The House Votes To Move To An Impeachment Inquiry Against Joe Biden

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  • New footage at the border shows thousands of illegals lining up to get into the U.S. in time for Christmas.
  • Could Donald Trump be considering picking Nikki Haley as his vice-presidential running mate? His son Don Jr. says that’s unlikely to happen, and explains why.
  • The nations of the world agree at COP28 to place new restrictions on your use of energy fueled by so-called fossil fuels.
  • Tesla recalls almost all of the electric vehicles it’s ever made.
  • And the House votes to move to an impeachment inquiry against Joe Biden and may hold his son Hunter in contempt of Congress.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

Shocking new video shows hundreds of migrants crossing the Rio Grande near Eagle Pass and struggling to illegally enter the United States, as the southern border continues to near a breaking point.

Eagle Pass, Texas, has encountered more than 3,000 illegal aliens in just the last couple of days. It's one of many border-area cities overwhelmed by the flood of illegals. 

In El Paso, border agents are already at their limits with over 4,000 migrants in custody in the city. 

The city claims they're encountering nearly 1,000 migrants each day, with most of them being released, according to KATV



The Christmas crush at the border comes as Border Patrol chiefs say there's a “new phenomenon” of migrants turning themselves in and not avoiding arrest because they know they will be released under Biden policies. 

The stunning admissions by the chiefs of several border sectors was revealed during testimony before the House Homeland Security Committee. The committee, led by top Republican Mark Green, is actively probing Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas' role in perpetuating the ongoing border crisis.


There’s been a lot of talk lately, on my show and others, about the globalist elites’ use of Hollywood for predictive programming. This is where the elites send messages out to the masses about their strategic plans to bring about a new world order, Great Reset, or whatever you wish to call it.

The Obamas, Barack and Michelle, have a film production company that recently came out with a new movie with hugely predictive elements about a coming cyber attack and collapse of American society. It’s been causing quite a stir since it was released nearly one week ago.

But another film is in the works that might be even more provocative. It’s called Civil War. And the first trailer for the upcoming movie produced by A24 has just been released. The film depicts journalists navigating a war-torn America.


The release date for Civil War is set for late April 2024, just in time for the presidential election season of a government that wants a divided America.


There’s been some rumors that Donald Trump might be considering Nikki Haley as his running mate in the 2024 presidential election.

Donald Trump Jr. says he doesn’t see that happening because Haley has positioned herself as the candidate of the globalists and never-ending wars.



Alex Newman at the Liberty Sentinel reports that governments around the world agreed at the COP28 climate conference to adopt a global transition away from so-called fossil fuels, placing greater restrictions on the use of coal, oil and gas.

They also approved a new slush fund to compensate the governments of poorer nations for alleged damages caused by CO2 emissions from wealthier countries.

The outcome follows two weeks of negotiations at the COP28 United Nations climate summit held in the oil-rich United Arab Emirates.

The deal, adopted by consensus of the nearly 200 governments in attendance, is being framed by U.N. officials as a turning point for the world.

Critics, however, are sounding the alarm, saying the agreement and the broader process threaten both prosperity and liberty while doing little to nothing for the environment.

Climate Depot editor Marc Morano, a former U.S. Senate aide who has long worked on climate policy, said Republican leaders in Congress must push back against the agenda.

He told the Epoch Times, “This is Soviet-style central planning that simply must be stopped.”

He said all Republicans, from the leaders on down, “need to get to work stopping this anti-human agenda.”


Tesla is recalling nearly all of the vehicles it sold in the U.S., more than 2 million across its model lineup, due to a faulty Autopiloting feature.

Tesla will fix a defective system that’s supposed to ensure drivers are paying attention when they use Autopilot, according to an Associated Press report.

Documents posted Wednesday by U.S. safety regulators say the company will send out a software update to fix the problems.

The recall comes after a two-year investigation by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration into a series of crashes that happened while the Autopilot partially automated driving system was in use. Some were deadly.

The agency says its investigation found Tesla’s Autopilot method of ensuring that drivers are paying attention can be inadequate and can lead to foreseeable misuse of the system.

The recall covers models Y, S, 3 and X produced between October 5, 2012, and December 7 of this year.

The software update includes additional controls and alerts, the documents said, “to further encourage the driver to adhere to their continuous driving responsibility.”

The update was to be sent to certain affected vehicles on Tuesday, with the rest getting it at a later date, the documents said.

Autopilot includes features called Autosteer and Traffic Aware Cruise Control, with Autosteer intended for use on limited access freeways when it’s not operating with a more sophisticated feature called Autosteer on City Streets.

The software update apparently will limit where Autosteer can be used. Perhaps this feature will be relegated to Smart Cities? Sounds like a good possibility of you read between the lines of this document.


The Washington Free Beacon reports that Joe Biden’s nominee for a federal appellate court served on the board of a Muslim advocacy group that has blamed Israel for provoking Hamas’s terrorist attack and hosted an event with a convicted terrorist fundraiser on the 20th anniversary of 9/11.

Adeel Abdullah Mangi, Biden’s nominee for the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, served on the advisory board of Rutgers Law School’s Center for Security, Race and Rights from 2019 until earlier this year. During his time on the board, the think tank feted anti-Israel college students and marked the anniversary of the September 11 attacks with an event featuring a terrorist fundraiser.

If confirmed, Mangi will be the first Muslim to serve on a federal appellate court, a fact highlighted by Democrats at Mangi’s confirmation hearing on Wednesday. Senator Robert Menendez, Democrat of New Jersey, who faces federal bribery and foreign agent charges, called the nomination of a Muslim to the federal bench a “milestone we should have reached many years ago.”

But Mangi’s affiliation with a staunchly anti-Israel think tank could backfire.

In 2021, the Center for Security, Race and Rights hosted an event on the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks that featured Sami al-Arian, a former professor who helped fund the terrorist group Palestinian Islamic Jihad. It promoted an event, "Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS): Globalized Palestinian Resistance to Israel’s Settler Colonialism and Apartheid," with Hatem Bazian, the founder of Students for Justice in Palestine, an anti-Israel group that has pushed pro-Hamas rhetoric.

Last year, the center held an event with the activist group Palestine Legal to provide "legal strategy" to anti-Israel college students. An official from Palestine Legal has a history of praising Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran, the Washington Free Beacon reported.

The center has maintained its anti-Israel views in the wake of Hamas’s October 7th terrorist attack. The think tank said that to condemn Hamas was to "ignore over 75 years of colonial violence and the horrific consequences born out of these decades of oppression and attempted erasure."

Mangi, who left the center’s board in June, downplayed his role with the organization during his confirmation hearing Wednesday. He said he was unaware of the 9/11 anniversary event with Sami al-Arian and he “unequivocally condemns any terrorism and anybody associated with it.”

That’s clearly taqiya, the Quranic doctrine encouraging Muslims to lie if it furthers the cause of Islam.


One America News Network reports that five elementary school-aged children were rushed to the hospital after they reportedly ingested fentanyl-laced gummy bears.

On Tuesday, the Amherst County Sheriff’s Office said that seven children at Central Elementary School in Virginia “experienced a reaction to ingesting gummy bears” altogether while class was in session.

Reports also highlighted that school administrators immediately notified emergency services of the incident and that five students who were in dire condition received medical attention as soon as medical personnel arrived.

The Sheriff’s Office stated:

“Of the seven students, five needed medical attention. Two of the students were transported by EMS and three of the students were transported by their parents.”

Later, the sheriff’s office tested the gummies and results showed that the seemingly innocent treats had tested positive for fentanyl. Authorities also stated that they “confirmed that the bag was brought home by a student.”

The sheriff’s office further stated. 

“We will work with the Sheriff’s Office as they continue their investigation. The families of the students have been notified of the results. We will provide another update as more information becomes available.”


Meanwhile in North Carolina, authorities said a traffic stop yielded so much fentanyl it was enough to kill 27 million people, more than twice the state's population. 

According to Fox News, the Iredell County Sheriff’s Office said its Interstate Criminal Enforcement Team (ICE) conducted a traffic stop Sunday when they pulled over a 2014 Freightliner tractor-trailer on Interstate 77.

Inside the truck were Lorenzo Juan Arreola, 44 years old, from Sunland Park, New Mexico, and Lucio Eduardo Chavira Avila, 33 years old, an illegal alien from Mexico. Authorities said they were going from Charlotte, N.C., to Philadelphia with a load of tile. 

The deputies' canine dog detected the presence of narcotics inside the vehicle. 

During a search, authorities uncovered 53.6 kilos (118lbs) of suspected fentanyl possibly mixed with cocaine. Money was also discovered in excess of $100,000.

The sheriff said the estimated value of the drugs was $30,000 per kilogram, which translates to a street value of approximately $3.75 million.

90 percent of the fentanyl coming into America through the U.S.-Mexico border is manufactured in China.


An FBI investigation led to the arrest of a New Hampshire man who threatened to assassinate presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy.

The Justice Department accuses Tyler Anderson, 30, of responding to a text message notification about a political event with a threat to an unidentified candidate and that person’s supporters.

“Great, another opportunity for me to blow his brains out!” the Dover, New Hampshire, man allegedly replied. “I’m going to kill everyone who attends and then (expletive) their corpses.”

The event referenced in court records was reportedly scheduled for Monday morning in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

The New Hampshire station WMUR confirmed Anderson’s intended target was longshot Republican contender Ramaswamy. His campaign told CNN it was “grateful” law enforcement handled the matter effectively.

Ramaswamy was the only candidate slated to host an event in Portsmouth on Monday, according to NBC in Boston. The “buffet-style breakfast” was the first of three New Hampshire stops on his Monday schedule.

Feds were assisted by the Dover and Portsmouth Police Departments to arrest Anderson, who was due in court Monday afternoon. He faces a sentence of up to five years in prison.

Ramaswamy promised “ major surprises” to his New Hampshire supporters on social media Monday morning. He’s polling under 5% and has proven unpopular with fellow GOP candidates, including the globalist neocon Nikki Haley, who called him “scum” during a debate last month.

Donald Trump, who leads the Republican field, has declined to participate in party debates.

Trump declared Ramaswamy the winner of the fourth and most recent debate last week in Alabama.

Trump wrote in a post to Truth Social:

“It’s so easy to be a critic, but who on this subject would be better than me. Vivek wins because he thinks I’m great.”

XXX reports that clusters of lab-raised brain cells connected to a computer are capable of elementary speech recognition and math problems.

Feng Guo, a bioengineer in the Department of Intelligent Systems Engineering at Indiana University, Bloomington, said his study is a major step in demonstrating how brain-inspired computer neural networks can advance artificial intelligence capabilities.

Guo and his team grew bundles of specialized stem cells that developed into neurons, the main component of the brain. A typical brain consists of 86 billion neurons, each neuron connected to as many as 10,000 other neurons.

The ball of neurons, known as an organoid, created in Guo's lab is less than a nanometer wide. It was connected by an array of electrodes to a circuit board, where machine-learning algorithms decoded responses from the organoid.

The researchers dubbed their creation Brainoware.

After a brief training period, Brainoware was able to distinguish between the voices of eight subjects based on their varying pronunciation of vowels. The system achieved an accuracy rate of 78%.

Brainoware was also able to successfully predict a Henon map, a mathematical construct in the field of chaotic dynamics, with greater accuracy than an artificial network.

"This is a first demonstration of using brain organoids [for computing]," says Guo. "It's exciting to see the possibilities of organoids for biocomputing in the future."

A key advantage of biocomputing is its energy efficiency. Currently, artificial neural networks consume several million watts of energy a day. The human brain, on the other hand, requires only about 20 watts to function for a day.

Brainoware is "a bridge between AI and organoids," Guo said. "Organoids are like 'mini-brains.'"

A future application for biocomputing systems is studying neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's. The potential to tap into cellular activity also opens the door to decoding brain wave activity during sleep and possibly recording dreams.

Challenges remain. Among them will be the task of keeping organoids healthy and well-nourished, a 24/7 task.

And there are other concerns as well.

"As the sophistication of these organoid systems increases, it is critical for the community to examine the myriad of neuroethical issues that surround biocomputing systems incorporating human neural tissue," Guo said.

The study was published in Nature Electronics.


Time now for the Worldview Report commentary.

The U.S. House of Representatives voted Wednesday to formally authorize an impeachment inquiry into President Biden, allowing committee chairmen to compel interviews, obtain documents and further their case that he improperly benefitted from his son’s foreign business dealings.

The vote broke down along party lines, with 221 Republicans in favor of the inquiry and 212 Democrats against.

House Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-Minn.) told The Post that the White House had forced Republicans to put the resolution up for a vote after “blocking witnesses from testifying” and “withholding thousands of documents,” including emails Biden traded with his son and his son’s business partners while he was vice president, which are held at the National Archives.

“For the president who says he’s the most transparent president in the history of this country, he’s set a poor example — and he sure is stonewalling,” said Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC).

The first son popped up outside the Capitol Wednesday to chat with the press after skipping his closed-door deposition before the House Oversight Committee — potentially putting him in contempt of Congress.

Reps. James Comer and Jim Jordan announce plan to hold Hunter Biden in CONTEMPT after refusing to comply with subpoena for closed-door deposition.

WATCH VIDEO (clip first 2:47)

Notice how the media acted in that clip. The exact opposite of how they acted during the run up to the impeachments of Donald Trump, when they never questioned any of the phony evidence put forth by the Democrats against President Trump. But now, all of a sudden, they’re full of questions.

Instead of presenting themselves as impartial, they almost sounded as if they had been fed the questions ahead of time by Biden’s attorneys. That’s what you call bought and paid for, folks. And most Americans see right through it.

One also has to wonder if this entire thing isn’t a charade. Mere theater meant for a winter distraction, with Republicans knowing it will never result in a full impeachment trial, much less a conviction.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching and supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time…

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