How 1972 Report by Club of Rome Led to Today's Depopulation Agenda
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Brannon Howse: All right. We're going to be joined here by Patrick Wood in just one second. Let me go back here real quick and show you Folks, we not only have the dog food now, let me just clarify. Dog food is for dogs. All right. So I guess if we got desperate, but there you go. We have food for you guys and me. And we go up here and we click on emergency food supplies, click all emergency food supplies, and there it pops up. We have Franklin's finest coffee as a sample. This is instant coffee. So if the power goes out and you can't grind your beans or make your Mypillow Coffee by Mike Lindell The MyCoffee by Michael Lindell And you've got to go to instant. This is for those emergencies. And by the way, it's good for instant coffee, which I have to have. I have it by the bucket. But we added that a few weeks ago. We have ready the ultimate breakfast we have in which, by the way, when you go to the warehouse, the room smells like maple syrup because of the ultimate breakfast. It smells so good because there's the maple syrup in there, the mega protein kit with real meat. We have the veggie and snack mix. We have the gluten-free one-year, two-year, four weeks, 72-hour test kit if you just want to try it.
Brannon Howse: Three months, six months, it's all there. And again I urge you to order their prices will be going up soon. They will be raising their prices soon. We've been warning you it's supposed to have already happened, but I guess they've delayed a little while. So when they raise theirs, we're going to have to raise ours. or 9014689357, 9014689357. Then go back over here to the main store, the main page, click emergency supplies, and then pops up the potassium iodide tablets. Colonel Mills was commenting on those last night. And these are what you would use during a radiological emergency, a nuclear event, or a dirty bomb. The FBI was practicing for one of those this week. And Houston, the government has spent about 200 million, 290 million, and 290 million in medication for a nuclear attack. So, again, potassium iodide is an anti-radiation tablet to protect your thyroid. I've had it with me and traveled with it for years, since after 911. We have it now, 3000 bottles. But it's going fast. We will endeavor to order more, but get your order in. We are running about four weeks behind. We're getting caught up very quickly. When we offered all that free shipping for February and March, we got diluted with orders and deluged and we're catching up quickly.
Brannon Howse: So be patient. You got free shipping. Many of you saved hundreds and hundreds of dollars. So be patient. We're getting caught up very quickly and we have a lot of we hired some new people to add to our team. A bunch of them get out of school in about another week and then they're going to be working a lot longer hours as well, those college students. So there you go. So you're supporting not only this program and what we do but getting great products. You're supporting young people that are working hard to pay for college. We had more college kids this year saying, can we come to work for you, Mr. B At some point I got enough. But maybe, we'll just see how much people order. So you want to help Help a college student pay for college? Make an order with us. We got the 100-hour candle for emergencies. We have the emergency fuel bucket. That's five gallons. We have the two-gallon. That is quite incredible stuff. By the way, if you in an emergency want to make a fire. The reason I like this is it stays lit for 20 to 30 minutes for sustained warmth and safety in emergencies. It's a resealable bucket with a 20-year shelf life, lights and disaster conditions, rain, snow, and 30-mile-per-hour winds and it doesn't have any emissions burning.
Brannon Howse: This results in It does burning which results in emissions. Excuse me. So that's the California that's the California disclaimer they make. But it I was looking for. There we go. There it is. Non-toxic, non-toxic, stored anywhere indefinitely. Okay. Uh, that comes in two-gallon and five-gallon. All right. That helps you get a fire going. Get that kindling going. The surgical kit for stitches, the five-gallon collapsible water carrier, the EMT bag folks, we have those in red or blue. Please do not do what someone did today, which is they want to turn around and ship it back because they want a blue one over a red one. Please do not do that to us. Okay. We're just doing good to get our hands on these. All right. You guys don't understand. In this day and age, with just-in-time inventory, we're doing good just to get our hands on this stuff. So the company said we ran out of the blue. Can we ship you a read? I'm like, Yeah. So anyway, someone got a red one and they're shipping it back for a blue. I understand. I like the blue and it's a cool color, but in this day and age, don't do that to us. I can't promise you what color you'll get. It could be blue, It could be red. Just be happy.
Brannon Howse: In this day and age, you get an EMT trauma kit. All right. We have the pro filter water system. We had the ready, our blood clot On page two, you'll see that we have the outdoor. Solo stove. That's not very big. You can put a little kindling under there or that fuel starter I was just showing on the other page your two-pot system boils your water and boom, you're off. To make your freeze-dried food. Back on page one, you remember we just added something that's selling well. That's the indoor stove, the self-powered indoor space heater, and the stove that will heat up about a 200-square-foot area from about 30 degrees to about 65 degrees. You take the top off and then you can cook with it. So it's not just a heater. You can cook with it as well. Once you take that top off, that top does have a fan that starts to circulate automatically from the heat. So you don't need any power for it to circulate. Okay. And it comes with the ability to put three liquid fuel containers underneath there. Three And we also sell liquid fuel. All of this is there at And you can also call 9014689357 9014689357. Joining me now is Patrick Wood. Patrick, welcome back to the broadcast. Thank you for joining us.
Speaker2: Good evening, Brennan. Nice to Nice to see you again.
Brannon Howse: How are you feeling?
Speaker2: Well, I'm doing pretty good. Here I am. Here you are. I'm sitting up. Right. I'm taking nourishment.
Brannon Howse: That's awesome. Well, just for all folks that maybe don't know, you had a little heart surgery, but you're back in the saddle, and I think you just put out your first program the other day back on TV again.
Speaker2: Well, I did the other day. I did have another video for somebody that was a free speech movement. Okay. Um, a video that I produced as Shorty. Not quite ready to do daily stuff. Well, we're not going.
Brannon Howse: To push you, my friend. We're not going to push you. We are missing your daily 30-minute show at WBTV, but we are not going to push you. You just take your time. We're just glad you're with us and that you're able to make these special appearances. I reached out to you today because I saw a video and there was a video where a guy was talking about, uh, depleting the American population, and he was bragging about the idea that what we need to do is get rid of a bunch of, uh, of the population and this was made back in 2017 and he's connected to the club for, for the Club of Rome, which I know is something you've talked about for years as well. And in that video, he is talking about something like wanting to see an 86% decline in the world population, which seems funny in the sense that this seems to be the agenda of the World Economic Forum as well. This is the agenda of this map that we've been showing that Leo Holman brought to our attention that seems to be attached back to the military-industrial complex and the CIA. They're predicting a 70% decline in the American population by 2025. Well, that makes you a little uncomfortable. What do these guys think is coming that will decrease the American population by 70% by 2025? Before I play this video, do you want to comment on this setup right here?
Speaker2: I don't think they have a clue, honestly. You know, they talk about these and these like esoteric terms. We need to get rid of 8 billion people. You can't get rid of 8 billion people. There's no way you can do it. You could say, well, what about we just stop reproduction? People can't have babies. Well, you know what would happen? You'd have no young people and all the old people would grow old and die. So that doesn't work. You could say, well, let's kill all the old people, like 65 and over. That would never wash, I don't think. Um, you know, I don't know what kind of a planned genocidal program you'd have to kill that many people out of the older generation. I've seen this kind of talk a lot where these people will give these generalities, Well, we needed to do this. We need to do that. We need, you know, like like climate change. We need to reduce the temperature by X degrees or whatever. It can't possibly happen the way they're saying it should happen. So all the talk we've had about, you know, population reduction is. It's very suspect in my mind. I realize they have the propensity to know they want to do that. They think it should be done. But, you know, short of something like a nuclear war or a plague so bad that it would kill 80% of the people on planet Earth, that's a far stretch.
Brannon Howse: Remember, when was Prince Edward Charles's father said if was asked a few years ago if he could come back? What do you want to come back as a what? He said he wanted to come back as a virus killed off 9,090% of the population. Remember the scientists out of Texas several years ago that got a he got a big distinguished award? Yet he was running around saying, we need something like Ebola, Ebola to kill 90% of the population. The dude still got a high-ranking award from a distinguished so-called Distinguished Scientist organization. Remember that? Yes, I.
Speaker2: Do. I do. And the key thing about this video is that you're going to play here. That is by one of the actual, Dennis Meadows was one of the original people in the Club of Rome back in the early 70 seconds. Um, we see the doctrine of population reduction consistently from 1968 right up through today. This was not some type of a minor thing that happened once upon a time. Somebody slip of the tongue and you know, conspiracy theorists got a hold of it. These people have not changed their rhetoric one iota ever since this was released in 1968. And it's the same today. It's the same idea today as it was back then. So this is a very big moral hazard for planet Earth, I have to say, because with the global elite pushing for this kind of thing, anybody else that you know gets the idea, well, maybe I could help old King Charles along a little bit here, and we'll just get rid of a few hundred thousand people. We'll get it started. This is not the type of Agenda hazard you want to put out to the world. It's good to kill lots of people. And we get, you know, less population in the world, more resources for the rest of us.
Brannon Howse: Wow. These people are evil. All right. Let's listen to this. This is Dennis Meadows, who's with the Club of Rome. And I'm going to show you some slides, some graphics about the Club of Rome and what they were up to, and then show you how they're very much connected to the Agenda 21 Agenda 2030 schedule and agenda, as well as to the World Economic Forum. These are you know, you had the Club of Rome, then you have the World Economic Forum and you've got Agenda 21. But are they all connected? The answer is yes. We'll show you how in just one minute. Watch a little bit of this video. We turn off the volume? Here we go.
Speaker2: The population and consumption levels can be supported by this planet that I know.
Speaker3: In one way or another, it's going to come back down. So I don't hope to avoid that. Uh, I hope that it can occur in a. A civil way and I mean civil in an in a. Special way. Peaceful peace doesn't mean that everybody's happy, but it means that conflict isn't solved through violence, through force, but rather in other ways. And so that's what I hope for. That we can. I mean. The planet. Can support. Something like a billion people. Maybe 2 billion, depending on how much liberty and how much material consumption you want to have. If you want more liberty and more consumption, you have to have fewer people. And. Conversely, you can have more people. I mean, we could even have. 8 or 9 billion probably if we have a very strong dictatorship, which is smart. Unfortunately, you never have smart dictatorships. They're always stupid. So but if you had a smart dictatorship and a low standard of living, you can have it. But we want to have freedom and we want to have a high sentence. So we're going to have a billion people and we're now at seven, so we have to get back down. I hope that this can be slow, relatively slow and that it can be done in a way that is relatively equal so that people share the experience. And you don't have a few rich trying to force everybody else to deal with it. So those are my hopes. I mean, these are pretty. Pessimistic hopes, you know, But that's what lies ahead.
Speaker4: And. Wow. So there you go.
Speaker2: All I can say is he's patently insane.
Brannon Howse: Is he deceased now? That was in 2017 as he died.
Speaker5: Yeah.
Speaker2: Did you know the thing to note about the Club of Rome? This is important to the Club of Rome. The Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergers and the group, and so on are so very tightly intertwined from day one. The original meeting that catalyzed the Club of Rome took place in Rome at a well, actually very close to it, in a little town called Bellagio, Italy, where David Rockefeller had a villa. That's where the first meeting took place of the Club of Rome. That's where that's where that was. His genesis was in a home owned by David Rockefeller. And Rockefeller convened that particular meeting. That was before the founding of the Trilateral Commission. But you see the language you see and the reports that came out of the Club of Rome were virtually identical to reports that came out of the, you know, studies that came out of the Trilateral Commission itself. It has their fingerprints all over it, but they try and make it think, well, we're all separate organizations. You know, there are lots of people thinking about this, all kinds of diverse groups. And, you know, the Club of Rome is over there in Italy and we're over here in New York City, and the Bilderberg Group is in the Netherlands. Hey, man, this is the international demand for interdependence. No such thing ever existed. This was so much in one pocket from the get-go. It's not even funny. It was.
Brannon Howse: Let me show you this graphic. I had this at a presentation some time ago and went digging through my PowerPoint and found its limits to growth. And there you see Dennis Meadows. Number two, the name number two. That was just Dennis Meadows. We were looking for folks, we're at 8 billion or 7 billion. We're now at 8 billion, he said. We're at 7 billion and we need to get down to about a billion. So you've got to do something with 6 billion people at that time. Now we're at 8 billion. So there he is a report for the Club of Rome's project on the, uh, what is that word? Predicament of mankind. Hmm. Wow. Okay, so this is a predicament. Excuse me. On project on the predicament of mankind. And the predicament was. Thank you. The predicament was we got too many people right. We got to have limits to growth. I think we find that in the summer of 1970, an international team of researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which we all call MIT. So this is the smart boys in the room, right? Well, they began a study of the implications of continued worldwide growth. They examine the five basic factors that determine and in their interactions, ultimately limit growth on this planet. Population increases agricultural production, non-renewable resources, depletion, industrial output, and pollution generation. The MIT team fed data on these five factors into a global computer model and then tested the behavior of the model under several sets of assumptions to determine alternative patterns for mankind's future. The limits to growth are the nontechnical report of their findings. The book contains a message of hope. Yeah, as well. Man can create a society in which he can live indefinitely on earth if he imposes limits on himself and his production of material goods to achieve a state of global equilibrium with population and production and carefully selected balance. Oh, wait a minute. Live indefinitely on earth, man. Can't. Does that mean, man is the human race, man or a man? I mean, I don't know which one because I know the Transhumanists want to live a thousand years, right?
Speaker2: That's exactly right. And they certainly had that idea back then because as you go through limits to growth and there was another follow-up book, by the way, called Rio Reshaping the International Order. This also was a book given to Club of Rome, um, all the way through their literature. You see, the solution to mankind's problems is technology. This is steeped, absolutely steeped in rhetoric belonging to only one movement in the world, and that's the technocracy movement from 1930. That's what that was all about, was resource management balancing the consumption and the and the, you know, production and the population and stuff to make sure that that the Earth had, you know, resources forever and ever. But it was to be achieved not by political discourse, but by technology and by experts and by people who were not elected and who were not accountable to the people. They were just going to do things because they were the right things to do. Now, when this guy, good old Dennis, says we need to have a peaceful we, it needs to be peaceful. Excuse me. How is dying peacefully This guy is he's broken ranks with reality. Honestly, they have you can't have a peaceful reduction. How are you going to make it fair? Okay, let's take every third person out of every family, say for every five years or ten years, every third person out of every family and take them out and euthanize them. Would that be peaceful? No, it wouldn't be peaceful. The family would be very upset. And the person that got euthanized, wouldn't be too happy about it either, at least going into it. So there's no solution. They say this is what needs to happen, but there's no solution possible to make it happen.
Brannon Howse: Unless, of course, they have a world war and they use the world war and nuclear weapons to bring down populations. And then they use a global world, global world war to say, you know, how we could end global world wars. Right. In nations. No nations. No wars. We become one world, one nation, one world, one economy, one religion with one leader. And I think that's what you and I believe is coming.
Speaker2: Yes. We for from a point point of view of Bible prophecy. Absolutely. But right now, where these people stand, I have to say, going back to the beginning of this, these people were scared to death of nuclear war, scared to death. That's what the whole disarmament thing was all about. And from the get-go, they are petrified of global war because they can't escape from it themselves. There's no escape for them. If there is truly a global war, and especially if it's unclear, there ain't nobody going to going to escape the consequences of it. So we've seen all kinds of rhetoric over the years. Oh, we have to stop the war. We have to. This is what the Federation of Planet Earth is all about, is stopping war. And so, you know, on one hand, out of one side of the mouth, they said, we want to stop the war. We don't want people to have war. But on the other hand, out of the other side of their mouth, they're saying we need to get rid of all these people. It's You can't have both. You can't have your cake and eat it, too. Look at.
Brannon Howse: This again. The Limits to Growth. Club of Rome, 1972, based on an MIT model that led to this book, eventually Planetary Emergency Plan Securing a New Deal for People, Nature, and Climate. That was done in 2019. In September 2019, the Club of Rome launched this. It talks about their action plan and the course of the super year of 2020, and the plan will be a defining pillar of the club's work through the super year of 2020, a critical 12 months for people, nature, and climate as it seeks to secure the scale of emergency action required at the highest level of decision making. I remember doing this broadcast in early 2020 where I showed this. We were broadcasting a lot of nights live because everybody was locked in and here they are talking about this scale of the emergency and the super year of 2020. And I was reading this to the audience live on TV at the beginning of 2020 doing a show because everybody was locked into their house and we're like, well, is this the year these morons have planned to use this pandemic to make this the super year, to start redoing everything? And I still have to wonder, well, here's a picture of Maurice Strong. Look what he said. He served as the director of the World Future Society, trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation, and member of the Club of Rome. And it just happened to be the secretary general of the Earth Summit in Rio in 1992.
Brannon Howse: Of course, he's the one that went on to say the only hope for the planet is that the industrialized civilizations collapse. Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about? We also find that in 1947, he took his first job as a clerk at the United Nations in New York. And there he befriended good old David Rockefeller, who put him into the influential contact circles. And then, of course, he went on to work with Kofi Annan. And we see the Club of Rome members. When I went to their website not too long ago, back in early 2020, I found out Gorbachev was listed. Of course, he's now deceased. Mikhail Gorbachev. Uh, Hans Hans here. Hans, if I remember correctly, ended up writing a speech some of the religious speeches for Pope Francis, and I think maybe Pope Benedict, but certainly Pope Francis on Agenda 21 and the climate, and he's into Gaia Earth worship. And then President George H. Bush in 1992, quote, We signed a climate convention. We've signed a climate convention. We've asked others to join us in presenting action plans for the implementation of the climate convention. Let me be clear on one fundamental point. The United States fully intends to be the world's preeminent leader in protecting the global environment, end quote. George Bush put us into that, which I find interesting before we go to Joe Allen's Here's Here is The Aquarian Conspiracy by Marilyn Ferguson.
Brannon Howse: And I've been quoting her for years, not because I agree with her, but because I'm warning about her cosmic humanist New Age worldview. But she says, quote, There are legions of conspirators of the American of the Aquarian conspirators surveyed because they went around and surveyed people. More were involved in education than any other single category of work. A major ambition of the curriculum is autonomy. This is based on the belief that if our children are to be free, they must be free even from us, from our limiting beliefs. One veteran bureaucrat at the National Wavin where the National Institute of Mental Health said, quote, There are a lot of us in the woodwork. In the quote, He was referring to a loose coalition of conspirators and agencies on a congressional staff within the Department of Health, Education and Welfare innovators have created informal rap groups to share their strategies for slipping new ideas into a resilient system and to give each other moral support. Concepts that might otherwise appear far out can be given legitimacy by a single federally funded program. The grant-making apparatus of government determines fashion in some research fields. Then it goes on from there. So isn't that interesting? Some of these conspirators are in the mental health field.
Speaker2: Oh, yes. Yes. We we see that today with all the psychological warfare that's going on. I think I think this was pretty pretty well intentionally laid out. There was another book, by the way, that came out of the Council of the Club of Rome in 1991 called the first Global Revolution. All of their works were fundamental in doctrine. But this particular book gave this quote The common enemy of humanity is man in searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine, and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that your psychological that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself. And there you have, I think, probably the. Shell of the whole thing in their mind. They are telling us they're gaslighting us that the real enemy is humanity itself because humanity is causing all these things. We're causing global warming, we're causing we're breeding too fast, we're causing overpopulation. We're depleting the resources of the earth. So we're all going to somehow maybe all die together later because we run out of resources. They have positioned us as being the enemy of the world, humanity itself.
Brannon Howse: Patrick Wood, Technocracy news. Technocracy news. He's been covering this stuff a long time, kind of a lone voice in the wilderness. Uh, Patrick Wood. Now, why did you make that face when I said that?
Speaker2: You're right. I'm a lone voice. Do you know how long? 45 years is? It's been a long time. And, you know, I go back way back to the days I was writing with Professor Anthony Sutton and stuff. They hit us back then, too, Like when they. When they. When Dalton Bookseller banned our book, sent out a letter to every store in the country saying the book is out of print and the publisher is out of business. And they just cut us off at the knees.
Brannon Howse: And what was the name of the book? What was the name of the book?
Speaker2: Trilaterals over Washington Volumes one and two.
Brannon Howse: Can you get it on eBay or somewhere?
Speaker2: Now I have republished it and it's available on my website.
Brannon Howse: All right., Thank you, Patrick, for being with us. Appreciate it.
Speaker2: My pleasure. Thanks, Brennan.
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