercola reports that more and ever-wilder transgenic foods are being produced.

We reported a couple of weeks ago on the FDA approval of lab-grown chicken.

The latest new-fangled food is a product called Piggy Sooy, a soybean genetically engineered to contain synthetic pig protein.

Dr. Mercola reports that according to Moolec, the U.K.-based company that developed this latest Frankenfood, pig genes were spliced into conventional soya to create a soybean with 26.6% animal protein.

The exact pig genes used is a trade secret. As a result of this genetic engineering, the interior flesh of the soybean is also a rosy flesh color similar to that of pork. The company is also working on developing a pea plant that produces beef protein. Moolec claims these transgenic hybrids will provide similar taste, texture and nutritional value as meat, without the high cost of cultured or lab-grown meat alternatives.

According to New Atlas:

“Farmers will raise the plants via conventional agricultural practices. Once the beans have been harvested and processed — again, via conventional techniques — their proteins will go into meat substitutes and other products.”

As is the case with lab-grown pork, it is hoped that commercial adoption of Piggy Sooy could ultimately eliminate the raising and slaughtering of pigs.

The company's chief science officer, Amit Dhingra, stated:

“This achievement opens up a precedent for the entire scientific community that is looking to achieve high levels of protein expression in seeds via molecular farming.”

There's currently no word on when foods containing the pig proteins may be available to consumers, but if the FDA and USDA have anything to do with it, you can bet it will be sooner rather than later.


WUSF reports that the forecast for Florida’s orange crop has dropped 29 percent after Hurricane Ian and Hurricane Nicole, putting the citrus industry on a path toward its lowest production since the Great Depression.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has released a report that says Florida is expected to produce 20 million boxes of oranges during the current growing season, down from a previous forecast of 28 million boxes. Projections also dropped 10 percent for grapefruit production and 14 percent for specialty fruits.

The previous forecast was issued in October as the season started. It did not take into account the Category 4 Hurricane Ian, which made landfall September 28 in Southwest Florida and caused large numbers of uprooted trees and downed fruit in citrus-growing areas such as Collier, Lee, DeSoto, Hardee and Polk counties.

Even before Hurricane Ian, the industry expected a decrease in production, with surveys showing smaller fruit and fewer oranges per tree. Growers have long faced pressures from deadly citrus-greening disease and development.

Florida Citrus Mutual CEO Matt Joyner issued a statement last week that offered hope for dealing with issues such as citrus greening.

“We have every reason to believe that Florida’s iconic citrus industry is on the verge of an upswing because of the new tools available to fight greening. Research shows plant growth regulators can reduce fruit drop, greening tolerant trees are showing promise, and new treatment methods are proven to restore tree health. However, it’s no surprise that these positive developments are not reflected in this month's crop estimate as Florida growers endured a freeze and two hurricanes this year, all on top of the decade-long battle against citrus greening.”


Even though The Netherlands has received most of the attention for planning to cull a massive number of livestock and forcibly sequester farmer’s land, Ireland is doing something similar and plans to cull over 200,000 heads of cattle.

27 nations have all signed a pact under the European Green Deal that pledges to meet arbitrary climate goals by reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030. The problem is some of these nations are realizing this goal is easier said than done, and are thus looking for ways they claim can reduce such emissions.

The Irish government, similar to that of the Dutch’s, are seriously considering culling around 200,000 cattle in the country over the course of the next three years to help meet these goals, in a country that heavily relies on cattle ranching and animal husbandry.

AgWeb reported last month “the Irish government estimates the plan would cost the nation $640 million and assist the agricultural industry in reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 25% over the next seven years.” The Irish Department of Agriculture would begin the extraction process by killing 65,000 cows a year for three years, which would reduce the national dairy herd by 10%.

The scheme purportedly is being sold as a voluntary option to aging farmers as a “retirement exit scheme.”

Pat McCormack, president of the Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers Association, told The Telegraph:

“We’re the one industry with a significant road map, and, to be quite honest with you, our herd isn’t any larger than it was 25 to 30 years ago. Can the same be said for the transport industry, can the same be said for the aviation industry?”

Many farmers, and some politicians as well, are livid over the proposals.

Tim Cullinan, president of the Irish Farmers’ Association, told The Telegraph:

“Reports like this only serve to further fuel the view that the government is working behind the scenes to undermine our dairy and livestock sectors. While there may well be some farmers who wish to exit the sector, we should all be focusing on providing a pathway for the next generation to get into farming. Reducing dairy or beef production in Ireland will also lead to ‘carbon leakage’ with production moving to other countries with a higher carbon footprint. This is likely to increase global warming rather than reducing it.”


Electric vehicles are piling up on dealership lots. Almost nobody wants them.

The Federalist Papers reports that despite an upswing in consumer interest toward electric vehicles, a significant surplus of unsold cars is emerging on dealer lots.

Luxury brands are experiencing a notable slump, having amassed an excess of EVs that are failing to attract buyers. A growing divide between EV supply and demand is becoming evident. Increased curiosity in EVs does not necessarily convert into sales.

Consumers remain hesitant to invest due to price constraints and concerns over charging infrastructure, as per a recent Axios report.

Jonathan Gregory, the senior manager of economic and industry insights at Cox Automotive, aptly described the scenario using the analogy of the 1989 film “Field of Dreams”, with the memorable line, “If you build it, he will come.”

Automobile companies have rolled out their EVs and are now waiting, and waiting and waiting for customers to show up, Gregory said.

Luxury brands are encountering particular hurdles.

The Korean luxury brand Genesis, for instance, managed to sell a mere 18 of its roughly $82,000 G80 EVs in the month ending June 29, leaving a massive 210 units still in stock across the nation – equivalent to a staggering 350-day supply, as per Cox Automotive’s research.



Another analyst chimes in with a tweet that said “No wonder Ford loses $34,000 on every EV sold.”


Neocon members of Congress in both the Democrat and Republican parties renewed their effort to block any U.S. president from leaving NATO, as leaders of the alliance attended an eventful summit in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Reuters reports that the joint resolution is a fresh effort by Congress to prevent the president, any president, from withdrawing from the military alliance without the Senate's approval.

The resolution states:

“The President shall not suspend, terminate, denounce, or withdraw the United States from the North Atlantic Treaty, done at Washington, DC, April 4, 1949, except by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, provided that two-thirds of the Senators present concur or pursuant to an Act of Congress.”

How interesting the Congress demands authority to block a U.S. president from leaving the NATO alliance and yet it has no interest whatsoever in holding a vote to preserve U.S. sovereignty from being shredded by a proposed global pandemic treaty.

Lead sponsors of the NATO legislation include Democrat Senator Tim Kaine, a member of the Foreign Relations and Armed Services committees, and Republican Senator Marco Rubio, vice chairman of the intelligence committee, who is also a senior member of the foreign relations panel.

Both Kaine and Rubio are also globalist neocons who love war, so it makes sense they would be backing this legislation.

The bill has been introduced repeatedly in recent years, including during the term of former Republican President Donald Trump, who voiced a desire for the United States to leave the NATO military alliance.

It has yet to pass the full Senate, but an aide to Kaine noted that it was backed by the foreign relations committee last year with strong bipartisan support and that, given the war in Ukraine and the expansion of NATO, backers expect stronger support this time around.


That brings us to tonight’s Worldview Report commentary.

Unlike President Trump, Joe Biden has been a huge fan of NATO and getting involved in the geopolitical squabbles in Europe. He has backed NATO’s expansion to include Finland and Sweden while forking over more than $80 billion in U.S. military aid to Ukraine, to the point where he admitted the U.S. stockpiles of 155-millimeter artillery shells are nearly gone.

The NATO summit this past week included an inaugural session of the “NATO-Ukraine Council,” a new entity established to upgrade relations between Kiev and the 31-member transatlantic military alliance.

With the addition of Finland, and at some point, Ukraine, the NATO military alliance will have completely surrounded western Russia, providing a clear path to Moscow for any invading force from the West. Vladimir Putin has warned that the West’s weaponization of Ukraine on Russia’s border will be considered an existential threat to Russia’s existence, triggering defense doctrines that include the use of any and all weapons available to Russia.

This expansion of NATO into Russia’s sphere of influence is reckless and fraught with risks, up to and including the outbreak of World War III and, God forbid, thermo-nuclear warfare.

If any American is concerned about this dangerous escalation, the time to speak out is now. Start by calling your congressmen and senators and telling them we do not want war with Russia and we do not wish to be drawn into the border disputes between foreign countries 5,000 miles away. There is simply no vital American national interest at stake in Ukraine, and that country’s border dispute with Russia is not worth one American’s life. Not one.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for tuning in, and thanks for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time, I’m Brannon Howse. Take care.


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